A story is an imaginary account of people or situations that is told for entertainment. Everybody loves to read or listen to stories. But writing them is not a simple task.
In this post, you will learn ‘how to write a story.’

How to Write a Story
Steps for Writing a Story
(Sample taken: The Resignation by Fatehchand)
Step 1: Fix a theme that you want to write about. What would be the moral of your story?
The theme or moral of the story would be ‘Dignity can be taken away only if it is surrendered.’
Step 2: Establish the setting
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- 1. The story is set in India.
- 2. The story unfolds in pre-independence India.
Step 3: Create character sketches
- 1. Fatehchand, is a man of great dignity, but does not have the courage to defend himself.
- 2. Eventually he has the courage to stand up to his offender.
- 3. The Saheb is Fatehchand‘s boss. He is very abusive.
- 4. Ultimately, he is taught a lesson by Fatehchand. He vows not to harm another soul.
Step 4: Outline the plot of the story
Introduction | Lala Fatehchand is a workaholic. He is a good-natured man but has faced only setbacks in life. He is in poor health and his heart is devoid of courage. Despite Fatehchand‘s dedication towards his work, his boss is always abusive towards him. |
Rising Action | One day, he is called by his boss, Saheb immediately as an urgent matter has come up. Fatehchand rushes to work at once despite his wife‘s objections. He walks as fast as he could. |
Crisis | But Saheb is annoyed as he expected him to get to work faster. He humiliates Fatehchand and shakes him by his ears. Later that day, after deep contemplation, Fatehchand decides to avenge his humiliation. He enters Saheb‘s house and threatens him with a stick. Saheb starts to tremble in fear and tries to reason with Fatehchand. |
Climax | Fatehchand strikes Saheb with a blow to the head when he tried to snatch the stick away from his hand. He makes Saheb promise that he would never hurt a self-respecting human being again. He resigns from his job and reprimands Saheb for being a wicked man. |
Resolution | Fatehchand leaves with his head held high. He feels the pleasure of having tasted his very first victory. |
How to Write a Story when the outline of the story is provided
Students are expected to connect the points to form a comprehensive narrative.
Master sent a slave to the market—slave returned frightened—said he saw a woman in the market—the woman was Death herself—she made a threatening gesture at him—slave feared for his life—asked the master to lend him his horse—he wanted to escape death—master obliged and lent him his horse—slave rode the horse to Bagdad—master went to the market to investigate—found Death there—he asked her why she threatened his slave—she said she didn‘t threaten—she was surprised to see him there—she had an appointment with him in Bagdad in the evening.
- Read the outline clearly.
- Understand the plot and the theme.
- Do not omit any points.
- Stick to the order of the points.
- Use connectors to join points.
- Since, Hence, Therefore, Because And, But, So, For, Or, Nor
- Use appropriate words to denote time.
- Once upon a time, Long ago, Later that day
- Dialogues should sound natural.
- Use the tense form consistently.
- Add some details of your own, but do not change the course of the story given in the outline.
- Use a good introduction and conclusion to make your story interesting.
- Use simple language.
- Check for grammatical errors.
- Give it a suitable title based on the main character or the theme of the story.
Death at Bagdad
Once there lived a master and his slave. The master sent his slave to the market to buy provisions. He returned frightened for he had seen a woman in the market. She was Death herself and she had made a threatening gesture at him. The slave feared for his life and asked the master to lend him his horse since he wanted to escape death.
The master obliged and let the slave go. The slave rode the horse all the way to Bagdad. The master then went to the market to investigate. He found Death there standing in the market. He approached her and asked her why she threatened his slave. Death calmly replied that she didn‘t threaten him. In fact, she was surprised to see him there since she had an appointment with him in Samarra later in the evening.

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