Paragraph on the teacher of today in your five eyes

A young boy or girl’s character and personality are shaped not only by the influence of their parents or guardians at home but also by the teachers with whom they have daily close contact at school.

In this post, you will find a brilliant paragraph on the teacher of today in your five eyes.

the teacher of today in your five eyes

Paragraph on the teacher of today in your five eyes

The teacher of today is the salt of the earth. He wants to create a man, not just make money. He is a knowledgeable gentleman. He is an expert in the particular subject he teaches. Though a scholar, he teaches the subject in such a way that all students, brilliant or ordinary, can fully understand him. He doesn’t advertise his knowledge. He cares about his students and offers assistance to them both inside and outside of the classroom. He attends his work regularly.

Anything that seems untidy gets the side eye from him. Being conscious of his social responsibilities, he offers assistance to neighbours in need and spends his free time on social services. But there are very few teachers who consider teaching as a mere profession like any other profession. They do not have the dedication to become great teachers for ages.

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