Picture comprehension strengthens foundational literacy skills, ignites the imagination, and builds confidence for future learning.
Picture Comprehension for Class 1 (1/20)
Look at the picture carefully. Answer any questions asked about the picture

What can you see in the picture?
(Answer: Kittens)
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How many kittens are there?
(Answer: There are 5 kittens)
What color is the grass?
(Answer: The grass is green)
What are the kittens doing?
(Answer: The kittens are standing)
Additional Questions
What sound do kittens make?
(Answer: Kittens meow)
What is another word for baby cat?
(Answer: Kitten)
Picture Comprehension for Class 1 (2/20)
Look at the picture carefully. Answer any questions asked about the picture

What are the animals in the picture?
(Answer: Meerkats)
How many meerkats are there?
(Answer: Three)
What color are the meerkats?
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(Answer: Brown)
What are the meerkats doing?
(Answer: Standing)
Additional Questions
Where do you think these meerkats live?
(Answer: Deserts)
What do meerkats eat?
(Answer: Insects, spiders, and small lizards)
Picture Comprehension for Class 1 (3/20)
Look at the picture carefully. Answer any questions asked about the picture

What are the animals in the picture?
(Answer: Cows)
How many cows are there?
(Answer: Three)
What color are the cows?
(Answers: brown and white)
What are the cows doing?
(Answer: Standing)
Additional Questions
What do cows eat?
(Answer: Grass)
What sound do cows make?
(Answer: Moo)
Picture Comprehension for Class 1 (4/20)
Look at the picture carefully. Answer any questions asked about the picture

What are the animals in the picture?
(Answer: Giraffes)
How many giraffes are there?
(Answer: Three)
What color are the giraffes?
(Answer: Brown and orange spots)
What are the giraffes doing?
(Answer: Standing in a field)
Additional Questions
What is the tallest animal on land?
(Answer: Giraffe)
What do giraffes eat?
(Answer: Leaves from trees)
What is the long neck of the giraffe helpful for?
(Answer: Reaching leaves on tall trees)
Picture Comprehension for Class 1 (5/20)
Look at the picture carefully. Answer any questions asked about the picture

What are the animals in the picture?
(Answer: Chicks)
How many chicks are there?
(Answer: Three)
What color are the chicks?
(Answer: Yellow and white)
What are the chicks sitting on?
(Answer: A blanket)
What color is the blanket?
(Answer: Orange)
Additional Questions
What sound do chicks make?
(Answer: Peep)
What do baby chicks eat?
(Answer: Seeds and insects)
When the chicks grow up, what will they be called?
(Answer: Hens (female) or roosters (male))
Picture Comprehension for Class 1 (6/20)
Look at the picture carefully. Answer any questions asked about the picture

What are the animals in the picture?
(Answer: Ducks)
How many ducks are there?
(Answer: Three)
What color are the ducks?
(Answers may vary: brown, white, black, and white)
What are the ducks doing in the water?
(Answer: Swimming)
Additional Questions
What sound do ducks make?
(Answer: Quack)
Do ducks live on land or in water?
(Answer: Both)
What do ducks eat?
(Answer: Seeds, insects, and small fish)
Picture Comprehension for Class 1 (7/20)
Look at the picture carefully. Answer any questions asked about the picture

What are the animals in the picture?
(Answer: Zebras)
How many zebras are there?
(There are 3 zebras visible)
What color are the zebras?
(Answer: Black and white stripes)
What are the zebras doing?
(Answer: Grazing)
Additional Questions
Where do zebras live?
(Answer: Africa)
What do zebras eat?
(Answer: Grass)
What is the pattern on the zebra’s coat called?
(Answer: Stripes)
Are zebras black with white stripes or white with black stripes?
(Answer: Zebras have black skin with white stripes)
Picture Comprehension for Class 1 (8/20)
Look at the picture carefully. Answer any questions asked about the picture

What are the flowers in the picture?
(Answer: Sunflowers)
How many sunflowers are there?
(Answer: Two)
What color are the sunflowers?
(Answer: Yellow)
What is behind the sunflowers?
(Answer: A red brick wall)
Additional Questions
What is the shape of the sunflower’s head?
(Answer: Round)
What is the color of the sunflower’s stem?
(Answer: Green)
What do sunflowers need to grow?
(Answer: Sun, water, and soil)
Picture Comprehension for Class 1 (9/20)
Look at the picture carefully. Answer any questions asked about the picture

What are the flowers in the picture?
(Answer: Roses)
How many roses are there?
(Answer: Two)
What color are the roses?
(Answer: Orange)
What color are the leaves?
(Answer: Green)
Additional Questions
What other colors do roses come in?
(Answer: Red, yellow, pink, white, and more)
What is the spiky part of the rose called?
(Answer: The thorns)
Picture Comprehension for Class 1 (10/20)
Look at the picture carefully. Answer any questions asked about the picture

What are in the picture?
(Answer: Flowers and a vase)
What is in the vase?
(Answer: Flowers)
What is the name of the flowers?
(Answer: Dahlia)
What colors are the flowers?
(Answer: Red and white)
How many flowers are there?
(Answer: Two)
What color is the vase?
(Answer: Green)
Additional Questions
How many stems are there?
(Answer: Two)
Where do you think the flowers came from?
(Answer: A garden, a store, or someone cut them from a plant)
Picture Comprehension for Class 1 (11/20)
Look at the picture carefully. Answer any questions asked about the picture

What are the flowers in the picture?
(Answer: Tulips)
What colors are the tulips?
(Answer: Pink and purple)
How many tulips are there?
(Answer: It is difficult to say definitively, but there are at least 5 tulips)
Additional Questions
Where do you think the tulips came from?
(Answer: A garden or flower shop)
What other colors do tulips come in?
(Answer: Many colors, including red, yellow, orange, white, and black)
Picture Comprehension for Class 1 (12/20)
Look at the picture carefully. Answer any questions asked about the picture

What is the insect in the picture?
(Answer: Butterfly)
What colors are the butterfly’s wings?
(Answer: Orange, black, and white)
What is the butterfly sitting on?
(Answer: Leaf)
What color is the leaf?
(Answer: Green)
Do you think the butterfly is flying or resting?
(Answer: Resting)
Additional Questions
How many wings does the butterfly have?
(Answer: 4)
Do butterflies have different shapes?
(Answer: Butterflies come in all sizes, shapes and colors.)
Picture Comprehension for Class 1 (13/20)
Look at the picture carefully. Answer any questions asked about the picture

What is the small insect in the picture?
(Answer: Ant)
What is the color of the ant?
(Answer: Brown/ Reddish Brown)
What is the ant standing on?
(Answer: Leaf)
What color is the leaf?
(Answer: Green)
Additional Questions
Can you see any other parts of the ant’s body besides its legs?
(Answer: Body, head, antennae)
How many legs does the ant have?
(Answer: 6)
Picture Comprehension for Class 1 (14/20)
Look at the picture carefully. Answer any questions asked about the picture

What is the animal in the picture?
(Answer: Fish)
What color is the fish?
(Answer: Yellow)
Where is the fish swimming?
(Answer: In water)
Additional Questions
What shape is the fish?
(Answer: Answers may vary, but students might describe it as oval or round)
Can you see the fish’s fins?
(Answer: Yes)
What do you think the fish is doing in the water?
(Answer: Answers may vary, but it could be swimming, looking for food, or playing)
Picture Comprehension for Class 1 (15/20)
Look at the picture carefully. Answer any questions asked about the picture

What is in the bowl?
(Answer: Strawberries)
What color are the strawberries?
(Answer: Red)
Are the strawberries whole or sliced?
(Answer: Whole)
Additional Questions
What shape are the strawberries?
(Answer: Round)
Do the strawberries have any leaves on them?
(Answer: Yes, some have green leaves)
What do you think the strawberries taste like?
(Answer: Sweet)
Picture Comprehension for Class 1 (16/20)
Look at the picture carefully. Answer any questions asked about the picture

What do you see in the picture?
(Answer: There are apples on a table.)
What color are the apples?
(Answer: The apples are red.)
How many apples are there?
(Answer: There are 8 apples.)
What shape are the apples?
(Answer: The apples are round.)
Additional Questions
Where do you think these apples came from?
(They could have come from a tree, a grocery store, or a farmer’s market.)
What can you make with apples?
(You can eat them raw, make apple pie, applesauce, or juice.)
Picture Comprehension for Class 1 (17/20)
Look at the picture carefully. Answer any questions asked about the picture

What do you see in the picture?
(Answer: There are grapes.)
What is the color of the grapes?
(Answer: The grapes are green.)
What shape are the grapes?
(Answer: The grapes are round.)
Are the grapes hanging from something?
(Answer: Yes, the grapes are hanging from a vine.)
What is the color of the vine?
(Answer: The vine is brown.)
Additional Questions
What is something you can make with grapes?
(Answer: You can eat grapes fresh, or make juice or jam from them.)
Picture Comprehension for Class 1 (18/20)
Look at the picture carefully. Answer any questions asked about the picture

What animals are in the picture?
(Answer: Tigers)
What color are the tigers?
(Answer: Orange, black, and white)
How many tigers are there?
(Answer: Two)
What are the tigers sitting on?
(Answer: A rock)
Where do tigers live?
(Answer: In jungles and forests)
Additional Questions
What sound do tigers make?
(Answer: Tigers roar)
What do tigers eat?
(Answer: Tigers eat meat)
Can you name other big cats?
(Answer: Lions, leopards, cheetahs)
Are tigers endangered?
(Answer: Yes)
Picture Comprehension for Class 1 (19/20)
Look at the picture carefully. Answer any questions asked about the picture

What animals are in the picture?
(Answer: Deer)
What color are the deer?
(Answer: Brown)
How many deer are there?
(Answer: Two)
What are the deer standing in?
(Answer: Grass)
What is the color of the grass?
(Answer: Green)
Additional Questions
What sound do deer make?
(Answer: Deer snort and bleat)
What do deer eat?
(Answer: Deer eat leaves, grass, and twigs)
Do male and female deer look the same?
(Answer: No, male deer have antlers and female deer do not)
Picture Comprehension for Class 1 (20/20)
Look at the picture carefully. Answer any questions asked about the picture

What kind of bird is in the picture?
(Answer: Owl)
What color is the owl?
(Answer: Brown and white)
Where is the owl sitting?
Additional Questions
What are some sounds that owls make?
(Answer: Owls hoot, screech, and shriek)
What does the owl have big eyes for?
(Answer: To see in the dark)
What do owls eat?
(Answer: Owls eat small animals like mice, rats, and voles)
Why do you think the owl is sitting on the fence?
(Answers may vary but could include: The owl is looking for prey, the owl is trying to stay safe from other animals, the owl is resting)
Can owls see well at night?
(Answer: Yes, owls can see well at night)
Picture Comprehension for Class 1 #21
Look at the picture carefully. Answer any questions asked about the picture

What is in the bowl?
(Answer: Tomatoes)
What color are the tomatoes?
(Answer: Red)
Are all the tomatoes the same size?
(Answer: No)
Is the bowl full or empty?
(Answer: Full)
Additional Questions
Where do you think the cherry tomatoes came from?
(Answer: A farm, a garden)
What color are the leaves of a tomato plant?
(Answer: Green)
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