Paragraph on Love for Animals

A paragraph is a short collection of well-organized sentences which revolve around a single theme and is coherent.

Paragraph on Love for Animals

Paragraph on Love for Animals

Sadly, love for animals is no longer common. It is common to see animals being beaten cruelly in many places. However, those who love and care for animals are beloved by God. Both humans and animals were created by God, and He resides within all of them. Therefore, when we show love and kindness towards animals, we are also showing love and kindness towards God. As Swamiji once said, those who love animals are serving God.

Being an animal lover is also a sign of religious devotion. The Bible recognizes the importance of treating animals kindly and regards it as a fundamental aspect of being a righteous person. Furthermore, animal lovers appreciate the beauty of nature. Wild animals like tigers, lions, and deer are an important part of a country’s natural beauty. They are also a major attraction for tourists, which brings in foreign revenue. Therefore, those who love animals are also serving their country.

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