On January 1, 1999, Europe adopted the era of the single currency in eleven of the fifteen countries of the European Union.
The main goal of the Euro is to counter the supremacy and hegemony of the dollar and ensure greater European economic prosperity in what is known as Euroland. In this post, you will find a brilliant essay on the Euro.

Essay on the Euro
On January 1, 1999, Europe adopted the era of the single currency in eleven of the fifteen countries of the European Union. Britain, Sweden, Greece and Denmark abstained from this new arrangement.
In any case, a move like the WWW (World Wide Web) undermined the idea of the nation-state, bringing back memories of the sprawling Roman Empire. The main goal is to counter the supremacy and hegemony of the dollar and ensure greater European economic prosperity in what is known as Euroland.
As a counter-magnet to the strong dollar, the euro will sharpen global versatility with the yen another point of attraction. Although euro hard cash (notes and coins) were only scheduled to appear in January 2002, the euro appeared on bank accounts, traveller’s checks and plastic cards.
As of January 2002, the eleven members of the European Monetary Union will continue to use their own national currencies. To promotes the Euro to the general population, a publicity blitz was initiated. Another objective of the euro was to facilitate exchange rates.
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Indeed, behind the euro move is a concept of the United States of Europe. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization already existed with most Western European countries as members, but it was dominated by the United States.
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