Short Passages with Questions and Answers

Reading comprehension is the act of understanding what you are reading.

In this post, we present the top 15 Short Passages with Questions and Answers. These passages are designed to challenge and improve your reading comprehension skills.

Guidelines for reading a passage comprehension

  • Read the passage thoroughly.
  • Identify the main idea and the supporting details of the passage.
  • Understand the first (introduction) and the last (conclusion) paragraph of the passage.
  • Identify the theme of each paragraph.
  • Identify the tone used in the passage.
  • Understand the author’s purpose and viewpoint.
  • Read the questions carefully.
  • Understand what is being asked in the questions.

Short Passages with Questions and Answers

Short Passages with Questions and Answers

Short Passages with Questions and Answers #1

Photosynthesis, the plant’s magical cooking, unfolds in tiny kitchens called chloroplasts. These mini-factories, wrapped in a double layer, hold a green chef called chlorophyll. Inside, there are flat sacs called thylakoids, forming stacks named grana in a clear space called stroma.

Chlorophyll, the chef’s assistant, loves catching red and blue light, giving plants their green color. This kitchen duo transforms air and water into yummy carbohydrates, and as a bonus, they serve up oxygen. It’s like a dance – sunlight, colors, and plant kitchens working together to make life’s essential recipe, the enchanting process of photosynthesis.

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Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

What is the primary purpose of chloroplasts in photosynthesis?

  • A. Absorbing oxygen
  • B. Transforming light into carbohydrates
  • C. Producing thylakoids
  • D. Creating a double layer

Answer: B. Transforming light into carbohydrates”

Where are the flat sacs called thylakoids found inside chloroplasts?

  • A. Stroma
  • B. Grana
  • C. Double layer
  • D. Chef’s assistant

Answer: B. Grana

What gives plants their green color during photosynthesis?

  • A. Red light
  • B. Blue light
  • C. Chloroplasts
  • D. Chlorophyll

Answer: D. Chlorophyll

What is the clear space within chloroplasts called?

  • A. Carbohydrates
  • B. Oxygen
  • C. Stroma
  • D. Thylakoids

Answer: C. Stroma

What is the bonus product provided by the kitchen duo of chlorophyll and chloroplasts?

  • A. Carbohydrates
  • B. Oxygen
  • C. Grana
  • D. Double layer

Answer: B. Oxygen

True or False Questions:

Chlorophyll absorbs red and blue light to give plants their green color.

Answer: True

Thylakoids form stacks named grana inside the chloroplasts.

Answer: True

The clear space within chloroplasts is called double layer.

Answer: False


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Chloroplasts transform air and water into carbohydrates and release carbon dioxide.

Answer: False

Photosynthesis is a process involving the collaboration of sunlight, colors, and plant kitchens.

Answer: True

Very Short Answer Questions:

What is the green pigment responsible for catching red and blue light?

Answer: Chlorophyll

Where are carbohydrates produced during photosynthesis?

Answer: Inside chloroplasts

What forms stacks named grana inside chloroplasts?

Answer: Thylakoids

What is the main role of chlorophyll in photosynthesis?

Answer: Absorbing light

What is the primary byproduct of the enchanting process of photosynthesis?

Answer: Oxygen

Short Passages with Questions and Answers #2

Science represents organized knowledge derived from observing and studying the natural world and life. It asserts that everything in life and the world follows a cause-and-effect relationship, eliminating notions of the supernatural or randomness. Superstition, on the other hand, involves an irrational belief in supernatural powers, omens, or witchcraft, often stemming from an irrational fear of the unknown. Superstitions involve unexplained phenomena.

The harmful effects of prejudices are obvious—they impede social progress, limit independent thinking, and induce unnecessary anxiety. Superstitions trap individuals in a cycle of inexplicable, fear and uncertainty. Fortunately, science serves as an antidote to superstition.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

What is the main distinction between science and superstition mentioned in the passage?

  • A. Science relies on irrational beliefs.
  • B. Superstition involves observing the natural world.
  • C. Science follows a cause-and-effect relationship.
  • D. Superstition encourages independent thinking.

Answer: C. Science follows a cause-and-effect relationship.

How does the passage describe superstition’s relationship with unexplained phenomena?

  • A. Superstition eliminates unexplained phenomena.
  • B. Superstitions are based on unexplained phenomena.
  • C. Science and superstition explain phenomena similarly.
  • D. Unexplained phenomena have no connection to superstitions.

Answer: B. Superstitions are based on unexplained phenomena.

What harmful effects of prejudices are highlighted in the passage?

  • A. Advancement of social progress
  • B. Encouragement of independent thinking
  • C. Limitation of social progress
  • D. Reduction of anxiety

Answer: C. Limitation of social progress.

How does the passage characterize the relationship between superstitions and fear?

  • A. Superstitions eliminate fear.
  • B. Superstitions are based on rational fear.
  • C. Superstitions trap individuals in fear and uncertainty.
  • D. Science promotes fear and uncertainty.

Answer: C. Superstitions trap individuals in fear and uncertainty.

What is described as the antidote to superstition in the passage?

  • A. Prejudices
  • B. Fear
  • C. Science
  • D. Independent thinking

Answer: C. Science.

True or False Questions:

Science asserts that everything in life follows a cause-and-effect relationship.

Answer: True

Superstitions are based on rational beliefs and observations of the natural world.

Answer: False

Prejudices can contribute to social progress and independent thinking.

Answer: False

Superstitions eliminate fear and uncertainty in individuals.

Answer: False

The passage suggests that science serves as a remedy for the harmful effects of prejudices.

Answer: True

Very Short Answer Questions:

What does the passage state is the antidote to superstition?

Answer: Science

How does superstition relate to unexplained phenomena, according to the passage?

Answer: Superstitions are based on unexplained phenomena.

What negative effects of prejudices are mentioned in the passage?

Answer: Limitation of social progress, limiting independent thinking, inducing unnecessary anxiety.

What does science assert about the natural world and life?

Answer: Follows a cause-and-effect relationship.

How does the passage describe the relationship between superstitions and fear?

Answer: Superstitions trap individuals in a cycle of fear and uncertainty.

Short Passages with Questions and Answers #3

Think of electricity as our modern-day Aladdin’s lamp. With just a press of a button, it becomes our capable genie, doing everything for us, much like the giant in The Tales from Arabian Nights. Thanks to Faraday, we’ve made electricity our trustworthy servant, playing a vital role in our daily lives.

It cooks our food, powers the radio and television for relaxation, and operates the electric lift that takes us up and down skyscrapers. Darkness in the night is banished, and we owe much of our modern industrial development and transportation system to electricity. Telegraph lines form a global network, carrying messages across the world.

Notably, electricity has transformed medical treatment, and the wonders of the computer and the internet, working faster than Aladdin’s djinn, are driven by this incredible force.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

According to the passage, what role does electricity play in our daily lives?

  • A. Cooking food
  • B. Operating televisions
  • C. Transforming medical treatment
  • D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

What is the analogy used in the passage to describe electricity’s versatility?

  • A. Aladdin’s djinn
  • B. A giant from Arabian Nights
  • C. A reliable servant
  • D. A telegraph network

Answer: C. A reliable servant

Who is mentioned as the figure to whom we owe much of our modern use of electricity?

  • A. Faraday
  • B. Aladdin
  • C. The giant
  • D. Djinn

Answer: A. Faraday

What has electricity transformed in the medical field, according to the passage?

  • A. Industrial development
  • B. Transportation system
  • C. Medical treatment
  • D. Telegraph lines

Answer: C. Medical treatment

What is the analogy used to describe the speed of the wonders driven by electricity?

  • A. Aladdin’s djinn
  • B. The Tales from Arabian Nights
  • C. A giant
  • D. Telegraph lines

Answer: A. Aladdin’s djinn

True or False Questions:

Electricity has no role in our daily lives.

Answer: False

Faraday is credited in the passage for making electricity a reliable servant.

Answer: True

Darkness in the night is not banished by electricity, according to the passage.

Answer: False

The wonders of the computer and the internet are not driven by electricity.

Answer: False

Telegraph lines do not form a global network for carrying messages across the world.

Answer: False

Very Short Answer Questions:

What analogy is used to describe electricity in the passage?

Answer: Aladdin’s lamp / A genie

Who is credited for making electricity a trustworthy servant in the passage?

Answer: Faraday

What does electricity do for us, according to the passage, analogous to the giant in The Tales from Arabian Nights?

Answer: Everything for us

What does electricity banish in the night, as mentioned in the passage?

Answer: Darkness

What incredible force drives the wonders of the computer and the internet, according to the passage?

Answer: Electricity

Short Passages with Questions and Answers #4

Humility means thinking modestly about oneself, one’s knowledge, and position. Being humble is connected to politeness, which involves showing respect to others. If someone isn’t modest, they can’t be polite. A polite person would acknowledge a shop-girl by tipping their hat when entering the store. People generally like and love those who are humble, and it’s considered a great virtue. Humility contributes to success because someone who is humble realizes that they have much to learn and strives to increase their knowledge and social standing. In time, this can lead to them becoming an important person.

Even great people like Newton, a titan of physical science, were humble. He compared himself to someone picking up pebbles on the seashore while the vast ocean of truth remained unexplored before him.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

According to the passage, what is humility connected to?

  • A. Arrogance
  • B. Politeness
  • C. Ignorance
  • D. Rudeness

Answer: B. Politeness

What does the passage suggest about the relationship between humility and politeness?

  • A. They are unrelated.
  • B. Humility and politeness are the same.
  • C. A lack of humility leads to politeness.
  • D. Being humble is necessary for politeness.

Answer: D. Being humble is necessary for politeness.

Why does the passage assert that humility contributes to success?

  • A. Humble people are liked and loved.
  • B. Humble individuals acknowledge shop-girls.
  • C. Humility leads to increased social standing.
  • D. All of the above.

Answer: D. All of the above.

What virtue is considered great and is associated with humility?

  • A. Arrogance
  • B. Rudeness
  • C. Modesty
  • D. Ignorance

Answer: C. Modesty

How does the passage describe Newton’s attitude towards himself despite his achievements?

  • A. Arrogant
  • B. Modest and humble
  • C. Ignorant
  • D. Rude

Answer: B. Modest and humble

True or False Questions:

According to the passage, a lack of humility can be associated with politeness.

Answer: False

Being humble is considered a virtue, and people generally like and love humble individuals.

Answer: True

Humility contributes to success by decreasing social standing.

Answer: False

Politeness and arrogance are interconnected according to the passage.

Answer: False

Newton, despite being a titan of physical science, is described as arrogant in the passage.

Answer: False

Very Short Answer Questions:

What is humility connected to, according to the passage?

Answer: Politeness

What does humility contribute to, as per the passage?

Answer: Success

What virtue is associated with humility and considered great?

Answer: Modesty

How does the passage describe Newton’s attitude despite his achievements?

Answer: Modest and humble

What does a polite person do, according to the passage, when entering a store?

Answer: Acknowledge a shop-girl by tipping their hat.

Short Passages with Questions and Answers #5

The teacher of today is the salt of the earth. He wants to create a man, not just make money. He is a knowledgeable gentleman. He is an expert in the particular subject he teaches. Though a scholar, he teaches the subject in such a way that all students, brilliant or ordinary, can fully understand him. He doesn’t advertise his knowledge. He cares about his students and offers assistance to them both inside and outside of the classroom. He attends his work regularly.

Anything that seems untidy gets the side eye from him. Being conscious of his social responsibilities, he offers assistance to neighbours in need and spends his free time on social services. But there are very few teachers who consider teaching as a mere profession like any other profession. They do not have the dedication to become great teachers for ages.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

What does the passage say about the teacher’s approach to teaching?

  • A. Focuses on making money
  • B. Creates knowledgeable scholars
  • C. Advertises extensively
  • D. Specializes in social services

Answer: B. Creates knowledgeable scholars

How does the passage describe the teacher’s expertise in the subject?

  • A. Limited knowledge
  • B. Scholarly expertise
  • C. Extensive advertising
  • D. Untidy presentation

Answer: B. Scholarly expertise

How does the teacher treat students, regardless of their academic performance?

  • A. Ignores ordinary students
  • B. Fully understands all students
  • C. Advertises selectively
  • D. Shows favoritism to brilliant students

Answer: B. Fully understands all students

What does the passage mention about the teacher’s dedication to social responsibilities?

  • A. Neglects social services
  • B. Attends work irregularly
  • C. Offers assistance to neighbors
  • D. Advertises knowledge

Answer: C. Offers assistance to neighbors

How do very few teachers view teaching, according to the passage?

  • A. As a mere profession
  • B. As a social service
  • C. As a scholarly pursuit
  • D. As an advertising opportunity

Answer: A. As a mere profession

True or False Questions:

The passage suggests that the teacher’s primary goal is to make money.

Answer: False

The teacher, according to the passage, is not concerned about the understanding of ordinary students.

Answer: False

Teachers who consider teaching as a mere profession are dedicated and likely to become great teachers.

Answer: False

The passage implies that a tidy presentation is not essential for a good teacher.

Answer: False

The teacher spends free time on social services, according to the passage.

Answer: True

Very Short Answer Questions:

How does the passage describe the teacher’s role in creating individuals?

Answer: The teacher wants to create a man, not just make money.

What does the teacher care about, according to the passage?

Answer: The students and their understanding.

How does the teacher view the untidy aspects, as mentioned in the passage?

Answer: Gets the side eye from him.

What does the teacher spend free time on, as per the passage?

Answer: Social services.

How do very few teachers consider teaching, according to the passage?

Answer: As a mere profession like any other profession.

Short Passages with Questions and Answers #6

Education for a vocation (profession) is known as vocational education. Some of its forms include computer applications, engineering, medicine, agriculture, business management, chartered accountancy, costing, etc. From the perspective of India’s economic progress, it is very important. Moreover, the country is undergoing rapid industrialization. Business is expanding. Vocationally trained personnel, especially in computer applications, are required to run various industrial units, business establishments and trade centres.

Vocational education is preferable to traditional education for a large section of students because the latter is suitable for their white-collar (clerical) jobs. White-collar occupations are now so crowded that most students are unemployed after graduation. On the other hand, vocational education offers greater employment opportunities.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

What is vocational education primarily focused on?

  • A. Theoretical knowledge
  • B. White-collar jobs
  • C. Traditional subjects
  • D. Professional skills

Answer: D. Professional skills

Which of the following is mentioned as a form of vocational education in the passage?

  • A. History
  • B. Literature
  • C. Chartered accountancy
  • D. Philosophy

Answer: C. Chartered accountancy

Why is vocational education considered important for India’s economic progress?

  • A. It emphasizes theoretical knowledge.
  • B. It suits white-collar jobs.
  • C. India is undergoing rapid industrialization.
  • D. It is crowded with unemployed students.

Answer: C. India is undergoing rapid industrialization.

What is the advantage of vocational education over traditional education, according to the passage?

  • A. It is more theoretical.
  • B. It focuses on white-collar jobs.
  • C. It offers greater employment opportunities.
  • D. It is suitable for crowded occupations.

Answer: C. It offers greater employment opportunities.

Which personnel are particularly required in various industrial units, business establishments, and trade centers, according to the passage?

  • A. Theoretical scholars
  • B. Vocational trainers
  • C. Vocationally trained personnel, especially in computer applications
  • D. White-collar professionals

Answer: C. Vocationally trained personnel, especially in computer applications

True or False Questions:

Vocational education is primarily focused on traditional subjects.

Answer: False

White-collar occupations are less crowded compared to vocational occupations.

Answer: False

Traditional education is considered preferable for white-collar jobs.

Answer: True

Vocational education is crucial for India’s economic progress due to rapid industrialization.

Answer: True

Vocational education is less likely to lead to unemployment compared to traditional education.

Answer: True

Very Short Answer Questions:

What does vocational education primarily emphasize?

Answer: Professional skills

Name one form of vocational education mentioned in the passage.

Answer: Chartered accountancy

Why is vocational education preferable for a large section of students, according to the passage?

Answer: Offers greater employment opportunities

In what areas are vocationally trained personnel particularly required, as mentioned in the passage?

Answer: Industrial units, business establishments, and trade centers

What is India undergoing that makes vocational education important for its economic progress?

Answer: Rapid industrialization

Short Passages with Questions and Answers #7

Training in a specific branch of applied science, such as engineering, agriculture, weaving, spinning, etc., is considered technical education. It contrasts with liberal education which aims to impart general knowledge of arts and sciences. In the modern era, technical education is extremely important. Today, a country’s prosperity is determined by its industrial development. The more advanced the country is in industry, the more prosperous the country is. Technical knowledge is now the backbone of industrial progress, which holds the key to national prosperity.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

What is technical education primarily focused on, according to the passage?

  • A. General knowledge
  • B. Liberal arts
  • C. Applied science
  • D. Literature

Answer: C. Applied science

What does technical education contrast with, as mentioned in the passage?

  • A. Industry
  • B. Liberal education
  • C. Prosperity
  • D. General knowledge

Answer: B. Liberal education

What does the passage suggest is a determinant of a country’s prosperity in the modern era?

  • A. General knowledge
  • B. Liberal arts
  • C. Industrial development
  • D. Literature

Answer: C. Industrial development

What is described as the backbone of industrial progress in the passage?

  • A. Liberal education
  • B. General knowledge
  • C. Technical knowledge
  • D. Prosperity

Answer: C. Technical knowledge

What does the passage emphasize as the key to national prosperity?

  • A. Literature
  • B. General knowledge
  • C. Technical knowledge
  • D. Liberal education

Answer: C. Technical knowledge

True or False Questions:

Technical education is focused on imparting general knowledge of arts and sciences.

Answer: False

The more advanced a country is in industry, the less prosperous it becomes.

Answer: False

Liberal education is considered more important for industrial progress than technical knowledge.

Answer: False

The passage suggests that a country’s prosperity is determined by its industrial development.

Answer: True

Technical knowledge is highlighted as the backbone of industrial progress in the passage.

Answer: True

Very Short Answer Questions:

What is technical education primarily focused on in the passage?

Answer: Applied science

What does technical education contrast with?

Answer: Liberal education

What is described as the key to national prosperity in the passage?

Answer: Technical knowledge

What is determined by a country’s industrial development in the modern era, according to the passage?

Answer: Prosperity

What is emphasized as the backbone of industrial progress in the passage?

Answer: Technical knowledge

Short Passages with Questions and Answers #8

Unity is a state of living and acting as one person. It is a collection of pieces that together form a whole. Individual power must be distinguished from collective power. Unity provides strength and wealth. Nothing significant can be done in the absence of unity. Even simple activities can be difficult for a lonely person.

On the other hand, no matter how difficult the task may be, it can be easily accomplished if a large number of men work together. National unity is essential. All is well in a country as long as its constituent parts are friendly. When they are knocked out, chaos will engulf them. Enemies can take advantage of this disunity to win. This is what happened in several countries in the past.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

How is unity defined in the passage?

  • A. Acting individually
  • B. Living in chaos
  • C. Working alone
  • D. Living and acting as one person

Answer: D. Living and acting as one person

What does the passage suggest about the power of unity?

  • A. It is the same as individual power.
  • B. It provides strength and wealth.
  • C. It is insignificant.
  • D. It leads to chaos.

Answer: B. It provides strength and wealth.

According to the passage, what happens when a large number of people work together?

  • A. Chaos ensues
  • B. Significant tasks become difficult
  • C. Tasks become easily accomplished
  • D. Unity weakens

Answer: C. Tasks become easily accomplished

What is emphasized as essential for a country’s well-being?

  • A. Chaos
  • B. Disunity
  • C. National unity
  • D. Individual power

Answer: C. National unity

What can enemies take advantage of, according to the passage?

  • A. Unity
  • B. Chaos
  • C. Individual power
  • D. Significant tasks

Answer: B. Chaos

True or False Questions:

Unity is described as a state of living and acting as one person.

Answer: True

According to the passage, nothing significant can be done in the absence of unity.

Answer: True

National unity is considered essential for a country’s well-being.

Answer: True

Enemies cannot take advantage of disunity to win, according to the passage.

Answer: False

The passage suggests that chaos can engulf a country when its constituent parts are not friendly.

Answer: True

Very Short Answer Questions:

How is unity defined in the passage?

Answer: A state of living and acting as one person.

What does unity provide, according to the passage?

Answer: Strength and wealth.

What is emphasized as essential for a country’s well-being?

Answer: National unity.

What can enemies take advantage of, according to the passage?

Answer: Disunity.

According to the passage, what happens when a large number of people work together?

Answer: Tasks become easily accomplished.

Short Passages with Questions and Answers #9

The habit of doing everything on time is called punctuality. This is not only a good habit, but also a great quality. It is the key to success in human life. A man has to take the opportunity as it is presented to him. If he misses it due to lack of punctuality, he will never get it back and he will lose the chance of success. Punctuality is important because it prevents dangers, challenges and failures.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

What is punctuality, as defined in the passage?

  • A. Doing everything slowly
  • B. Doing everything on time
  • C. Doing everything at once
  • D. Doing everything randomly

Answer: B. Doing everything on time

According to the passage, what is punctuality considered?

  • A. A bad habit
  • B. A good habit
  • C. A challenge
  • D. A failure

Answer: B. A good habit

What does the passage suggest about the importance of punctuality in human life?

  • A. It is irrelevant.
  • B. It is the key to success.
  • C. It leads to dangers.
  • D. It causes failures.

Answer: B. It is the key to success.

Why does the passage mention the consequence of missing opportunities due to lack of punctuality?

  • A. To emphasize the importance of opportunities
  • B. To discourage punctuality
  • C. To promote dangers
  • D. To encourage failures

Answer: A. To emphasize the importance of opportunities

According to the passage, what does punctuality prevent?

  • A. Challenges
  • B. Opportunities
  • C. Dangers, challenges, and failures
  • D. Success

Answer: C. Dangers, challenges, and failures

True or False Questions:

Punctuality is considered a great quality in the passage.

Answer: True

Missing opportunities due to lack of punctuality can be recovered later.

Answer: False

Punctuality is described as the key to success in human life.

Answer: True

The passage suggests that dangers, challenges, and failures are consequences of punctuality.

Answer: False

Punctuality is irrelevant and does not play a role in success, according to the passage.

Answer: False

Very Short Answer Questions:

What is punctuality, according to the passage?

Answer: The habit of doing everything on time.

What is considered the key to success in human life, according to the passage?

Answer: Punctuality.

Why is missing opportunities due to lack of punctuality emphasized in the passage?

Answer: It prevents the chance of success.

What does punctuality prevent, according to the passage?

Answer: Dangers, challenges, and failures.

What is considered not getting back once missed, according to the passage?

Answer: Opportunity.

Short Passages with Questions and Answers #11

The world is proud of scientists like Newton, Galileo, Einstein, and others, but Madame Curie, who discovered radium and won the Nobel Prize twice—once for physics and once for chemistry, has my highest recommendation. Her given name as a child was Marie. She was born in Poland’s Warsaw in 1867 and became fascinated by science. Marie had to work as a governess because the family was generally poor.

However, he saved enough money to travel to Paris for scientific experiments. There she married another scientist, Pierre Curie. Around the same time, a famous scientist Henri Becquerel experimented with uranium. Inspired by his experiments, the Curies discovered a new element that they called “polonium” after Poland.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

Who is specifically recommended in the passage for her contributions to science?

  • A. Newton
  • B. Galileo
  • C. Einstein
  • D. Madame Curie (Marie Curie)

Answer: D. Madame Curie (Marie Curie)

What did Madame Curie discover that earned her two Nobel Prizes?

  • A. Uranium
  • B. Polonium
  • C. Radium
  • D. Warsaw

Answer: C. Radium

Where was Marie Curie born?

  • A. Paris
  • B. Poland’s Warsaw
  • C. London
  • D. Berlin

Answer: B. Poland’s Warsaw

What did Madame Curie have to work as before pursuing scientific experiments in Paris?

  • A. Scientist
  • B. Governess
  • C. Nobel laureate
  • D. Explorer

Answer: B. Governess

Who did Marie Curie marry, and what was his profession?

  • A. Henri Becquerel – scientist
  • B. Newton – scientist
  • C. Galileo – scientist
  • D. Pierre Curie – scientist

Answer: D. Pierre Curie – scientist

True or False Questions:

Madame Curie discovered radium and won the Nobel Prize twice.

Answer: True

Madame Curie was born in Berlin in 1867.

Answer: False

Marie Curie had to work as a governess because her family was generally wealthy.

Answer: False

Madame Curie and Pierre Curie discovered a new element called “uranium.”

Answer: False

Polonium was named after France, where the discovery was made.

Answer: False

Very Short Answer Questions:

What did Madame Curie discover that earned her two Nobel Prizes?

Answer: Radium

Where was Marie Curie born?

Answer: Poland’s Warsaw

What did Marie Curie work as before pursuing scientific experiments in Paris?

Answer: Governess

Who did Marie Curie marry, and what was his profession?

Answer: Pierre Curie – scientist

What did the Curies name the new element they discovered?

Answer: Polonium

Short Passages with Questions and Answers #12

The Titanic was the largest and grandest luxury ship that sailed from Southampton, England on April 10, 1912, to New York. The best steel of the time was used in its construction, and Mr Smith, its captain, thought that it would never sink. On the night of April 14, 1912, while everyone was asleep, the ship struck a huge iceberg that tore a hole in her deck. The crew made every effort to plug them but in vain. Lifeboats were thrown into the sea but they could only carry a thousand people. Others went down to rest there forever. Captain Smith was one of them.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

When did the Titanic sail from Southampton to New York?

  • A. April 10, 1911
  • B. April 14, 1912
  • C. April 10, 1912
  • D. April 14, 1911

Answer: C. April 10, 1912

What did Captain Smith believe about the Titanic?

  • A. It was made of the best wood.
  • B. It would never sail.
  • C. It would never sink.
  • D. It was the smallest ship.

Answer: C. It would never sink.

What caused the damage to the Titanic on the night of April 14, 1912?

  • A. Fire
  • B. Iceberg
  • C. Storm
  • D. Collision with another ship

Answer: B. Iceberg

What did the crew try to do when the Titanic struck the iceberg?

  • A. Abandon the ship immediately
  • B. Plug the holes in the deck
  • C. Call for help
  • D. Evacuate the passengers

Answer: B. Plug the holes in the deck

How many people could the lifeboats thrown into the sea carry?

  • A. A thousand people
  • B. Two thousand people
  • C. Five hundred people
  • D. Ten thousand people

Answer: A. A thousand people

True or False Questions:

The Titanic sailed from New York to Southampton.

Answer: False

The Titanic’s captain, Mr. Smith, believed that the ship would never sink.

Answer: True

The Titanic struck an iceberg on the night of April 14, 1911.

Answer: False

The crew successfully plugged the holes in the Titanic’s deck.

Answer: False

Lifeboats thrown into the sea could carry an unlimited number of people.

Answer: False

Very Short Answer Questions:

What caused the damage to the Titanic on the night of April 14, 1912?

Answer: Iceberg

What did Captain Smith believe about the Titanic?

Answer: It would never sink.

What efforts did the crew make when the Titanic struck the iceberg?

Answer: Tried to plug the holes in the deck.

How many people could the lifeboats thrown into the sea carry?

Answer: A thousand people.

What happened to Captain Smith on the night of the Titanic disaster?

Answer: He went down to rest there forever.

Short Passages with Questions and Answers #13

There are two basic purposes behind education. The first is to free people from ignorance, superstition, bad habits, and many wrong ideas. Secondly, to provide the citizens of a country with some skill or special kind of knowledge that would enable them to earn a decent living. In a highly populated country like India education is a must for both the purposes mentioned. First, there must be a hundred percent literacy if the so-called democracy that the constitution guarantees for its citizens is to have any true meaning. Only educated citizens can utilize democratic rights usefully.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

What are the two basic purposes behind education, as mentioned in the passage?

  • A. Entertainment and socialization
  • B. Freedom from ignorance and earning a decent living
  • C. Physical fitness and artistic expression
  • D. Democratic rights and citizenship

Answer: B. Freedom from ignorance and earning a decent living

What is the first purpose of education mentioned in the passage?

  • A. Providing skills
  • B. Earning a decent living
  • C. Freeing people from ignorance, superstition, and bad habits
  • D. Ensuring democracy

Answer: C. Freeing people from ignorance, superstition, and bad habits

What is highlighted as a must in a highly populated country like India, according to the passage?

  • A. Entertainment
  • B. Physical fitness
  • C. Education
  • D. Superstition

Answer: C. Education

What is essential for the true meaning of democracy, according to the passage?

  • A. Ignorance
  • B. Superstition
  • C. Hundred percent literacy
  • D. Bad habits

Answer: C. Hundred percent literacy

Who can utilize democratic rights usefully, as mentioned in the passage?

  • A. Ignorant citizens
  • B. Superstitious citizens
  • C. Educated citizens
  • D. Citizens with bad habits

Answer: C. Educated citizens

True or False Questions:

The passage mentions that the first purpose of education is to provide skills for earning a decent living.

Answer: False

According to the passage, only educated citizens can utilize democratic rights usefully.

Answer: True

In a highly populated country like India, education is considered optional.

Answer: False

The passage suggests that physical fitness is the primary goal of education.

Answer: False

Hundred percent literacy is mentioned as essential for the true meaning of democracy.

Answer: True

Very Short Answer Questions:

What are the two basic purposes behind education, as mentioned in the passage?

Answer: Freedom from ignorance and earning a decent living.

What is highlighted as a must in a highly populated country like India?

Answer: Education.

What is essential for the true meaning of democracy, according to the passage?

Answer: Hundred percent literacy.

Who can utilize democratic rights usefully, as mentioned in the passage?

Answer: Educated citizens.

What is the first purpose of education mentioned in the passage?

Answer: Freeing people from ignorance, superstition, and bad habits.

Short Passages with Questions and Answers #14

The novel is the most popular of all the forms of literature. The benefits of novel reading are many. The novel mirrors a contemporary or past society. While reading a novel we come to know the very web and texture of a society in a particular age the manner the people lived their life, the customs they followed, and the beliefs they held to.

The novels of Saratchandra give us a peep into the socio-economic conditions of early twentieth-century Bengal. The novel exercises a far-reaching influence on man’s life. It enkindles public conscience against the wrongs and injustices done to man by man. The novels of Charles Dickens opened the eyes of the English people to the unsanitary conditions of the then warehouses and factories, and the exploitation of child labor.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

What is described as the most popular form of literature in the passage?

  • A. Poetry
  • B. Drama
  • C. Novel
  • D. Essay

Answer: C. Novel

What benefit does the passage mention about reading novels?

  • A. Learning mathematics
  • B. Exploring scientific concepts
  • C. Understanding contemporary or past societies
  • D. Improving physical fitness

Answer: C. Understanding contemporary or past societies

According to the passage, what does the novel mirror?

  • A. Scientific advancements
  • B. Socio-economic conditions
  • C. Political ideologies
  • D. Artistic expressions

Answer: B. Socio-economic conditions

What influence does the novel exercise on man’s life, as mentioned in the passage?

  • A. Limited impact
  • B. Far-reaching influence
  • C. Negative impact
  • D. No influence

Answer: B. Far-reaching influence

What did Charles Dickens’ novels open the eyes of the English people to, according to the passage?

  • A. Scientific discoveries
  • B. Exploitation of child labor
  • C. Cultural traditions
  • D. Political revolutions

Answer: B. Exploitation of child labor

True or False Questions:

The passage suggests that reading novels has no benefits.

Answer: False

According to the passage, novels provide insights into the socio-economic conditions of specific periods.

Answer: True

The passage mentions that novels only focus on fictional aspects and not real societal issues.

Answer: False

The novels of Saratchandra provide insights into the socio-economic conditions of early twentieth-century England.

Answer: False

Charles Dickens’ novels had no impact on raising awareness about social issues in England.

Answer: False

Very Short Answer Questions:

What is described as the most popular form of literature in the passage?

Answer: Novel

What does the novel mirror, according to the passage?

Answer: Contemporary or past societies

Whose novels give insights into the socio-economic conditions of early twentieth-century Bengal?

Answer: Saratchandra

What influence does the novel exercise on man’s life, according to the passage?

Answer: Far-reaching influence

What social issues did Charles Dickens’ novels raise awareness about?

Answer: Unsuitable conditions of warehouses and factories, and exploitation of child labor

Short Passages with Questions and Answers #15

Perseverance embodies the unwavering and determined effort exerted to accomplish a goal. It instills in us the resolve to persist in our endeavors despite challenges and setbacks. The degree of perseverance we apply to our tasks significantly influences our success in life. A person who continually attempts different pursuits without persevering in any particular endeavor is likely to face failure. The more demanding the task, the greater the need for perseverance.

Contrary to the belief that success hinges solely on talent, this notion is debunked by the reality that individuals with remarkable talents sometimes experience profound failures in life. The critical factor contributing to their setbacks is often the absence of perseverance. In essence, sheer genius proves futile without the steadfast determination and enduring perseverance required for sustained success.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

How is perseverance defined in the passage?

  • A. Unwavering and determined effort
  • B. Natural talent
  • C. Goal setting
  • D. Critical thinking

Answer: A. Unwavering and determined effort

According to the passage, what does perseverance instill in individuals?

  • A. Fear of challenges
  • B. Success in life
  • C. Reluctance to attempt different pursuits
  • D. Disbelief in talent

Answer: B. Success in life

What does the passage suggest about individuals who attempt different pursuits without persevering?

  • A. They always succeed.
  • B. They face failure.
  • C. They lack talent.
  • D. They are geniuses.

Answer: B. They face failure.

What is highlighted as a critical factor contributing to setbacks, according to the passage?

  • A. Talent
  • B. Perseverance
  • C. Goal setting
  • D. Genius

Answer: B. Perseverance

What does the passage emphasize about success and talent?

  • A. Talent alone ensures success.
  • B. Genius is more critical than perseverance.
  • C. Perseverance is more crucial than talent.
  • D. Success is unrelated to talent or perseverance.

Answer: C. Perseverance is more crucial than talent.

True or False Questions:

Perseverance involves giving up easily in the face of challenges.

Answer: False

The passage suggests that individuals with remarkable talents always succeed in life.

Answer: False

Individuals who attempt different pursuits without persevering are likely to face failure.

Answer: True

Sheer genius is considered sufficient for sustained success, according to the passage.

Answer: False

Perseverance is defined as the absence of talent.

Answer: False

Very Short Answer Questions:

How is perseverance defined in the passage?

Answer: Unwavering and determined effort

What does perseverance instill in individuals, according to the passage?

Answer: Resolve to persist in endeavors despite challenges and setbacks

What is highlighted as a critical factor contributing to setbacks?

Answer: Absence of perseverance

According to the passage, what is more crucial than talent for sustained success?

Answer: Perseverance

What does the passage debunk regarding success and talent?

Answer: Success hinges solely on talent.

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