Character analysis of Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare early in his career about the romance between two young Italians from conflicting families.

Character analysis of Romeo and Juliet helps students understand complex characters and explore the play’s central themes, fostering a deeper appreciation of literature.

Character analysis of Romeo and Juliet

Character List of Romeo and Juliet

💖Romeo Montague (In Love with Juliet)

├── 💖Juliet Capulet (In Love with Romeo)
│ │
│ ├── 🌟Nurse (Juliet’s confidante and caretaker)
│ │
│ └── 💀Tybalt (Juliet’s cousin, a hot-headed Capulet)

├── 💀Mercutio (Romeo’s close friend, a witty and loyal character)
│ │
│ └── 🌹Benvolio (Romeo’s cousin and peacekeeper)

├── 👴Friar Laurence (Romeo’s confidante and mentor)
│ │
│ └── 👴Friar John (Friar Laurence’s messenger)

├── 👪Lord Montague (Romeo’s father)
│ │
│ └── 👪Lady Montague (Romeo’s mother)

├── 👪Lord Capulet (Juliet’s father)
│ │
│ └── 👪Lady Capulet (Juliet’s mother)

├── 🌹Paris (Juliet’s suitor)

├── Prince Escalus (Ruler of Verona, arbiter of justice)

├── The Apothecary (Sells poison to Romeo)

├── The Chorus (Narrator and commentator)

└── Various servants, citizens, and other minor characters in Verona

Character analysis of Romeo and Juliet

CharacterTraits/DescriptionKey Actions/Moments
Romeo MontagueImpulsive, RomanticFalls in love with Juliet, kills Tybalt, commits suicide.
Juliet CapuletPassionate, DeterminedFalls in love with Romeo, fakes death, commits suicide.
MercutioWitty, LoyalTeases Romeo, duels with Tybalt.
BenvolioPeaceful, PeacemakerTries to keep peace between the families.
TybaltHot-tempered, ProudKills Mercutio, duels Romeo.
Friar LawrenceWise, MentorMarries Romeo and Juliet, offers a plan to reunite them.
NurseTalkative, LoyalActs as Juliet’s confidante, helps arrange secret marriage.
Lady CapuletFormal, ReservedWants Juliet to marry Paris.
Lord CapuletAuthoritative, ProtectiveTries to keep the peace between the families.
Lord MontagueConcerned, LovingFeuds with Capulets, mourns Romeo’s death.

Also, Read

Romeo and Juliet Plot Summary

Romeo and Juliet Plot Summary

Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet Act 1

Romeo and Juliet Act 1

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