Time and tide wait for none. Man has a lot of duties in his short span of life, so time is the most important factor in one’s life.
In this post, you will find a brilliant Paragraph on the Importance of Time.

Paragraph on the Importance of Time
Life is short, but the work we are called to do is vast. So instead of wasting time, plan how to make the best use of available time. Without proper timing, we will leave a lot of work undone when we leave Earth. There is a heavy price to pay for wasting time. Time lost never comes back. Once gone, neither wealth nor prayers can bring it back. Lost health can be regained through a good regimen; Lost wealth can be regained through hard work. But time once lost is lost forever. Children should be trained to develop the habit of punctuality. They should be taught not to put off for tomorrow what should be done today.
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