What is an Informal Letter?

Every person has to write a letter at some point in his life. Letters not only carry formal speech but are also a means of friendly conversation. How language is used in a letter also reflects the skill and finesse of the writer. So it is essential to master good letter-writing skills from childhood.

Informal letters or friendly letters help us communicate with distant friends and relatives which helps us keep in touch with them. It gives us an insight into their lives and experiences while we share a part of ourselves at the same time. For this interchange to occur satisfactorily, we need to study the basic rules and polish our skills through practice.

Informal Letter

Informal Letter Format

Sender’s Address ……………….

Date: (DD/MM/YYYY)

Subject: (One short sentence stating the purpose of the letter.)

Salutation, (E.g.: Dear …,)

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Introduction: (Greet the person to whom the letter is addressed and assure them of your own well-being. Introduce the purpose behind writing your letter.)


Body Paragraph: (Elaborate on the purpose of writing the letter by providing detailed information on the same.)


Conclusion: (Summarize all the points mentioned in the letter without going into too much detail.)


Thanking you.
Complimentary Ending:
(E.g.: Yours sincerely/faithfully,)
Sender’s Signature
Sender’s Name
Sender’s Designation

Tips for Writing an Informal Letter

  • Collect all your thoughts before you start writing the letter.
  • Make a rough list of all the important things you want to share.
  • Take the time to write letters in a neat hand with legible characters.
  • Maintain a free flow of ideas. Avoid skipping from one point to another.
  • Avoid overwriting or overwriting what has already been written.

Sample of Informal Letters

Informal Letter Sample 1

Topic – Letter of Information

Nick Kumar
Parimal Flats
Kolkata 700070
24th February 2021

Dearest Madhav,

I hope you are in good health and are enjoying your stay at your grandfather’s place. It is with great pleasure that I write today to share a surprise with you.

The annual prize distribution ceremony of my school was held this week. As it was a yearly event, a lot of planning and preparations preceded the day. A stage was built on the school ground and the place was decorated by students. Mrs. Varma, a retired Hindi teacher, was the chief guest of the ceremony. The event began with a speech recited by the head boy and a welcome song sung by the children of the primary section.

This was followed by the distribution of various prizes alternated with performances where children portrayed their talents before their fellow students, teachers, and parents. You will be pleased to know that I too won a prize. I was awarded the R.K. Menon Award for educational assistance to fellow students. It was a heartwarming experience to see the pride in the teacher’s eyes while she presented me with the award. The evening ended with the reading of the annual report and the vote of thanks given by the Vice-Principal of our school.

It was a memorable day and the only thing short of making it perfect as your absence. Convey my regards to your family and assure your grandfather of my prayers for his speedy recovery.

Yours sincerely,
Nick Kumar

Reply to letter of information

Madhav Kulkarni
24/B Maya Mansion
D’monte Road
Panaji, Goa 400 029
03rd March 2021

Dearest Radhav,

I hope you are in good health and are enjoying your stay at your grandfather’s place. It is with great pleasure that I write today to share a surprise with you.

The annual prize distribution ceremony of my school was held this week. As it was a yearly event, a lot of planning and preparations preceded the day. A stage was built on the school ground and the place was decorated by students. Mrs Varma, a retired Hindi teacher, was the chief guest of the ceremony. The event began with a speech recited by the head boy and a welcome song sung by the children of the primary section.


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This was followed by the distribution of various prizes alternated with performances where children portrayed their talents before their fellow students, teachers, and parents. You will be pleased to know that I too won a prize. I was awarded the R.K. Menon Award for educational assistance to fellow students. It was a heartwarming experience to see the pride in the teacher’s eyes while she presented me with the award. The evening ended with the reading of the annual report and the vote of thanks given by the Vice-Principal of our school.

It was a memorable day and the only thing short of making it perfect was your absence. Convey my regards to your family and assure your grandfather of my prayers for his speedy recovery.

Yours sincerely,
Madhav Kulkarni

Informal Letter Sample 2

Topic – Letter of Invitation

Piyush Kumar
A/1, V.I.P Enclave
Kolkata 700072
24th February 2021

Dearest Rajesh,
I am pleased to inform you that my father has finally bought a home here in Mumbai. It is right in the middle of the city and just the one we were looking for.

The house is on the second floor of a twelve-story building. It has three bedrooms, a sitting room, and a kitchen. My little sister Pinkey is very happy to have a room to herself. The original paint is of very good quality; therefore, we have decided to let it stay. Pinkey loves the bright colours of the house. The beautiful society garden visible from all three bedrooms adds to the charm of the house. We are in the process of transporting our belongings to this house and are hoping to get it done by 5th March. I take this opportunity to invite you and your family to the house opening celebration to be held on 15th March 2021 at 12:48 am.

It will be better still if you come to stay for a few days. You could come during the summer vacations and we could explore the vicinity together. I am also planning to invite all my school friends to a party at our new house during the summer vacation. Please write back to me about your plans and my dad will be more than happy to come to receive you.

In anticipation of your reply, I remain,

Yours sincerely,
Piyush Kumar

Reply to the invitation

Rajesh Gupta
30/B Vinayak Enclave
Dumdum Road
Kolkata 700074
1st March 2021

Dearest Piyush,

I am extremely glad that you shared this happy moment with me. It was with great pleasure that I read your letter to my mother. However, I am afraid I am about to diminish your joy. Due to the approaching exams, my brother and I will not be able to make it to the housewarming ceremony.

I spoke to my parents and we have agreed that our father will be attending the ceremony on our behalf. Our parents have permitted us to visit you as soon as our exams are over. This means that you can expect us somewhere by mid-April. I am as excited as you are about your new home and can’t wait for the exams to get over. The same goes for my brother Aman. I even looked up your address on the net and made a list of all the interesting places we can visit during our stay.

I have to end my letter now since I have to get back to my studies. I will let you know as soon as the date of our visit is fixed. Until then, extend my good wishes and love to all at home, especially your little sister.

Yours sincerely,
Rajesh Gupta

Informal Letter Sample 3

Topic – Letter seeking advice

Anil Kumar
14/A V.I.P Enclave
Kolkata 700074
22nd March 2021

Dearest Grandpa,

Hope you and all at home are in good health. My exams went well and I hope to pass with flying colours. As suggested by you, I practised yoga during my exams and am glad to say that it really helped in calming my nerves. Your academic advisor has always been beneficial to all of us.

The next step now is to choose the subjects for my junior college years. Our school teachers stressed upon selecting the subjects wisely with adequate guidance will play an instrumental role in the profession, we wish to enter. I have been thinking about this for a while and decided to take your advice on the matter. As you know I wish to become a psychiatrist and have been researching it. According to what I gather, I will have to complete my graduation majoring in Psychology and follow it with a Master’s degree in the same. Thus, it is confirmed that my first subject is will be Psychology.

I need your guidance in selecting the other five subjects. I spoke to my class teacher about it and she believes that I should select subjects which give me a better understanding of people and society in general. She suggested subjects like Sociology, History, and Economics. In her opinion, these subjects which tackle issues that impact human life or influence behaviour will help me understand people better. I believe that literature too is a reflection of human behaviour over the ages.

Kindly write back to me with your opinion on this matter. As you are a retired college principal, I trust your judgment and hope for your assistance. Please give my love and regards to all at home, especially Grandma.

Thanking you,
Yours affectionately,
Anil Kumar

Reply Letter of Advice

Mahesh Kumar
Bhalla Bhavan
Ashoknagar, Midnapore
26th March 2021

Dearest Anil,

Everyone here is in good health and sends their love to you. I received your letter yesterday and decided to devote this morning to replying to it. I am glad that you hold me and my advice in such high regard. I am also glad that you approached me in this moment of indecision. You and your siblings have made me extremely proud of your academic excellence over the years. I dearly hope that you all continue the good work and excel in whichever field you choose.

As you mentioned, selecting the subjects which best suit your professional pursuit will be beneficial in the long run. I read your letter closely and deduced that your teacher’s advice is quite apt. If you wish to become a psychiatrist, the subjects within the stream of Humanities will be better able to equip you with the necessary skills.

Humanitarian subjects, as the name goes, are chiefly concerned with the study of human life and society. You have chosen a profession wherein you will be working to bring repose to the minds of distressed people. This cannot be achieved without understanding the kinds of stress people undergo in their day-to-day lives. Therefore, you need to understand society and the lifestyle of people. The study of Sociology will give you this knowledge. The society we live in is in turn influenced by its cultural, historical, and economic past. The basis for this field will be provided to you by History and Economics.

Finally, you will receive the training you will need to form unbiased opinions in your profession through the study of English Literature. The subject will acquaint you with different aspects of human life and discipline you to treat people objectively without judging their actions or way of thinking. Finally, as far as my knowledge goes, you will be asked to opt for either Hindi or French. As all the subjects you will be learning are new to you, I suggest you should select Hindi. Since you have already studied Hindi, the subject will not tax you much. Studying an entirely new language like French is difficult and demands a lot of attention and effort.

Keep in mind that everything you learn from these subjects will be beneficial to you at some point or the other. Therefore, give each subject equal importance and devote yourself entirely to your studies. Your efforts will pay back in the long run. Do write back to me once your results are out.

Yours truly,

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