Comprehension Test for Class 6

Reading comprehension is the act of understanding what you are reading. Comprehension tests are essential to check how well we understand things and improve our reading and thinking skills.

They give helpful feedback to grow and do better in school and in everyday life.

Comprehension Test for Class 6

Comprehension Test for Class 6

Comprehension Test for Class 6 (1/10)

Like Mahatma Gandhi, African leader Nelson Mandela battled against the oppression of the South African people by whites. He received a legal lawyer education. However, he joined the African National Congress and dedicated himself to the goal of achieving equality among all Africans—white and black—by fighting against the policy of apartheid, or the segregation of the black native Africans from all positions of power and privilege. Instead of living comfortably and in luxury as a successful lawyer, he did the opposite. Mandela was sentenced to life in jail by the reactionary South African government in 1962.

Mandela was finally released from jail on February 11, 1990, after 27 years and 9 months of imprisonment, as a result of other African National Congress leaders’ ongoing fight for freedom. Nelson Mandela became the first black African to hold the office of President of the Republic of South Africa when the African National Congress won the general election on the basis of the universal adult franchise that had been implemented by the administration of President F.D.H. Clarke.

Mandela’s greatness stems not only from his success in convincing the white South African government to abolish the hateful and inhuman apartheid, but also from his inspiring call to blacks not to seek vengeance on whites for past acts of tyranny, injustice, and exploitation.


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1 / 5

What was the main goal of Nelson Mandela's efforts?

2 / 5

What does the term "apartheid" refer to?

3 / 5

Why was Nelson Mandela sentenced to life in jail in 1962?

4 / 5

When was Nelson Mandela released from jail?

5 / 5

What did Nelson Mandela call on blacks to do in response to past acts of tyranny and injustice?

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Comprehension Test for Class 6 (2/10)

Child labor has been quite a problem down the ages. Child labor means the labor done by children below the age of eighteen. Employing little boys and girls not only saves money but also helps the employer avoid labor unrest. Young boys and girls can be paid lesser wages and they do not form unions to realize demands for higher pay.

The types of work children have to do are many and various. In tea stalls and small hotels, they clean the utensils, mop the floors and serve at the table. In garages, they wash the cars, buses, and lorries. The female children serve as maid-servants in various families. Though child labor is a cruel practice it saves many families from starvation. The income of the adult members of these families is not sufficient even for their hand-to-mouth living. If the children do not work to supplement their income, the families will have to starve. So simply banning the use of child labor could not solve the problem.

In recent times the government of India has become aware of the evils of the system. But it can be hard to do away with it all of a sudden. Abolition of the employment of child labor must be preceded by a process of improving the economic condition of the families concerned. Proper methods should be adopted so that the children are educated and not sent to workplaces that destroy both the body and the soul of these unfortunate creatures.


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1 / 5

What does child labor refer to?

2 / 5

Why do employers often prefer child labor?

3 / 5

What kinds of tasks do child laborers typically perform in various places?

4 / 5

Why is child labor practiced in some families, despite being considered cruel?

5 / 5

What should be done before abolishing child labor according to the passage?

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Comprehension Test for Class 6 (3/10)

Any unwanted loud sound which causes stress and irritation can be termed noise pollution. Of late, sound or noise pollution has adversely affected our normal life in a major way. It is chasing us at almost every step. In schools, colleges, offices, and even hospitals we have an explosion of deafening sound. The main sources of noise pollution are Means of transport, the Use of loudspeakers, the Industrial sector, and the Celebration of festivals and wedding ceremonies. We are almost deafened by the blaring mikes or the record players which are often played at full volume.

Secondly, we have noise pollution caused by various groups of people shouting out their slogans or impatient automobiles always honking their horns. During some social and religious festivals, crackers are burst indiscriminately. Noise pollution can have serious effects on human health. It may cause impairment of hearing and can cause sleep disruption. People who are frequently subjected to a high level of noise pollution may suffer from hypertension, depression, and panic attacks. It may lead to an abnormal increase in heartbeat and heart palpitation. It can also cause migraine headaches, nausea, and dizziness.

Some Measures to Minimise Noise Pollution are Prohibiting the blowing of horns, The use of loudspeakers should be banned, Airports should be located away from residential areas, and People should restrain themselves from lighting firecrackers. In recent times laws have been passed to take effective steps to control sound pollution. People must also be made aware of the dangers of noise pollution.


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1 / 5

What is noise pollution?

2 / 5

Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a source of noise pollution?

3 / 5

What are the possible effects of noise pollution on human health?

4 / 5

What measures are suggested in the passage to minimize noise pollution?

5 / 5

Why is it important to raise awareness about noise pollution?

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Comprehension Test for Class 6 (4/10)

There is truth in the common saying: “Cleanliness is next to godliness.” Cleanliness is a great virtue. It makes a man healthy and happy. The healthy habit of cleanliness should be formed from childhood in our everyday routine. A clean environment keeps us free from pollution. Cleanliness comes out of a taste for decency.

Cleanliness is of two types—cleanliness of body and cleanliness of mind. Cleanliness of the body makes for physical health. Health is an impossibility without bodily cleanliness. The disease is the handmaid of dirt. The germs of disease breed and multiply in the dirt. Epidemic diseases like cholera and typhoid which often sweep over villages and towns and take a heavy toll on life are the result of dirty habits and the surroundings of the people.

Cleanliness of the mind is as necessary as that of the body for self-respect. No one loves and respects a man if he is not clean in mind-free from impure desires and evil thoughts. Mental cleanliness makes for one’s success in any sphere of life. The effects of cleanliness are great. It contributes to the character of a noble personality not only with clean clothes but also with clean ideas, clean thoughts, and clean ways of life. In every walk of life, it is necessary to maintain cleanliness in body and mind as well as indoors and outdoors. Cleanliness is truly next to godliness. All should cultivate it.


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1 / 5

What is the saying that reflects the importance of cleanliness?

2 / 5

Why is cleanliness important for physical health?

3 / 5

What are the two types of cleanliness mentioned in the passage?

4 / 5

Why is mental cleanliness important?

5 / 5

What does the phrase "Cleanliness is next to godliness" mean?

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Comprehension Test for Class 6 (5/10)

Brilliant scientists have come and gone, but perhaps none have accomplished anything under the circumstances that Stephen Hawking has faced. When Hawking was 21, he was in his third year at Oxford when he was diagnosed with a severe Motor Neurone disease that broke his nerve cells and atrophied his muscles. His words became slurred. Other communication organs were also destroyed. Doctors only gave Hawking two more years to live. Despite this bleak prognosis, Hawking not only completed his course at Oxford, but also went on to complete his PhD thesis, marry, and have three children. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1974, a rare honor for any scientist.

Hawking contracted pneumonia again during a research trip to Switzerland, and his windpipe was operated on. This resulted in a total loss of speech. ‘A Brief History of Time’ and ‘The Universe in a Nutshell’ are two books that popularised his epoch-making theories about the Creation and the Universe. Academic honors have been bestowed upon Hawking, who is widely regarded as the greatest physicist and mathematician since Einstein. Stephen Hawking has demonstrated how the human intellect and spirit can overcome the most severe physical handicaps.


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1 / 5

What was the severe health condition that Stephen Hawking was diagnosed with?

2 / 5

What happened to Hawking's nerve cells and muscles due to his health condition?

3 / 5

How long were doctors initially expecting Stephen Hawking to live after his diagnosis?

4 / 5

Which two books by Stephen Hawking popularized his theories about the Creation and the Universe?

5 / 5

What does the passage primarily highlight about Stephen Hawking's life?

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Comprehension Test for Class 6 (6/10)

A hobby is a voluntary work done in leisure with pleasure. There are many fashionable hobbies such as stamp-collecting, coin-collecting, photography, etc. But my favorite hobby is gardening. I started it when I was only ten. I have a small plot of land beside our house. There I cultivate gardening. I spend one hour every day gardening. Back from the morning walk, I go to my garden with a spade and a waterful bucket. I dig up the soil, trim the plants, and water them. I also spray insecticides and apply fertilizers.

When I see the plants swaying in the wind, my heart leaps in joy. I experience heavenly pleasure as I see them grow day by day. I have chosen this hobby because it gives me not only joy but also enough physical exercise to keep my body fit.

I face some problems in cultivating gardening. Entellus often eat up flowers and destroy the plants, though I am at pains to scare them away. Gardening brings me both joy and health. Every afternoon I work for an hour in my garden and watch the buds come up and the branches nod in the breeze. Although a hobby is a source of pleasure and not of profit, my hobby combines the two. My mother looks upon it very kindly, as a part of my garden serves as a kitchen garden. A hobby is an index to a man’s character and I believe my hobby reflects my character.


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1 / 5

What is a hobby?

2 / 5

What is the author's favorite hobby?

3 / 5

Why does the author choose gardening as a hobby?

4 / 5

What is the author's experience when seeing the plants in the garden?

5 / 5

How does the author's mother view the author's hobby?

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Comprehension Test for Class 6 (7/10)

Tobacco was discovered in America for the first time. Its widespread cultivation with the assistance of negro-slaves made it one of the most important export items in the American economy. Tobacco was also grown in other parts of the world, including Burma and Cuba. Cigarettes made of tobacco rolled in tissue paper aided in the spread of a very harmful habit among the West’s so-called advanced countries. It then spread to various other countries around the world. Attractive packaging and expert advertising aided in spreading the addiction to smoking cigarettes even among the poorest segments of the population.

However, it has recently been discovered that smoking causes a variety of serious physical ailments, that includes from coughing, sore throat, laryngitis, and asthma to the fatal disease cancer. Furthermore, even people who are unintentionally exposed to cigarette smoke while in the company of a smoker can develop any of these diseases. This demonstrates how hazardous the habit of smoking cigarettes is. It has been discovered that quitting smoking can cure a variety of diseases. As a result, we should all avoid the bad habit of smoking cigarettes.


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1 / 5

Where was tobacco discovered for the first time?

2 / 5

What contributed to the widespread cultivation of tobacco in America?

3 / 5

What aided in the spread of smoking cigarettes among different countries?

4 / 5

What serious physical ailments can smoking cause?

5 / 5

What does the passage suggest about quitting smoking?

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Comprehension Test for Class 6 (8/10)

Morning walk and early rising to go hand in hand. One who wants to go for a morning walk has to get up early. A morning walk is a healthy habit. It removes the physical lethargy caused by the night’s sleep, helps in the circulation of blood, and makes one healthy. It is good exercise after a long night’s rest and provides us with fresh oxygen from the cool morning air. It gives a good start to a man’s whole day’s work. He can finish a large amount of his work before others get out of bed. He need not hurry over any part of his work.

A morning walk enables a man to have closer contact with nature. He can see the calm, quiet, and complete beauty of nature- the beauty he cannot see by day. A morning walk provides independent exercise. He need not go to the gymnasium for exercise. Morning walk, like early rising, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.

Even doctors advise their patients to have a morning walk daily, as a remedy for various types of physical ailments, especially diabetes. Moreover, a morning walk is certainly a good start for the whole day’s work. During our walk in the morning, we come into greater and closer contact with nature. A morning walk is advantageous as an independent exercise. If anyone wants to ensure proper care of his or her health, he or she can undertake a morning walk as it is very simple as well as beneficial.


Take Test

1 / 5

What is the relationship between morning walks and early rising?

2 / 5

What does a morning walk help in doing?

3 / 5

What benefit does a morning walk provide in terms of nature?

4 / 5

Why do doctors advise patients to have a morning walk?

5 / 5

What is the overall effect of a morning walk on a person?

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Comprehension Test for Class 6 (9/10)

Once there was a lion who lived in a den, and nearby, a mouse lived in a hole. One day, while the lion was sleeping, the mouse accidentally entered the lion’s nostril. The lion woke up in a fury and caught the mouse, ready to kill it. However, the mouse pleaded for mercy, promising that it could be of help to the lion in the future. Initially, the lion laughed at the mouse’s small size but eventually decided to let it go.

Sometime later, the lion got caught in a hunter’s net and could not free himself. In distress, he roared loudly. The mouse, recognizing the lion’s roar, immediately rushed to the spot and started gnawing the net. Eventually, it succeeded in freeing the lion, and said, “Dear king of beasts, I have done you a favor. Now, please run away to save yourself.” The lion was grateful to the mouse and quickly ran away. The story teaches us that little friends can prove to be great friends.


Take Test

1 / 5

Where did the lion live?

2 / 5

What happened when the mouse accidentally entered the lion's nostril?

3 / 5

Why did the mouse plead for mercy?

4 / 5

How did the mouse help the lion?

5 / 5

What lesson does the story teach?

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Comprehension Test for Class 6 (10/10)

The computer is one of modern science’s marvels. Its origins can be traced back to the mechanical calculating machine invented in 1834 by Charles Babbage, an English mathematician. Because of the lack of engineering skill at the time, the machine was unable to fully realize Babbage’s vision. Computers today are electronic. A computer can operate at high speeds because it is powered by a small current of electricity. It can perform calculations on very large numbers in a very short period of time using stored information and data.

A computer can add, subtract, multiply, and divide large numbers in seconds. Even an expert mathematician would take much longer to complete such calculations. Computers are now widely used in all advanced countries for data processing, which includes fact compilation, correlation, and selection. The use of computers is increasing in all fields of research, industry, and business. Computers have numerous advantages. They save time, speed up work, save labor, and reduce costs in the long run. They are used in educational institutions, industries, research laboratories, government departments, and so on in all advanced countries.


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1 / 5

What is the origin of the modern computer?

2 / 5

Why was the mechanical calculating machine unable to realize Babbage's vision?

3 / 5

What enables a computer to operate at high speeds?

4 / 5

What is the main advantage of using computers in data processing?

5 / 5

Where are computers used in various fields?

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