A paragraph is a short collection of well-organized sentences which revolve around a single theme and is coherent. A good paragraph expresses everything it has to say briefly.
Science is a crucial element of our modern era, and we can feel its influence in every aspect of our lives. Here, we present you with a brilliant paragraph on science.

Paragraph on Science
Paragraph on Science (100+ Words)
Science is omnipresent in our lives and makes it easier and more enjoyable. From waking up with the help of an alarm clock to using modern gadgets like radio, TV, light, fan, and refrigerator, science has made a significant impact on our daily routine. Vehicles like cars and aeroplanes take us to faraway places in no time, and telephones help us communicate with ease. Medical science has given us the gift of modern drugs and surgery, which has saved countless lives. The computer, one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century, has reduced manual and mental labour to a large extent. The newspaper or TV keeps us updated about current affairs worldwide.
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Paragraph on Science (150+ Words)
Science is a crucial element of our modern era, and we can feel its influence in every aspect of our lives. Thanks to science, we enjoy numerous amenities and comforts, such as electric fans and lights, washing machines, and elevators that save us effort and time. Vehicles like cars, trains, buses, and aeroplanes provide us with speedy and comfortable transportation. In addition, computers have significantly eased the burden on our brains, and science has given us life-saving medicine and advanced surgery.
Despite being a blessing, science has also brought us curses. Our reliance on science has made us robotic, and we have lost touch with our emotions. Mobile phones have replaced the art of letter writing, and sophisticated weapons have made war more dreadful. The existence of nuclear weapons, which can wipe out the entire planet, is a dire consequence of science. However, science is not to be blamed for these outcomes; it is humans who are responsible for how science is used. Just like we can use fire for cooking or for destruction, it is our choices that determine the impact of science on our lives.
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Paragraph on Science (200 Words)
Science has been a great boon to human civilization, enabling progress in every aspect of life. With the help of science, our lives have become easier and more comfortable. From electric fans and lights to lifts and washing machines, all have made our lives more convenient. Modern transportation like cars, trains, buses, and aircraft have revolutionized travel. Computers have made complex tasks simpler, and medical science has brought life-saving medicines and surgery. Space flight has opened up new frontiers of exploration.
However, science has also brought some negative impacts. It has made us more machine-like and taken away our emotions. Mobile phones have replaced the art of letter writing. Sophisticated weapons developed through science have made war more deadly and peace scarce. Nuclear weapons are a frightening example of the potential abuses of science.
It is not science itself that is to blame for these negative impacts but rather the few scientists and politicians who have used it for evil purposes. It is up to humans to use science for good or bad. Science is a tool that we can use wisely or foolishly, for the betterment or destruction of mankind.
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