Picture Comprehension for Class 2

Picture comprehension strengthens foundational literacy skills, ignites the imagination, and builds confidence for future learning.

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (1/25)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (Leopard)

What kind of animal is in the picture?


What color are the spots on the leopard?


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Is the leopard standing on its own or something else?


Are there any other animals in the picture with the leopard?


What might the leopard be looking for?


What sound might the leopard make if it feels threatened?


What type of food might the leopard eat?


Leopards live in different places. What kind of place might this leopard call home?


Leopards are similar to cats, but how are they different?


Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (2/25)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (Elephant)

What animal is in the picture?



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What is the elephant doing with its trunk?

(Throwing dirt)

Where is the dirt going?

(Up in the air)

Are there any other animals in the picture with the elephant?


Is there anything else in the picture besides the elephant?

(Yes, there are trees and bushes in the background)

Why do you think the elephant is throwing dirt?

(It could be playing, cooling off, or trying to get rid of insects.)

What do you think the elephant might be feeling?

(Happy, playful, or hot)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (3/25)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (Frog)

What kind of animal is in the picture?

[Frog (red-eyed tree frog]

What is the frog sitting on?

(A green leaf)

How many legs does the frog have?


Where are the frog’s eyes?

(On its head)

Is the frog’s mouth open or closed?


What color are the frog’s eyes?


Where do you think the frog might live?

(Trees or rainforest)

What sound might the frog make?

(Frogs can ribbit, chirp, or click.)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (4/25)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (Snail)

What kind of animal is in the picture?


What color is the snail’s shell?


What is on the snail’s back?


What is the color of the snail’s shell?


What is the snail sitting on?


Where do you think snails live?

(They live in moist places like gardens, forests, and under rocks.)

How do you think the snail moves?

(Snails move slowly by using a muscular foot underneath their body.)

What do you think the snail might be eating?

(Snails eat plants and algae.)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (5/25)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (Pigeon)

What kind of bird is in the picture?


What is the color of the pigeon?

(Gray and white)

Where is the pigeon standing?

(On a metal railing)

Where is the pigeon sitting?

(On a railing)

Is the pigeon alone, or are there other pigeons nearby?

(In the picture, the pigeon is alone.)

What do you think the pigeon is looking at?

(It may be looking for food, water, or other pigeons.)

What do you think the pigeon might be eating?

(Pigeons are omnivores and eat seeds, fruits, and small insects.)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (6/25)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (Peacock)

What kind of bird is in the picture?


What is the color of the bird’s body?


What is the bird standing on?


Does the bird have a long tail?


What is the color of the feathers on the peacock’s tail?

(Green and blue with colorful spots)

What sound might the peacock make?

(Peacocks are known for their loud screech.)

What do you think the peacock’s beautiful tail feathers are used for?

(Male peacocks use their tail feathers to attract mates.)

How is a peacock different from a chicken?

(Peacocks are much larger than chickens and have much more colorful feathers.)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (7/25)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (Horse)

What is the color of the horse?


What is the horse doing?


Where is the horse running?

(In a grassy field)

Is the horse alone, or are there other horses with it?

(The horse is alone in this picture.)

What do you think the horse’s mane and tail feel like?

(They are likely soft and smooth.)

Why do you think the horse is running?

(Horses run for exercise, to escape danger, or to play.)

What sound might the horse be making?

(Horses whinny, snort, and neigh.)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (8/25)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (Squirrel)

What kind of animal is in the picture?


What is the color of the squirrel’s fur?

(Brown, grayish-brown with a white underside)

What is the squirrel standing on?

(Its hind legs)

Where is the squirrel standing?

(In the grass)

What do you think the squirrel is holding in its front paws?

(It is difficult to say for sure, but squirrels often hold nuts or seeds in their front paws.)

What do you think the squirrel might be doing with the nut or seed?

(Squirrels collect nuts and seeds to eat later. They may be carrying the nut or seed to a hiding spot.)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (9/25)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (Sea Turtle)

What kind of animal is in the picture?

(Sea turtle)

What color is the sea turtle’s shell?

(Green, brown, or a mix of colors)

Where is the sea turtle swimming?

(In the ocean)

How do you think the sea turtle moves through the water?

(Sea turtles use their flippers to swim.)

What do you think the sea turtle might be eating?

(Sea turtles are omnivores, so they eat a variety of things, including jellyfish, seaweed, sponges, and fish.)

How is a sea turtle different from a fish? (One Point)

(Sea turtles lay eggs on land, while fish lay eggs in water.)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (10/25)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (Jellyfish)

What kind of animals are in the picture?


What color are the jellyfish?

(The jellyfish in the picture are blue.)

How many jellyfish can you see?


Where are the jellyfish floating?

(In the water)

Where do you think jellyfish live?

(Jellyfish live in the ocean.)

How do you think jellyfish move?

(Jellyfish move by pulsing their bodies.)

What do you think jellyfish eat?

(Jellyfish eat plankton and other small sea creatures.)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (11/25)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (Starfish)

What animal is in the picture?


What color is the starfish?


How many points does the starfish have?


What is the starfish sitting on?


Why starfish is not called a fish?

( Because they do not have gills, scales, or fins.)

Where do you think starfish live?

(Starfish live in the ocean, on the seabed.)

How do you think the starfish moves?

(Starfish move using tiny tube feet underneath their bodies.)

What do you think the starfish might be eating?

(Starfish are carnivores and eat coral, sponges, clams, oysters, sand dollars, and mussels)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (12/25)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (Penguin)

What kind of animals are in the picture?


How many penguins can you see?


What color are the penguins?

(Black and white)

Where are the penguins standing?

(On an ice shelf)

What do you think the penguins are doing?

(Penguins huddle together to stay warm. They may also be huddling together before going swimming or looking for food.)

What do you think the penguins might be eating?

(Penguins eat fish and other small sea creatures.)

How are penguins different from other birds?

(Penguins cannot fly, but they are excellent swimmers.)

Where do you think the penguins live?

(Penguins live in cold, ocean climates, like Antarctica.)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (13/25)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (Panda)

What kind of animals are in the picture?

Answer: Pandas.

What is the color of the pandas?

Answer: Black and white.

How many pandas are there in the picture?

(There are two)

What are the pandas doing?

Answer: The adult panda is sitting on its belly, and the cub is rolling on its back.

Are the pandas playing together?

Answer: We can’t be sure, but it looks like they might be playing together.

Where do giant pandas live?

Answer: Giant pandas live in the bamboo forests of China.

What do giant pandas eat?

Answer: Giant pandas mostly eat bamboo. They also eat other plants, fruits, and insects.

What sound do giant pandas make?

Answer: Giant pandas make a variety of sounds, including huffing, snorting, chomping, honking, bleating, moaning, barking, chirping and yipping.

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (14/25)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (Lion)

What can you see in the picture?

Answer: An animal standing on a rock.

What kind of animal is this?

Answer: A lion.

What is the lion doing in the picture?

Answer: The lion is standing on a rock, What color is the lion?Answer: The lion is brown with a golden mane.

What sound do lions make?

Answer: Lions roar.

What is the special hair around the lion’s neck called?

Answer: The mane. Where do lions live?Answer: Lions live in grasslands and savannas in Africa and Asia.

What kind of animal is the lion?

Answer: The lion is a mammal.

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (15/25)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (Koala)

What can you see in the picture?

Answer: An animal sitting on a tree branch.

What kind of animal is this?

Answer: A koala.

What is the color of the koala’s fur?

Answer: The koala’s fur is gray.

What is the koala doing with its arms?

Answer: The koala is holding onto the tree branch with its arms.

What kind of animal is the koala?

Answer: The koala is a marsupial, which means it carries its young in a pouch on its belly.

Where do koalas live?

Answer: Koalas live in eucalyptus forests in eastern Australia.

What do koalas eat?

Answer: Koalas mostly eat eucalyptus leaves.

What sound does a koala make?

Answer: Koalas make a variety of sounds, including bellows, coughs, and moans.

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (16/25)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (Blueberry)

What is in the picture?

Answer: There are blueberries on a table.

What color are the blueberries?

Answer: The blueberries are blue.

What shape are the blueberries?

Answer: The blueberries are round.

What do you think the blueberries taste like?

Answer: Blueberries are sweet and tart.

What can you make with blueberries?

Answer: You can eat blueberries on their own, or you can use them to make pies, muffins, pancakes, or yogurt parfaits.

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (17/25)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (Lemon)

What are in the picture?

Answer: There are lemons in the picture.

What color is the lemon?

Answer: The lemon is yellow.

What shape is the lemon?

Answer: The lemon is round or oval-shaped.

What kind of fruit is a lemon?

Answer: A citrus fruit.

Where do lemons grow?

Answer: Lemon trees grow in warm climates around the world.

What do you think the lemon tastes like?

Answer: Lemons are sour and tart.

What can you use lemons for?

Answer: You can eat lemons, or you can use them to make lemonade, add flavor to food, or clean.

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (18/25)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (Papaya)

What is the fruit in the picture?

Answer: The fruit in the picture is a papaya.

What color is the papaya’s skin?

Answer: The papaya’s skin is green.

What color is the papaya’s flesh?

Answer: The papaya’s flesh is orange.

What are the small black things in the middle of the papaya?

Answer: The small black things in the middle of the papaya are the seeds.

What shape is the papaya?

Answer: The papaya is round or oval-shaped.

What does a papaya taste like?

Answer: Papaya is a sweet and juicy fruit.

What can you make with papaya?

Answer: You can eat papaya by itself, or you can add it to smoothies, yogurt parfaits, or fruit salads.

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (19/25)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (Banana)

What is in the picture?

Answer: There are two bananas in the picture.

What color are the bananas?

Answer: The bananas are yellow.

What shape are the bananas?

Answer: The bananas are curved and long.

Do the bananas look ripe or unripe?

Answer: The bananas look ripe because they are yellow. Unripe bananas are usually green.

What is the color of the surface the bananas are on?

Answer: The surface the bananas are on is red.

Where do you think bananas grow?

Answer: Bananas grow on banana trees in warm, tropical climates.

What can you do with bananas?

Answer: You can eat bananas plain, or you can use them in many recipes, such as banana bread, smoothies, or pancakes.

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (20/25)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (Pineapple)

Basic questions:

What is in the picture?

Answer: There is a fruit growing on a plant in the picture.

What kind of fruit is this?

Answer: This is a pineapple.

What does the plant look like?

Answer: The plant has long, green leaves.

What color is the pineapple?

Answer: The pineapple is green. Pineapples turn yellow when they are ripe.

What part of the pineapple do we eat?

Answer: We eat the fleshy yellow part of the pineapple. The spiky outer part is not eaten.

What does pineapple taste like?

Answer: Pineapple is sweet and tart.

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (21/25)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (Cherries)

What is in the bowl?

Answer: There are cherries in the bowl.

What color are the cherries?

Answer: The cherries are red.

What shape are the cherries?

Answer: The cherries are round.

What do you think the cherries taste like?

Answer: Cherries are sweet and tart.

What can you make with cherries?

Answer: You can eat cherries plain, or you can use them to make pies, jams, or juice.

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (22/25)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (Whale)

What kind of animal is in the picture?


Where is the whale swimming?

(In the ocean)

What is the whale doing in the picture?

(Jumping out of the water)

Why do you think the whale is jumping out of the water? (

There are many reasons why whales jump out of the water, but some possible reasons include communication, play, or removing parasites from their skin.)

What do you think the whale might be eating?

(Whales eat tiny shrimp-like creatures called krill.)

Why do you think the whale has such a large body?

(Their size helps them stay warm in the cold ocean water and allows them to store more energy for long migrations.)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (23/25)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (Crocodile)

What kind of animal is in the picture? 

Answer: The animal in the picture is a crocodile.

Where is the crocodile? 

Answer: The crocodile is in the water.

What is the color of the crocodile?

Answer: The crocodile in the picture is brown.

Where does the crocodile live? 

Answer: Crocodiles live in water bodies, such as rivers, lakes, and swamps.

What do crocodiles eat? 

Answer: Crocodiles are carnivores and eat fish, reptiles, birds, and mammals.

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (24/25)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (Ostriches)

What kind of birds are in the picture?

Answer: The birds in the picture are ostriches.

What color are the ostriches’ feathers?

Answer: Mostly black and white.

What is the biggest bird in the world?

Answer: The ostrich is the biggest bird in the world.

Can ostriches fly?

Answer: No, ostriches cannot fly. They are flightless birds.

Where do ostriches live?

Answer: Common ostriches are mostly found in the grasslands, savanna, and shrublands of southern and eastern Africa.

What do ostriches eat?

Answer: Ostriches are omnivores and eat roots, flowers, bulbs, grasses, grains and fruits, as well as insects, lizards and small rodents.

Why do you think ostriches have such long necks and legs?

Answer: So they can run fast, away from predators.

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (25/25)

Picture Comprehension for Class 2 (Rhino)

What animal is in the picture?

Answer: The animal in the picture is a rhinoceros.

What is the color of the rhinoceros?

Answer: The rhinoceros in the picture is gray.

Where is the rhinoceros walking?

Answer: The rhinoceros is walking on a dirt field.

Are there any other animals in the picture?

Answer: No, there are no other animals in the picture.

What do rhinoceroses eat?

Answer: Rhinoceroses are herbivores, and they eat grasses, leaves, and shrubs.

Where do rhinoceroses live?

Answer: Most wild African rhinos are now found in just four countries: South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe and Kenya.

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