Picture Compositions for Class 2

In this post, we present a collection of Picture Compositions for Class 2 students.

These exercises are designed to stimulate creativity and enhance visual storytelling abilities.

Picture Compositions for Class 2 (Geese)

Title: Curious Squirrel

Look at the picture! There is a small, brown squirrel on a table. The table is made of wood and has a brown color too. Next to the squirrel, there is a bowl and red flowers. The squirrel is standing on its back legs and looking at the flowers with big eyes. It seems curious about the pretty flowers.

Picture Composition for Class 2 (Bird)

Title: Little Bird

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Look at the little bird in the picture. It is brown and has a short beak. The bird is sitting on a branch of a tree. The tree is tall and green. There are green leaves on the branches. What do you think the bird is looking at? Maybe it sees a juicy worm wiggling on the ground. Or perhaps it sees its friend in another tree.

Picture Composition for Class 2 (Flowers)

Title: Surprise Flowers!

This picture shows a field of colorful flowers. They look so happy! They are all different shapes and sizes. The flowers are growing in a field. The field is green and grassy.  In the background, there is a big white mountain. There is snow on the top of the mountain. It looks like spring has come to the field! The flowers are blooming and the grass is green.

Picture Composition for Class 2 (Penguin)

Look at the two penguins in the picture. They are standing on a rocky beach. The penguins are black and white. They have orange beaks and feet. They are looking at each other. I wonder what they are talking about! Maybe they are planning to go for a swim in the cold ocean.

Picture Composition for Class 2 (Butterfly)

Title: Resting Butterfly

The picture shows a beautiful butterfly that has landed on a big, green leaf. The butterfly’s wings are orange, brown, white, and black. It has spots on its wings that look like eyes. The butterfly looks happy. Maybe it’s taking a break from flying around the garden. Perhaps it’s looking for something yummy to eat.

Picture Composition for Class 2 (Cat)

Title: Resting on the Grass

The picture shows a cat relaxing on a field. The grass is green and looks very soft. The cat has short brown and white fur with black stripes. It’s lying on its tummy with its paws tucked underneath. The cat looks happy and relaxed. Maybe it has been playing in the field and is now taking a nap.

Picture Composition for Class 2 (Cat)

Title: The Curious Cat

In the picture, a black cat is sitting on a rock. The cat has bright eyes and is looking around curiously. The cat’s fur is black and shiny. It has a short tail that is curled up around its paws. The rock looks bumpy and gray. Behind the rock, there is a green lemon tree. The lemon tree has dark green leaves and bright yellow lemons hanging from its branches.

The cat looks curious. Maybe it is looking at a bird in the tree, or maybe it is hearing a bug in the grass.

Picture Composition for Class 2 (Swan)

Title: The White Swan

The picture shows a white swan on a lake. The swan has white feathers and a long orange beak. It is floating on the water. The water is still and calm. It looks like glass. There are green plants around the edge of the lake. The swan looks beautiful and peaceful. It looks like it is enjoying a sunny day on the lake.


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Picture Composition for Class 2 (Heron)

Title: Lunchtime for the Heron

The picture shows a tall bird standing in the water. The bird has a long neck and legs. It has a long, pointed beak. The bird is grey and white all over. This bird is a heron. The heron has a fish in its beak. The fish is silver and shiny. The heron is holding the fish carefully so it doesn’t drop it.

The heron is looking for a good spot to eat its lunch. Maybe it will fly to its nest nearby. Herons are good hunters and they like to eat fish!

Picture Composition for Class 2 (Spider)

Title: Spider on a Marigold

The picture shows a spider sitting on a Marigold flower. The flower has many orange petals. The spider is small and black and white. It has eight long legs.

The spider is carefully perched on top of the flower. It looks like it is waiting for something. Maybe it is waiting for a fly to come by for lunch! Spiders like to wait in flowers to catch their prey.

Picture Composition for Class 2 (Hornet)

Title: The Busy Hornet

The picture shows a hornet flying near a green leaf. The hornet has an orange body with black stripes. It has four clear wings that are buzzing. It also has a yellow stinger on its tail.

The hornet is flying close to a green leaf. Maybe it’s looking for food or a place to build a nest. Hornets are busy insects that help to control other bugs in the garden. Be careful though, their sting can hurt!

Picture Composition for Class 2 (Cat)

Title: Resting in the Sun

The picture shows a fluffy cat sitting on the grass. The cat has orange and white fur and bright yellow eyes. Its tail is curled around its paws. The grass is green and looks soft and comfy.

The cat looks happy and relaxed. Maybe it has been playing outside and is now taking a nap in the warm sun. Cats love to sunbathe and feel the warmth of their fur!

Picture Composition for Class 2 (Beach)

Title: Beach Fun

The picture shows footprints in the wet sand on a beach. The footprints are different sizes, so maybe they were left by two different people. The sand looks light brown and smooth. In the background, small waves are rolling in from the ocean.

The footprints look like they were just made. Maybe the people who made them are having fun playing in the waves!

Picture Composition for Class 2 (Geese)

Title: Two Geese by the Lake

The picture shows two geese standing next to a lake. The geese have gray feathers and orange beaks. They are standing on the green grass at the edge of the lake.

The water in the lake is blue and calm. The two geese look like they are friends. Maybe they are looking for food in the grass or taking a rest by the lake. Geese are social birds and they like to spend time together.

Picture Composition for Class 2 (Grapes)

Title: Rainy Day Fruits

This picture shows there is a bowl of fruit on a table outside. It is raining on the fruit! There are red apples and green grapes in the bowl. Some raindrops fall on the fruit and make tiny splashes.

The water on the table makes the wood look shiny. The rain seems to blur the background a little bit.

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