Quiz on Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare early in his career about the romance between two young Italians from conflicting families.

In this post, I present a well-designed quiz on Romeo and Juliet with answers, detailed explanations, full-result insights, and precise timings.

Quiz on Romeo and Juliet

Quiz on Romeo and Juliet

  • 📚 Read the Summary carefully
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  • 🤔 Each quiz contains 25 questions, 4 options each
  • ⏱️Time – 10 minutes each
  • 📋 Click “Show Result” when done

Quiz on Romeo and Juliet Act 1

On a Sunday in Verona, there’s a lot of activity in the streets. Two Capulet servants, Sampson and Gregory, are rudely teasing each other and expressing their strong dislike for the Montague family.………… Read Now


Romeo and Juliet Act 1

1 / 25

What is the significance of the feud between the Montagues and Capulets in the play?

2 / 25

Who intervenes and prevents Tybalt from fighting Romeo at the party?

3 / 25

Why does Tybalt want to fight Romeo at the Capulet party?

4 / 25

What is Tybalt's relationship to Juliet?

5 / 25

What is the Prince's role in Verona?

6 / 25

Who is responsible for stopping the brawl between the Capulet and Montague servants in Scene 1?

7 / 25

What does Benvolio advise Romeo to do in Scene 1?

8 / 25

What threat does the Prince make to the feuding families after the street brawl?

9 / 25

Who is Mercutio, and what is his role in the play?

10 / 25

What is the significance of the masked ball in the play?

11 / 25

How do Romeo and Juliet meet for the first time at the Capulet party?

12 / 25

What emotion does Romeo experience when he discovers Juliet's identity as a Capulet?

13 / 25

How does Juliet react when she learns that Romeo is a Montague?

14 / 25

What interrupts Romeo and Juliet's first meeting at the party?

15 / 25

Who stops Tybalt from fighting Romeo at the party?

16 / 25

Why does Tybalt want to fight Romeo at the party?

17 / 25

Who recognizes Romeo as a Montague at the Capulet party?

18 / 25

What is happening outside Capulet's house in Scene 4?

19 / 25

Who informs Juliet about Paris's proposal of marriage?

20 / 25

What event does Lord Capulet invite Paris to attend?

21 / 25

How old is Juliet in Scene 2?

22 / 25

Who is Paris seeking to marry?

23 / 25

Why is Romeo lovesick at the beginning of the play?

24 / 25

Who tries to break up the fight between the Capulet and Montague's servants?

25 / 25

Who are the two Capulet servants involved in the initial street brawl?

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Quiz on Romeo and Juliet Act 2

This scene is famous. Romeo is in the orchard and sees Juliet on her balcony. Juliet talks about him lovingly, not knowing he’s there, but Romeo lets her know he is.…………. Read Now

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Romeo and Juliet Act 2

1 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 2

What is the significance of the secret marriage of Romeo and Juliet in the context of the play?

2 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 2

In Scene 6, where does Romeo wait for Juliet to arrive for their secret marriage?

3 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 2

What is the outcome of Mercutio's teasing in Scene 4?

4 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 2

What is the reason for keeping Romeo and Juliet's marriage a secret?

5 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 2

Who offers to marry Romeo and Juliet in Scene 3?

6 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 2

How does Romeo find out that Juliet loves him in Scene 2 (The Balcony Scene)?

7 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 2

Why is Romeo reluctant to leave Juliet in Scene 2 (The Balcony Scene)?

8 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 2

What does Juliet reveal about her love for Romeo in Scene 2 (The Balcony Scene)?

9 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 2

Who interrupts Romeo and Juliet's romantic conversation in Scene 2 (The Balcony Scene)?

10 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 2

How do Romeo and Juliet communicate their love for each other in Scene 2 (The Balcony Scene)?

11 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 2

What is the relationship between Friar Laurence and Romeo?

12 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 2

Why is the marriage of Romeo and Juliet kept a secret?

13 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 2

Who officiates Romeo and Juliet's secret wedding?

14 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 2

What is the significance of Romeo and Juliet's secret marriage?

15 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 2

Where do Romeo and Juliet get married in Scene 6?

16 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 2

Why is Juliet frustrated with the Nurse in Scene 5?

17 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 2

In Scene 5, what is Juliet anxiously waiting for?

18 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 2

Who teases the Nurse and makes her angry in Scene 4?

19 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 2

What is the mood of Scene 4 in Act 2, where Romeo spends time with his friends?

20 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 2

Why does Friar Laurence agree to marry Romeo and Juliet?

21 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 2

Who does Romeo seek out in Scene 3 to ask for help with his marriage plans?

22 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 2

How does Juliet react when she realizes Romeo is listening to her confession of love?

23 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 2

In the famous balcony scene, where does Romeo see Juliet?

24 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 2

Who tries to persuade Romeo to come out of hiding in Scene 1?

25 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 2

Where does Romeo hide to avoid his friends in Scene 1 of Act 2?

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Quiz on Romeo and Juliet Act 3

This is the turning point of the play. It’s just an hour after Romeo and Juliet’s wedding. Benvolio and Mercutio are in the hot streets of Verona.……… Read Now


Romeo and Juliet Act 3

1 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 3

Why does Juliet threaten to kill herself in Scene 1 of Act 4?

2 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 3

Why does Juliet decide to seek help from Friar Laurence at the end of Scene 5?

3 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 3

What is the cause of Mercutio's death in Scene 1?

4 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 3

Who is responsible for the deaths of Mercutio and Tybalt in Scene 1?

5 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 3

Why does Juliet defend Romeo to the Nurse in Scene 2?

6 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 3

What is the significance of Romeo's banishment from Verona?

7 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 3

Why does the Prince banish Romeo from Verona in Scene 1?

8 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 3

What is the outcome of the brawl between Mercutio and Tybalt in Scene 1?

9 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 3

Why does Romeo want to stab himself in Scene 3?

10 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 3

What role does Friar Laurence play in Romeo and Juliet's relationship?

11 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 3

What is Juliet's primary reason for refusing to marry Paris?

12 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 3

What is the significance of Tybalt's death in the context of the play?

13 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 3

Why does Juliet go to Friar Laurence's cell at the end of Scene 5?

14 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 3

What threat does Capulet make to Juliet when she refuses to marry Paris?

15 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 3

Who advises Juliet to marry Paris in Scene 5?

16 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 3

What is Juliet's initial reaction to her father's decision to move up the wedding date?

17 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 3

Why do Romeo and Juliet not want to part in Scene 5?

18 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 3

Why does Capulet make this change in wedding plans?

19 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 3

What change in plans does Capulet make regarding Juliet's wedding in Scene 4?

20 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 3

Who advises Romeo to visit Juliet and spend the night with her in Scene 3?

21 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 3

Why is Romeo upset in Act 3, Scene 3?

22 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 3

Why does the Nurse initially scold Romeo when she meets him in Act 3, Scene 2?

23 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 3

How does Juliet react when she learns about Tybalt's death and Romeo's banishment?

24 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 3

Who is killed in Act 3, Scene 1?

25 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 3

Why does Benvolio want to avoid trouble with the Capulets in Scene 1?

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Quiz on Romeo and Juliet Act 4

Paris meets with Friar Laurence to discuss his marriage to Juliet. When Juliet arrives, Paris leaves. Juliet threatens to kill herself if the Friar can’t help her. ………. Read Now


Romeo and Juliet Act 4

1 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 4

Why does Paris meet with Friar Laurence in Scene 1?

2 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 4

What is the outcome of Juliet's faked death in the context of the play?

3 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 4

What is Juliet's primary motivation for agreeing to Friar Laurence's plan?

4 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 4

What is the significance of the change in wedding plans in Scene 2?

5 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 4

How long is Juliet expected to appear dead after taking the potion?

6 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 4

What message does Friar Laurence plan to send to Romeo regarding Juliet's faked death?

7 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 4

Why does Juliet decide to go along with Friar Laurence's plan?

8 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 4

What does Juliet drink in Scene 3 as part of Friar Laurence's plan?

9 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 4

What is the mood in Scene 5 when the characters believe Juliet is dead?

10 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 4

What day is Juliet's wedding with Paris originally scheduled for?

11 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 4

What is Juliet's initial reaction to Friar Laurence's plan involving the potion?

12 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 4

What is the main source of conflict in Act 4?

13 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 4

Who is the only character who knows about Juliet's plan in Scene 5?

14 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 4

Why does Juliet agree to Friar Laurence's plan involving the potion?

15 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 4

What is the purpose of Juliet's faked death in the play?

16 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 4

What decision does Capulet make when he believes Juliet is dead in Scene 5?

17 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 4

Who enters the scene and tries to reassure everyone that Juliet is at peace and happy?

18 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 4

How does Lord Capulet react when he believes Juliet is dead in Scene 5?

19 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 4

What is the audience aware of in Scene 5 that the characters are not?

20 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 4

Why does the Nurse believe Juliet is dead in Scene 5?

21 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 4

What day is it in Scene 4 when preparations for Juliet's wedding are underway?

22 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 4

What does Juliet do to get her family to leave her alone in Scene 3?

23 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 4

Who is with Juliet in her bedroom in Scene 3?

24 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 4

Why does Capulet decide to move Juliet's wedding to Wednesday in Scene 2?

25 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 4

What plan does Friar Laurence come up with to help Juliet in Scene 1?

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Quiz on Romeo and Juliet Act 5

The scene shifts to Romeo in Mantua, where he’s in exile. Balthasar, his servant, arrives on horseback and tells him that Juliet has died and been placed in the Capulet family tomb. ……..Read Now


Romeo and Juliet Act 5

1 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 5

What does Friar Laurence intend to do with Juliet after discovering her alive in the tomb?

2 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 5

What is the reason for Lady Montague's death, as mentioned in Scene 3?

3 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 5

What is the reaction of the Watch and the Prince upon discovering the tragic scene in the tomb?

4 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 5

Who discovers Romeo and Paris's bodies in the tomb?

5 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 5

Why does Juliet attempt to take her own life in Scene 3?

6 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 5

What is the outcome of the fight between Romeo and Paris in Scene 3?

7 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 5

How does Paris react when Romeo tries to warn him not to fight?

8 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 5

What does Paris assume about Romeo when he sees him at the tomb?

9 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 5

Why does Paris go to Juliet's tomb in Scene 3?

10 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 5

What happened to Friar Laurence's message to Romeo in Mantua?

11 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 5

What does Romeo buy on the way to Juliet's tomb in Scene 1?

12 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 5

Why does Romeo plan to return to Verona in Scene 1?

13 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 5

Which of the following statements is most accurate about Friar Laurence's role in Act Five?

14 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 5

What is the overall effect of Act Five of Romeo and Juliet?

15 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 5

What is the main theme of Act Five of Romeo and Juliet?

16 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 5

What is the significance of the golden statues of Romeo and Juliet?

17 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 5

What do Capulet and Montague agree to do after they learn of Romeo and Juliet's deaths?

18 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 5

What does the Prince do after he learns of Romeo and Juliet's deaths?

19 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 5

What happens to Friar Laurence and Balthasar after Romeo and Juliet die?

20 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 5

What does Juliet do after she wakes up in the tomb and sees Romeo dead?

21 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 5

What does Romeo do after he kills Paris?

22 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 5

What does Paris think Romeo is doing at Juliet's tomb?

23 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 5

What does Romeo do after he learns of Juliet's death?

24 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 5

Why is Friar John unable to deliver the letter to Romeo in Mantua?

25 / 25

Category: Romeo and Juliet Act 5

Where is Romeo when he receives the news of Juliet's death?

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Also, Read

Questions and Answers on Romeo And Juliet

Questions and Answers on Romeo And Juliet

Literary Devices in Romeo and Juliet

Literary Devices in Romeo and Juliet

Themes of Romeo and Juliet

Themes of Romeo and Juliet

Character analysis of Romeo and Juliet

Character analysis of Romeo and Juliet

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