Ecotourism is defined by the World Conservation Union as ecologically responsible travel and visits to relatively undisturbed natural areas to enjoy and appreciate nature and cultural features, both past and present, that promote conservation.

Essay on Ecotourism
Ecotourism is a term coined in 1983 by a Mexican architect ecologist and ornithologist, Ceballos-Lascurain. According to him, it is “a logical component of eco-development. It is a complex and multi-disciplinary phenomenon that has an extraordinary impact in the interpretation of nature and natural resources, as well as in the understanding of human history and its interaction with the rural environment, and in the spread of environmental knowledge and awareness.”
The above-mentioned words were spoken by him during an interview with the Times of India when he visited the capital in January 1999. Ecotourism is defined by the World Conservation Union as ecologically responsible travel and visits to relatively undisturbed natural areas to enjoy and appreciate nature and cultural features, both past and present, that promote conservation. It has less impact on visitors and provides beneficial active socio-economic involvement of local people.
Thus the fundamental difference between ecotourism and nature tourism is that ecotourism respects the environment and encourages and promotes the well-being of local people. Nature tourism may not.
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