A paragraph is a short collection of well-organized sentences which revolve around a single theme and is coherent. A good paragraph expresses everything it has to say briefly.
In this post, you will find a brilliant Paragraph on Humility

Paragraph on Humility
Humility means thinking modestly about oneself, one’s knowledge, and position. Being humble is connected to politeness, which involves showing respect to others. If someone isn’t modest, they can’t be polite. A polite person would acknowledge a shop-girl by tipping their hat when entering the store. People generally like and love those who are humble, and it’s considered a great virtue. Humility contributes to success because someone who is humble realizes that they have much to learn and strives to increase their knowledge and social standing. In time, this can lead to them becoming an important person.
Even great people like Newton, a titan of physical science, were humble. He compared himself to someone picking up pebbles on the seashore while the vast ocean of truth remained unexplored before him.
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