Paragraph on Tree Plantation

A paragraph is a short collection of well-organized sentences which revolve around a single theme and is coherent. A good paragraph expresses everything it has to say briefly.

Man and trees have been associated with each other since the dawn of civilization. Trees provide man with timber for buildings and furniture, firewood, food like fruits, and honey, goods of economic importance like rubber, resin, gums, and medicinal substances like turpentine, quinine, etc.

Paragraph on Tree Plantation

Paragraph on Tree Plantation (100 Words)

There is an eternal bond between men and trees. Trees help human beings and other living creatures in many ways. They supply oxygen to them. Trees give them food, fruits, fuel, timber, medicine, and many other useful things. They are also the harbingers of rain and check soil erosion. They give men shelter and shade. They protect wildlife. Trees help men fight against environmental pollution. So we all must grow more trees and stop deforestation. We must take part in tree plantation for our own sake. We should not forget that the great scientist Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose proved that trees are living beings.

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Paragraph on Tree Plantation (150 Words)

Even a few centuries ago forests occupied a large area of the total land surface of this world. It provided shelter to the primitive forms of life; gave wild beasts and birds protection against hunters. Trees of the forests kept up the supply of oxygen and helped the precipitation of rainfall. With the progress of civilization, man began to cut down trees to get more and more land on which towns and cities were built. Trees were felled to obtain timber, make paper, provide fuel, and procure more land for agricultural and residential purposes. This continuous act of deforestation not only destroyed trees but also led to the extinction of many animal and botanical species.

But man has been realizing increasingly the evils of deforestation. They take part in tree plantation for our own sake. To save civilization from extinction new programs of afforestation have been taken by the Governments.

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Paragraph on Tree Plantation (200 Words)

Man and trees have been associated with each other since the dawn of civilization. Trees provide man with timber for buildings and furniture, firewood, food like fruits, and honey, goods of economic importance like rubber, resin, gums, and medicinal substances like turpentine, quinine, etc. Man is dependent on trees for his existence on earth. They produce oxygen (CO2) which keeps man alive. Forests maintain the balance between the amount of oxygen and carbon-di-oxide and thus help to preserve life on earth. Trees also cause rainfall, prevent soil erosion and fertilize the soil. Of late, there have been massive schemes of deforestation afoot. Trees are felled recklessly. Forest areas are converted into human habitations.

To save civilization from extinction new programs of tree plantation have been taken by the Governments. The festival, Vano-Mahotsav is observed every year in the rainy season. Thousands of saplings are planted on the occasion. More and more areas are brought under forest cover and people are taught “Plant trees and save a life.” We must take part in tree plantation for our own sake. We should not forget that the great scientist Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose proved that trees are living beings.

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Paragraph on Tree Plantation (250 Words)

Even a few centuries ago forests occupied a large area of the total land surface of this world. It provided shelter to the primitive forms of life; gave wild beasts and birds protection against hunters. Trees of the forests kept up the supply of oxygen and helped the precipitation of rainfall. With the progress of civilization, man began to cut down trees to get more and more land on which towns and cities were built. Trees were felled to obtain timber, make paper, provide fuel, and procure more land for agricultural and residential purposes. This continuous act of deforestation not only destroyed trees but also led to the extinction of many animal and botanical species.

But man has been realizing increasingly the evils of deforestation. He now knows that cutting down trees means the erosion of topsoil during the rains. In addition to all these and most importantly, forests mean the ecological balance not only of a limited area but of the entire world. This growing awareness of the great value of trees and the evils of destroying them has led man to try to ensure afforestation of those areas that have been deprived of their forest cover by indiscriminate felling of trees.

Now mankind is beginning to appreciate the fact that forests must be preserved for the healthy survival of man himself. They take part in tree plantation for our own sake. To save civilization from extinction new programs of afforestation have been taken by the Governments.

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