Moral stories are one of the most practical platforms to impart education. They are tranquil, captivate children’s attention and bestow valuable lessons. Not only children but also everybody loves to read or listen to Moral stories. But writing them is not a simple task.
In this post, you will find the top 10 Famous Moral Stories that will give you valuable lessons.

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Famous Moral Stories #1
The honest woodcutter
Once there was a poor woodcutter who accidentally dropped his axe into the river while chopping down a tree. He felt really sad and started crying. A god who lived in the river heard him and came out to help.
The woodcutter explained what happened, and the god dove into the river to find the axe. When he came back, he was holding a shiny golden axe. He asked the woodcutter if it was his. But the woodcutter said no, his axe wasn’t fancy like that.
So, the god went back into the river and came back with a silver axe. But again, the woodcutter said it wasn’t his. Finally, the god dived one more time and brought back the woodcutter’s old iron axe.
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The woodcutter was really happy to have his axe back, and the god was impressed by his honesty. As a reward, the god gave him silver and gold axes in addition to his iron axe.
Moral: Honesty is always rewarded.
Famous Moral Stories #2
A cheat is detected in the long run
There was a dishonest sweetmeat seller who used to cheat his customers by giving them less than what they paid for. However, one day, an intelligent customer caught him in the act and asked why he did it. The sweetmeat seller tried to defend himself by saying that he was reducing the customer’s labour by giving them less to carry.
But the customer was not fooled and paid six paise less than the asking price. The sweetmeat seller complained, but the customer explained that he was reducing the seller’s labour by giving him less to count. The customer then left, leaving the sweetmeat seller with no choice but to accept his mistake. The story teaches us that cheating is never worth it in the long run, and eventually, one will be caught.
Moral: Paid back in one’s own coin.
Famous Moral Stories #3
Do not trust a false friend
Two friends were going through the woods when they came across a bear. The friends became terrified, and one of them climbed a tree without considering his friend’s safety. The other friend, who couldn’t climb a tree, lied down on the ground and feigned to die. The bear approached, sniffing around the friend’s lips, nose, and ears. Fortunately, the bear assumed his friend was dead and moved away. Unfortunately, the other companion was not present and died after falling into a pit. The fable tells us never to believe a dishonest friend.
Moral: Always see where you are going
Famous Moral Stories #4
A Greedy Dog
One day, a dog stole a piece of meat from a butcher’s shop. He was very happy to have it and planned to have a good meal at home that night. With the piece of meat in his mouth, he went towards his home. On his way, he had to cross a river using a narrow plank. While crossing the plank, he looked down into the water and saw his reflection. He mistook it for another dog holding a larger piece of meat.
He thought to himself, “Ah, there is another dog with a bigger piece of meat! If I can take that piece from him, I will have a good meal in the morning. I must have that piece of meat at any cost.”
Without thinking, he ran towards his own shadow to grab the piece of meat reflected in the water. As a result, he fell into the river and lost his own piece of meat. By being led by greed, he lost what he already had.
Moral: Grasp all, lose all
Famous Moral Stories #5
The dog and the crow
One day, a dog found a bone and was happily eating it under a tree. A cunning crow saw the bone and wanted it for itself. The crow flew away and returned with another crow. Together, they approached the dog. One of the crows pulled the dog’s tail with its beak, annoying the dog. The other crow also bit the dog’s tail. The dog grew angry and dropped the bone, turning around to see what was happening. While the dog was distracted, the second crow snatched the bone and flew away with it. The dog tried to catch the crow but failed, and was left feeling sad.
Moral: The power of cunning
Famous Moral Stories #6
A man and his ass
Once there was a man who used to sell salt. He had an ass to carry loads of salt from a faraway town. On the way, they had to cross a stream every day. One day, the ass slipped and fell into the river, causing some of the salt to dissolve in the water. As a result, the load became lighter, which made the ass feel relieved.
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Thinking it was clever, the ass started to deliberately let its feet slip into the water every day. As a consequence, the man suffered a huge loss. He became very angry and wanted to teach the ass a lesson. He decided to keep it without food for two days. After that, the ass realized its mistake and never repeated it again. The moral of the story is to not be foolish and act cleverly, or else it can lead to problems in the future.
Moral: Tit for tat
Famous Moral Stories #7
The Wolf and the lamb
Once upon a time, there was a cruel wolf who enjoyed killing small animals for no reason. One day, he wandered in the forest in search of prey but found none, and became very thirsty. He went to a stream to drink water and saw a lamb there. The wolf wanted to eat the lamb and approached her, accusing her of disturbing the water. The lamb politely replied that it was impossible, as the water was flowing from the wolf to her.
However, the wolf grew angrier and accused the lamb of insulting him in the past. The lamb calmly pointed out that she was not even a year old and couldn’t have done so. Nevertheless, the wolf attacked and devoured the innocent lamb.
Moral: A bad fellow has always an excuse for his misdeed.
Famous Moral Stories #8
The fox and the grapes
On a hot day, a fox walked by a vineyard where he saw ripe grapes hanging from the vines. He felt both hungry and thirsty, and was delighted to see the juicy grapes. However, the grapes were out of his reach, and he jumped multiple times to try and get them but couldn’t. The fox was disappointed and told himself that the grapes were sour and that he didn’t want them after all.
Moral: Indifference comes after failure.
Famous Moral Stories #9
The farmer and the snake
On a cold winter morning, a snake came out of its hole but couldn’t go back in, and lay almost lifeless on the road. A farmer passing by saw the poor creature in that condition and took pity on it. He warmed the snake with the fire and saved its life. The farmer’s son was standing nearby and, as the snake revived, it was about to bite him. The farmer became angry and, taking a stick beat the snake to death for its ingratitude.
Moral: Black will take no other hue.
Famous Moral Stories #10
The stag and the hunter
Once, a thirsty stag went to drink water from a clear pool. While drinking, the stag saw his own reflection in the water and admired his fine horns. However, he felt sorry for his thin legs, which he found ugly. Suddenly, a hunter appeared with his hounds, and the stag got scared and ran away as fast as he could. Unfortunately, his horns got stuck in the creepers of the bushes, and he couldn’t escape. The hunter caught up to him and killed him, making his once charming horns the reason for his demise.
Moral: Handsome is that handsome does.
Famous Moral Stories #11
The Blue Jackal
One night, a jackal sneaked into a washerman’s house to steal some food. However, he fell into a vat filled with blue water and ended up being dyed blue. Even though he managed to get out of the vat, he looked very unusual. When he returned to the forest, none of the animals could recognize him, and they were all scared of him. Surprisingly, they made him their king.
At night, the jackals started to howl, but the blue jackal could not blend in with them. Instead, he howled loudly, revealing his true identity to all the animals. The tiger, hearing the blue jackal’s howl, came and killed him.
Moral: You can fool some people for some time, but not all people all the time.

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