What is a Debate?

A debate is a formal discussion on a subject about which people have different opinions. It is like an argument but in a formal setup. For instance, some people are in favour of lavish marriage ceremonies, while some feel that marriages should be simple and low-key affairs.

Some people think that computers are important for children, while others feel that they spoil them. These and many more issues can be debated by engaging in a persuasive speech.

What is a Debate?

Debate Writing

  • A debate is a formal way of arguing in favour or against a topic.
  • It is generally in the format of a speech.
  • A debate is presented before an audience.
  • The audience includes students, the Principal, teachers, and a chairperson or a Chief Guest.
  • The speaker intends to win the interest of the audience with persuasive comments expressing his/her stand on the topic.
  • A good speaker knows what the opposition will say and is always ready with a counterargument in advance.

Points to Remember

  • Address the audience before you begin your discussion.
  • Do mention whether you are in favour or against the given topic or motion or issue.
  • Write a debate speech of at least 150–180 words.
  • Use short and grammatically correct sentences to present your views.
  • Use a variety of words and phrases to make the debate interesting.
  • Avoid using harsh language or impolite expressions while expressing your opinion.
  • Avoid repetition, as this will make your argument weak and uninteresting.

Debate Samples

Debate Sample 1

All girls or all boys schools provide a better learning environment than co-educational schools.

For the motion: For the motion:

Respected Principal, teachers, and dear friends, today I am going to speak for the motion – All girls or all-boys schools provide a better learning environment than co-educational schools.

It is our duty to ensure that our children feel a sense of security and freedom at school. In an all-boys or an all-girls school, a student receives unbiased attention from the teacher. The fact that boys’ schools often have male teachers and girls’ schools have female teachers is an advantage to students who feel more comfortable approaching them.

In a country like India, same-sex schools are advantageous at various levels. Especially, where there is a need for sex education, it becomes easier to educate boys and girls separately without making them embarrassed about each other.

Research has reported that students perform better in a same-sex school irrespective of their social background. In addition, such educational institutions are a boon for girls as parents readily send their girl-children to schools to gain knowledge and life skills.

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Children grow and develop best in surroundings of their own kind. Therefore, all-girls or all-boys schools provide a better learning environment than co-educational schools.

Thank you.

Against the motion:

Respected Principal, teachers, and dear friends, today I am going to speak against the motion – All girls or all-boys schools provide a better learning environment than co-educational schools.

Same-sex schools may promote gender bias in a country like India. In a co-education system, there is no discrimination between boys and girls. Co-education can become a medium to promote equality between the two sexes. These schools stress gender-specific teaching where boys and girls are sensitized towards each other. In a same-sex school, the absence of the opposite sex will make it difficult for either one to understand the other person. This leads to problems later in life.

Co-education is a boon to a country where there is a shortage of well-trained teachers. The same staff can teach both boys and girls at the same time in the same class. Establishing more co-educational institutes can help in spreading literacy even with the limited teaching staff and infrastructure. This will help build a better nation.

When students step out of a same-sex school, it may prove difficult for them to adjust to a co-ed work atmosphere after they graduate. On the other hand, students from co-ed schools are comfortable talking to people of the opposite sex and are not intimidated by their presence.

Co-education systems are economical and generate a spirit of comradeship between boys and girls. Therefore, co-educational schools are better than all-girls or all-boys schools.

Thank you.

Debate Sample 2

Private tuitions are a necessary evil.

For the motion:

Respected Principal, teachers, and dear friends, today I am going to speak for the motion – Private tuitions are a necessary evil.

Private tuitions offer academic coaching for students who need guidance in addition to their school routine. Today, apart from academics, students are made to partake in many activities. They are allotted marks for participation in sports and creative activities such as drawing, painting, dancing, and singing. Students have a lot on their plate and often find it difficult to give their studies undivided attention. Under such circumstances, it would be helpful for students to receive some help in their studies.

Many schools are understaffed and find it difficult to cater to each student individually. It is difficult to address the academic problems of students at a personal level. Therefore, students need to turn to someone for their problems. Private tuitions usually have a favourable student-teacher ratio. The private tutor can help students with their studies and give them their undivided attention. The tutor can manage students at a micro-level and monitor their progress at a closer range.

When it comes to studies, having a private tutor also gives students a variety of learning. Tutors can give students a fresh perspective on learning as compared to the techniques taught in schools. They nurture the students’ thirst for knowledge away from the noisy din of their classrooms. Private tuitions provide an environment where students can express their doubts without any inhibitions or the fear of ridicule. It is therefore a boon for introverted students who often feel shy in class.

I strongly believe that private tuition should exist alongside academic institutions such as schools and colleges because they provide an alternative to classroom education and bolster the child’s confidence in academics.

Thank you.

Against the motion

Respected Principal, teachers, and dear friends, today I am going to speak against the motion – Private tuitions are a necessary evil.

Private tuitions are institutions that offer academic coaching for students apart from the training given at their schools. However, I believe that these institutions destroy the very spirit of learning which is innate in every child.

Private tutors often charge an exorbitant amount of money for less than 20 hours a month. I believe that it gives an undue advantage to a privileged child as compared to his less privileged counterpart. It is unfortunate that somebody with money is given an edge over others. In a world where opportunities are rare, underprivileged student may never get a chance to come up in life because the rich student has the access and the means to them.

It also destroys the ability of the child to think for himself. By being spoon-fed by the tutor, the child refuses to make any effort of their own. The innate ability to question and ponder is destroyed by the private tutor. The child will then become unnaturally dependent on the tutor for their academic needs. It promotes the idea that nothing can be earned in life, only bought. The children internalize the wrong notion that success can be bought and not earned.

Tutors also swindle parents by charging exorbitant amounts of money to tutor students for less than 20 hours a month. Some parents foolishly trust such people and expect them to miraculously improve their children’s grades. The value of school teachers also diminishes in the eyes of students. They do not respect the teachers and may not pay attention in class because they believe that their academic success is safe in the hands of their private tutors.


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Owing to these reasons, I strongly oppose the practice of private tutoring. I urge students to study independently without taking help from these so-called ‘tutors’.

Thank you

Debate Sample 3

Children should be allowed to live independently after the age of 18 in India

For the motion:

Respected Principal, teachers, and dear friends, today I am going to speak for the motion – Children should be allowed to live independently after the age of 18 in India.

In India, children never really live alone at any point of time in their life unless it is for higher studies or an out-of-station job. Even in those cases, parents expect children to return home and start living with them again. The Indian family system promotes interdependence and living together. However, if children move out of their parental homes and start living on their own, they will be more confident, self-reliant, and responsible.

A young man or a woman is entrusted with responsibilities only when they get married and begin living with their spouses. However, before that, they have very little experience in making important decisions, planning finances, or even handling critical situations.

This puts them in a very difficult situation and doubts their position as responsible adults. If they are allowed to exercise their rights from the age of 18, they become better at judging good from bad. They get opportunities to see life and experience it firsthand. Living independently helps children become accountable for their actions and teaches them to make
sensible decisions in life.

Thank you.

Against the motion:

Respected Principal, teachers, and dear friends, today I am going to speak against the motion – Children should be allowed to live independently after the age of 18 in India.

An 18-year-old will not get a decent job in India because of his limited educational qualifications. As a result, he might take up odd jobs or stress himself to earn money. Youngsters might be attracted to criminal activities to earn more money. Allowing them to live alone can result in losing them forever.

When children move out of their parental homes, it becomes impossible to monitor their behaviour or track their whereabouts. If they get into the wrong company or are misled, chances are that parents will be ignorant of what’s happening until it is too late. When children live with their parents, it is easier to know what is happening in their lives and the chances of them being misled are few.

Living alone is very common in western countries because laws and regulations are better equipped to handle circumstances. However, in India, the legal or employment system has many loopholes. Hence, children should not be allowed to live independently after the age of 18.

Thank you


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