Short Stories for Reading Comprehension

Many people enjoy reading or hearing short stories, but creating them isn’t easy. Here, we share over 20 short stories for reading comprehension along with questions and answers.

These stories are meant to help you practice understanding what you read, and they might make you think a little harder too!

Short Stories for Reading Comprehension

Short Stories for Reading Comprehension #1

Once there was a poor woodcutter who accidentally dropped his axe into the river while chopping down a tree. He felt really sad and started crying. A god who lived in the river heard him and came out to help.

The woodcutter explained what happened, and the god dove into the river to find the axe. When he came back, he was holding a shiny golden axe. He asked the woodcutter if it was his. But the woodcutter said no, his axe wasn’t fancy like that.

So, the god went back into the river and came back with a silver axe. But again, the woodcutter said it wasn’t his. Finally, the god dived one more time and brought back the woodcutter’s old iron axe.

The woodcutter was really happy to have his axe back, and the god was impressed by his honesty. As a reward, the god gave him silver and gold axes in addition to his iron axe.

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Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

What did the poor woodcutter drop into the river?

A) Silver axe

B) Golden axe

C) Iron axe

D) Diamond axe

Answer: C) Iron axe

How did the god reward the woodcutter for his honesty?

A) With a wooden axe

B) With a silver axe

C) With a golden axe

D) With a bronze axe

Answer: B) With a silver axe

Why did the woodcutter reject the golden and silver axes initially offered by the god?

A) Because he preferred his old iron axe

B) Because he was greedy for more valuable axes


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C) Because he wanted a diamond axe

D) Because he was afraid of the god’s power

Answer: A) Because he preferred his old iron axe

True or False Questions

The woodcutter accidentally dropped his diamond axe into the river.

Answer: False (The woodcutter dropped his iron axe, not a diamond one.)

The woodcutter rejected the golden and silver axes because he thought they were fake.

Answer: False (The woodcutter rejected the golden and silver axes because he preferred his old iron axe.)

The god living in the river was angered by the woodcutter’s tears.

Answer: False (The god was moved by the woodcutter’s sadness and came out to help.)

Short Answer Questions

How did the god respond to the woodcutter’s plight?

Answer: The god dived into the river to retrieve the woodcutter’s axe.

What was the woodcutter’s reaction when the god offered him the golden and silver axes?

Answer: The woodcutter rejected the golden and silver axes, stating that his old iron axe was not as fancy.

Fill in the Blanks

The woodcutter accidentally dropped his __________ axe into the river.

Answer: iron

The god rewarded the woodcutter with silver and gold axes in addition to his __________ axe.

Answer: iron

The woodcutter rejected the golden and silver axes because he preferred his old __________ axe.

Answer: iron

The god was impressed by the woodcutter’s __________.

Answer: honesty

Match the Following

1. What did the woodcutter accidentally drop?A) Because he preferred his old iron axe
2. How did the god reward the woodcutter?B) Iron axe
3. Why did the woodcutter reject the golden and silver axes?C) With a silver and gold axe
4. What impressed the god about the woodcutter?D) Honesty

1.What did the woodcutter accidentally drop? ➔ B) Iron axe | 2.How did the god reward the woodcutter? ➔ C) With a silver and gold axe | 3.Why did the woodcutter reject the golden and silver axes? ➔ A) Because he preferred his old iron axe | 4.What impressed the god about the woodcutter? ➔ D) Honesty

Short Stories for Reading Comprehension #2

Once upon a time, there was an old owl living in an oak tree. Every day, he watched what happened around him.

One day, he saw a young boy helping an older man carry a heavy basket. The next day, he saw a young girl shouting at her mother. The owl noticed that the more he saw, the less he talked.

As time passed, he spoke less and listened more. He heard people talking and sharing stories. One person said they saw an elephant jump over a fence. Another person claimed they never made a mistake.

The old owl learned from observing people. Some became better, while others became worse. But each day, the owl grew wiser as he watched and listened from his tree.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Where did the old owl live?

A) In a nest

B) In a pine tree

C) In an oak tree

D) In a cave

Answer: C) In an oak tree

What did the old owl notice about his own behavior as time passed?

A) He talked more and observed less

B) He observed more and talked less

C) He became more talkative and social

D) He stopped listening to people

Answer: B) He observed more and talked less

What did the old owl learn from observing people?

A) Some people claimed they saw an elephant jump over a fence

B) People always told the truth

C) People become wiser with age

D) Some people improved while others worsened

Answer: D) Some people improved while others worsened

True or False Questions

The old owl became wiser by talking more and listening less.

Answer: False (The old owl became wiser by observing and listening more.)

One person claimed they never made a mistake, according to the passage.

Answer: True

The old owl lived in a pine tree.

Answer: False (The old owl lived in an oak tree.)

Short Answer Questions

How did the old owl’s behavior change over time?

Answer: The old owl spoke less and listened more as time passed.

What did the old owl learn from observing people?

Answer: The old owl learned that some people improved while others worsened through observation.

Fill in the Blanks

The old owl lived in an __________ tree.

Answer: oak

The more the old owl saw, the __________ he talked.

Answer: less

One person claimed they never made a __________.

Answer: mistake

The old owl became wiser as he watched and __________ from his tree.

Answer: listened

Match the Following

1. Where did the old owl live?A) One person claimed they never made a mistake
2. What did the old owl learn from observing people?B) He observed more and talked less
3. What did the old owl notice about his own behavior as time passed?C) In an oak tree
4. What impressed the old owl about people’s claims?D) Some people improved while others worsened

1-C, 2-D, 3-B, 4-A

Short Stories for Reading Comprehension #3

Once there was a farmer who needed water for his farm, so he bought a well from his neighbor. But the next day, when the farmer went to get water from the well, the neighbor wouldn’t let him.

When the farmer asked why, the neighbor said, “I sold you the well, not the water,” and walked away. Upset, the farmer went to the emperor to seek justice and explained what happened.

The emperor called Birbal, the wisest of his advisors, for help. Birbal questioned the neighbor, asking why he wouldn’t let the farmer take water from the well since he sold it to him.

The neighbor replied, “Birbal, I did sell the well, but not the water inside it. The farmer has no right to take water from the well.”

Birbal explained, “If you sold the well, you can’t keep the water in it that belongs to the farmer. You must either pay rent to the farmer or remove the water from the well immediately.”

Realizing his plan had failed, the neighbor apologized and went home.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Why did the farmer seek justice from the emperor?

A) Because the neighbor refused to sell him the well

B) Because the neighbor refused to let him take water from the well he bought

C) Because the neighbor damaged the well

D) Because the neighbor asked for more money for the well

Answer: B) Because the neighbor refused to let him take water from the well he bought

Who did the emperor call for help in resolving the farmer’s issue?

A) His soldiers

B) His ministers

C) Birbal, his wisest advisor

D) The neighboring farmers

Answer: C) Birbal, his wisest advisor

How did Birbal suggest resolving the dispute between the farmer and the neighbor?

A) By asking the farmer to buy water from the neighbor

B) By asking the neighbor to return the money to the farmer

C) By asking the neighbor to remove the water from the well or pay rent to the farmer

D) By ignoring the issue

Answer: C) By asking the neighbor to remove the water from the well or pay rent to the farmer

True or False Questions

The neighbor refused to let the farmer take water from the well because he changed his mind about selling it.

Answer: False (The neighbor refused because he believed he only sold the well, not the water.)

Birbal suggested that the neighbor could keep the water in the well since he sold it to the farmer.

Answer: False (Birbal suggested that the neighbor either remove the water or pay rent to the farmer.)

The neighbor apologized to the farmer and offered him the water for free after Birbal’s intervention.

Answer: True

Short Answer Questions

Why did the neighbor refuse to let the farmer take water from the well?

Answer: The neighbor believed he only sold the well, not the water inside it.

How did Birbal propose resolving the dispute between the farmer and the neighbor?

Answer: Birbal suggested that the neighbor either remove the water from the well or pay rent to the farmer.

Fill in the Blanks

The farmer sought justice from the emperor because the neighbor refused to let him take __________ from the well he bought.

Answer: water

Birbal, the emperor’s wisest advisor, suggested that the neighbor either remove the water from the well or pay __________ to the farmer.

Answer: rent

Realizing his plan had failed, the neighbor __________ and went home.

Answer: apologized

The neighbor claimed he sold the well but not the __________ inside it.

Answer: water

Match the Following

1. Why did the farmer seek justice from the emperor?A) By asking the neighbor to remove the water from the well or pay rent to the farmer
2. Who did the emperor call for help in resolving the farmer’s issue?B) Because the neighbor refused to let him take water from the well he bought
3. How did Birbal suggest resolving the dispute between the farmer and the neighbor?C) Birbal, his wisest advisor
4. What was the neighbor’s response to Birbal’s suggestion?D) The neighbor apologized and went home

Q1 ~ B, Q2 ~ C, Q3 ~ A, Q4 ~ D

Short Stories for Reading Comprehension #4

Once upon a time, there were two brothers who lived near a forest. The older brother was mean to his younger brother. He always took all the food and the best clothes for himself.

Every day, the older brother went into the forest to collect firewood to sell. He would chop off branches from every tree he passed. One day, he found a special tree. Before he could chop its branches, the tree spoke to him.

“Please don’t cut my branches,” the tree said. “If you spare me, I will give you golden apples.”

The older brother agreed, but he wasn’t happy with the few apples the tree gave him. He got greedy and threatened to cut down the whole tree if it didn’t give him more apples. Instead of more apples, the tree showered him with sharp needles. He fell down in pain.

Worried, the younger brother went looking for his older brother. He found him near the magical tree, covered in needles and crying in pain. The younger brother gently removed each needle with care. When all the needles were out, the older brother realized his mistake and apologized for being mean.

Seeing the change in his heart, the magical tree gifted them with plenty of golden apples. And from that day on, the brothers lived happily together, sharing everything with each other.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Why did the older brother go into the forest every day?

A) To meet his friends

B) To collect firewood to sell

C) To hunt for animals

D) To explore the magical tree

Answer: B) To collect firewood to sell

What did the magical tree offer the older brother in exchange for sparing its branches?

A) Golden coins

B) Golden apples

C) Silver apples

D) Diamonds

Answer: B) Golden apples

What was the older brother’s reaction when the magical tree didn’t give him more apples?

A) He apologized

B) He threatened to cut down the whole tree

C) He hugged the tree

D) He thanked the tree

Answer: B) He threatened to cut down the whole tree

True or False Questions

The older brother was kind and generous to his younger brother.

Answer: False (The older brother was mean to his younger brother.)

The magical tree rewarded the older brother with golden apples, but he was satisfied with them.

Answer: False (The older brother wasn’t satisfied and demanded more from the tree.)

The younger brother found his older brother covered in needles and crying in pain near the magical tree.

Answer: True

Short Answer Questions

What did the magical tree offer the older brother in exchange for sparing its branches?

Answer: The magical tree offered the older brother golden apples.

How did the younger brother help his older brother when he found him near the magical tree?

Answer: The younger brother gently removed each needle from his older brother’s body with care.

Fill in the Blanks

Every day, the older brother went into the forest to collect __________ to sell.

Answer: firewood

Instead of more apples, the magical tree showered the older brother with __________.

Answer: sharp needles

Worried, the younger brother found his older brother covered in needles and __________ in pain.

Answer: crying

Seeing the change in his heart, the magical tree gifted them with plenty of golden __________.

Answer: apples

Match the Following

1. Why did the older brother go into the forest every day?A) Golden apples
2. What did the magical tree offer the older brother in exchange for sparing its branches?B) To collect firewood to sell
3. What was the older brother’s reaction when the magical tree didn’t give him more apples?C) He threatened to cut down the whole tree
4. How did the younger brother help his older brother near the magical tree?D) The younger brother gently removed each needle with care

Q1 ~ B, Q2 ~ A, Q3 ~ C, Q4 ~ D

Short Stories for Reading Comprehension #5

Once upon a time, a mother pig sent her three little pigs out into the world to learn and make their own homes.

The first pig was lazy, so he quickly built a house out of straw. The second pig was a bit lazy too, so he made his house from sticks. But the third pig was hardworking and built a strong house out of bricks and stone.

One day, a big bad wolf came along and wanted to eat the pigs. He huffed and puffed and blew down the straw house. Then he blew down the stick house too.

But when he tried to blow down the brick house, he couldn’t do it. He huffed and puffed and huffed and puffed, but the house was too strong. Finally, the wolf got tired and gave up, leaving the third pig safe inside his sturdy house.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

What material did the lazy first pig use to build his house?

A) Bricks and stone

B) Straw

C) Sticks

D) Wood

Answer: B) Straw

How did the big bad wolf manage to destroy the houses of the first two pigs?

A) By blowing them down with his breath

B) By digging under them

C) By setting them on fire

D) By using brute force

Answer: A) By blowing them down with his breath

Why couldn’t the big bad wolf blow down the third pig’s house?

A) Because it was too heavy

B) Because it was made of straw

C) Because it was made of sticks

D) Because it was made of bricks and stone

Answer: D) Because it was made of bricks and stone

True or False Questions

The third pig built his house out of straw.

Answer: False (The third pig built his house out of bricks and stone.)

The big bad wolf successfully blew down the third pig’s house.

Answer: False (The big bad wolf couldn’t blow down the third pig’s house.)

The first pig was hardworking and built a strong house.

Answer: False (The first pig was lazy and built his house out of straw.)

Short Answer Questions

How did the big bad wolf manage to destroy the houses of the first two pigs?

Answer: The big bad wolf blew down the houses of the first two pigs with his breath.

Why couldn’t the big bad wolf blow down the third pig’s house?

Answer: The third pig’s house was made of bricks and stone, so it was too strong for the wolf to blow down.

Fill in the Blanks

The lazy first pig built his house out of __________.

Answer: straw

The big bad wolf managed to destroy the first two pigs’ houses by blowing them down with his __________.

Answer: breath

The third pig built a strong house out of __________ and __________.

Answer: bricks, stone

The big bad wolf couldn’t blow down the third pig’s house because it was made of __________ and __________.

Answer: bricks, stone

Match the Following

1. What material did the lazy first pig use to build his house?A) By blowing them down with his breath
2. How did the big bad wolf manage to destroy the houses of the first two pigs?B) Straw
3. Why couldn’t the big bad wolf blow down the third pig’s house?C) Because it was strong and well-built
4. Why did the third pig’s house withstand the big bad wolf’s attacks?D) Because it was made of bricks and stone

Q1 ~ B, Q2 ~ A, Q3 ~ D, Q4 ~ C

Short Stories for Reading Comprehension #6

Once there was a Fox and a stork. The Fox, who was a bit selfish, decided to invite the stork over for dinner. The Stork was thrilled to be invited and arrived at the Fox’s house on time.

When they sat down to eat, the Fox served soup in shallow bowls. The Fox easily slurped up his soup, but the Stork couldn’t because her beak was too long for the shallow bowl.

The next day, it was the Stork’s turn to host dinner. She served soup again, but this time in tall narrow vases. While the Stork could easily enjoy her soup, the Fox couldn’t reach the soup in the narrow vases with his snout. He went home hungry, realizing his mistake.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Why did the Stork struggle to eat the soup served by the Fox?

A) Because she didn’t like soup

B) Because the soup was too hot

C) Because the soup was served in shallow bowls

D) Because she had a long beak

Answer: C) Because the soup was served in shallow bowls

What did the Stork serve for dinner when it was her turn to host?

A) Soup in shallow bowls

B) Soup in tall narrow vases

C) Salad

D) Pizza

Answer: B) Soup in tall narrow vases

Why couldn’t the Fox enjoy the soup served by the Stork?

A) Because it was too hot

B) Because it was too cold

C) Because it was served in shallow bowls

D) Because it was served in tall narrow vases

Answer: D) Because it was served in tall narrow vases

True or False Questions

The Fox invited the Stork over for dinner because he was kind and generous.

Answer: False (The Fox invited the Stork over for dinner as part of a selfish plan.)

The Stork couldn’t eat the soup served by the Fox because her beak was too long for the shallow bowls.

Answer: True

The Stork served soup in shallow bowls when it was her turn to host dinner. (False)

Answer: False (The Stork served soup in tall narrow vases.)

Short Answer Questions

Why did the Stork struggle to eat the soup served by the Fox?

Answer: The Stork struggled because the soup was served in shallow bowls, and her beak was too long to reach it.

How did the Fox react when he couldn’t reach the soup served by the Stork?

Answer: The Fox went home hungry, realizing his mistake in serving the Stork soup in shallow bowls.

Fill in the Blanks

The Fox served soup in __________ bowls, making it difficult for the Stork to eat.

Answer: shallow

The Stork served soup in tall __________ __________ when it was her turn to host dinner.

Answer: narrow vases

The Fox went home hungry because he couldn’t reach the soup in the tall __________ __________ served by the Stork.

Answer: narrow vases

The Stork couldn’t eat the soup served by the Fox because her __________ was too long for the shallow bowls.

Answer: beak

Match the Following

1. Why did the Stork struggle to eat the soup served by the Fox?A) The Fox went home hungry, realizing his mistake
2. What did the Stork serve for dinner when it was her turn to host?B) Soup in tall narrow vases
3. Why couldn’t the Fox enjoy the soup served by the Stork?C) Because the soup was served in shallow bowls
4. How did the Fox react when he couldn’t reach the soup served by the Stork?D) Because it was served in tall narrow vases

Q1 ~ C, Q2 ~ B, Q3 ~ D, Q4 ~ A

Short Stories for Reading Comprehension #7

Once upon a time, in Akbar’s court, someone asked a tricky question: “How many crows are there in the city?” No one knew the answer.

But Birbal, one of Akbar’s clever advisors, quickly spoke up. He said, “There are four thousand three hundred and twelve crows.” Everyone was surprised and asked him how he knew.

Birbal explained, “Send someone to count the crows. If there are fewer than four thousand three hundred and twelve, it means some crows are visiting their families elsewhere. And if there are more than that, it means some crows from outside are visiting their families here.”

Akbar was impressed by Birbal’s smart answer and rewarded him with gifts for his wit.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

What was Birbal’s response to the tricky question about the number of crows in the city?

A) “There are exactly 4,312 crows.”

B) “There are more crows than anyone can count.”

C) “There are fewer than 4,312 crows.”

D) “There are four thousand and twelve crows.”

Answer: A) “There are exactly 4,312 crows.”

How did Birbal explain his answer to the question about the number of crows?

A) By stating he had counted them himself

B) By suggesting to count the crows visiting their families

C) By estimating the population based on the city’s size

D) By guessing randomly

Answer: B) By suggesting to count the crows visiting their families

What was Akbar’s reaction to Birbal’s answer?

A) Disappointment

B) Anger

C) Surprise and impressed

D) Indifference

Answer: C) Surprise and impressed

True or False Questions

Birbal claimed he knew the exact number of crows in the city.

Answer: True

Birbal suggested counting the crows to determine the population accurately. (True)

Answer: True

Akbar was disappointed with Birbal’s response to the tricky question. (False)

Answer: False

Short Answer Questions

What was Birbal’s clever response to the tricky question about the number of crows in the city?

Answer: Birbal stated that there were exactly 4,312 crows and explained that counting would verify this by considering visiting crows.

How did Akbar react to Birbal’s smart answer?

Answer: Akbar was surprised and impressed by Birbal’s response, rewarding him for his wit.

Fill in the Blanks

Birbal stated that there were exactly __________ crows in the city.

Answer: 4,312

Birbal suggested sending someone to count the crows to determine if there were fewer or more than __________ crows.

Answer: 4,312

Akbar was impressed by Birbal’s __________ answer and rewarded him for his wit.

Answer: smart

Birbal’s response to the tricky question about the crows demonstrated his __________ and cleverness.

Answer: intelligence

Match the Following

1. What was Birbal’s response to the tricky question about the number of crows in the city?A) For his wit and intelligence
2. How did Birbal explain his answer to the question about the number of crows?B) Surprise and impressed
3. What was Akbar’s reaction to Birbal’s answer?C) By suggesting to count the crows visiting their families
4. What was the reason for Akbar’s reward to Birbal?D) “There are exactly 4,312 crows.”

Q1 ~ D, Q2 ~ C, Q3 ~ B, Q4 ~ A

Short Stories for Reading Comprehension #8

Once upon a time, there was a monkey who lived happily on a berry tree by the river. One day, he saw a tired and hungry crocodile beneath the tree. Feeling sorry for the crocodile, the monkey offered him some berries.

The crocodile was grateful and they soon became friends. Every day, the monkey would give berries to the crocodile. He even sent extra berries for the crocodile’s wife.

But the crocodile’s wife was wicked and deceitful. She told her husband that she wanted to eat the monkey’s heart. Though the crocodile was saddened by this, he wanted to please his wife.

So, he tricked the monkey by pretending his wife invited him for dinner. Carrying the monkey on his back across the river, the crocodile revealed his wife’s plan.

Quick-witted, the monkey lied, saying he left his heart on the berry tree and they needed to return. Once back on the tree, the monkey refused to come down, realizing the crocodile’s betrayal meant their friendship was over.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

How did the monkey and the crocodile initially become friends?

A) The crocodile offered berries to the monkey.

B) The monkey felt sorry for the hungry crocodile and offered him berries.

C) They met at a party.

D) They were neighbors.

Answer: B) The monkey felt sorry for the hungry crocodile and offered him berries.

Why did the crocodile carry the monkey across the river?

A) To visit the crocodile’s wife

B) To show the monkey his home

C) To hunt for more berries

D) To eat the monkey’s heart

Answer: D) To eat the monkey’s heart

How did the monkey outsmart the crocodile?

A) By pretending to be asleep

B) By jumping off the crocodile’s back before reaching the other side of the river

C) By revealing the crocodile’s plan to his wife

D) By lying about leaving his heart on the berry tree

Answer: D) By lying about leaving his heart on the berry tree

True or False Questions

The crocodile’s wife was kind and honest.

Answer: False

The crocodile wanted to eat the monkey’s heart to make a stew.

Answer: True

The monkey willingly went with the crocodile to meet his wife.

Answer: False

Short Answer Questions

How did the crocodile betray the monkey’s trust?

Answer: The crocodile tricked the monkey by pretending his wife invited him for dinner and then revealed her plan to eat the monkey’s heart.

How did the monkey outsmart the crocodile?

Answer: The monkey outsmarted the crocodile by lying about leaving his heart on the berry tree, thus refusing to accompany the crocodile to his home.

Fill in the Blanks

The crocodile’s wife was __________ and __________.

Answer: wicked, deceitful

The crocodile carried the monkey across the river with the intention of eating his __________.

Answer: heart

The monkey outsmarted the crocodile by lying about leaving his heart on the __________ __________.

Answer: berry tree

The crocodile’s betrayal ended their __________.

Answer: friendship

Match the Following

1. How did the monkey and the crocodile initially become friends?A) By lying about leaving his heart on the berry tree
2. Why did the crocodile carry the monkey across the river?B) The monkey felt sorry for the hungry crocodile and offered him berries.
3. How did the monkey outsmart the crocodile?C) Wicked and deceitful
4. What was the crocodile’s wife like?D) To eat the monkey’s heart

Q1 ~ B, Q2 ~ D, Q3 ~ A, Q4 ~ C

Short Stories for Reading Comprehension #9

Once upon a time, on a sunny autumn day, a family of ants was working hard in the warmth of the sun. They were busy drying out the grain they had collected during the summer. Suddenly, a hungry grasshopper approached them, carrying his fiddle.

The grasshopper asked humbly for some food. The ants were surprised and asked him why he hadn’t stored any food for the winter like they had.

The grasshopper sadly replied, “I was so busy playing music all summer that I didn’t have time to collect food for the winter.”

The ants didn’t sympathize with him. They simply told him to dance since he spent his time making music instead of preparing for winter. Then they went back to their work, ignoring the grasshopper.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Why did the grasshopper approach the family of ants?

A) To offer them some food

B) To ask for shelter

C) To ask for some food

D) To challenge them to a dance-off

Answer: C) To ask for some food

Why did the ants refuse to sympathize with the grasshopper?

A) Because they didn’t like him

B) Because they were too busy

C) Because he spent his time playing music instead of collecting food

D) Because they had no food to spare

Answer: C) Because he spent his time playing music instead of collecting food

What did the ants suggest the grasshopper do instead of asking for food?

A) Play music for them

B) Join them in collecting food

C) Dance

D) Go away

Answer: C) Dance

True or False Questions

The grasshopper approached the ants because he wanted to offer them some food.

Answer: False

The ants sympathized with the grasshopper’s situation.

Answer: False

The grasshopper spent his summer collecting food for the winter.

Answer: False

Short Answer Questions

Why did the ants refuse to help the grasshopper?

Answer: The ants refused to help the grasshopper because he spent his time playing music instead of collecting food for the winter.

What did the ants suggest the grasshopper do instead of asking for food?

Answer: The ants suggested the grasshopper dance since he spent his time making music instead of preparing for winter.

Fill in the Blanks

The grasshopper approached the family of ants to ask for __________.

Answer: some food

The ants didn’t sympathize with the grasshopper because he spent his time playing __________ instead of collecting food.

Answer: music

Instead of asking for food, the ants suggested the grasshopper __________.

Answer: dance

The grasshopper spent his summer playing music instead of collecting food for the __________.

Answer: winter

Match the Following

1. Why did the grasshopper approach the family of ants?A) Dance
2. Why did the ants refuse to sympathize with the grasshopper?B) Because he spent his time playing music instead of collecting food
3. What did the ants suggest the grasshopper do instead of asking for food?C) To ask for some food
4. What was the grasshopper doing during the summer?D) Playing music

Q1 ~ C, Q2 ~ B, Q3 ~ A, Q4 ~ D

Short Stories for Reading Comprehension #10

Once, a partridge couldn’t find food near its home, so it went far away to some cornfields. It stayed there for a few days before coming back home. But when it returned, it found a rabbit had moved into its empty nest and made itself comfortable.

The partridge and the rabbit argued over whose home it was. They couldn’t settle it themselves, so they decided to seek help from a judge. They found a cat by the river who seemed to be praying, and they thought it was trustworthy.

The cat listened to both sides of the story but said it couldn’t hear them well and asked them to come closer. When they did, the cat suddenly killed and ate them both.

The other animals learned a lesson about trusting someone just because they seemed trustworthy.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Why did the partridge and the rabbit seek help from a judge?

A) Because they couldn’t decide whose home it was

B) Because they wanted advice on how to share the nest

C) Because they were lost and needed directions

D) Because they wanted to form an alliance against other animals

Answer: A) Because they couldn’t decide whose home it was

Why did the cat ask the partridge and the rabbit to come closer?

A) To hear their stories better

B) To give them a hug

C) To trick them

D) To mediate their argument

Answer: C) To trick them

What lesson did the other animals learn from the partridge and the rabbit’s story?

A) Not to argue over homes

B) Not to trust someone just because they seem trustworthy

C) To always seek help from a judge

D) To always listen to the cat

Answer: B) Not to trust someone just because they seem trustworthy

True or False Questions

The partridge and the rabbit agreed on sharing the nest peacefully.

Answer: False

The cat genuinely wanted to help resolve the dispute between the partridge and the rabbit.

Answer: False

The partridge and the rabbit survived the encounter with the cat.

Answer: False

Short Answer Questions

Why did the partridge and the rabbit seek help from a judge?

Answer: They couldn’t settle the argument over whose home it was, so they sought help to resolve the dispute.

What lesson did the other animals learn from the partridge and the rabbit’s story?

Answer: The other animals learned not to trust someone just because they seem trustworthy, as evidenced by the cat’s betrayal.

Fill in the Blanks

The partridge and the rabbit argued over whose __________ it was.

Answer: home

The cat asked the partridge and the rabbit to come closer to __________ them.

Answer: trick

The cat __________ and ate them both when they came closer.

Answer: killed

The other animals learned a lesson about __________ someone just because they seemed trustworthy.

Answer: trusting

Match the Following

1. Why did the partridge and the rabbit seek help from a judge?A) Because they couldn’t decide whose home it was
2. Why did the cat ask the partridge and the rabbit to come closer?B) Not to trust someone just because they seem trustworthy
3. What lesson did the other animals learn from the story?C) To trick them
4. What did the cat do when the partridge and the rabbit came closer?D) Killed and ate them both

Q1 ~ A, Q2 ~ C, Q3 ~ B, Q4 ~ D

Short Stories for Reading Comprehension #11

Once upon a time, there was a king named Midas. He once helped a Satyr, a creature from the woods, and as a reward, Dionysus, the god of wine, offered him a wish. Midas wished that everything he touched would turn into gold. Despite Dionysus warning him, Midas insisted on his wish.

At first, Midas was thrilled as he turned everything he touched into gold. But soon, he realized the downside. When he tried to eat, his food turned into gold, making it impossible for him to satisfy his hunger. Even worse, when his daughter hugged him to comfort him, she turned into gold too.

Midas understood then that his wish was a curse, not a blessing. He cried and went to the river, where he washed away the golden touch from his hands. As he did, the curse washed away with it. When he returned home, everything was back to normal, and Midas learned that not all that glitters is gold.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

What did King Midas wish for when Dionysus offered him a wish?

A) Eternal youth

B) Unlimited wealth

C) The ability to turn everything he touched into gold

D) Immortality

Answer: C) The ability to turn everything he touched into gold

What realization did King Midas come to about his wish?

A) That it made him extremely wealthy

B) That it was a curse rather than a blessing

C) That it granted him eternal happiness

D) That it made him popular among his subjects

Answer: B) That it was a curse rather than a blessing

How did King Midas get rid of the golden touch curse?

A) By seeking help from Dionysus

B) By washing his hands in the river

C) By burning all the gold he had accumulated

D) By making another wish to reverse the curse

Answer: B) By washing his hands in the river

True or False Questions

King Midas’ wish to turn everything he touched into gold brought him immense joy and satisfaction.

Answer: False

When King Midas tried to eat, his food turned into gold, making it impossible for him to satisfy his hunger.

Answer: True

King Midas’ daughter turned into gold when she hugged him.

Answer: True

Short Answer Questions

What was King Midas’ wish, and why did he regret it?

Answer: King Midas wished that everything he touched would turn into gold. He regretted it because the wish turned out to be a curse, making it impossible for him to eat or touch his loved ones without turning them into gold.

How did King Midas get rid of the golden touch curse?

Answer: King Midas got rid of the golden touch curse by washing his hands in the river, which washed away the curse along with the golden touch.

Fill in the Blanks

King Midas wished that everything he touched would turn into __________.

Answer: gold

King Midas realized that his wish was a curse when he couldn’t eat because his food turned into __________.

Answer: gold

King Midas got rid of the golden touch curse by washing his hands in the __________.

Answer: river

King Midas learned that not all that __________ is gold.

Answer: glitters

Match the Following

1. What did King Midas wish for when Dionysus offered him a wish?A) That not all that glitters is gold
2. What realization did King Midas come to about his wish?B) By washing his hands in the river
3. How did King Midas get rid of the golden touch curse?C) That it was a curse rather than a blessing
4. What did King Midas learn from his experience?D) The ability to turn everything he touched into gold

Q1 ~ D, Q2 ~ C, Q3 ~ B, Q4 ~ A

Short Stories for Reading Comprehension #12

Once, two friends were walking in the forest, knowing it could be dangerous. They promised to stick together if anything happened.

Suddenly, a big bear came towards them. One friend quickly climbed a tree, leaving the other friend alone.

The friend on the ground didn’t know how to climb, so he pretended to be dead. The bear came close, sniffed around, then left because bears don’t harm dead things.

After the bear left, the friend in the tree came down and asked what the bear said. The friend on the ground replied, “The bear warned me to be careful of false friends.”

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

How did one friend react when the bear approached them?

A) He climbed a tree

B) He pretended to be dead

C) He ran away

D) He tried to fight the bear

Answer: A) He climbed a tree

What did the friend on the ground do when the bear came close?

A) Climbed a tree

B) Pretended to be dead

C) Ran away

D) Tried to scare the bear

Answer: B) Pretended to be dead

What did the friend in the tree ask the friend on the ground after the bear left?

A) If he was okay

B) What the bear said

C) Why he didn’t climb the tree

D) How he managed to escape

Answer: B) What the bear said

True or False Questions

Both friends climbed trees to escape from the bear.

Answer: False

Bears do not harm dead things.

Answer: True

The friend in the tree knew the bear had warned about false friends.

Answer: False

Short Answer Questions

How did the friend on the ground manage to escape from the bear?

Answer: He pretended to be dead, and the bear left him alone because bears do not harm dead things.

What lesson did the friend on the ground learn from the encounter with the bear?

Answer: The friend on the ground learned the lesson to be cautious of false friends, as implied by the bear’s warning.

Fill in the Blanks

One friend quickly __________ a tree when the bear approached.

Answer: climbed

The friend on the ground __________ to be dead when the bear came close.

Answer: pretended

Bears do not harm __________ things.

Answer: dead

The friend in the tree asked what the bear __________ after it left.

Answer: said

Match the Following

1. How did one friend react when the bear approached them?A) What the bear said
2. What did the friend on the ground do when the bear came close?B) He climbed a tree
3. What did the friend in the tree ask the friend on the ground after the bear left?C) Pretended to be dead
4. What lesson did the friend on the ground learn from the encounter with the bear?D) To be cautious of false friends

Q1 ~ B, Q2 ~ C, Q3 ~ A, Q4 ~ D

Short Stories for Reading Comprehension #13

Once upon a scorching day, a hungry lion left his den in search of food. He spotted a little hare and caught it. But as he held the hare, he realized it wouldn’t satisfy his hunger.

Just then, a bigger opportunity appeared: a deer rushed by. The lion, tempted by the larger meal, decided to let the hare go and chase the deer instead. The hare darted away to safety, while the deer vanished into the woods.

The lion regretted his decision, feeling sorry for letting the hare escape.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

What did the lion initially catch for food?

A) A deer

B) A hare

C) A rabbit

D) A squirrel

Answer: B) A hare

Why did the lion decide to let the hare go?

A) Because it begged for mercy

B) Because it was too small to satisfy his hunger

C) Because it offered to lead him to a bigger prey

D) Because it was too fast to catch

Answer: B) Because it was too small to satisfy his hunger

How did the lion feel after letting the hare escape?

A) Regretful

B) Content

C) Indifferent

D) Relieved

Answer: A) Regretful

True or False Questions

The lion caught a hare and was satisfied with his catch.

Answer: False

The lion decided to let the hare go because it was too big to eat.

Answer: False

The lion regretted his decision to let the hare go.

Answer: True

Short Answer Questions

What made the lion regret his decision to let the hare go?

Answer: The lion regretted his decision because he realized the hare would have been a better meal than letting it go for a chance at a bigger prey, which he ultimately failed to catch.

What lesson can be learned from the lion’s experience?

Answer: The lesson learned is to appreciate what one has and not to be greedy, as chasing after bigger opportunities may lead to losing what one already has.

Fill in the Blanks

The lion let the hare go because it wouldn’t __________ his hunger.

Answer: satisfy

The lion regretted his decision, feeling sorry for letting the __________ escape.

Answer: hare

The lion’s hunger tempted him to chase after a __________ meal, leading to regret.

Answer: bigger

The lion’s decision to chase the deer instead of eating the hare left him feeling __________.

Answer: regretful

Match the Following

1. What did the lion initially catch for food?A) Because it was too small to satisfy his hunger
2. Why did the lion decide to let the hare go?B) A hare
3. How did the lion feel after letting the hare escape?C) To appreciate what one has and not to be greedy
4. What lesson can be learned from the lion’s experience?D) Regretful

Q1 ~ B, Q2 ~ A, Q3 ~ D, Q4 ~ C

Short Stories for Reading Comprehension #14

Once there was an old lion who was too weak to catch his own food. One day, while searching for something to eat, he found an empty cave. The lion thought, “If I wait here, the owner of the cave will come back, and then I can make it my meal.”

As the night approached, a jackal, who actually lived in the cave, returned home. Seeing the lion’s footprints, the jackal got suspicious. To trick the lion, the jackal started talking to the cave as if it could speak. The lion, hearing this, thought that the cave must talk to the jackal every night. So, he called out to the jackal, revealing himself.

The jackal realized the lion was hiding inside and ran away to save himself.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Why did the lion wait in the empty cave?

A) To rest

B) To find shelter

C) To make the cave his meal

D) To meet the owner of the cave

Answer: C) To make the cave his meal

How did the jackal trick the lion?

A) By pretending to be the owner of the cave

B) By pretending to talk to the cave

C) By attacking the lion

D) By offering food to the lion

Answer: B) By pretending to talk to the cave

What did the jackal do when the lion called out to him?

A) He revealed himself

B) He attacked the lion

C) He ran away

D) He invited the lion inside

Answer: C) He ran away

True or False Questions

The old lion was too weak to catch his own food.

Answer: True

The jackal pretended that the cave could speak.

Answer: True

The lion successfully tricked the jackal into revealing himself.

Answer: False

Short Answer Questions:

Why did the lion decide to wait inside the empty cave?

Answer: The lion decided to wait inside the empty cave with the intention of making the cave’s owner his meal when they returned.

How did the jackal outsmart the lion?

Answer: The jackal outsmarted the lion by pretending that the cave could speak, leading the lion to reveal himself in an attempt to communicate with the jackal.

Fill in the Blanks:

The lion found an empty cave and decided to ______________ until its owner returned.

Answer: wait

The jackal tricked the lion by pretending that the cave could ______________.

Answer: speak

When the lion revealed himself, the jackal ran away to ______________ himself.

Answer: save

The lion’s plan was to make the cave’s owner his ______________.

Answer: meal

Match the Following:

1. The lion’s initial plan upon finding the caveA) By pretending the cave could speak
2. How the jackal tricked the lionB) Because he was afraid the lion would eat him
3. Why the jackal ran away when the lion revealed himselfC) To make the cave his meal when its owner returned
4. The result of the lion’s planD) The jackal managed to escape and save himself

Q1 ~ C, Q2 ~ A, Q3 ~ B, Q4 ~ D

Short Stories for Reading Comprehension #15

Once, the great emperor Akbar gifted a beautiful necklace to his queen, who cherished it dearly in her room. But one unfortunate day, the necklace went missing, leaving the queen distraught. Akbar soon learned that not only the necklace but also other valuable items had vanished from the palace recently.

Unable to solve the mystery, Akbar turned to his clever advisor, Birbal, for help. Birbal came up with a plan and brought along a magical donkey. He instructed each suspect to go into a tent alone and hold the donkey’s tail. If the person was the thief, the donkey would kick them. Everyone followed Birbal’s instructions except the thief. Birbal had sprayed a strong scent on the donkey’s tail, so the thief avoided touching it out of fear. This clever trick helped catch the thief in the end.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

What did Birbal bring along to help catch the thief?

A) A magical wand

B) A magical donkey

C) A magical necklace

D) A magical ring

Answer: B) A magical donkey

How did Birbal identify the thief using the magical donkey?

A) By asking the suspects to hold the donkey’s tail

B) By asking the suspects to ride the donkey

C) By asking the suspects to feed the donkey

D) By asking the suspects to talk to the donkey

Answer: A) By asking the suspects to hold the donkey’s tail

Why did the thief avoid touching the donkey’s tail?

A) Because the donkey was aggressive

B) Because the donkey was magical

C) Because the donkey was smelly

D) Because the donkey was invisible

Answer: C) Because the donkey’s tail was sprayed with a strong scent

True or False Questions

The queen misplaced the necklace, leading to its disappearance.

Answer: False

Birbal’s plan involved using a magical donkey to catch the thief.

Answer: True

All suspects willingly held the donkey’s tail during Birbal’s investigation.

Answer: False

Short Answer Questions

What was Akbar’s reaction when valuable items went missing from the palace?

Answer: Akbar turned to his clever advisor, Birbal, for help in solving the mystery.

How did Birbal’s plan using the magical donkey help catch the thief?

Answer: Birbal instructed each suspect to hold the donkey’s tail alone in a tent. He had sprayed a strong scent on the donkey’s tail, so the thief, out of fear of being caught, avoided touching it, which ultimately helped identify the thief.

Fill in the Blanks

Birbal’s plan involved using a __________ to catch the thief.

Answer: magical donkey

Birbal instructed each suspect to hold the donkey’s __________.

Answer: tail

The thief avoided touching the donkey’s tail because it was sprayed with a strong __________.

Answer: scent

Birbal’s clever trick using the magical donkey helped __________ the thief in the end.

Answer: catch

1. What did Birbal bring along to help catch the thief?A) By asking the suspects to hold the donkey’s tail
2. How did Birbal identify the thief using the magical donkey?B) A magical donkey
3. Why did the thief avoid touching the donkey’s tail?C) Because the donkey’s tail was sprayed with a strong scent
4. What was Akbar’s reaction when valuable items went missing from the palace?D) Akbar turned to his clever advisor, Birbal, for help in solving the mystery

Q1 ~ B, Q2 ~ A, Q3 ~ C, Q4 ~ D

Short Stories for Reading Comprehension #16

A cute clever puppet named Pinocchio, was carved by Geppetto, a carpenter who treats the puppet as his own son. But Pinocchio is determined to become a real boy and learns many lessons in the process. Every time he gets stuck in a difficult situation, he lies and lies, but mysteriously, with each lie he tells, his nose grows longer. He repeatedly decides not to give in to his temptations but his decisions only last until the next available opportunity. But eventually, he learns his lesson and proves himself worthy of being a real boy.

Multiple Choice Questions:

What is the primary consequence Pinocchio faces when he tells a lie?

  • a) His ears grow longer
  • b) His nose grows longer
  • c) His hair changes color
  • d) His eyesight weakens

Answer: b) His nose grows longer

Who is the creator of Pinocchio?

  • a) Jiminy Cricket
  • b) Geppetto
  • c) Stromboli
  • d) The Blue Fairy

Answer: b) Geppetto

What is Pinocchio’s ultimate goal?

  • a) To become a famous puppeteer
  • b) To find a treasure chest
  • c) To become a real boy
  • d) To become a master carpenter

Answer: c) To become a real boy

True or False Questions:

Pinocchio’s nose grows longer every time he tells the truth.

False (Explanation: Pinocchio’s nose grows longer every time he tells a lie.)

Geppetto is a skilled carpenter who carves Pinocchio out of a magical tree.

False (Explanation: While Geppetto is a carpenter, he carves Pinocchio out of regular wood, not a magical tree.)

Pinocchio learns his lesson and proves himself worthy of becoming a real boy by consistently lying and deceiving others.

False (Explanation: Pinocchio learns his lesson by eventually overcoming his tendency to lie and making selfless decisions.)

Short Answer Questions:

Who is Geppetto, and what role does he play in Pinocchio’s life?

Answer: Geppetto is a carpenter who carves Pinocchio out of wood and treats him as his own son. He serves as a father figure and mentor to Pinocchio, guiding him through various life lessons.

How does Pinocchio’s nose serve as a metaphor in the story?

Answer: Pinocchio’s nose serves as a visual representation of his lies. Every time he tells a lie, his nose grows longer, symbolizing the consequences of dishonesty and the importance of truthfulness.

Fill in the Blanks:

Pinocchio’s nose grows longer every time he tells a ______.

Answer: lie

Geppetto is a skilled ______ who carves Pinocchio out of wood.

Answer: carpenter

Pinocchio’s ultimate goal is to become a real ______.

Answer: boy

Pinocchio learns his lesson and proves himself ______ of being a real boy.

Answer: worthy

Match the following incorrectly matched questions:

1. What is Pinocchio’s ultimate goal?a) His ears grow longer
2. Who is the creator of Pinocchio?b) Geppetto
3. What happens to Pinocchio’s nose when he lies?c) A puppeteer
4. What is Geppetto’s profession?d) To become a real boy

Q1 ~ D, Q2 ~ B, Q3 ~ A, Q4 ~ C

Short Stories for Reading Comprehension #17

Once there was a mischievous monkey named Makranda. He loved to jump around from one tree branch to another, not thinking much about being careful. One day, he stumbled upon some woodcutters who were chopping a tree trunk into smaller pieces. They had left a wedge in the tree trunk where they were working.

The elders around warned Makranda not to meddle with the wedge, telling him it could be dangerous. But Makranda didn’t listen. He was curious and wanted to play with it anyway.

Ignoring the warnings, Makranda went ahead and started playing with the wedge. But things took a painful turn. He learned the hard way that sometimes not listening to wise advice can lead to painful consequences.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

What was Makranda’s reaction when warned about meddling with the wedge?

A) He immediately stopped and listened to the warnings.

B) He ignored the warnings and continued playing with the wedge.

C) He asked for more information before deciding what to do.

D) He thanked the elders and left the area.

Answer: B) He ignored the warnings and continued playing with the wedge.

What were the woodcutters doing when Makranda found them?

A) Planting trees

B) Climbing trees

C) Chopping a tree trunk

D) Resting under a tree

Answer: C) Chopping a tree trunk

What did Makranda learn in the end?

A) That playing with wedges is fun

B) That ignoring wise advice can lead to painful consequences

C) That he should never climb trees again

D) That he should always listen to elders

Answer: B) That ignoring wise advice can lead to painful consequences

True or False Questions

Makranda was cautious and careful when playing with the wedge.

Answer: False

The woodcutters warned Makranda about the danger of meddling with the wedge.

Answer: True

Makranda learned that playing with the wedge was safe and enjoyable.

Answer: False

Short Answer Questions

How did Makranda react to the warnings about the wedge?

Answer: Makranda ignored the warnings and continued playing with the wedge.

What lesson did Makranda learn in the end?

Answer: Makranda learned that ignoring wise advice can lead to painful consequences.

Fill in the Blanks

Makranda stumbled upon some woodcutters who were chopping a __________ trunk into smaller pieces.

Answer: tree

The elders warned Makranda not to meddle with the wedge, telling him it could be __________.

Answer: dangerous

Makranda learned the hard way that sometimes not listening to wise advice can lead to painful __________.

Answer: consequences

Makranda was a mischievous monkey who loved to jump around from one tree __________ to another.

Answer: branch

Match the Following:

1. What were the woodcutters doing when Makranda found them?A) He ignored the warnings and continued playing with the wedge
2. What did Makranda learn in the end?B) That ignoring wise advice can lead to painful consequences
3. How did Makranda react to the warnings about the wedge?C) Chopping a tree trunk

Q1 ~ C, Q2 ~ B, Q3 ~ A

Short Stories for Reading Comprehension #18

A group of frogs were looking for water in the forest. Two of them fell into a deep pit. They tried to jump but failed. The other frogs told the two frogs that it was almost impossible for them to escape the hole and that they should stop trying. Constant discouragement causes one frog to trust another frog, and he stops trying and eventually dies. Another frog keeps trying and jumps so high that he escapes from the hole. The frog that escaped from the hole was deaf and did not hear the group’s discouragement.

Multiple Choice Questions:

What caused one of the frogs to stop trying to escape?

A) Physical exhaustion

B) The encouragement of the other frogs

C) Deafness

D) Constant discouragement

Correct Answer: D) Constant discouragement

How did the frog eventually escape from the hole?

A) By asking for help from other animals

B) By finding a hidden passage

C) By listening to the encouraging words of the other frogs

D) By persistently trying despite the discouragement

Correct Answer: D) By persistently trying despite the discouragement

What trait did the frog who escaped possess that the other frog lacked?

A) Intelligence

B) Deafness

C) Strength

D) Determination

Correct Answer: D) Determination

True or False:

True or False: Both frogs eventually escaped from the hole.

False: Only one frog managed to escape.

True or False: The discouragement from the other frogs led one of them to give up and die.


True or False: The frog that escaped was fortunate because it was physically stronger than the others.

False: The frog that escaped demonstrated determination rather than physical strength.

Short Answer Questions:

How did the discouragement from the other frogs affect the frog that eventually died?

The constant discouragement caused the frog to lose hope and eventually stop trying to escape, leading to its death.

What attribute enabled the deaf frog to overcome the challenges in the pit?

The deaf frog’s inability to hear the discouragement allowed it to persistently try to escape until it succeeded.

Fill in the Blanks:

The group of frogs were searching for ____________ in the forest.


The discouragement from the other frogs caused one frog to lose hope and eventually ____________ trying.


The frog that escaped was ____________ and did not hear the group’s discouragement.


The frog that escaped demonstrated ____________ by persistently trying to jump out of the hole.


Match the Following:

1. What caused one frog to stop trying to escape?A) Physical exhaustion
2. How did the frog eventually escape from the hole?B) True
3. What trait did the frog who escaped possess?C) Strength
4. True or False: The discouragement led one frog to give up and die.D) By persistently trying despite the discouragement

Q1 ~ A, Q2 ~ D, Q3 ~ C, Q4 ~ B

Short Stories for Reading Comprehension #19

It was a hot summer day. A lion and a boar reach a small water body for a drink. They start arguing and fighting over who should drink first. After a while, they get tired and stop breathing, when they see the vulture above. Soon they realize that vultures are waiting to catch one or both of them, to eat them. The lion and the boar then decide that it is better to make friends and be friends than to fight and become vulture food. They drink water together and go on their way.

Multiple Choice Questions:

What prompts the lion and the boar to stop fighting?

A) They realize they are thirsty

B) They hear the vultures above

C) They get tired from the heat

D) They see a larger predator approaching

Correct Answer: B) They hear the vultures above

How do the lion and the boar resolve their conflict?

A) They continue fighting until one surrenders

B) They decide to take turns drinking from the water body

C) They make friends and agree to share the water

D) They call for help from other animals

Correct Answer: C) They make friends and agree to share the water

What lesson do the lion and the boar learn from their encounter with the vultures?

A) The importance of being selfish

B) The dangers of fighting over resources

C) The need to find a larger water body

D) The advantage of teaming up against predators

Correct Answer: B) The dangers of fighting over resources

True or False:

True or False: The lion and the boar initially decide to fight over the water because they dislike each other.


True or False: The vultures pose no threat to the lion and the boar initially.

False: The vultures are waiting to catch one or both of them to eat.

True or False: The lion and the boar ultimately decide it’s better to be friends and share the water than to fight and risk being eaten by vultures.


Short Answer Questions:

How does the presence of the vultures change the behavior of the lion and the boar?

The presence of the vultures makes the lion and the boar realize the danger of fighting and prompts them to make friends and share the water instead.

What lesson do the lion and the boar learn from their encounter at the water body?

They learn the importance of cooperation and friendship in facing common threats and the futility of fighting over resources.

Fill in the Blanks:

It was a ____________ summer day.


The lion and the boar start arguing and fighting over who should drink ____________.


The lion and the boar decide it is better to make ____________ and be friends than to fight.


They drink water together and go on their ____________.


Match the Following:

1. What prompts the lion and the boar to stop fighting?A) The dangers of fighting over resources
2. How do the lion and the boar resolve their conflict?B) They hear the vultures above
3. What lesson do the lion and the boar learn?C) They make friends and agree to share the water

Q1 ~ B, Q2 ~ C, Q3 ~ A

Short Stories for Reading Comprehension #20

After a feast, two cats see a piece of cake and start fighting over it. A monkey sees this as a profit opportunity and offers to help them. The monkey divides the cake into two halves but shakes his head saying they are unequal. He takes one bite and then another, but still finds them uneven. He keeps doing this until there are no more cakes left, much to the dismay of the poor little cats.

Multiple Choice Questions:

Why do the two cats start fighting?

A) They are hungry

B) They both want the entire piece of cake

C) They dislike each other

D) They are playing a game

Correct Answer: B) They both want the entire piece of cake

What does the monkey do to the cake?

A) Takes a bite and gives the rest to the cats

B) Offers to help the cats divide the cake

C) Eats the entire cake himself

D) Ignores the cats and walks away

Correct Answer: B) Offers to help the cats divide the cake

Why are the cats dismayed at the end of the story?

A) The cake is gone

B) They didn’t get any cake

C) The cake was unevenly divided

D) The monkey ate all the cake

Correct Answer: D) The monkey ate all the cake

True or False:

True or False: The monkey initially offers to help the cats divide the cake fairly.


True or False: The monkey’s actions result in the cats getting equal shares of the cake.


True or False: The cats end up happy with the monkey’s assistance.


Short Answer Questions:

How does the monkey initially try to help the cats with the cake?

The monkey offers to divide the cake into two halves for the cats.

What happens to the cake in the end, and how do the cats feel about it?

The monkey ends up eating the entire cake, much to the dismay of the cats who wanted to eat it.

Fill in the Blanks:

After a feast, two cats see a piece of ____________ and start fighting over it.


The monkey divides the cake into two halves but shakes his head, saying they are ____________.


He takes one bite and then another but still finds them ____________.


The cats are dismayed as the monkey eats all the cake, leaving them with ____________.


Match the Following:

1. Why do the two cats start fighting?A) Offers to help the cats divide the cake
2. What does the monkey do to the cake?B) The monkey ate all the cake
3. Why are the cats dismayed at the end of the story?C) They both want the entire piece of cake

Q1 ~ C, Q2 ~ A, Q3 ~ B

Short Stories for Reading Comprehension #21

Once upon a time, a donkey found a lion’s skin left by hunters. It put on the skin and walked around, scaring both animals and people. The donkey felt very proud and brayed loudly in happiness. But soon, everyone realized it was just a donkey pretending to be a lion. They got angry and gave the donkey a beating for fooling them. Later, a fox came to the injured donkey and said, “I knew it was you because of your voice.”

Multiple Choice Questions:

What did the donkey find left by hunters?

A) A lion’s skin

B) A pile of food

C) A treasure chest

D) A hunting trap

Correct Answer: A) A lion’s skin

Why did the donkey put on the lion’s skin?

A) To scare other animals and people

B) To keep warm

C) To hide from hunters

D) To impress its friends

Correct Answer: A) To scare other animals and people

How did the fox recognize the donkey despite it wearing the lion’s skin?

A) By its size

B) By its smell

C) By its voice

D) By its behavior

Correct Answer: C) By its voice

True or False:

True or False: The donkey successfully fooled everyone into believing it was a real lion.


True or False: The fox was surprised to find out that the donkey was wearing a lion’s skin.


True or False: The donkey was praised and rewarded for its clever disguise.


Short Answer Questions:

How did the donkey’s disguise as a lion end?

The donkey’s disguise was revealed, and it was beaten by the animals and people it had fooled.

What did the fox tell the injured donkey when it came to comfort it?

The fox told the donkey that it recognized it because of its voice.

Fill in the Blanks:

Once upon a time, a donkey found a lion’s skin left by ____________.


The donkey felt proud and brayed loudly in ____________.


Everyone realized it was just a donkey pretending to be a ____________.


The fox recognized the donkey because of its ____________.


Match the Following:

1. What did the donkey find left by hunters?A) To scare other animals and people
2. Why did the donkey put on the lion’s skin?B) A lion’s skin
3. How did the fox recognize the donkey?C) By its voice

Q1 ~ B, Q2 ~ A, Q3 ~ C

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