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Contamination of water bodies because of the discharge of pollutants into them is known as water pollution. Water pollution may severely affect human, plant, and animal life.

Paragraph on Water Pollution
Paragraph on Water Pollution (100 Words)
Contamination of water bodies because of the discharge of pollutants into them is known as water pollution. Water pollution may severely affect human, plant, and animal life. Pathogens are disease-causing bacteria present in wastewater. When contaminated water is consumed, the pathogens enter the human body. It may cause various water-borne diseases such as typhoid, cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, and jaundice. When detergents and fertilizers containing phosphates are discharged into water, it promotes the growth of algae. The discharge of industrial wastes into water bodies causes water pollution. Lead, manganese, and mercury affect marine life. Measures should be taken to prevent water pollution before the situation goes out of control.
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Paragraph on Water Pollution (150+ Words)
Contamination of water bodies because of the discharge of pollutants into them is known as water pollution. Water pollution may severely affect human, plant, and animal life. Pathogens are disease-causing bacteria present in wastewater. When contaminated water is consumed, the pathogens enter the human body. It may cause various water-borne diseases such as typhoid, cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, and jaundice.
When detergents and fertilizers containing phosphates are discharged into water, it promotes the growth of algae. The discharge of industrial wastes into water bodies causes water pollution. Metals such as lead, mercury, and cadmium dissolved in water may cause several diseases if they enter the human body. When water contaminated with cadmium was consumed by the Japanese, they were affected by a disease called Itai-Itai.
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Similarly, a disease known as Minamata affected the Japanese after they consumed fish that had a large concentration of mercury. Measures should be taken to prevent water pollution before the situation goes out of control. Anti-pollution scientific methods should be devised.
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Paragraph on Water Pollution (200 Words)
Contamination of water bodies because of the discharge of pollutants into them is known as water pollution. Water pollution may severely affect human, plant, and animal life. Pathogens are disease-causing bacteria present in wastewater. When contaminated water is consumed, the pathogens enter the human body. It may cause various water-borne diseases such as typhoid, cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, and jaundice.
When detergents and fertilizers containing phosphates are discharged into water, it promotes the growth of algae. The discharge of industrial wastes into water bodies causes water pollution. Drilling oil under the sea may prove dangerous for marine life. Lead, manganese, and mercury affect marine life. Metals such as lead, mercury, and cadmium dissolved in water may cause several diseases if they enter the human body. When water contaminated with cadmium was consumed by the Japanese, they were affected by a disease called Itai-Itai.
Similarly, a disease known as Minamata affected the Japanese after they consumed fish that had a large concentration of mercury. Measures should be taken to prevent water pollution before the situation goes out of control. Nitrogen-fixing plants should be planted to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers. Biofertilizers and biopesticides should be used. Anti-pollution scientific methods should be devised.
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Paragraph on Water Pollution (250 Words)
According to the World Health Organization, any foreign matter either natural or other sources which contaminates and pollutes the water or the water supply making it harmful to human and aquatic life is termed water pollution. Household detergents and wastes pollute water bodies. When detergents and fertilizers containing phosphates are discharged into water, it promotes the growth of algae. Drilling oil under the sea may prove dangerous for marine life.
Water pollution may severely affect human, plant, and animal life. When contaminated water is consumed, the pathogens enter the human body. It may cause various water-borne diseases such as typhoid, cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, and jaundice. Metals such as lead, mercury, and cadmium dissolved in water may cause several diseases if they enter the human body. When water contaminated with cadmium was consumed by the Japanese, they were affected by a disease called Itai-Itai.
Similarly, a disease known as Minamata affected the Japanese after they consumed fish that had a large concentration of mercury. When phosphorus and nitrates from fertilizers are disposed of in water bodies, they promote the growth of algae. The presence of algae in water bodies in a large number reduces the amount of dissolved oxygen in water resulting in the death of fish and other water organisms. Thermal pollution increases the temperature of the water which in turn reduces the level of oxygen in the water. This results in the death of many species of fish. Measures should be taken to prevent water pollution before the situation goes out of control. Anti-pollution scientific methods should be devised.
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Paragraph on Water Pollution (300+ Words)
According to the World Health Organization, any foreign matter either natural or other sources which contaminates and pollutes the water or the water supply making it harmful to human and aquatic life is termed water pollution. Household detergents and wastes pollute water bodies. When detergents and fertilizers containing phosphates are discharged into water, it promotes the growth of algae. Water pollution may severely affect human, plant, and animal life.
When contaminated water is consumed, the pathogens enter the human body. It may cause various water-borne diseases such as typhoid, cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, and jaundice. Metals such as lead, mercury, and cadmium dissolved in water may cause several diseases if they enter the human body. When water contaminated with cadmium was consumed by the Japanese, they were affected by a disease called Itai-Itai.
Similarly, a disease known as Minamata affected the Japanese after they consumed fish that had a large concentration of mercury. When phosphorus and nitrates from fertilizers are disposed of in water bodies, they promote the growth of algae. The presence of algae in water bodies in a large number reduces the amount of dissolved oxygen in water resulting in the death of fish and other water organisms. Thermal pollution increases the temperature of the water which in turn reduces the level of oxygen in the water. This results in the death of many species of fish. Oil drilling and oil spills contaminate seawater which may also lead to the death of marine organisms.
Measures should be taken to prevent water pollution before the situation goes out of control. Two separate drainages should be built for sewage and rainwater so that both rainwater and sewage do not overflow together. Nitrogen-fixing plants should be planted to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers. Agrochemicals and pesticides should be used judiciously to prevent them from draining into a water body. Biofertilizers and biopesticides should be used.
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