Short Reading Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers

Reading comprehension is the act of understanding what you are reading.

In this post, we present the top 15 Short Reading Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers. These passages are designed to challenge and improve your reading comprehension skills.

Short Reading Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers

Trees form an important part of a country’s wealth. Trees provide a country with all the wood it needs for buildings and furniture and provide a lot of fuel for surrounding areas. But the greatest use of trees lies in their ability to attract rain and conserve moisture. A plant’s leaves are constantly evaporating moisture, which cools the surrounding atmosphere. As a result, when moisture-laden winds blow over trees, the moisture they carry condenses and forms clouds that eventually dissolve into the rain. To save the earth we must stop cutting trees.

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

What is the primary role of trees in attracting rain?

  • a) Providing wood for buildings and furniture
  • b) Evaporating moisture to cool the atmosphere
  • c) Conserving fuel for surrounding areas
  • d) Forming clouds directly

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Answer: b) Evaporating moisture to cool the atmosphere

According to the passage, what is the greatest use of trees?

  • a) Providing wood for buildings and furniture
  • b) Conserving moisture and attracting rain
  • c) Offering fuel for surrounding areas
  • d) Creating a cooling effect in the atmosphere

Answer: b) Conserving moisture and attracting rain

Why does cutting down trees have a negative impact, according to the passage?

  • a) It reduces the supply of wood for buildings and furniture
  • b) It disrupts the process of condensation and cloud formation
  • c) It increases fuel scarcity in surrounding areas
  • d) It prevents the leaves from evaporating moisture

Answer: b) It disrupts the process of condensation and cloud formation

True and False Questions:

True or False: Trees cool the surrounding atmosphere by absorbing moisture through their leaves.

Answer: False

True or False: The primary function of trees mentioned in the passage is providing fuel for surrounding areas.

Answer: False

True or False: Cutting down trees does not impact the process of rain formation and moisture conservation.

Answer: False

Short Answer Questions:

Explain the significance of trees in attracting rain and conserving moisture, as mentioned in the passage.


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Answer: Trees play a crucial role in attracting rain by constantly evaporating moisture through their leaves. This process cools the surrounding atmosphere, causing moisture-laden winds to condense and form clouds, eventually leading to rainfall. The conservation of moisture is vital in maintaining ecological balance.

Why does the passage emphasize the need to stop cutting trees to save the Earth?

Answer: Cutting down trees disrupts the process of condensation and cloud formation, affecting the natural cycle of rain. Therefore, to preserve the Earth’s ecological balance and ensure sufficient rainfall, it is crucial to stop cutting down trees.

Find the Unknown Word:

Identify the word from the passage that most nearly means “absorbing moisture.”

Answer: Evaporating

Identify the word from the passage that most nearly means “the natural state where water vapor turns into liquid, forming droplets.”

Answer: Condensation

Television is a wonderful scientific gift. It combines the advantages of cinema and radio. Television is the most important and effective medium of entertainment. It broadcasts the main events live. It is also the most effective advertising medium. It facilitates mass education. It is very important in the world of sports and sports. However, it has some disadvantages. It is used to enhance the image of certain individuals. Some programs are unsuitable for student viewing. There is a danger of becoming addicted to television. Academic performance suffers as a result. It also affects eyesight. Consequently, programs must be selected carefully.

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

What is the primary advantage of television, according to the passage?

  • a) Enhancing the image of individuals
  • b) Combining the advantages of cinema and radio
  • c) Broadcasting main events live
  • d) Affecting eyesight positively

Answer: b) Combining the advantages of cinema and radio

Which of the following is mentioned as a disadvantage of television in the passage?

  • a) Enhancing academic performance
  • b) Facilitating mass education
  • c) Danger of addiction and its impact on eyesight
  • d) Improving the world of sports

Answer: c) Danger of addiction and its impact on eyesight

What does the passage suggest about the selection of television programs?

  • a) All programs are suitable for students
  • b) Programs should not be selected carefully
  • c) Careful selection is necessary due to the danger of addiction
  • d) There is no impact on academic performance

Answer: c) Careful selection is necessary due to the danger of addiction

True and False Questions:

True or False: Television is considered the most important medium of entertainment according to the passage.

Answer: True

True or False: Television has no impact on academic performance, according to the passage.

Answer: False

True or False: The passage mentions that all television programs are suitable for student viewing.

Answer: False

Short Answer Questions:

Explain the dual role of television mentioned in the passage.

Answer: Television combines the advantages of cinema and radio, serving as a significant medium for entertainment. It broadcasts main events live, making it important in the worlds of sports and advertising. However, it also has disadvantages, including the danger of addiction and its impact on academic performance.

Why does the passage emphasize the need for careful selection of television programs?

Answer: Careful selection is necessary to avoid the negative consequences of television, such as the danger of addiction and its impact on eyesight. Some programs may be unsuitable for student viewing, leading to a decline in academic performance.

Find the Unknown Word:

Identify the word from the passage that most nearly means “making something or someone look better or more attractive.”

Answer: Enhancing

Identify the word from the passage that most nearly means “the state of being dedicated or devoted to a habit or activity.”

Answer: Addiction

Haemoglobin is a respiratory pigment present in the stroma of RBCs.It combines readily with oxygen to form an unstable compound oxyhemoglobin. This compound delivers oxygen to tissues. Haemoglobin has a very strong affinity for carbon monoxide. When combined with carbon monoxide, it forms a stable compound carboxyhemoglobin. Carboxyhaemoglobin reduces the capacity of the blood to transport oxygen, sometimes even resulting in death.

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

Where is haemoglobin located in the body according to the passage?

  • a) Red Blood Cells (RBCs)
  • b) Tissues
  • c) Lungs
  • d) Blood plasma

Answer: a) Red Blood Cells (RBCs)

What is the main function of carboxyhemoglobin mentioned in the passage?

  • a) Delivers oxygen to tissues
  • b) Forms a stable compound with carbon monoxide
  • c) Increases the blood’s capacity to transport oxygen
  • d) Enhances the affinity of haemoglobin for oxygen

Answer: b) Forms a stable compound with carbon monoxide

What is the consequence of carboxyhemoglobin formation, as stated in the passage?

  • a) Increased oxygen transport to tissues
  • b) Death due to reduced oxygen transport capacity
  • c) Enhancement of haemoglobin’s affinity for carbon monoxide
  • d) Formation of unstable compounds with oxygen

Answer: b) Death due to reduced oxygen transport capacity

True and False Questions:

True or False: Haemoglobin is found in the blood plasma.

Answer: False

True or False: Carboxyhemoglobin enhances the blood’s capacity to transport oxygen.

Answer: False

True or False: The passage suggests that the combination of haemoglobin with carbon monoxide is harmless.

Answer: False

Short Answer Questions:

Explain the role of haemoglobin in the transport of oxygen, as mentioned in the passage.

Answer: Haemoglobin, located in the stroma of Red Blood Cells (RBCs), readily combines with oxygen to form oxyhemoglobin. This compound delivers oxygen to tissues, playing a crucial role in the oxygen transport system.

What is the consequence of carboxyhemoglobin formation, and how does it affect the body?

Answer: Carboxyhemoglobin, formed when haemoglobin combines with carbon monoxide, reduces the blood’s capacity to transport oxygen. This reduction in oxygen transport capacity can sometimes lead to death, highlighting the severe consequences of this compound.

Find the Unknown Word:

Identify the word from the passage that most nearly means “a substance that gives color to something.”

Answer: Pigment

Identify the word from the passage that most nearly means “the liquid part of blood without the cells.”

Answer: Plasma

Active volcanoes are those which have erupted in the recent past and are likely to erupt in the future. There are about 550 known active volcanoes. Some active volcanoes are Mt Etna in Italy and Mauna Loa in Hawaii. Volcanoes that have not erupted in the recent past but can become active at any time are known as dormant volcanoes. Dormant volcanoes are also known as ‘sleeping volcanoes’. Some dormant volcanoes are Mt Kilimanjaro in Africa and Mt Vesuvius in Italy. Volcanoes that have not erupted in the present geological period and are not likely to erupt in the future are known as extinct volcanoes. Mt Aconcagua in South Africa and Mt Kenya in Africa are considered extinct volcanoes.

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

What characterizes active volcanoes, according to the passage?

  • a) They have never erupted.
  • b) They have erupted in the recent past and may erupt again.
  • c) They are dormant and inactive.
  • d) They are not likely to erupt in the future.

Answer: b) They have erupted in the recent past and may erupt again.

Which of the following is an example of a dormant volcano?

  • a) Mt Etna in Italy
  • b) Mt Kilimanjaro in Africa
  • c) Mt Aconcagua in South Africa
  • d) Mauna Loa in Hawaii

Answer: b) Mt Kilimanjaro in Africa

What defines extinct volcanoes, as mentioned in the passage?

  • a) They have erupted recently and may erupt again.
  • b) They have not erupted in the present geological period and are not likely to erupt in the future.
  • c) They are dormant and can become active at any time.
  • d) They are currently erupting.

Answer: b) They have not erupted in the present geological period and are not likely to erupt in the future.

True and False Questions:

True or False: Active volcanoes are those that have never erupted.

Answer: False

True or False: Dormant volcanoes are also referred to as ‘sleeping volcanoes.’

Answer: True

True or False: Extinct volcanoes have erupted recently and may erupt again in the future.

Answer: False

Short Answer Questions:

Define the characteristics of dormant volcanoes and provide an example mentioned in the passage.

Answer: Dormant volcanoes, also known as ‘sleeping volcanoes,’ have not erupted in the recent past but can become active at any time. An example is Mt Kilimanjaro in Africa.

Explain the distinction between active and extinct volcanoes according to the passage.

Answer: Active volcanoes have erupted in the recent past and are likely to erupt again, while extinct volcanoes have not erupted in the present geological period and are not expected to erupt in the future.

Find the Unknown Word:

Identify the word from the passage that most nearly means “inactive or inoperative for a certain period.”

Answer: Dormant

Identify the word from the passage that most nearly means “belonging to or occurring in the present geological period.”

Answer: Recent

The barter system is a system where goods were exchanged for goods in the old days. The sale and purchase of goods take place at the same time and their value also remains the same at that time. But a person possessing a particular good must find a person who has the good he seeks and also has the good desired by another person. In the absence of money, individuals have to store wealth. The value of stored commodities may change over time. Storing a particular good for a longer period is more expensive. After the money came into existence, a person could purchase or sell goods with cash without selling or purchasing any goods at that point.

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

What is the primary characteristic of the barter system mentioned in the passage?

  • a) Goods are exchanged for money.
  • b) Goods are exchanged for other goods.
  • c) Goods are sold without any purchase.
  • d) The value of goods changes over time.

Answer: b) Goods are exchanged for other goods.

According to the passage, what is the drawback of storing wealth in the form of commodities in the absence of money?

  • a) The value of stored commodities remains constant.
  • b) Storing goods for a longer period is less expensive.
  • c) The value of stored commodities may change over time.
  • d) Money is not necessary for storing wealth.

Answer: c) The value of stored commodities may change over time.

What changed after the introduction of money, as stated in the passage?

  • a) The need for storing wealth disappeared.
  • b) Goods could only be exchanged for other goods.
  • c) Purchasing or selling goods could be done with cash.
  • d) The value of goods became constant over time.

Answer: c) Purchasing or selling goods could be done with cash.

True and False Questions:

True or False: In the barter system, the value of goods remains the same at the time of exchange.

Answer: True

True or False: Storing a particular good for a longer period is less expensive.

Answer: False

True or False: Money eliminated the need for individuals to store wealth in the form of goods.

Answer: True

Short Answer Questions:

Explain the challenge faced in the barter system for individuals possessing specific goods.

Answer: In the barter system, a person with a particular good had to find someone who not only desired that specific good but also had the good desired by another person. This made the exchange process complex and dependent on mutual needs.

What advantage did the introduction of money bring, as mentioned in the passage?

Answer: The introduction of money allowed individuals to purchase or sell goods with cash, eliminating the need for direct exchanges of goods and making transactions more convenient.

Find the Unknown Word:

Identify the word from the passage that most nearly means “the act of keeping or preserving goods for future use.”

Answer: Storing

Identify the word from the passage that most nearly means “the possession of particular goods or resources.”

Answer: Possessing

There are two basic purposes behind education. The first is to free people from ignorance, superstition, bad habits, and many wrong ideas. Secondly, to provide the citizens of a country with some skill or special kind of knowledge that would enable them to earn a decent living. In a highly populated country like India education is a must for both the purposes mentioned. First, there must be a hundred percent literacy if the so-called democracy that the constitution guarantees for its citizens is to have any true meaning. Only educated citizens can utilize democratic rights usefully.

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

What is the primary aim of education, as mentioned in the passage?

  • a) To reinforce ignorance and superstition
  • b) To provide citizens with bad habits
  • c) To enable citizens to earn a decent living
  • d) To restrict democratic rights

Answer: c) To enable citizens to earn a decent living.

According to the passage, why is education crucial in a highly populated country like India?

  • a) To reinforce ignorance and superstition
  • b) To restrict democratic rights
  • c) To ensure hundred percent literacy for meaningful democracy
  • d) To discourage citizens from earning a decent living

Answer: c) To ensure hundred percent literacy for meaningful democracy.

What is the connection between education and democratic rights, as per the passage?

  • a) Educated citizens are less likely to utilize democratic rights.
  • b) Education is irrelevant to the exercise of democratic rights.
  • c) Only educated citizens can utilize democratic rights usefully.
  • d) Democratic rights are restricted to citizens without education.

Answer: c) Only educated citizens can utilize democratic rights usefully.

True and False Questions:

True or False: One of the purposes of education is to reinforce ignorance and superstition.

Answer: False

True or False: Education is not necessary for a meaningful democracy.

Answer: False

True or False: According to the passage, citizens without education can utilize democratic rights effectively.

Answer: False

Short Answer Questions:

Explain the two basic purposes of education, as mentioned in the passage.

Answer: The first purpose of education is to free people from ignorance, superstition, bad habits, and wrong ideas. The second purpose is to provide citizens with skills or special knowledge for earning a decent living.

Why does the passage emphasize the necessity of education in a highly populated country like India for meaningful democracy?

Answer: The passage highlights that for meaningful democracy in a highly populated country like India, there must be hundred percent literacy. Only educated citizens can utilize democratic rights usefully, emphasizing the importance of education in this context.

Find the Unknown Word:

Identify the word from the passage that most nearly means “the state of having little or no education or knowledge.”

Answer: Ignorance

Identify the word from the passage that most nearly means “to make use of effectively.”

Answer: Utilize

The International Date Line is an imaginary line that runs across the surface of the Earth at 180° longitude. Because this longitude is diametrically opposite to that of the Greenwich meridian, it results in a difference of 24 hours on crossing the line. To avoid the confusion of having different dates (a difference of 24 hours results in the changing of date) in the same country, the International Date Line has been outlined according to international agreement. This is why the International Date Line bends and goes zigzag at the Bering Strait (between Siberia and Alaska), Fiji, Tonga, and some other islands.

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

What is the purpose of the International Date Line, as mentioned in the passage?

  • a) To mark the equator
  • b) To create a zigzag pattern on the Earth’s surface
  • c) To outline the 180° longitude
  • d) To separate different countries

Answer: c) To outline the 180° longitude.

Why does the International Date Line bend and go zigzag at specific locations, as per the passage?

  • a) To confuse people about dates
  • b) To avoid having different dates in the same country
  • c) To create a unique geographical feature
  • d) To mark significant landmarks

Answer: b) To avoid having different dates in the same country.

What results from crossing the International Date Line, according to the passage?

  • a) A change in time zone
  • b) A change in longitude
  • c) A difference of 12 hours
  • d) A difference of 24 hours, leading to a change in date

Answer: d) A difference of 24 hours, leading to a change in date.

True and False Questions:

True or False: The International Date Line is located at the equator.

Answer: False

True or False: The International Date Line goes zigzag at specific locations to confuse travelers.

Answer: False

True or False: Crossing the International Date Line results in a change of 12 hours.

Answer: False

Short Answer Questions:

Explain the purpose of the International Date Line and why it is outlined according to international agreement.

Answer: The International Date Line is outlined to mark the 180° longitude, resulting in a difference of 24 hours upon crossing. It is designed to avoid the confusion of having different dates in the same country, and its location is agreed upon internationally.

Why does the International Date Line bend and go zigzag at specific locations, according to the passage?

Answer: The International Date Line bends and goes zigzag at specific locations, such as the Bering Strait, Fiji, Tonga, and some other islands, to avoid having different dates in the same country. This unique pattern helps maintain consistency in date within a given country.

Find the Unknown Word:

Identify the word from the passage that most nearly means “located at an equal distance from points at either end or sides.”

Answer: Diametrically

Identify the word from the passage that most nearly means “having a varying course or direction at different places.”

Answer: Zigzag

All organisms can reproduce at a very high rate. Overproduction of organisms results in the struggle for existence among organisms. The struggle is to obtain food, space, and mates. Only those organisms that are fit for the changing environment have the right to survive. Unfit organisms are eliminated and ultimately die. In the struggle for existence, the organisms that develop new favorable characteristics will survive in the long run. This idea is called survival of the fittest. Organisms that survive will transmit the favorable characteristics to their offspring. These characters accumulate and give rise to a new species.

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

What is the result of the overproduction of organisms, according to the passage?

  • a) A decrease in the struggle for existence
  • b) Cooperation among organisms
  • c) A struggle for food, space, and mates
  • d) Elimination of fit organisms

Answer: c) A struggle for food, space, and mates.

What is the term used to describe the idea that only organisms fit for the changing environment have the right to survive?

  • a) Overproduction principle
  • b) Struggle for existence theory
  • c) Survival of the fittest
  • d) Favorable characteristics concept

Answer: c) Survival of the fittest.

According to the passage, what happens to organisms that develop new favorable characteristics in the struggle for existence?

  • a) They are eliminated
  • b) They struggle more
  • c) They have the right to survive
  • d) They become unfit

Answer: c) They have the right to survive.

True and False Questions:

True or False: The struggle for existence among organisms is primarily to obtain food, space, and mates.

Answer: True

True or False: Survival of the fittest suggests that organisms unfit for the changing environment have the right to survive.

Answer: False

True or False: Organisms that survive in the struggle for existence transmit unfavorable characteristics to their offspring.

Answer: False

Short Answer Questions:

Explain the concept of “survival of the fittest” and how it is related to the struggle for existence, according to the passage.

Answer: “Survival of the fittest” means that only organisms fit for the changing environment have the right to survive. In the struggle for existence, organisms compete for food, space, and mates. Those with favorable characteristics survive and transmit them to their offspring, giving rise to a new species.

What role do new favorable characteristics play in the long-run survival of organisms, as mentioned in the passage?

Answer: In the struggle for existence, organisms that develop new favorable characteristics have the right to survive. These characteristics are transmitted to their offspring, accumulating over time and giving rise to a new species.

Find the Unknown Word:

Identify the word from the passage that most nearly means “having the ability to endure and adapt to changes in the environment.”

Answer: Fit

Identify the word from the passage that most nearly means “to pass on or convey to the next generation.”

Answer: Transmit

Most of the volcanoes occur near earthquake belts around the Young Fold Mountains. The Circum Pacific Belt also known as the Ring of Fire contains more than 80% of the total active volcanoes. Regions included in this belt are the Andes Mountains in South Africa and the Rockies in North America.

There are a series of islands along the east coast of Asia where many volcanoes are located. Some islands are the Kurile Islands, Japanese islands, Taiwan, the Philippines, and Indonesian islands. Many volcanoes are also found in New Zealand. Some famous volcanoes in this belt are Mt Fujiyama in Japan, Mt Mayon in the Philippines, and Mt Krakatoa in Indonesia. According to estimated figures, there are about 40 active volcanoes in the Andes, 35 in Japan, 100 in the Philippines, and 70 in Indonesia.

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

Where do most volcanoes occur, according to the passage?

  • a) In the oceanic trenches
  • b) Near earthquake belts around Young Fold Mountains
  • c) In the polar regions
  • d) Around the Great Rift Valley

Answer: b) Near earthquake belts around Young Fold Mountains.

Which belt contains more than 80% of the total active volcanoes, as mentioned in the passage?

  • a) Himalayan Belt
  • b) Circum Atlantic Belt
  • c) Circum Pacific Belt (Ring of Fire)
  • d) Trans-Asian Belt

Answer: c) Circum Pacific Belt (Ring of Fire).

In which regions are the Kurile Islands, Japanese islands, Taiwan, and the Philippines located?

  • a) Circum Atlantic Belt
  • b) Himalayan Belt
  • c) Circum Pacific Belt (Ring of Fire)
  • d) Trans-Asian Belt

Answer: c) Circum Pacific Belt (Ring of Fire).

True and False Questions:

True or False: The Ring of Fire contains more than 80% of the total active volcanoes.

Answer: True

True or False: Mt Fujiyama is located in the Andes Mountains in South Africa.

Answer: False

True or False: There are about 70 active volcanoes in New Zealand.

Answer: False

Short Answer Questions:

List some regions included in the Circum Pacific Belt (Ring of Fire) and name a famous volcano in this belt mentioned in the passage.

Answer: Regions in the Ring of Fire include the Andes Mountains, Rockies, Kurile Islands, Japanese islands, Taiwan, the Philippines, and Indonesian islands. A famous volcano in this belt is Mt Fujiyama in Japan.

According to the passage, which belt contains the majority of active volcanoes, and how many active volcanoes are estimated in the Philippines?

Answer: The Circum Pacific Belt (Ring of Fire) contains more than 80% of the total active volcanoes. According to the passage, there are approximately 100 active volcanoes in the Philippines.

Find the Unknown Word:

Identify the word from the passage that most nearly means “encircling” or “surrounding.”

Answer: Circum

Identify the word from the passage that most nearly means “located toward the edge of the Earth’s lithospheric plates where they interact.”

Answer: Trenches

The Circulatory system moves blood throughout the body. The Circulatory System consists of the heart, arteries, veins, and blood capillaries. The circulatory system transports oxygenated blood from the lungs and heart throughout the body via the arteries. The blood goes through the capillaries which are situated between the arteries and veins. And the blood that has been depleted of oxygen by the body is then returned to the lungs and heart via the veins.

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

What is the primary function of the circulatory system, as mentioned in the passage?

  • a) Transporting oxygen to the body
  • b) Filtering blood capillaries
  • c) Returning depleted blood to the heart
  • d) Moving lymph throughout the body

Answer: a) Transporting oxygen to the body.

Which components are part of the Circulatory System, according to the passage?

  • a) Liver, spleen, and kidneys
  • b) Heart, lungs, and kidneys
  • c) Heart, arteries, veins, and blood capillaries
  • d) Lungs, pancreas, and blood vessels

Answer: c) Heart, arteries, veins, and blood capillaries.

How does the circulatory system return blood to the lungs and heart, as mentioned in the passage?

  • a) Through blood capillaries
  • b) Via the arteries
  • c) By the movement of lymph
  • d) Through the veins

Answer: d) Through the veins.

True and False Questions:

True or False: The circulatory system transports deoxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart via the arteries.

Answer: False

True or False: Blood capillaries are located between the arteries and veins.

Answer: True

True or False: The circulatory system filters oxygen from the blood and returns it to the lungs.

Answer: False

Short Answer Questions:

Explain the pathway of oxygenated blood in the circulatory system, starting from the heart.

Answer: Oxygenated blood is transported from the heart to the body via the arteries. It then goes through the capillaries situated between the arteries and veins, supplying oxygen to tissues. Depleted blood is returned to the heart and lungs through the veins.

What are the components of the circulatory system, and how do they work together to fulfill their function?

Answer: The components of the circulatory system are the heart, arteries, veins, and blood capillaries. The heart pumps blood, arteries carry oxygenated blood to the body, capillaries supply oxygen to tissues, and veins return depleted blood to the heart and lungs. Together, they ensure the circulation and transport of blood throughout the body.

Find the Unknown Word:

Identify the word from the passage that most nearly means “exhausted or emptied of a specific substance.”

Answer: Depleted

Identify the word from the passage that most nearly means “tiny blood vessels that connect arteries to veins.”

Answer: Capillaries

Time and tide wait for none. Man has many responsibilities in his short life, so time is the most important factor in one’s life. We must remember that we cannot go back in time. We can stop the clock, but not the time. If we waste our time, our assigned work will suffer and success will be difficult to achieve. Time lost is time lost forever. We must complete our work as soon as possible. We must always remember the proverb “A stitch in time saves nine.”

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

What is emphasized as the most important factor in one’s life, according to the passage?

  • a) Wealth
  • b) Success
  • c) Time
  • d) Responsibilities

Answer: c) Time.

What does the proverb “A stitch in time saves nine” suggest in the context of the passage?

  • a) Early action prevents bigger problems later.
  • b) Time heals all wounds.
  • c) Procrastination leads to success.
  • d) Time is money.

Answer: a) Early action prevents bigger problems later.

According to the passage, what happens if time is wasted?

  • a) Time can be retrieved later.
  • b) Success becomes easier to achieve.
  • c) Assigned work will suffer, and achieving success becomes difficult.
  • d) Responsibilities decrease.

Answer: c) Assigned work will suffer, and achieving success becomes difficult.

True and False Questions:

True or False: Time lost can be recovered in the future.

Answer: False

True or False: According to the passage, the clock can be stopped, but time cannot be halted.

Answer: True

True or False: The proverb “A stitch in time saves nine” suggests that delaying action is acceptable.

Answer: False

Short Answer Questions:

Explain the significance of time in one’s life, as mentioned in the passage.

Answer: Time is emphasized as the most important factor in one’s life. The passage underscores the irreversibility of time, stating that once lost, it cannot be retrieved. Wasting time can have detrimental effects on assigned work and success.

What does the proverb “A stitch in time saves nine” mean, and how does it relate to the importance of time in the passage?

Answer: The proverb suggests that taking timely action to address a small issue prevents it from becoming a larger problem later. In the context of the passage, it reinforces the importance of using time wisely and not procrastinating, as early action can prevent future difficulties.

Find the Unknown Word:

Identify the word from the passage that most nearly means “put off or delay action.”

Answer: Procrastination

Identify the word from the passage that most nearly means “irreversibility or inability to go back.”

Answer: Forever

Mother Teresa decided to dedicate her life to serving the destitute, sick, orphaned, and dying. She established the Missionaries of Charity, and she also founded other humanitarian organizations such as ‘Nirmal Hriday’ at Kalighat to care for the elderly and dying and Shishu Bhawan to provide for orphaned children. Her field of service was not restricted to Calcutta or India alone, as she established a total of 854 centers in 120 countries, including 118 centers in India. Additionally, she founded or supported the establishment of T.B. clinics, leprosy centers, charitable dispensaries, and homes for the poor and helpless, both in India and abroad.

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

What is the primary focus of Mother Teresa’s dedication and service, as mentioned in the passage?

  • a) Educational institutions
  • b) Orphaned children
  • c) T.B. clinics
  • d) Animal welfare organizations

Answer: b) Orphaned children.

How many centers did Mother Teresa establish in total and in how many countries, according to the passage?

  • a) 120 centers in 854 countries
  • b) 854 centers in 120 countries
  • c) 118 centers in India
  • d) 854 centers in India

Answer: b) 854 centers in 120 countries.

Apart from orphaned children, what other groups did Mother Teresa dedicate her service to, as mentioned in the passage?

  • a) Educational institutions
  • b) Destitute, sick, and dying
  • c) Animal welfare organizations
  • d) Research institutions

Answer: b) Destitute, sick, and dying.

True and False Questions:

True or False: Mother Teresa’s field of service was limited to Calcutta and India alone.

Answer: False

True or False: Nirmal Hriday was established to care for orphaned children.

Answer: False

True or False: Mother Teresa founded or supported the establishment of T.B. clinics, leprosy centers, and homes for the poor both in India and abroad.

Answer: True

Short Answer Questions:

Describe the scope of Mother Teresa’s humanitarian work, including the number of centers and countries she served, as mentioned in the passage.

Answer: Mother Teresa established a total of 854 centers in 120 countries, with 118 centers in India alone. Her field of service extended beyond Calcutta and India, demonstrating a global reach.

Name two of the humanitarian organizations founded by Mother Teresa, and briefly explain their purposes.

Answer: Mother Teresa founded the Missionaries of Charity and established ‘Nirmal Hriday’ to care for the elderly and dying. She also founded ‘Shishu Bhawan’ to provide for orphaned children.

Find the Unknown Word:

Identify the word from the passage that most nearly means “people lacking the necessities of life, such as proper housing, food, and clothing.”

Answer: Destitute

Identify the word from the passage that most nearly means “a place where medical treatment is provided on an outpatient basis.”

Answer: Dispensaries

A morning walk is a good habit to develop. It removes physical drowsiness due to lack of sleep, improves blood circulation, and promotes overall health. It provides an excellent start to a man’s day’s work. He can complete a large part of his work before others get out of bed. He does not need to rush anything.

As a result, he completes all of his work on time and has a long period of rest in the evening. A morning walk allows a man to connect with nature more deeply. He can see the calm, quiet, and complete beauty of nature, which he cannot see during the day. A morning walk allows you to exercise independently.

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

What is one of the benefits of a morning walk, as mentioned in the passage?

  • a) Increases drowsiness
  • b) Promotes overall health
  • c) Causes a rush in the morning
  • d) Prevents connection with nature

Answer: b) Promotes overall health.

How does a morning walk contribute to a person’s daily routine, according to the passage?

  • a) It disrupts the daily routine.
  • b) It allows more sleep time.
  • c) It helps complete a large part of work before others wake up.
  • d) It leads to a lack of rest in the evening.

Answer: c) It helps complete a large part of work before others wake up.

What unique aspect of nature can a person observe during a morning walk, as mentioned in the passage?

  • a) Harsh sunlight
  • b) The bustling city life
  • c) Calm, quiet, and complete beauty
  • d) Nocturnal animals

Answer: c) Calm, quiet, and complete beauty.

True and False Questions:

True or False: A morning walk contributes to better blood circulation and removes physical drowsiness.

Answer: True

True or False: The passage suggests that a morning walk disrupts a person’s daily routine.

Answer: False

True or False: A morning walk allows a person to see the calm, quiet, and complete beauty of nature, which is not visible during the day.

Answer: True

Short Answer Questions:

List two benefits of a morning walk mentioned in the passage.

Answer: Two benefits of a morning walk are that it promotes overall health by improving blood circulation and removes physical drowsiness due to lack of sleep.

How does a morning walk contribute to a person’s daily schedule, and what advantage does it provide?

Answer: A morning walk helps a person complete a large part of their work before others wake up, contributing to an efficient daily schedule. This advantage allows the individual to avoid rushing and ensures that all work is completed on time, leading to a long period of rest in the evening.

Find the Unknown Word:

Identify the word from the passage that most nearly means “the state of being half-asleep, especially in the morning.”

Answer: Drowsiness

Identify the word from the passage that most nearly means “the condition of being alone, especially when it is peaceful and pleasant.”

Answer: Calm

Research reveals that the early members of Homo sapiens came from Africa. About a hundred years ago, some of our ancestors left Africa, while others stayed back. So irrespective of where we live, all human species are natives of Africa. The earliest fossils of human beings include the genus Australopithecus, followed by Homo habilis, H. erectus, H. heidelbergensis and finally modern-day man H. sapiens. About 25–30 million years ago, ape-humans or hominoid stock started descending from the trees and gradually became ground dwellers who evolved into apes and men.

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

According to the passage, where did the early members of Homo sapiens come from?

  • a) Asia
  • b) Europe
  • c) Africa
  • d) South America

Answer: c) Africa.

What is emphasized regarding the origin of all human species, irrespective of their current location?

  • a) Europe is the native region.
  • b) Africa is the native region.
  • c) Asia is the native region.
  • d) South America is the native region.

Answer: b) Africa is the native region.

What is the chronological order of the earliest fossils mentioned in the passage, starting from the earliest?

  • a) Australopithecus, H. habilis, H. erectus, H. heidelbergensis, H. sapiens
  • b) H. sapiens, H. heidelbergensis, H. erectus, H. habilis, Australopithecus
  • c) Australopithecus, H. sapiens, H. erectus, H. habilis, H. heidelbergensis
  • d) H. habilis, H. erectus, Australopithecus, H. sapiens, H. heidelbergensis

Answer: c) Australopithecus, H. sapiens, H. erectus, H. habilis, H. heidelbergensis.

True and False Questions:

True or False: Some of our ancestors left Africa about a hundred years ago, while others stayed back.

Answer: False

True or False: The earliest fossils of human beings include Australopithecus, H. habilis, H. erectus, and H. heidelbergensis.

Answer: True

True or False: Ape-humans or hominoid stock descended from the trees about 25–30 million years ago and evolved into apes and men.

Answer: True

Short Answer Questions:

Describe the significance of Africa in the origin of Homo sapiens, as mentioned in the passage.

Answer: According to the passage, the early members of Homo sapiens came from Africa, making Africa the native region of all human species irrespective of their current location.

List the chronological order of the earliest fossils of human beings mentioned in the passage.

Answer: The chronological order is Australopithecus, H. sapiens, H. erectus, H. habilis, H. heidelbergensis.

Find the Unknown Word:

Identify the word from the passage that most nearly means “the group of primates that includes humans, apes, and their ancestors.”

Answer: Hominoid

Identify the word from the passage that most nearly means “the process of gradually moving from a higher to a lower position.”

Answer: Descending

Environment means a healthy natural balance of air, water, animals, plants, and other natural resources. Environment influences the existence and development of an organism. Pollution is the process of making the environment dirty by adding harmful substances. Humans have created a polluted environment due to indiscriminate industrialization. Measures should be taken to prevent these hazards before the situation gets out of control and endangers human, animal, and plant life. More trees should be planted. Anti-pollution scientific methods should be developed. Cutting of trees should be made punishable by law. Hunting and poaching of animals for financial gain and entertainment should also be stopped.

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

What is the primary influence of the environment on organisms, according to the passage?

  • a) Industrialization
  • b) Pollution
  • c) Existence and development
  • d) Hunting and poaching

Answer: c) Existence and development.

What is pollution, as defined in the passage?

  • a) Adding helpful substances to the environment
  • b) Making the environment clean
  • c) Making the environment dirty by adding harmful substances
  • d) Industrialization process

Answer: c) Making the environment dirty by adding harmful substances.

What does the passage suggest as a preventive measure against a polluted environment?

  • a) Increase industrialization
  • b) Cut more trees
  • c) Develop anti-pollution scientific methods
  • d) Encourage hunting and poaching

Answer: c) Develop anti-pollution scientific methods.

True and False Questions:

True or False: Pollution is the process of making the environment clean by adding helpful substances.

Answer: False

True or False: The passage recommends planting more trees as a measure to prevent environmental hazards.

Answer: True

True or False: Cutting of trees is encouraged as an effective solution to pollution.

Answer: False

Short Answer Questions:

Explain the role of the environment in the existence and development of organisms, as mentioned in the passage.

Answer: The environment influences the existence and development of organisms. It is described as a healthy natural balance of air, water, animals, plants, and other natural resources.

List three measures suggested in the passage to prevent environmental hazards.

Answer: The suggested measures are planting more trees, developing anti-pollution scientific methods, and making cutting of trees punishable by law.

Find the Unknown Word:

Identify the word from the passage that most nearly means “done without careful consideration or planning.”

Answer: Indiscriminate

Identify the word from the passage that most nearly means “illegal hunting or capturing, especially of wild animals.”

Answer: Poaching

The most obvious use of games and sports is the connection to physical health. Sports help in blood circulation, strengthen the muscles and make the body fit and strong. A healthy mind can only exist in a healthy body. A sick person loses his cheerfulness and becomes irritable, timid, timid, and stupid.

Games and sports (athletics) have educative value. Sports strengthen not only his body but also his willpower. They teach him discipline. A sportsman has to obey the rules of the game he plays and abide by the decisions of his captain and the referee. Sports teach men cooperation and teamwork. Athletics develop courage, presence of mind, and dutifulness. A true sportsman never loses courage even if his team loses a match. If carried in excess, they can harm rather than improve health.

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

According to the passage, what is the most obvious use of games and sports?

  • a) Intellectual development
  • b) Social bonding
  • c) Physical health
  • d) Emotional well-being

Answer: c) Physical health.

What is mentioned as a result of a sick person’s condition, as per the passage?

  • a) Increased cheerfulness
  • b) Improved mental alertness
  • c) Irritability, timidity, and stupidity
  • d) Enhanced willpower

Answer: c) Irritability, timidity, and stupidity.

What do games and sports teach individuals, besides physical fitness?

  • a) Creativity
  • b) Cooperation and teamwork
  • c) Solitude and individualism
  • d) Intellectual superiority

Answer: b) Cooperation and teamwork.

True and False Questions:

True or False: The passage suggests that a healthy mind can only exist in a healthy body.

Answer: True

True or False: Sports teach discipline, and a sportsman is required to obey the rules of the game and decisions of the captain and referee.

Answer: True

True or False: According to the passage, if games and sports are carried in excess, they can improve health.

Answer: False

Short Answer Questions:

Explain the educative value of games and sports, as mentioned in the passage.

Answer: Games and sports have educative value by strengthening not only the body but also the willpower of individuals. They teach discipline, cooperation, teamwork, courage, presence of mind, and dutifulness.

What impact does the passage suggest a sick person’s condition has on their mental state?

Answer: The passage suggests that a sick person loses cheerfulness and becomes irritable, timid, and stupid, indicating a negative impact on their mental state.

Find the Unknown Word:

Identify the word from the passage that most nearly means “the quality of being willing to do what someone else wants.”

Answer: Dutifulness

Identify the word from the passage that most nearly means “the quality of being able to think quickly and make good decisions.”

Answer: Presence of mind

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