Paragraph on Importance of Trees

A paragraph is a short collection of well-organized sentences which revolve around a single theme and is coherent. A good paragraph expresses everything it has to say briefly.

Trees supply fresh oxygen which is necessary for our survival. They give us flowers, fruits, fuel, timber, herbal medicine, and many other useful things. Trees are the harbingers of rain to produce crops and also prevent soil erosion.

Paragraph on Value of Trees

Paragraph on Importance of Trees (100 Words)

Trees form an important part of a country’s wealth. Trees provide a country with all the wood it needs for buildings and furniture and provide a lot of fuel for surrounding areas. But the greatest use of trees lies in their ability to attract rain and conserve moisture. A plant’s leaves are constantly evaporating moisture, which cools the surrounding atmosphere. As a result, when moisture-laden winds blow over trees, the moisture they carry condenses and forms clouds that eventually dissolve into the rain. To save the earth we must stop cutting trees.

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Paragraph on Importance of Trees (150 Words)

Trees form an important part of a country’s wealth. Trees provide a country with all the wood it needs for buildings and furniture and provide a lot of fuel for surrounding areas. Trees provide people with timber for buildings and furniture, firewood, food like fruits and honey, economically important products like rubber, resin, and gums and medicinal substances like turpentine, quinine etc.

But the greatest use of trees lies in their ability to attract rain and conserve moisture. A plant’s leaves are always giving off moisture and this constant evaporation cools the surrounding atmosphere. As a result, when moisture-laden winds blow over trees, the moisture they carry condenses and forms clouds that eventually dissolve into the rain. As a result, complete tree destruction may result in the formation of a desert. So, stop felling trees and save the environment. A single tree has the potential to save hundreds of lives.

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Paragraph on Importance of Trees (200 Words)

Humans and trees have been intertwined since the dawn of civilization. Trees form an important part of a country’s wealth. Trees provide a country with all the wood it needs for buildings and furniture and provide a lot of fuel for surrounding areas. Trees provide people with timber for buildings and furniture, firewood, food like fruits and honey, economically important products like rubber, resin, and gums and medicinal substances like turpentine, quinine etc.

But the greatest use of trees lies in their ability to attract rain and conserve moisture. A plant’s leaves are always giving off moisture and this constant evaporation cools the surrounding atmosphere. As a result, when moisture-laden winds blow over trees, the moisture they carry condenses and forms clouds that eventually dissolve into the rain. So complete destruction of trees can turn an area into a desert.

Man depends on trees for his existence on earth. They produce oxygen (CO2) which keeps humans alive. Trees cause rainfall, prevent soil erosion and fertilize the soil. Measures to be taken to conserve trees include afforestation, prevention of forest fires, planting more trees and preventing soil erosion.

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Paragraph on Importance of Trees (250 Words)

Trees are of great importance in our everyday life. They provide us with thatch for huts, timber for buildings and furniture, firewood, food like fruits, honey, etc., and medicine. We are dependent on trees for our very existence on earth. They produce oxygen which keeps us alive. They also absorb carbon-di-oxide exhaled by us and thereby help to create a pollution-free atmosphere. Trees help to prevent the erosion of soil and floods.

Both the urban and rural people gain advantages from growing more trees. The former enjoys a pollution-free atmosphere and the latter gets fruits, fuel, goods of economic importance, and medicines. Road-side trees are planted to beautify the roads and purify the air. Trees supply fresh air to reduce pollution in urban areas and help in rural economic growth. It is important to note that 33% of the land is required as forests in any country to maintain ecological balance. Hence we must take utmost care to grow more trees and stop deforestation. Trees give men shelter and shade. They protect wildlife. Trees help men fight against environmental pollution. So we all must grow more trees and stop deforestation.

We must care for trees for our own sake. We should not forget that the great scientist Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose proved that trees are living beings. The festival, Vano-Mahotsav is observed every year during the rainy season. Thousands of saplings are planted on the occasion. More and more areas are brought under forest cover and people are taught “Plant trees and save a life.”

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