A report is a piece of writing that contains accounts of things that are seen, heard, known, or investigated.
Report writing is very similar to article writing, but the latter is more casual than the former. Reports are meant to be published in journals, newspapers, and magazines.
In this post, you will find the top 10 important Report Writing Examples.

Report Writing Examples
Report Writing Examples #1
Q. Report the arrest of a prank caller who sent the police on a wild goose chase about a nonexistent bomb.
Hoax Caller Arrest
By Rudranil Mandal
Kolkata 7th August 2021: A local man has been arrested in connection with a hoax call that was made to the Delhi police. A.C Murugesh, a resident of Saket, has been arrested for not only misleading the police but also delaying three flights. The perpetrator claimed to know about three bombs that were apparently planted in the UK-bound flight.
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The call set the police force in motion who along with the bomb squad cordoned off the airport area and moved the people to safety. Eventually, it was determined that the call was a hoax. Police employed the Aircel cellular service to track the call’s location and apprehended the culprit.
The investigation is in progress to ascertain whether the perpetrator has a history of mental illnesses.
Report Writing Examples #2
Q. Report a burglary that took place in your locality.
Thief Outwitted by the Silent Alarm
By Rohit Patel
Malad, 5th February 2021: Ruckus ensured when a thief was apprehended by the traders at Bougainvillea Marg yesterday. The area is well known for its jewellery shops and has experienced thefts in the past. Three jewellers and a mobile the store owner has been robbed in the course of 3 months.
Mr. Rajat Zaveri was settling his accounts when a stranger armed with a switchblade entered the shop at 10 pm. The man then ordered him to sit still while he emptied the shelves. Initially, Mr. Zaveri did as he was told; he later switched on a silent alarm and alerted the other shopkeepers nearby. Within five minutes, they notify the police and beat the thief black and blue. The accused was identified as Sajjan Singh, an unemployed youth who indulged in petty thievery.
The police believe that he may have some information about the series of robberies that have taken place at Bougainvillaea Marg.
Report Writing Examples #3
Q. You are Nidhi Patel writing for your school magazine. Write a news report about the Teacher‘s Day Celebration in your school.
Teacher’s Day Celebration at Saraswati Vidyalay
By Nidhi Patel
Midnapore, 5th February 2021: The Teacher‘s Day celebrations at Saraswati Vidayalay this year were exciting and special at the same time. In addition to students’ song and dance routines, there were numerous skits based on the lives of many famous people such as Dr. Radhakrishnan, Rabindranath Tagore, and Savitribai Phule.
As an initiative, the students of the school with the help of their parents collected money which will be used for the benefit of the retired teachers of the school. There were also games and activities organized for the teachers.
Senior teacher Mrs. Shinha said, “I am moved by the gesture of the students. Our students are the finest.” The program ended with a special lunch arranged by the students for the faculty.
Report Writing Examples #4
Q. You are the student reporter. Report an incident where two of your classmates injured themselves.
Mayhem in Class 10 A
By a Student Reporter
Powai, 7th March 2015: Two students of Class 10 B were reprimanded by the teacher on account of their bad behaviour and were taken to the principal‘s office yesterday. The students Ganesh Apte and Manish Tilwani were caught by the headmistress Mrs. Fonseca wrestling in the class.
Students say that it was a case of a simple game gone wrong. Yesterday, the two were playing ‗Truth or Dare‘ when the former dared the latter to call a classmate by an offensive name. His reluctance to do so caused his friend to poke fun at him. This resulted in a war of words and the two started pummelling each other.
The principal did laud Manish for refusing to perform the odious ‘dare’ but ultimately held him responsible for being the first person to react violently. The parents of the students will be called tomorrow for a meeting with the principal.
Report Writing Examples #5
Q. A leopard has been rescued from a well by wildlife activists. Report the rescue operation.
Big Cat Rescued in Ghunghuni Village
By Hiten Sharma
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Ghunghuni, 13th March 2021: A leopard was rescued from a well here yesterday at 8 am. In a rescue operation that lasted 3 hours, the animal was finally retrieved from the well where it lay for 10 hours.
The Mandal family members were awakened by growls emanating from their well in the wee hours of the morning. Uttam Mandal, the patriarch of the family, flashed some light into the well and found the wounded feline in neck-deep water.
Dr. Pankaj Nag, a leading zoologist who has recently written a paper on the preying habits of leopards, was called to the spot. His assistants shot a tranquillizer to sedate the leopard.
Afterwards, Dr. Nag was lowered into the well with a help of a pulley to retrieve the sedated animal. The operation was a success. Dr. Nag said that leopards wander into human territory in search of smaller mammals to prey on. The feline may have targeted the Mandal family pet, a golden retriever.
In the process of stalking it, the leopard may have missed the well. “We ourselves are responsible for this situation. Rapid deforestation and human encroachment have caused the animals to showcase such aberrant behaviour.” The leopard is now under observation and will soon be released into the wild.
Report Writing Examples #6
Q. Write a report on the Annual Sports Day held in your school.
Annual Sports Day a Success
By Jiten Ghosh
Dumdum, 17th March 2021: St Pius School held its 46th Annual Sports Day on the 16th of March 2021 at Matangini Ground. Students from Class 5 to 10 participated in a variety of sporting events. The Principal Dr. Biswas inaugurated the event and regaled the students with anecdotes and jokes. He raised their spirits and wished them the best.
The school band marched past the audience with a flag bearing the school’s emblem. The prefects ushered the athletes to the ground. At about 10 am, the sporting events were kick-started.
The events were divided into two categories—under 13 and 15. The winners of each round were selected for the final rounds. Short putt, long jump, running race, walking race, and javelin throw were some events that were showcased. Student-athletes who excelled in these events participated in the finale.
The winners were awarded medals and certificates. Raghu Manna from Class IX A won the title of ‘St Pius All-rounder’. At the closing of the ceremony, the principal wished the winners and gave a short speech on the importance of sportsmanship.
Report Writing Examples #7
Q. Write a report on the Republic Day celebrations at your school.
Republic Day Celebrations at Debra High School
By Krishna Maity
Debra, 27th January 2021: The 66th Republic Day was celebrated with a lot of fanfare and grandeur at Debra High School yesterday. Students and teachers from all the classes participated in the plethora of cultural programs which took place on the school premises.
The day began with the hoisting of the national flag by our Principal Dr. Biswas at 7 am. The entire assembly of students sang the national anthem immediately after the flag hoisting. The school band marched past the ground playing drums and trumpets. The members of the band were dressed in the colours of the school‘s emblem and wore attractive sashes and headgear.
The cultural events were kick-started with the dance competition where students competed with one another in the solo and group dance categories. Miss Usha from Class 9 won in the solo category and Class 6 won for their colourful rendition of a folk song.
After the cultural events, an environment exhibition was held where the students displayed various models on environmental awareness and solar-powered gadgets. The model for solar-powered garbage disposal won the first prize. After a short prayer, the Principal gave a speech on the empowerment of the youth. The event concluded with a group song by the teachers.
Report Writing Examples #8
Q. Write a report on a blood donation camp that will be organized by a local hospital.
Blood Donation Camp at Midnapore Hospital
By Tapas Mandal
Midnapore, 14th August: A blood donation camp is being organized on Independence Day by Midnapore Hospital. Dr. A. K. Biswas will inaugurate the camp which will take place at Keranitola, Midnapore. The hospital is going to have a free medical check-up for all donors before the blood donation. Karunamoyee Catering Services have partnered with the hospital to serve nutritious refreshments to all donors after the donation.
The hospital is also going to give the donors an identity card that will identify the people as registered blood donors after they have participated in this camp. The hospital has also invited volunteers who can register themselves as bone marrow donors. This will help cancer patients get a new lease of life.
Midnapore Hospital hopes the camp will be a success so that it can organize the event every year.
Report Writing Examples #9
Q. Write a report on how a woman was robbed at an ATM.
Daylight Robbery at V.I.P Enclave
By Adarsh Ghosh
Kolkata, 4th April 2021: A lady was robbed at knifepoint here in the early hours of Thursday. Mrs. Biswas (40) was on her way to work at 8 am when she decided to withdraw some cash from the Axis Bank ATM outside V.I.P Enclave.
Once she entered the ATM, a man opened the door and barged inside. He brandished a knife at her and asked her to withdraw Rs 10,000. When she resisted, he held the knife to her throat. He even reminded her of an incident in Kolkata where a woman was hacked inside an ATM by an unknown man. Claiming to be the same person who attacked her, he asked her to do as he said. Once the money was withdrawn, he fled the spot.
The police have retrieved the CCTV camera footage where a middle-aged man is seen threatening Mrs. Biswas. Inspector Sinha and his team are close to the perpetrator‘s heel and have circulated his images in the newspapers. Sinha said, “We are certain that this man is a habitual offender. There have been cases of knifepoint robbery in the past. The composite sketch that we made back then resembles the person in the CCTV images.” Mrs. Biswas was unavailable for comment.
Report Writing Examples #10
Q. Write a report on a science exhibition held in your school.
Science Exhibition at Lowada High School
By Tapas Mandal
Mumbai, 18th March 2021: The Science Fair 2021 kicked off with much fanfare at Lowada High School on Monday, the 17th of March. Students from 30 different schools participated in the annual event. The theme of the exhibition this year was ‘Across the Universe,’ and schools were asked to present exhibits on the theme if they wished to win.
Debra High School exhibited a model of a Martian colony. Through computer simulation, the students created a virtual Martian landscape and sustainable colonies that can support life. Through an interactive interface, one could navigate through the planet‘s terrain and vicariously experience the thrill of living on Mars.
Students of Lowada High School made a batch of Indian food that can be eaten in space. Rakesh Ghosh, the brain behind the idea, said that these food packets can be consumed in zero gravity and would stay fresh for a very long time.
The winner, however, was Balichak High School with their Sunspot Reader. They created a device that could detect the relationship between solar activity and the flow of rivers. Their area of study is considered the holy grail of solar studies.
The students Rohit Pramanik, Tanisha Das, Swarnali Kundu, and Manasi Kandar were awarded the cash award of Rs 20,000 for Excellence in Science.
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