Components of an Email

An e-mail is the fastest way to communicate in writing. The word e-mail simply means electronic mail, which we send across the Internet or other computer networks.

An e-mail can be sent from a computer or from a smartphone that has access to the Internet.

In this post, you will find the Components of an Email.

Components of an Email

Some Facts about Email

  • An e-mail is sent using an account that stores all your sent and received messages online.
  • E-mail accounts can be created with e-mail service providers such as Gmail, Yahoo!, and AOL.
  • Most of these service providers do not charge you to create an email account.
  • An e-mail account is operated through a personal e-mail address (e.g. ) which can be accessed only with a password (a series of letters or numbers).
  • Your password is a secret and should never be shared with anyone!
  • You can send written messages, photos, videos, and audio files through e-mail.

Difference between a Letter and an Email

Most e-mail service providers allow users to customize their online profiles. Each user can choose from a variety of themes and set their preferences. It is similar to setting themes on your computer.

An e-mail looks like a letter except that it is not handwritten. Let us examine the differences between a letter and an e-mail.

Printed or typedPrinted or handwritten
Sent via the InternetSent via the post office
Is received instantlyTakes days to reach the recipient

Components of an Email

An email consists of two main sections:

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  • The header
  • The body

The following fields are part of the header:

  • The To field
  • The Cc field
  • The Bcc field
  • The Subject line

The body of the e-mail consists of an introductory paragraph and a short description in writing. It consists of

  • A salutation
  • An opening sentence
  • The information in detail
  • Closing line
  • Signature line

Writing an Email Using Components of an Email
SubjectSick Leave Email

The Manager, XYZ Company

Dear Sir,

This is to bring to your notice that, I met with an accident on the 15th of April. I have a small fracture on my right leg and I’m scheduled to undergo a minor leg surgery on the 18th of April. The doctor has advised me complete bed rest for a period of 1 month. I will be mostly available after the 28th of May to resume my work.

I have enclosed all the necessary documents including a letter of recommendation from my doctor.

I regret the inconvenience and I’d like to request you consider this sick leave mail.

Yours Faithfully,
John Allen, Junior Engineer, XYZ Company

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