Short Stories With Questions And Answers

A story is an imaginary account of people or situations that is told for entertainment. Everybody loves to read or listen to short stories. But writing them is not a simple task.

In this post, we present the top 25+ Short Stories With Questions And Answers. These are designed to challenge and improve your reading comprehension skills.

Short Stories With Questions And Answers

Short Stories With Questions And Answers #1

Once there was a shepherd boy who looked after his sheep on a hill. He often felt bored and to have some fun, he would shout, “Wolf! Wolf! The sheep are in danger!” The villagers would rush to help, but there was never any wolf.

The boy found this amusing and did it again. This time, the villagers were annoyed but still came to help.

Then, one day, a real wolf appeared. The boy cried out for help, but no one believed him because of his past lies. The wolf scattered the sheep, and the boy felt very sad.

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When the villagers finally came, the boy realized the consequences of his lies. An old villager comforted him, explaining that people don’t trust liars, even when they speak the truth. They promised to help find the lost sheep and went home.

Multiple Choice Questions:

What did the shepherd boy frequently shout to get the attention of the villagers?

  • A) “Fire! Fire! The sheep are burning!”
  • B) “Wolf! Wolf! The sheep are in danger!”
  • C) “Help! Help! The sheep are under attack!”
  • D) “Bear! Bear! The sheep are under threat!”

Answer: B) “Wolf! Wolf! The sheep are in danger!”

How did the villagers react when the boy cried out for help the first time?

  • A) They ignored him.
  • B) They scolded him.
  • C) They rushed to help.
  • D) They laughed at him.

Answer: C) They rushed to help.

What was the consequence of the boy’s lies when the real wolf appeared?

  • A) The villagers praised him for his honesty.
  • B) The villagers didn’t believe him.
  • C) The villagers punished him for his past lies.
  • D) The villagers celebrated his bravery.

Answer: B) The villagers didn’t believe him.

Why did the villagers finally come to help the boy?

  • A) Because they were convinced he was telling the truth.
  • B) Because they heard the wolf themselves.
  • C) Because they pitied the boy.
  • D) Because an old villager convinced them to help.

Answer: D) Because an old villager convinced them to help.

What did the boy realize about his lies when the villagers didn’t believe him during the wolf’s attack?

  • A) Lies are sometimes necessary to entertain.
  • B) Lies can lead to dire consequences.
  • C) Lies should only be told in emergencies.
  • D) Lies should be avoided at all costs.

Answer: B) Lies can lead to dire consequences.

True or False Questions:

True or False: The villagers stopped believing the boy after he cried out for help multiple times without any real danger.

Answer: True

True or False: The villagers were able to rescue all the scattered sheep after the wolf attack.

Answer: Not provided in the passage.

True or False: The boy’s lies were forgiven by the villagers after the wolf incident.


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Answer: True

Questions on Suitable Title and Moral:

What would be a suitable title for this story based on its theme?

Answer: “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”

What is the moral of the story?

Answer: Lies have consequences; honesty is priceless.

Short Answer Questions:

What was the initial reaction of the villagers when the boy cried out for help the first time?

Answer: The villagers rushed to help, believing the boy’s cries.

What was the consequence of the boy’s past lies when the real wolf appeared?

Answer: No one believed him when he cried out for help, leading to the scattering of the sheep by the wolf.

How did the old villager comfort the boy after the wolf incident?

Answer: The old villager explained to the boy that people don’t trust liars, even when they speak the truth, and promised to help find the lost sheep.

Short Stories With Questions And Answers #2

Once there was a poor woodcutter who accidentally dropped his axe into the river while chopping down a tree. He felt really sad and started crying. A god who lived in the river heard him and came out to help.

The woodcutter explained what happened, and the god dove into the river to find the axe. When he came back, he was holding a shiny golden axe. He asked the woodcutter if it was his. But the woodcutter said no, his axe wasn’t fancy like that.

So, the god went back into the river and came back with a silver axe. But again, the woodcutter said it wasn’t his. Finally, the god dived one more time and brought back the woodcutter’s old iron axe.

The woodcutter was really happy to have his axe back, and the god was impressed by his honesty. As a reward, the god gave him silver and gold axes in addition to his iron axe.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

What did the woodcutter lose in the river?

  • a) A golden axe
  • b) A silver axe
  • c) An iron axe
  • d) A wooden axe

Answer: c) An iron axe

How did the god initially retrieve the lost axe?

  • a) By diving into the river once
  • b) By finding a shiny golden axe first
  • c) By using a magic spell
  • d) By asking other river creatures for help

Answer: b) By finding a shiny golden axe first

Why did the woodcutter reject the golden and silver axes offered by the god?

  • a) Because he wanted a wooden axe
  • b) Because he didn’t like the colors
  • c) Because they were too heavy
  • d) Because they were not his original axe

Answer: d) Because they were not his original axe

What did the god give the woodcutter as a reward for his honesty?

  • a) Only his old iron axe
  • b) Silver and gold axes in addition to his old iron axe
  • c) A magic spell to never lose his axe again
  • d) A new, better axe made of diamond

Answer: b) Silver and gold axes in addition to his old iron axe

What did the woodcutter do when he realized the golden and silver axes were not his?

  • a) He took them and left the river
  • b) He cried and refused to take any axe
  • c) He thanked the god and explained the misunderstanding
  • d) He accused the god of stealing his axe

Answer: c) He thanked the god and explained the misunderstanding

True or False (T/F) Questions:

True or False: The woodcutter initially rejected the golden axe because he wanted a fancier one.


True or False: The god rewarded the woodcutter with only his original iron axe.


True or False: The woodcutter lost his axe deliberately to get a better one from the god.


Title Question:

What would be an appropriate title for this story?

Answer: “The Honest Woodcutter and the Generous God”

Moral Question:

What is the moral of the story?

Answer: Honesty is rewarded.

Short Answer Questions:

What was the woodcutter’s reaction when he saw the golden and silver axes retrieved by the god?

The woodcutter rejected the golden and silver axes, stating they were not his original axe.

Why do you think the god rewarded the woodcutter with silver and gold axes?

The god was impressed by the woodcutter’s honesty in rejecting the fancy axes and choosing his own old iron one.

What lesson can be learned from this story?

The story teaches the importance of honesty and integrity, as well as the value of being content with what one has rather than seeking more luxurious possessions.

Short Stories With Questions And Answers #3

Once, a lonely elephant wandered the forest, hoping to find friends. She asked a monkey, a rabbit, a frog, and a fox if they would be her friend, but they all said no because she was too big.

The next day, the forest animals were scared because a tiger was attacking them. The elephant bravely confronted the tiger, asking him to leave her friends alone. But the tiger refused.

In the end, the elephant had to kick the tiger to scare him away. When she returned, she told the other animals what happened. They were grateful she saved them and said, “You’re just the right size to be our friend.”

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

What was the initial response of the monkey, rabbit, frog, and fox when the lonely elephant asked them to be her friend?

  • a) They happily agreed to be her friend
  • b) They declined because she was too small
  • c) They declined because she was too big
  • d) They were indifferent to her request

Answer: c) They declined because she was too big

How did the elephant respond when the tiger attacked the forest animals?

  • a) She ran away in fear
  • b) She asked the tiger to join her group of friends
  • c) She bravely confronted the tiger
  • d) She hid and watched from afar

Answer: c) She bravely confronted the tiger

What action did the elephant take to scare away the tiger?

  • a) She offered the tiger food
  • b) She played music to distract the tiger
  • c) She kicked the tiger
  • d) She begged the tiger to leave

Answer: c) She kicked the tiger

How did the other animals react to the elephant’s bravery?

  • a) They criticized her for being too aggressive
  • b) They were grateful and accepted her as a friend
  • c) They laughed at her efforts
  • d) They ran away in fear

Answer: b) They were grateful and accepted her as a friend

Why did the other animals change their minds about being friends with the elephant?

  • a) Because the elephant threatened them
  • b) Because they felt sorry for her
  • c) Because they realized she was brave and loyal
  • d) Because the tiger convinced them to

Answer: c) Because they realized she was brave and loyal

True or False (T/F) Questions:

True or False: The elephant initially asked the other animals to be her friend because she was afraid of the tiger.


True or False: The elephant’s size was the reason the other animals rejected her friendship.


True or False: The elephant defeated the tiger by running away and hiding.


Title Question:

What would be a fitting title for this story?

Answer: “The Brave Elephant and the Accepting Friends”

Moral Question:

What concise moral lesson can be drawn from this story?

Answer: True friendship values bravery and loyalty over appearance.

Short Answer Questions:

How did the elephant prove her bravery when the tiger attacked?

The elephant confronted the tiger and kicked it to scare it away.

Why did the other animals finally accept the elephant as their friend?

They realized her bravery and loyalty when she protected them from the tiger.

What lesson can be learned from this story?

The story teaches the importance of judging others based on their character and actions rather than their appearance.

Short Stories With Questions And Answers #4

Once there was a lion who lived in a den, and nearby, a mouse lived in a hole. One day, while the lion was sleeping, the mouse accidentally entered the lion’s nostril. The lion woke up in a fury and caught the mouse, ready to kill it. However, the mouse pleaded for mercy, promising that it could be of help to the lion in the future. Initially, the lion laughed at the mouse’s small size but eventually decided to let it go.

Sometime later, the lion got caught in a hunter’s net and could not free himself. In distress, he roared loudly. The mouse, recognizing the lion’s roar, immediately rushed to the spot and started gnawing the net. Eventually, it succeeded in freeing the lion, and said, “Dear king of beasts, I have done you a favour. Now, please run away to save yourself.” The lion was grateful to the mouse and quickly ran away. The story teaches us that little friends can prove to be great friends.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

What happened when the mouse accidentally entered the lion’s nostril?

  • a) The lion ate the mouse immediately
  • b) The lion laughed at the mouse and let it go
  • c) The lion caught the mouse and decided to keep it as a pet
  • d) The lion got angry and tried to kill the mouse

Answer: d) The lion got angry and tried to kill the mouse

How did the mouse convince the lion to spare its life?

  • a) By offering the lion a treasure
  • b) By promising to be of help to the lion in the future
  • c) By threatening the lion with other animals
  • d) By pleading for mercy and apologizing

Answer: b) By promising to be of help to the lion in the future

What happened to the lion later in the story?

  • a) He became friends with the mouse
  • b) He caught the mouse again
  • c) He got caught in a hunter’s net
  • d) He defeated the hunter

Answer: c) He got caught in a hunter’s net

How did the mouse help the lion when he was caught in the hunter’s net?

  • a) By bringing other animals to help
  • b) By cutting the net with its sharp teeth
  • c) By distracting the hunter
  • d) By singing to calm the lion down

Answer: b) By cutting the net with its sharp teeth

What was the lion’s reaction to the mouse’s help?

  • a) He ignored the mouse
  • b) He thanked and praised the mouse
  • c) He got angry at the mouse
  • d) He decided to eat the mouse

Answer: b) He thanked and praised the mouse

True or False (T/F) Questions:

True or False: The lion decided to kill the mouse immediately after it entered his nostril.


True or False: The mouse saved the lion from a hunter’s net by bringing other animals to help.


True or False: The moral of the story is that size doesn’t matter in friendship.


Short Answer Questions:

How did the mouse end up in the lion’s den?

The mouse accidentally entered the lion’s nostril while the lion was sleeping.

What did the mouse do to help the lion when he was caught in the hunter’s net?

The mouse gnawed through the net with its sharp teeth to free the lion.

What is the main moral of this story?

The main moral of the story is that small friends can be of great help in times of need.

Short Stories With Questions And Answers #5

Once, there was a farmer who owned a magical goose. Each day, the goose laid a golden egg, bringing wealth and happiness to the farmer and his wife. They were content until greed took hold of the farmer’s heart.

Thinking they could get more riches faster, the farmer and his wife decided to take all the eggs at once. They didn’t consider the goose’s welfare. Sadly, when they killed the goose, they found no gold inside, only regret.

This mistake taught them a valuable lesson: “Don’t destroy the source of your blessings.” It reminds us all that greed can lead to loss and that we should appreciate what brings us prosperity.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

What did the magical goose do for the farmer each day?

  • a) Laid silver eggs
  • b) Laid golden eggs
  • c) Laid diamond eggs
  • d) Laid crystal eggs

Answer: b) Laid golden eggs

Why did greed take hold of the farmer and his wife?

  • a) They wanted to become famous
  • b) They wanted to impress their neighbors
  • c) They thought they could get more riches faster
  • d) They wanted to travel the world

Answer: c) They thought they could get more riches faster

What did the farmer and his wife do to try to get more riches faster?

  • a) They asked the goose to lay eggs more frequently
  • b) They took all the eggs from the goose at once
  • c) They sold the goose to buy more land
  • d) They offered sacrifices to the goose

Answer: b) They took all the eggs from the goose at once

What did the farmer and his wife find inside the goose when they killed it?

  • a) Silver
  • b) Gold
  • c) Diamonds
  • d) Regret

Answer: d) Regret

What lesson did the farmer and his wife learn from their mistake?

  • a) To always listen to their neighbors
  • b) To appreciate what brings them prosperity
  • c) To never trust magical creatures
  • d) To never own geese again

Answer: b) To appreciate what brings them prosperity

True or False (T/F) Questions:

True or False: The farmer and his wife initially lived in poverty.


True or False: Killing the magical goose brought the farmer and his wife great wealth.


True or False: The moral of the story is about the importance of showing kindness to magical creatures.


Title Question:

What title best captures the essence of this story?

Answer: “The Greedy Farmer and the Magical Goose”

Moral Question:

What concise moral lesson can be drawn from this story?

Answer: Greed can lead to loss, and it’s important to appreciate and not destroy the sources of our blessings.

Short Answer Questions:

What did the farmer and his wife do to the magical goose out of greed?

They killed the goose to take all the golden eggs at once.

What did the farmer and his wife find inside the goose when they killed it?

They found no gold inside, only regret.

What lesson did the farmer and his wife learn from their mistake?

They learned the valuable lesson of not destroying the source of their blessings and to appreciate what brings them prosperity.

Short Stories With Questions And Answers #6

Once, there was an old tiger who used to be cruel and hunt humans when he was younger. But as he got older and weaker, he couldn’t hunt anymore and suffered from hunger. He kept a gold bangle with him.

One day, he saw a man passing by and called out to him, offering the bangle. The tiger said he now prayed to God and hoped the bangle would be useful to the man. He claimed the bangle was of no use to him and would be helpful to the man.

The man, simple and religious, believed the tiger’s words. He thought he could help a poor animal by taking the bangle. But as he went close, the wicked tiger attacked and killed him. The moral is to never trust those who have done bad things.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

What did the old tiger offer to the passing man?

  • a) A necklace
  • b) A gold bangle
  • c) A silver bracelet
  • d) A diamond ring

Answer: b) A gold bangle

Why did the man believe the tiger’s words?

  • a) Because the tiger promised him wealth
  • b) Because the man was simple and religious
  • c) Because the tiger threatened him
  • d) Because the man knew the tiger from before

Answer: b) Because the man was simple and religious

What did the tiger claim about the bangle?

  • a) That it was stolen
  • b) That it was of no use to him
  • c) That it was cursed
  • d) That it was magical

Answer: b) That it was of no use to him

What did the tiger do when the man approached to take the bangle?

  • a) Gave the bangle willingly
  • b) Ran away in fear
  • c) Attacked and killed the man
  • d) Thanked the man for his kindness

Answer: c) Attacked and killed the man

What is the moral of the story?

  • a) Trust everyone regardless of their past actions
  • b) Always be wary of strangers
  • c) Kindness should always be reciprocated
  • d) Never trust those who have done bad things

Answer: d) Never trust those who have done bad things

What could be a suitable title for the story based on its theme?

  • a) “The Deceptive Tiger”
  • b) “The Treacherous Predator”
  • c) “A Deadly Offer”
  • d) “The Bewildered Traveler”

Answer: a) “The Deceptive Tiger”

True or False (T/F) Questions:

The old tiger used to hunt humans when he was younger.


The man did not believe the tiger’s words and walked away safely.


The man took the bangle because he wanted to help the tiger.


Short Answer Questions:

Why did the old tiger offer the bangle to the passing man?

Answer: The old tiger offered the bangle as a deceitful ploy to lure the man closer in order to attack and kill him.

How did the man justify his decision to take the bangle from the tiger?

Answer: The man justified his decision by believing the tiger’s words and thinking that he could help a poor animal in need.

What lesson can be learned from the man’s unfortunate encounter with the tiger?

Answer: The lesson learned is to be cautious and not to trust individuals with a history of wrongdoing, as their intentions may not always be sincere.

Short Stories With Questions And Answers #7

Once upon a time, a tortoise lounged beneath a tree where a bird had crafted a nest. Teasingly, the tortoise remarked, “Your nest looks raggedy, made of twigs, no roof, quite crude. You had to build it yourself! My shell is much better.”

The bird chirped back, “True, my nest isn’t fancy, but I built it, and I love it.”

The tortoise boasted, “My shell is superior. You must envy it.”

The bird replied cheerfully, “Not at all. My nest can hold my family and friends, unlike your shell, which fits only you. Maybe your house is nicer, but I have a happier home.”

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

What did the tortoise tease the bird about?

  • a) Its singing abilities
  • b) Its nest
  • c) Its flying skills
  • d) Its colorful feathers

Answer: b) Its nest

How did the bird respond to the tortoise’s remarks about its nest?

  • a) Aggressively
  • b) Timidly
  • c) Cheerfully
  • d) Angrily

Answer: c) Cheerfully

What did the tortoise boast about regarding its attributes?

  • a) Its speed
  • b) Its ability to fly
  • c) Its shell
  • d) Its nest-building skills

Answer: c) Its shell

What did the bird emphasize about its nest compared to the tortoise’s shell?

  • a) Its beauty
  • b) Its capacity to hold family and friends
  • c) Its strength
  • d) Its ability to protect from predators

Answer: b) Its capacity to hold family and friends

According to the passage, what made the bird’s home happier?

  • a) Its fancy decorations
  • b) Its location
  • c) The number of friends it had
  • d) The love and company it provided

Answer: d) The love and company it provided

True or False (T/F) Questions:

The tortoise admired the bird’s nest.


The bird envied the tortoise’s shell.


The bird’s nest was well-constructed and sturdy.


Title Related Question:

Which title best captures the essence of the story?

  • a) “The Tortoise and the Bird”
  • b) “A Nest of Happiness”
  • c) “Shell versus Nest”
  • d) “The Importance of Home”

Answer: b) “A Nest of Happiness”

Short Moral Question:

Summarize the moral of the story in a few words.

Answer: True happiness comes from love and companionship, not material possessions.

Short Answer Questions:

How did the bird respond to the tortoise’s teasing about its nest?

Answer: The bird responded cheerfully, expressing love for its nest despite its simplicity.

What attribute of the tortoise did the bird compare its nest to?

Answer: The bird compared its nest to the tortoise’s shell, emphasizing the ability of its nest to hold family and friends.

What did the bird prioritize in its home over material superiority?

Answer: The bird prioritized love and companionship in its home over material superiority.

Short Stories With Questions And Answers #8

Once, a fox accidentally fell into a well in the dark of night. He struggled all night to stay afloat and not drown. The next morning, a foolish goat, owned by a villager, came near the well while grazing.

Seeing the opportunity, the fox called out to the goat, saying the water in the well was clear and sweet. Thirsty, the goat jumped into the well without thinking. The fox quickly climbed onto the goat’s head and used her as a step to escape.

The goat learned an important lesson: to think before acting.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

How did the fox end up in the well?

  • a) It jumped in intentionally
  • b) It was pushed in by the goat
  • c) It accidentally fell in
  • d) It was chasing its prey

Answer: c) It accidentally fell in

What did the fox claim about the water in the well?

  • a) It was dirty and foul-smelling
  • b) It was clear and sweet
  • c) It was poisonous
  • d) It was full of fish

Answer: b) It was clear and sweet

What did the goat do when it heard the fox’s claim about the water?

  • a) It ignored the fox and continued grazing
  • b) It jumped into the well without thinking
  • c) It called for help from the villagers
  • d) It ran away in fear

Answer: b) It jumped into the well without thinking

How did the fox escape from the well?

  • a) By swimming out
  • b) By using the goat as a step
  • c) By digging a tunnel
  • d) By waiting for someone to rescue it

Answer: b) By using the goat as a step

What lesson did the goat learn from this experience?

  • a) To trust strangers
  • b) To be cautious and think before acting
  • c) To always help others in need
  • d) To avoid wells altogether

Answer: b) To be cautious and think before acting

True or False (T/F) Questions:

The fox intentionally pushed the goat into the well.


The goat jumped into the well without considering the consequences.


The fox helped the goat out of the well after using her to escape.


Title Related Question:

Which title best fits the story’s theme?

  • a) “The Fox and the Well”
  • b) “A Tricky Escape”
  • c) “The Foolish Goat”
  • d) “Think Before You Leap”

Answer: d) “Think Before You Leap”

Short Moral Question:

Summarize the moral of the story in a few words.

Answer: Impulsive actions can lead to unfortunate consequences; it’s important to think before acting.

Short Answer Questions:

How did the fox persuade the goat to jump into the well?

Answer: The fox claimed that the water in the well was clear and sweet, enticing the thirsty goat to jump in.

What did the fox do after the goat jumped into the well?

Answer: The fox quickly climbed onto the goat’s head and used her as a step to escape from the well.

What lesson did the goat learn from this experience?

Answer: The goat learned the important lesson of thinking before acting, as its impulsive decision led to its downfall.

Short Stories With Questions And Answers #9

Once, a young crab and his mother spent time together on the beach. As the young crab tried to move, he could only walk sideways. His mother scolded him, telling him to walk forward by pointing his toes out front.

The young crab replied, “I want to walk forward, Mom, but I don’t know how.”

His mom tried to show him but found she couldn’t bend her knees forward either. Realizing her mistake, she apologized and sat back in the sand.

Multiple Choice Questions:

What is the main issue the young crab faces when trying to walk?

  • A) He walks too fast
  • B) He can only walk sideways
  • C) He doesn’t want to walk
  • D) He walks backward

Answer: B) He can only walk sideways

How does the mother crab initially try to help her young crab?

  • A) By scolding him
  • B) By showing him how to walk forward
  • C) By demonstrating sideways walking
  • D) By ignoring him

Answer: B) By showing him how to walk forward

Why does the mother crab apologize to her young crab?

  • A) Because she can’t walk forward either
  • B) Because she is too tired to help
  • C) Because she forgot how to walk sideways
  • D) Because she doesn’t want to help

Answer: A) Because she can’t walk forward either

What does the young crab express to his mother regarding walking forward?

  • A) He doesn’t want to walk
  • B) He knows how to walk forward
  • C) He doesn’t know how to walk forward
  • D) He wants to walk backward

Answer: C) He doesn’t know how to walk forward

How does the story resolve the issue of the crab’s inability to walk forward?

  • A) The young crab learns to walk backward
  • B) The mother crab finds someone else to teach her son
  • C) The mother crab realizes her mistake and apologizes
  • D) The young crab gives up on walking

Answer: C) The mother crab realizes her mistake and apologizes

True or False Questions:

The young crab could only walk forward.

(False) Explanation: The young crab could only walk sideways.

The mother crab initially helps her young crab by demonstrating sideways walking.

(False) Explanation: The mother crab initially tries to help her young crab by showing him how to walk forward.

The young crab expresses that he knows how to walk forward.

(False) Explanation: The young crab expresses that he doesn’t know how to walk forward.

Short Answer Questions:

How does the mother crab try to help her young crab initially?

Answer: The mother crab tries to help her young crab by showing him how to walk forward.

Why does the mother crab apologize to her young crab?

Answer: The mother crab apologizes because she realizes she can’t walk forward either.

How does the story resolve the issue of the crab’s inability to walk forward?

Answer: The story resolves the issue as the mother crab realizes her mistake and apologizes to her young crab.

Short Stories With Questions And Answers #10

Once, there was a farmer with four sons who always fought. Worried about their future, the farmer decided to teach them a lesson. He asked each son to bring a bundle of sticks and try to break it, but they couldn’t.

Then, he asked them to untie the bundle and try breaking the sticks one by one, which they could easily do. The farmer told them, “If you stick together and work as a team, no one can harm you. You couldn’t break the sticks in a bundle, but you could easily break them when they were separated. So, stay united and live in peace.” The sons agreed to follow their father’s wise advice.

Multiple Choice Questions:

What was the problem among the farmer’s sons?

  • A) They were lazy
  • B) They always fought
  • C) They didn’t want to work
  • D) They were disrespectful

Answer: B) They always fought

How did the farmer teach his sons a lesson?

  • A) By asking them to bring bundles of sticks
  • B) By giving them a lecture
  • C) By sending them away
  • D) By punishing them

Answer: A) By asking them to bring bundles of sticks

What did the sons learn from the farmer’s lesson?

  • A) They should work individually
  • B) They should fight more
  • C) They should stick together and work as a team
  • D) They should ignore their father’s advice

Answer: C) They should stick together and work as a team

Why couldn’t the sons break the sticks when they were in a bundle?

  • A) Because the sticks were too strong
  • B) Because they didn’t want to
  • C) Because they were tied together
  • D) Because they were afraid

Answer: C) Because they were tied together

What did the farmer emphasize about the importance of unity?

  • A) It’s not necessary
  • B) It’s only important in some situations
  • C) It’s crucial for protection and strength
  • D) It’s irrelevant

Answer: C) It’s crucial for protection and strength

True or False Questions:

The farmer had only one son.

(False) Explanation: The farmer had four sons.

The sons could easily break the sticks when they were tied together.

(False) Explanation: The sons couldn’t break the sticks when they were tied together.

The sons agreed to follow their father’s advice after the lesson.

(True) Explanation: The passage mentions that the sons agreed to follow their father’s wise advice.

Title Related Question:

Which title best represents the story’s message?

  • a) “The Farmer’s Sons”
  • b) “The Lesson of Unity”
  • c) “Breaking Sticks”
  • d) “Sibling Rivalry”

Answer: b) “The Lesson of Unity”

Short Moral Question:

Summarize the moral of the story in a few words.

Answer: Unity is strength; working together as a team is crucial for success and protection.

Short Answer Questions:

How did the farmer teach his sons a lesson?

Answer: The farmer asked each son to bring a bundle of sticks and then asked them to try breaking it. When they couldn’t, he asked them to untie the bundle and try breaking the sticks one by one.

What was the moral of the lesson the farmer taught his sons?

Answer: The moral of the lesson was that unity is strength. The farmer emphasized that if the sons stick together and work as a team, no one can harm them.

What did the sons learn from their father’s lesson?

Answer: The sons learned the importance of unity and working together. They realized that when they were united, they were stronger and could overcome challenges easily.

Short Stories With Questions And Answers #11

Once upon a time, in a forest by a meadow, four cows were the best of friends. They did everything together, grazing and staying close, keeping the tigers and lions away.

One day, they argued and split up to graze alone. A cunning tiger and a fierce lion noticed and plotted to attack. Hiding in the bushes, they ambushed the cows one by one, ending their lives tragically.

True or False (T/F) Questions:

The four cows argued and split up to graze alone.


The tigers and lions noticed the cows splitting up and decided to protect them.


The cows successfully defended themselves against the ambush.


Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

Where did the four cows live?

  • a) In a jungle
  • b) By a river
  • c) In a forest near a meadow
  • d) In a desert

Answer: c) In a forest near a meadow

What did the cows do together?

  • a) They hunted tigers and lions
  • b) They argued and fought
  • c) They grazed and stayed close to each other
  • d) They stayed away from each other

Answer: c) They grazed and stayed close to each other

What happened when the cows argued and split up?

  • a) They made peace and stayed together
  • b) They were attacked by tigers and lions
  • c) They found better grazing spots
  • d) They formed new friendships

Answer: b) They were attacked by tigers and lions

Who noticed the cows splitting up and plotted to attack them?

  • a) Cunning tigers and fierce lions
  • b) Friendly deer and rabbits
  • c) Wise elephants and gentle bears
  • d) Swift cheetahs and agile leopards

Answer: a) Cunning tigers and fierce lions

How did the tigers and lions attack the cows?

  • a) They openly charged at them
  • b) They hid in the bushes and ambushed them
  • c) They negotiated with the cows
  • d) They ignored the cows

Answer: b) They hid in the bushes and ambushed them

Title Related Question:

Which title best reflects the theme of the story?

  • a) “The Forest Friends”
  • b) “The Tragic Split”
  • c) “Unity in the Meadow”
  • d) “Predator’s Plot”

Answer: b) “The Tragic Split”

Short Moral Question:

Summarize the moral of the story in a few words.

Answer: Unity and solidarity provide strength and protection against dangers.

Short Answer Questions:

What was the tragic outcome for the four cows after they split up?

Answer: They were ambushed one by one by tigers and lions, ending their lives tragically.

Why were the cows vulnerable to attack after they split up?

Answer: The tigers and lions noticed their separation and took advantage of the opportunity to ambush them.

What lesson can be learned from the story of the four cows?

Answer: The importance of unity and staying together for protection against threats in the forest.

Short Stories With Questions And Answers #12

Once, a nine-year-old boy sat at his desk in class when suddenly, he felt his pants get wet. He panicked, worried his classmates would laugh at him. Desperate to hide it, he saw his teacher and classmate Susie approaching.

Just as they came closer, Susie accidentally tripped and spilled a bowl of goldfish in his lap. The boy secretly thanked his luck but pretended to be mad at Susie.

The class thought Susie caused the accident, and the teacher helped the boy change his clothes. Later that evening, the boy asks Susie, “You did that on purpose, didn’t you?” “I wet my pants once too”, whispers Susie.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

What was the initial problem the boy faced?

  • a) He felt nauseous
  • b) He spilled water on his desk
  • c) His pants got wet
  • d) He forgot his homework

Answer: c) His pants got wet

Who accidentally tripped and spilled a bowl of goldfish on the boy’s lap?

  • a) The teacher
  • b) The boy himself
  • c) Susie
  • d) Another classmate

Answer: c) Susie

How did the boy react when Susie spilled the bowl of goldfish?

  • a) He thanked her
  • b) He pretended to be mad at her
  • c) He laughed
  • d) He ignored her

Answer: b) He pretended to be mad at her

What did the class think happened to cause the accident?

  • a) The boy spilled the bowl of goldfish himself
  • b) Susie intentionally tripped and spilled the bowl
  • c) The teacher knocked over the bowl
  • d) It was an accident with no one to blame

Answer: b) Susie intentionally tripped and spilled the bowl

How did Susie respond when the boy accused her of doing it on purpose?

  • a) She denied it
  • b) She admitted it
  • c) She laughed
  • d) She remained silent

Answer: b) She admitted it

True or False (T/F) Questions:

True or False: The boy initially panicked because he forgot his homework.

Answer: False

True or False: Susie intentionally spilled the bowl of goldfish on the boy’s lap.

Answer: False

True or False: The teacher helped the boy change his clothes after the incident.

Answer: True

Short Answer Questions:

How did the boy feel when his pants got wet, and why?

Answer: The boy felt panicked because he was worried his classmates would laugh at him.

How did Susie react when the boy accused her of spilling the goldfish on purpose?

Answer: Susie whispered to the boy that she had wet her pants once too, indicating it was not intentional.

What was the outcome of the incident for the boy and Susie’s relationship?

Answer: The incident brought the boy and Susie closer together as they shared a secret understanding.

Short Stories With Questions And Answers #13

Once upon a time, a baby camel asked its mother about their unique features. “Mom, why do we have humps?” it inquired. The mother explained, “Our humps store water, helping us survive in the desert.”

The curious baby continued, “And why do we have rounded feet?” The mother replied, “They help us walk comfortably on sand.”

Pondering further, the baby asked about their long eyelashes. “They protect our eyes from desert dust and sandstorms,” the mother explained.

After understanding their adaptations for desert life, the baby questioned why they were in a zoo if they were built for the desert. The mother was left speechless, unable to answer.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

Why do camels have humps according to the mother camel?

  • a) To store food
  • b) To store water
  • c) To help them run faster
  • d) To protect them from predators

Answer: b) To store water

What purpose do the rounded feet serve for camels?

  • a) They help them swim
  • b) They help them climb trees
  • c) They help them walk comfortably on sand
  • d) They help them camouflage in the desert

Answer: c) They help them walk comfortably on the sand

What is the function of camels’ long eyelashes?

  • a) To help them see better at night
  • b) To attract mates
  • c) To protect their eyes from desert dust and sandstorms
  • d) To help them communicate with other camels

Answer: c) To protect their eyes from desert dust and sandstorms

Why was the mother camel left speechless when the baby asked why they were in a zoo?

  • a) Because she didn’t know the answer
  • b) Because she was tired
  • c) Because she was sad
  • d) Because she realized they were not in their natural habitat

Answer: d) Because she realized they were not in their natural habitat

What is the main theme of the story?

  • a) Adaptations of animals in the desert
  • b) Life in a zoo
  • c) Parent-child relationships in the animal kingdom
  • d) Survival instincts of baby camels

Answer: a) Adaptations of animals in the desert

True or False (T/F) Questions:

True or False: The mother camel explained that camels have humps to store water.

Answer: True

True or False: Camels’ rounded feet help them fly in the air.

Answer: False

True or False: The mother camel was able to answer all of the baby’s questions satisfactorily.

Answer: False

Short Answer Questions:

How does the mother camel explain the purpose of camels’ long eyelashes?

Answer: The mother camel explains that the long eyelashes protect their eyes from desert dust and sandstorms.

Why was the baby camel puzzled about being in a zoo?

Answer: The baby camel wondered why they were in a zoo if they were built for surviving in the desert, indicating confusion about their current environment.

What are some of the unique features of camels that help them survive in the desert?

Answer: Some unique features of camels include humps for storing water, rounded feet for walking comfortably on sand, and long eyelashes to protect their eyes from desert dust and sandstorms.

Short Stories With Questions And Answers #14

Once, a speedy hare made fun of a slow tortoise, challenging him to a race. The tortoise, despite being teased, agreed. During the race, the hare raced ahead, feeling sure he’d win easily. But he got cocky, taking breaks to eat and sleep while the tortoise plodded on.

When the hare woke up, he panicked to find the tortoise near the end. To everyone’s surprise, the tortoise won, teaching the hare to be humble and not look down on others.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

Why did the hare challenge the tortoise to a race?

  • a) Because he wanted to make fun of the tortoise
  • b) Because he wanted to test his speed
  • c) Because he wanted to teach the tortoise a lesson
  • d) Because he was bored

Answer: a) Because he wanted to make fun of the tortoise

What did the hare do during the race while the tortoise continued to plod on?

  • a) He took breaks to eat and sleep
  • b) He encouraged the tortoise
  • c) He ran even faster
  • d) He gave up halfway through

Answer: a) He took breaks to eat and sleep

Why did the hare panic when he woke up?

  • a) Because he lost the race
  • b) Because he realized he was lost
  • c) Because he saw the tortoise near the end of the race
  • d) Because he saw a predator nearby

Answer: c) Because he saw the tortoise near the end of the race

What was the moral of the story?

  • a) Slow and steady wins the race
  • b) Fast and furious wins the race
  • c) Overconfidence leads to failure
  • d) Speed is the key to success

Answer: a) Slow and steady wins the race

What did the hare learn from the race?

  • a) He learned to be humble and not look down on others
  • b) He learned that tortoises are faster than hares
  • c) He learned that taking breaks during a race is a good strategy
  • d) He learned that he should never race again

Answer: a) He learned to be humble and not look down on others

True or False (T/F) Questions:

True or False: The hare challenged the tortoise to a race because he wanted to test his own speed.

Answer: False

True or False: The tortoise won the race because he was faster than the hare.

Answer: False

True or False: The hare learned the importance of humility and not underestimating others from their race.

Answer: True

Short Answer Questions:

How did the hare’s overconfidence affect the outcome of the race?

Answer: The hare’s overconfidence led him to take breaks during the race, allowing the tortoise to catch up and ultimately win.

What lesson did the tortoise teach the hare through the race?

Answer: The tortoise taught the hare the importance of humility and not looking down on others, as demonstrated by the tortoise’s steady progress and eventual victory.

What is the significance of the phrase “slow and steady wins the race” in the context of the story?

Answer: The phrase emphasizes the importance of perseverance and consistency, suggesting that steady progress, even if slow, can lead to success in the long run.

Short Stories With Questions And Answers #15

Once upon a time, a dog and her pups lived on a farm, where there was a well. The mother dog warned her pups not to go near the well or play around it. But one curious pup couldn’t resist and went to explore.

He climbed the well’s wall and peeked inside. Seeing his reflection, he thought it was another dog. The pup got mad, thinking the dog in the well was copying him. He jumped in to fight but found no dog, only water.

He barked and swam until the farmer rescued him. The pup learned not to be fooled by appearances and to listen to his mother’s warnings.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

Why did the mother dog warn her pups not to go near the well?

  • a) Because there were dangerous animals near the well
  • b) Because she didn’t want them to get dirty
  • c) Because she feared they might fall in
  • d) Because she wanted to keep them away from the farmer

Answer: c) Because she feared they might fall in

What did the curious pup see when he peeked inside the well?

  • a) Another dog
  • b) His reflection
  • c) A cat
  • d) A rabbit

Answer: b) His reflection

How did the pup react when he saw his reflection in the well?

  • a) He got scared and ran away
  • b) He thought the dog in the well was copying him
  • c) He ignored it and walked away
  • d) He jumped in to play with the dog

Answer: b) He thought the dog in the well was copying him

What did the pup find when he jumped into the well?

  • a) Another dog
  • b) Water
  • c) A treasure d) A toy

Answer: b) Water

How did the farmer rescue the pup from the well?

  • a) He climbed down and pulled the pup out
  • b) He lowered a rope for the pup to climb
  • c) He called for help from other farmers
  • d) He used a ladder to reach the pup

Answer: b) He lowered a rope for the pup to climb

True or False (T/F) Questions:

True or False: The mother dog warned her pups not to go near the well because she didn’t want them to get dirty.

Answer: False

True or False: The curious pup found another dog inside the well.

Answer: False

True or False: The pup learned to listen to his mother’s warnings after falling into the well.

Answer: True

Short Answer Questions:

Why did the curious pup jump into the well after seeing his reflection?

Answer: The pup thought the dog in the well was copying him and got mad, prompting him to jump in to confront the supposed copycat.

What lesson did the pup learn from his experience in the well?

Answer: The pup learned not to be fooled by appearances and to listen to his mother’s warnings, understanding the importance of heeding advice to avoid danger.

How did the farmer rescue the pup from the well?

Answer: The farmer lowered a rope into the well, allowing the pup to climb out to safety.

Short Stories With Questions And Answers #16

Once, a man walked along a road and heard a cat’s meows from nearby bushes. The cat was stuck and needed help. When the man reached out, the scared cat scratched him. Despite the pain, the man didn’t give up. He tried again and again, even as the cat kept scratching him.

Another person passing by said, “Just leave it! The cat will figure it out.” But the man didn’t listen. He kept trying until he freed the cat. After letting the cat go, he told the other person, “Cats scratch when they’re scared, but humans like me are kind and help others in need.”

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

What did the man hear while walking along the road?

  • a) Dog barks
  • b) Cat’s meows
  • c) Bird chirps
  • d) Frog croaks

Answer: b) Cat’s meows

What did the cat do when the man reached out to help?

  • a) It purred
  • b) It scratched him
  • c) It licked his hand
  • d) It ran away

Answer: b) It scratched him

What did another person passing by advise the man to do?

  • a) To call for help
  • b) To give up and leave the cat
  • c) To offer the cat some food
  • d) To pet the cat gently

Answer: b) To give up and leave the cat

How did the man respond to the other person’s advice?

  • a) He agreed and walked away
  • b) He ignored it and kept trying to help the cat
  • c) He scolded the other person
  • d) He called for professional help

Answer: b) He ignored it and kept trying to help the cat

What did the man tell the other person after freeing the cat?

  • a) “Cats are mean creatures”
  • b) “Cats scratch when they’re scared”
  • c) “Cats are ungrateful animals”
  • d) “Cats don’t deserve our help”

Answer: b) “Cats scratch when they’re scared, but humans like me are kind and help others in need.”

True or False (T/F) Questions:

True or False: The man gave up trying to help the cat after it scratched him once.


True or False: Another person passing by encouraged the man to continue helping the cat.


True or False: The man believed that humans are unkind and should not help animals in need.


Short Answer Questions:

What did the man hear while walking along the road?

The man heard a cat’s meows from nearby bushes.

How did the cat respond when the man tried to help?

The cat scratched the man.

What did the man tell the other person after freeing the cat?

The man said, “Cats scratch when they’re scared, but humans like me are kind and help others in need.”

Short Stories With Questions And Answers #17

Once, a young woman inherited a lovely garden from her grandmother. She adored gardening and cherished her garden dearly. One day, she spotted a gorgeous plant in a catalog and decided to add it to her garden. She ordered it and planted it by the stonewall in her backyard. She cared for it diligently, and it grew lush with vibrant green leaves.

However, despite her efforts, the plant didn’t produce a single flower for months. Feeling frustrated, she contemplated removing it. Then, her neighbor, who was unwell, called to thank her for the beautiful flowers. Confused, the young woman hurried to the neighbor’s side of the wall and discovered the most exquisite blooms there.

She realized that the vine had flourished on the other side of the wall due to her care, even though it didn’t bloom on her side. It was a lesson that sometimes our efforts bring joy to others, even if we don’t see the results ourselves.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

What did the young woman inherit from her grandmother?

  • a) A house
  • b) A car
  • c) A garden
  • d) A jewelry collection

Answer: c) A garden

Where did the young woman plant the gorgeous plant she ordered?

  • a) By the river
  • b) In the front yard
  • c) By the stonewall in her backyard
  • d) In her neighbor’s garden

Answer: c) By the stonewall in her backyard

What did the young woman contemplate doing when the plant didn’t produce flowers for months?

  • a) Selling the plant
  • b) Watering it less
  • c) Removing it
  • d) Buying more plants

Answer: c) Removing it

Who called the young woman to thank her for the beautiful flowers?

  • a) Her friend
  • b) Her grandmother
  • c) Her neighbor
  • d) Her sibling

Answer: c) Her neighbor

Where did the young woman find the most exquisite blooms?

  • a) In her backyard
  • b) In her neighbor’s garden
  • c) In the catalog
  • d) In her front yard

Answer: b) In her neighbor’s garden

True or False (T/F) Questions:

True or False: The young woman inherited a garden from her mother.


True or False: The young woman planted the gorgeous plant in her neighbor’s garden.


True or False: The young woman decided to remove the plant after it produced no flowers for months.


Short Answer Questions:

What did the young woman inherit from her grandmother?

The young woman inherited a lovely garden from her grandmother.

Where did the young woman find the most exquisite blooms?

The young woman discovered the most exquisite blooms in her neighbor’s garden.

What lesson did the young woman learn from her experience with the plant?

The young woman learned that sometimes our efforts bring joy to others, even if we don’t see the results ourselves.

Short Stories With Questions And Answers #18

Two friends were going through the woods when they came across a bear. The friends became terrified, and one of them climbed a tree without considering his friend’s safety. The other friend, who couldn’t climb a tree, lied down on the ground and feigned to die. The bear approached, sniffing around the friend’s lips, nose, and ears. Fortunately, the bear assumed his friend was dead and moved away. Unfortunately, the other companion was not present and died after falling into a pit. The fable tells us never to believe a dishonest friend.

Multiple Choice Questions:

What did one of the friends do upon encountering the bear?

  • a) Climbed a tree
  • b) Lied down and feigned death
  • c) Ran away
  • d) Tried to fight the bear

Answer: a) Climbed a tree

How did the bear react to the friend who pretended to be dead?

  • a) Attacked him
  • b) Sniffed around his lips, nose, and ears
  • c) Ignored him completely
  • d) Ran away scared

Answer: b) Sniffed around his lips, nose, and ears

What happened to the friend who climbed the tree?

  • a) He was attacked by the bear
  • b) He successfully escaped
  • c) He fell into a pit and died
  • d) He was rescued by someone passing by

Answer: c) He fell into a pit and died

What is the moral of the fable?

  • a) Always trust your friends in dangerous situations
  • b) Never trust a dishonest friend
  • c) Bears are easily fooled by feigned death
  • d) Climbing trees is the best way to escape from bears

Answer: b) Never trust a dishonest friend

Why did the friend who couldn’t climb a tree choose to feign death?

  • a) He wanted to trick the bear into leaving him alone
  • b) He was genuinely injured and couldn’t move
  • c) He thought it was the best chance for survival
  • d) He was too scared to do anything else

Answer: c) He thought it was the best chance for survival

True or False Questions:

True or False: Both friends successfully escaped from the bear.


True or False: The friend who couldn’t climb a tree pretended to be dead.


True or False: The bear attacked the friend who pretended to be dead.


Short Answer Questions:

What actions did the two friends take when they encountered the bear?

Answer: One friend climbed a tree while the other feigned death on the ground.

What was the outcome for each friend in the fable?

Answer: The friend who climbed the tree fell into a pit and died, while the other friend was spared by the bear.

What lesson does the fable teach?

Answer: The fable teaches the importance of not trusting dishonest friends, as one friend’s betrayal led to the other’s demise.

Short Stories With Questions And Answers #19

Once, a tired fisherman had been fishing in a river for a long time. He took a break at a nearby house and left his net by the riverside. Nearby, there was a big tree where a monkey lived. The monkey watched the fisherman carefully, learning how to throw the net and catch fish from a distance.

The monkey wished to try throwing the net itself, so it went to the net and picked it up. But it was not easy for the monkey to handle the net, and it got tangled in it. Despite its efforts, the monkey couldn’t free itself.

When the fisherman returned and saw the monkey trapped, he became very angry. He beat the monkey to death, thinking it had caused trouble.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

Where did the tired fisherman take a break after fishing in the river?

  • a) By the riverside
  • b) At a nearby house
  • c) Under a big tree
  • d) In a cave

Answer: b) At a nearby house

What did the monkey observe the fisherman doing?

  • a) Climbing the tree
  • b) Fishing with a net
  • c) Cooking fish
  • d) Swimming in the river

Answer: b) Fishing with a net

Why did the monkey decide to try throwing the net itself?

  • a) It wanted to impress the fisherman
  • b) It was bored
  • c) It wanted to catch fish
  • d) It wanted to help the fisherman

Answer: c) It wanted to catch fish

What happened when the monkey picked up the net?

  • a) It caught a fish
  • b) It got tangled in the net
  • c) It ran away
  • d) It climbed the tree

Answer: b) It got tangled in the net

How did the fisherman react when he saw the monkey trapped in the net?

  • a) He helped the monkey escape
  • b) He became very angry
  • c) He ignored the monkey
  • d) He laughed at the monkey

Answer: b) He became very angry

True or False (T/F) Questions:

True or False: The fisherman left his net by the riverside when he took a break.


True or False: The monkey successfully caught some fish using the net.


True or False: The fisherman felt sorry for the monkey and helped it escape.


Short Answer Questions:

Where did the tired fisherman take a break after fishing in the river?

The tired fisherman took a break at a nearby house.

Why did the monkey get tangled in the net?

The monkey picked up the net to try throwing it but got tangled in it.

How did the fisherman react when he saw the monkey trapped in the net?

The fisherman became very angry and beat the monkey to death, thinking it had caused trouble.

Short Stories With Questions And Answers #20

Once, a rich man worried about his son’s bad habits. He sought advice from a wise old man. The old man met the son and took him for a walk. They went into the woods, where the old man showed the boy a small sapling and asked him to pull it out. The boy easily pulled it out.

As they walked further, the old man asked the boy to pull out a small plant, which he did with a bit of effort. Then, they came across a bush, and the boy managed to pull it out too. Next, they found a small tree, and the child struggled a lot but eventually managed to pull it out.

Finally, the old man showed him a bigger tree and asked the child to pull it out. Despite trying many times and in different ways, the boy couldn’t do it. The old man smiled and said, “That’s how habits are, whether good or bad.”

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

What was the rich man worried about regarding his son?

  • a) His education
  • b) His bad habits
  • c) His health
  • d) His friends

Answer: b) His bad habits

What did the old man show the boy in the woods?

  • a) Animals
  • b) Plants
  • c) Rocks
  • d) Rivers

Answer: b) Plants

How did the boy respond when asked to pull out a small sapling?

  • a) He refused
  • b) He pulled it out easily
  • c) He struggled a bit
  • d) He asked for help

Answer: b) He pulled it out easily

What did the old man compare habits to?

  • a) Animals
  • b) Rivers
  • c) Plants
  • d) Trees

Answer: d) Trees

What did the boy struggle to pull out in the end?

  • a) A small sapling
  • b) A small plant
  • c) A bush
  • d) A bigger tree

Answer: d) A bigger tree

True or False (T/F) Questions:

True or False: The rich man sought advice from a wise old woman.


True or False: The boy easily pulled out the bigger tree.


True or False: The old man compared habits to different sizes of trees to teach the boy a lesson.


Short Answer Questions:

What was the rich man worried about regarding his son?

The rich man was worried about his son’s bad habits.

What did the old man compare habits to?

The old man compared habits to trees, showing that some habits are harder to break than others.

What was the boy unable to pull out despite trying many times?

The boy was unable to pull out the bigger tree, despite trying many times and in different ways.

Short Stories With Questions And Answers #21

Once upon a time, there was a crow who was feeling thirsty on a hot day. He looked around until he saw a water pot, but the water was too low for him to reach. This made him sad because he needed a drink.

But the crow was clever. He saw some stones lying nearby. So, he picked them up, one by one, and dropped them into the pot. Each time he dropped a stone, the water level rose a little bit higher.

Finally, when enough stones were in the pot, the water reached the top. The crow happily drank the water and satisfied his thirst.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

What was the crow feeling on the hot day?

  • a) Hungry
  • b) Thirsty
  • c) Tired
  • d) Cold

Answer: b) Thirsty

What did the crow see nearby that helped him reach the water?

  • a) Leaves
  • b) Sticks
  • c) Stones
  • d) Flowers

Answer: c) Stones

How did the crow raise the water level in the pot?

  • a) By pouring more water into it
  • b) By dropping stones into it
  • c) By shouting at it
  • d) By flying over it

Answer: b) By dropping stones into it

What happened when the crow dropped stones into the pot?

  • a) The water level stayed the same
  • b) The water level decreased
  • c) The water level rose
  • d) The pot broke

Answer: c) The water level rose

How did the crow feel after the water level reached the top?

  • a) Sad
  • b) Angry
  • c) Happy
  • d) Frustrated

Answer: c) Happy

True or False (T/F) Questions:

True or False: The crow found plenty of water to drink in the pot.


True or False: The crow used sticks to raise the water level in the pot.


True or False: The crow was unable to reach the water in the pot initially.


Short Answer Questions:

What did the crow do to raise the water level in the pot?

The crow dropped stones into the pot to raise the water level.

How did the crow feel after he drank the water?

The crow felt happy and satisfied after drinking the water.

Why was the crow unable to reach the water in the pot initially?

The water level in the pot was too low for the crow to reach initially.

Short Stories With Questions And Answers #22

There was a tailor who had a shop in the market. Every day, a rich man’s elephant would pass by on the road in front of his shop, led by its mahout. The tailor would offer the elephant food to eat, but one day he had nothing to give. When the elephant held out its trunk, the tailor, unable to offer anything, pricked it with a needle, causing the elephant much pain.

The next day, the elephant carried foul water in its trunk and, when passing by the tailor’s shop, poured it onto the tailor’s body, as a tit-for-tat for the needle prick.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

What did the tailor offer the rich man’s elephant every day?

  • a) Food
  • b) Water
  • c) Clothes
  • d) Money

Answer: a) Food

What did the tailor do when he had nothing to offer the elephant?

  • a) He ignored it
  • b) He gave it water
  • c) He pricked it with a needle
  • d) He petted it

Answer: c) He pricked it with a needle

How did the elephant retaliate the next day?

  • a) It trampled the tailor’s shop
  • b) It poured foul water onto the tailor
  • c) It ignored the tailor
  • d) It offered the tailor some food

Answer: b) It poured foul water onto the tailor

Why did the tailor prick the elephant with a needle?

  • a) To show his affection
  • b) To play a joke
  • c) Because he had nothing to offer
  • d) To cause it pain

Answer: d) To cause it pain

What did the elephant carry in its trunk the next day?

  • a) Food
  • b) Water
  • c) Money
  • d) Clothes

Answer: b) Water

True or False (T/F) Questions:

True or False: The tailor offered food to the rich man’s elephant every day.


True or False: The tailor poured water onto the elephant’s body as retaliation.


True or False: The elephant retaliated by pouring foul water onto the tailor’s body.


Short Answer Questions:

What did the tailor do when he had nothing to offer the elephant?

The tailor pricked the elephant with a needle.

How did the elephant retaliate the next day?

The elephant poured foul water onto the tailor’s body as retaliation.

Why did the tailor feel the need to retaliate against the elephant?

The tailor felt the need to retaliate because he had nothing to offer the elephant and wanted to cause it pain in return for his frustration.

Short Stories With Questions And Answers #23

Once, two parrots built a nest in a big banyan tree. They had two little ones and took good care of them. Every day, the parents went out to find food and came back in the evening. But one sad day, while the parents were away, a cruel hunter took the young parrots.

One parrot managed to escape and flew to a peaceful hermitage. There, he grew up hearing kind words and feeling compassion. The hunter put the other parrot in a cage, where it learned a few words, but from the rough hunter and his family.

One day, a traveler stopped by the hunter’s hut and heard the caged parrot’s rude words. Scared, the traveler left and later arrived at the hermitage. There, the other parrot warmly welcomed him.

Surprised, the traveler asked why one parrot was so kind while the other was mean. The kind parrot explained, “We grew up in different places. I learned from kind sages, and my brother learned from hunters. The people around us shape who we become.”

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

Where did the two parrots build their nest?

  • a) In a cave
  • b) In a banyan tree
  • c) In a hunter’s hut
  • d) In a hermitage

Answer: b) In a banyan tree

What happened to the young parrots while their parents were away?

  • a) They were taken by a hunter
  • b) They flew away
  • c) They found food
  • d) They built their own nest

Answer: a) They were taken by a hunter

Where did one of the parrots manage to escape to?

  • a) A hunter’s hut
  • b) A hermitage
  • c) A traveler’s house
  • d) A cave

Answer: b) A hermitage

What did the caged parrot learn from its surroundings?

  • a) Kind words
  • b) Compassion
  • c) Rude words
  • d) Wisdom

Answer: c) Rude words

Why did the traveler feel scared when he heard the caged parrot’s words?

  • a) Because they were kind words
  • b) Because they were rude words
  • c) Because they were wise words
  • d) Because they were funny words

Answer: b) Because they were rude words

True or False (T/F) Questions:

True or False: Both parrots grew up hearing kind words and feeling compassion.


True or False: The traveler was welcomed warmly by the caged parrot.


True or False: The kind parrot explained that the people around them shape who they become.


Short Answer Questions:

Where did one of the parrots manage to escape to?

One of the parrots managed to escape to a peaceful hermitage.

What did the kind parrot learn from its surroundings?

The kind parrot learned from kind sages in the hermitage.

What lesson did the kind parrot explain to the traveler?

The kind parrot explained that the people around us shape who we become.

Short Stories With Questions And Answers #24

A farmer had a problem with mice infesting his granary. He decided to get a cat to get rid of them. The cat did a good job at catching the mice. The mice were so scared that they did not come out of their holes even to find food.

One day, the mice had a meeting to find a solution. A young mouse with long whiskers stood up and suggested putting a bell around the cat’s neck so that the mice could hear when the cat was coming and escape in time. The other mice thought it was a great idea.

Then, one mouse asked the crucial question, “But who will bell the cat?” The mice were silent, and nobody had an answer to that.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

Why did the farmer get a cat?

  • a) To keep him company
  • b) To catch mice in his granary
  • c) To scare away birds
  • d) To guard his house

Answer: b) To catch mice in his granary

What solution did the young mouse with long whiskers suggest?

  • a) Putting poison in the cat’s food
  • b) Building a bigger granary
  • c) Putting a bell around the cat’s neck
  • d) Asking the farmer to get rid of the cat

Answer: c) Putting a bell around the cat’s neck

Why were the mice scared to come out of their holes?

  • a) Because the cat was sleeping
  • b) Because the cat was not doing its job
  • c) Because the cat was catching the mice
  • d) Because the cat was friendly

Answer: c) Because the cat was catching the mice

What was the crucial question asked by one of the mice?

  • a) “Who will feed the cat?”
  • b) “Who will catch the mice?”
  • c) “Who will bell the cat?”
  • d) “Who will build a bigger granary?”

Answer: c) “Who will bell the cat?”

How did the mice react when asked who would bell the cat?

  • a) They were excited
  • b) They were scared
  • c) They were silent
  • d) They were angry

Answer: c) They were silent

True or False (T/F) Questions:

True or False: The cat did not catch any mice in the granary.


True or False: The young mouse with long whiskers suggested putting a bell around the cat’s tail.


True or False: The mice immediately found a solution to their problem of the cat catching them.


Short Answer Questions:

Why did the farmer get a cat?

The farmer got a cat to catch mice in his granary.

What solution did the young mouse with long whiskers suggest?

The young mouse suggested putting a bell around the cat’s neck so the mice could hear it coming.

What was the crucial question asked by one of the mice?

One mouse asked, “But who will bell the cat?” indicating the challenge of implementing the suggested solution.

Short Stories With Questions And Answers #25

Once, there was a young boy who had trouble controlling his temper. When he got angry, he would say hurtful things. So his dad gave him a bag of nails and a hammer and said, “Whenever you get angry, hammer a nail into the backyard fence.”

At first, the boy hammered so many nails that he used half the bag. But as time passed, he got less angry, and the number of nails he hammered reduced. Eventually, he didn’t get angry at all. His dad then told him to remove one nail each day to help control his temper.

When he pulled out the last nail, his dad said, “You did well, but look at the fence. The holes won’t go away, just like the scars from saying mean things when you’re angry.”

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

What did the boy’s dad give him to help control his temper?

  • a) A bag of candy
  • b) A bag of nails and a hammer
  • c) A book
  • d) A video game

Answer: b) A bag of nails and a hammer

What did the boy do whenever he got angry?

  • a) Yell at his dad
  • b) Hammer a nail into the backyard fence
  • c) Throw things
  • d) Go for a walk

Answer: b) Hammer a nail into the backyard fence

What happened to the number of nails the boy hammered into the fence over time?

  • a) It increased
  • b) It remained the same
  • c) It decreased
  • d) It doubled

Answer: c) It decreased

What did the boy’s dad instruct him to do after he stopped getting angry?

  • a) To hammer more nails into the fence
  • b) To remove one nail each day
  • c) To build a new fence
  • d) To paint the fence

Answer: b) To remove one nail each day

What did the dad tell the boy when he pulled out the last nail?

  • a) “You need to work harder.”
  • b) “You failed.”
  • c) “You did well, but look at the fence.”
  • d) “You can stop now.”

Answer: c) “You did well, but look at the fence.”

True or False (T/F) Questions:

True or False: The boy’s dad gave him a bag of nails and a hammer to help him control his temper.


True or False: The number of nails the boy hammered into the fence increased over time.


True or False: The boy’s dad instructed him to hammer more nails into the fence after he stopped getting angry.


Short Answer Questions:

What did the boy’s dad give him to help control his temper?

The boy’s dad gave him a bag of nails and a hammer.

What did the boy do whenever he got angry?

Whenever the boy got angry, he hammered a nail into the backyard fence.

What did the boy’s dad tell him to do after he stopped getting angry?

The boy’s dad instructed him to remove one nail each day to help control his temper.

Short Stories With Questions And Answers #26

There was a dishonest sweetmeat seller who used to cheat his customers by giving them less than what they paid for. However, one day, an intelligent customer caught him in the act and asked why he did it. The sweetmeat seller tried to defend himself by saying that he was reducing the customer’s labor by giving them less to carry.

But the customer was not fooled and paid six paise less than the asking price. The sweetmeat seller complained, but the customer explained that he was reducing the seller’s labor by giving him less to count. The customer then left, leaving the sweetmeat seller with no choice but to accept his mistake. The story teaches us that cheating is never worth it in the long run, and eventually, one will be caught.

Multiple Choice Questions:

How did the intelligent customer catch the sweetmeat seller cheating?

  • a) He tasted the sweetmeats before purchasing
  • b) He weighed the sweetmeats and found them to be less than what he paid for
  • c) He observed the seller’s actions closely
  • d) He asked other customers about their experiences

Answer: b) He weighed the sweetmeats and found them to be less than what he paid for

What excuse did the sweetmeat seller give for cheating his customers?

  • a) He claimed the quality of the sweetmeats was superior
  • b) He said he was reducing the customers’ labor by giving them less to carry
  • c) He blamed it on his suppliers
  • d) He denied any wrongdoing

Answer: b) He said he was reducing the customers’ labor by giving them less to carry

How much less did the intelligent customer pay than the asking price?

  • a) One paise less
  • b) Two paise less
  • c) Three paise less
  • d) Six paise less

Answer: d) Six paise less

What did the customer do to retaliate against the sweetmeat seller’s complaint?

  • a) He refused to purchase anything else from the seller
  • b) He threatened to report the seller to the authorities
  • c) He paid six paise less than the asking price
  • d) He challenged the seller to a duel

Answer: c) He paid six paise less than the asking price

How did the sweetmeat seller react to the customer’s final action?

  • a) He accepted his mistake and apologized
  • b) He tried to justify his actions again
  • c) He chased after the customer
  • d) He refused to serve the customer in the future

Answer: a) He accepted his mistake and apologized

True or False Questions:

True or False: The sweetmeat seller’s dishonesty was exposed by a vigilant customer.


True or False: The sweetmeat seller argued that he was giving customers more than what they paid for.


True or False: The intelligent customer paid the exact asking price for the sweetmeats.


Short Answer Questions:

How did the intelligent customer respond to the sweetmeat seller’s complaint about paying less?

Answer: The customer explained that he was reducing the seller’s labor by giving him less to count.

What was the moral of the story about the dishonest sweetmeat seller?

Answer: The story teaches that cheating is never worth it in the long run, as eventually, one will be caught.

How did the sweetmeat seller try to defend himself when confronted by the intelligent customer?

Answer: The sweetmeat seller claimed that he was reducing the customers’ labor by giving them less to carry.

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