Unseen Passages With Multiple Choice Questions for Class 7

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Unseen Passages With Multiple Choice Questions for Class 7

In this post, we present the top 10 Unseen Passages with Multiple Choice Questions for Class 7. These passages are designed to challenge and improve your reading comprehension skills.

Unseen Passages With Multiple Choice Questions for Class 7

#1 Unseen Passages With Multiple Choice Questions for Class 7

Global vaccination programs are introduced to prevent some dreaded diseases. The world’s children are expected to be vaccinated against six common childhood diseases such as tuberculosis, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio and measles. The percentage of the world’s children vaccinated in the first year of life varies across continents.

From the chart above it is clear that Europe is the continent with the most advanced immunization programs. Next is the position of America. Southeast Asia has the least developed program. Africa stands slightly higher than that except for DPT alone. All diseases deserve more attention for vaccination, especially in Southeast Asia and Africa. But worldwide polio deserves the most attention.

What are the six common childhood diseases that the world’s children are expected to be vaccinated against?
A) Influenza, cholera, typhoid
B) Tuberculosis, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio, and measles
C) Mumps, rubella, smallpox

Answer: B) Tuberculosis, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio, and measles

Which continent has the most advanced immunization programs?
A) Europe
B) America
C) Southeast Asia

Answer: A) Europe

Which continent has the least developed immunization program?
A) Europe
B) America
C) Southeast Asia

Answer: C) Southeast Asia

How does Africa compare to Southeast Asia in terms of vaccination programs?
A) Africa has more advanced programs
B) Africa has the same level of development as Southeast Asia
C) Africa has less developed programs

Answer: C) Africa has less developed programs

Which disease deserves the most attention for vaccination globally?
A) Tuberculosis
B) Diphtheria
C) Polio

Answer: C) Polio

In which year of life are the world’s children expected to be vaccinated?
A) Birth
B) First birthday
C) Second year of life

Answer: A) Birth

Which disease has Africa’s vaccination program developed the most for?
A) Diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus (DPT)
B) Tuberculosis
C) Polio

Answer: A) Diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus (DPT)

What is the position of America compared to Europe in terms of immunization programs?
A) More advanced
B) Less developed
C) The same level of development

Answer: C) The same level of development

Which continent deserves more attention for vaccination, according to the passage?
A) Europe
B) Southeast Asia
C) Both B and C

Answer: C) Both B and C

Is there any mention of the specific programs being introduced in Europe and America?
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: B) No


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#2 Unseen Passages With Multiple Choice Questions for Class 7

My brother, David, was always close to our grandmother. They both share a love for Mother Nature and the food they grow themselves. Whenever his schedule permitted, he would drop by for a short visit and a cup of coffee. One day, when he found no one at home, he left the garbage on his porch. This began what later became known as his “calling card”. Grandma came home sometimes and knew right away that David had found a piece of dirt on her porch.

Although Grandma had a poor upbringing in Italy, she managed to do well in the United States. He was always healthy and independent and enjoyed a full life. Recently he suffered a stroke and died. Everyone is saddened by his death. David was disappointed. His lifelong friend is now gone.

Who shared a love for Mother Nature and the food they grew themselves with David?
A) His mother
B) His sister
C) His grandmother

Answer: C) His grandmother

What did David do whenever he found no one at home?
A) Left a message
B) Left a gift
C) Left the garbage

Answer: C) Left the garbage

What did the “calling card” refer to?
A) A message left by David
B) A gift left by David
C) The garbage left by David

Answer: C) The garbage left by David

What country did Grandma come from?
A) The United States
B) Italy
C) Germany

Answer: B) Italy

Was Grandma always healthy and independent?
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: A) Yes

What happened to Grandma recently?
A) She had a stroke
B) She passed away
C) She moved to another country

Answer: A) She had a stroke

What happened to Grandma after she had a stroke?
A) She recovered
B) She died
C) No information is given

Answer: B) She died

How did David feel about Grandma’s death?
A) He was happy
B) He was saddened
C) He was indifferent

Answer: B) He was saddened

What was David’s relationship with Grandma?
A) Grandmother-in-law
B) Lifelong friend
C) Acquaintance

Answer: B) Lifelong friend

Was David’s death mentioned in the passage?
A) Yes
B) No

Answer: B) No

#3 Unseen Passages With Multiple Choice Questions for Class 7

Crude mineral oil comes out of the earth as a thick brown or black liquid with a strong odour. It is a complex mixture of many different substances, each with its own unique properties. Most of them are a combination of hydrogen and carbon in varying proportions. This type of hydrocarbon is found in other forms such as bitumen, asphalt and natural gas. Mineral oil originates from the carcasses of small animals and plants that live in the sea.

Over millions of years, these dead creatures build up huge deposits on the ocean floor, and ocean currents cover them with a blanket of sand and silt. As this material hardens, it becomes sedimentary rock and effectively shuts out oxygen, thus preventing the complete decomposition of the underlying marine deposits. Sedimentary rock layers are thicker and heavier. Their pressure generated heat, which converted the tiny bodies into crude oil in a process that continues today.

What is crude mineral oil?
A) A clear liquid
B) A black liquid
C) A green liquid

Answer: B) A black liquid

What is the origin of mineral oil?
A) Plants that grow on land
B) Small animals and plants that live in the sea
C) Small animals and plants that live on land

Answer: B) Small animals and plants that live in the sea

What happens to the deposits of dead creatures on the ocean floor over millions of years?
A) They are destroyed
B) They are covered by sand and silt
C) They are taken away by ocean currents

Answer: B) They are covered by sand and silt

What happens to the material that covers the deposits of dead creatures?
A) It remains soft
B) It becomes sedimentary rock
C) It decomposes

Answer: B) It becomes sedimentary rock

What prevents the complete decomposition of marine deposits?
A) Oxygen
B) Heat
C) The lack of oxygen

Answer: C) The lack of oxygen

What is the result of the pressure generated by the sedimentary rock layers?
A) They become lighter
B) They become thinner
C) They generate heat

Answer: C) They generate heat

What happens to the tiny bodies on the ocean floor over time?
A) They become fossil fuels
B) They become crude oil
C) They become a natural gas

Answer: B) They become crude oil

What are the properties of most of the substances in crude mineral oil?
A) They are a combination of hydrogen and carbon in varying proportions
B) They are a combination of nitrogen and oxygen in varying proportions
C) They are a combination of helium and hydrogen in varying proportions

Answer: A) They are a combination of hydrogen and carbon in varying proportions

What is crude oil made from?
A) Bitumen
B) Asphalt
C) Marine deposits

Answer: C) Marine deposits

Is the process of converting tiny bodies into crude oil still happening today?
A) No
B) Yes

Answer: B) Yes

#4 Unseen Passages With Multiple Choice Questions for Class 7

Two men were once walking along a forest path, talking about courage and loyalty. The elder, who had the gun, was boasting of his own bravery and faithfulness when suddenly a large bear came out from behind a rock in front of them and charged furiously in their direction. The haughty man fled to a nearby tree, dropped his gun, and climbed to a safe place without a thought for his poor friend.

The latter fell on his face as if dead. The bear smelled his body, turned him over, licked his face, thought him dead and went on his way, leaving him unharmed. The other man came down from the tree, and going up to his friend said, “Well, what secret did he whisper so quietly in your ear?” To which the little man, who hated his life for his own presence of mind and not for the proud bravery and fidelity of his companion, replied, “Why, he said, ‘trust not pride,’ and I will take his advice.”

What were two men talking about as they walked along a forest path?
A) Courage and Loyalty
B) Hunting and Fishing
C) Money and Power
D) Love and Marriage

Answer: A) Courage and Loyalty

Who was boasting about his bravery and faithfulness?
A) The younger man
B) The elder man with the gun
C) Both men
D) Neither man

Answer: B) The elder man with the gun

What happened when a bear came out from behind a rock in front of the two men?
A) The elder man killed the bear with his gun.
B) The elder man fled to a nearby tree.
C) The bear killed both men.
D) The bear ignored both men.

Answer: B) The elder man fled to a nearby tree.

What did the bear do when it approached the second man?
A) The bear killed him.
B) The bear ran away.
C) The bear smelled him, turned him over, licked his face, and thought him dead.
D) The bear whispered in his ear.

Answer: C) The bear smelled him, turned him over, licked his face, and thought him dead.

What did the elder man do after climbing to a safe place in the tree?
A) He tried to save his friend.
B) He came down from the tree and went to his friend.
C) He remained in the tree.
D) He left his friend behind.

Answer: B) He came down from the tree and went to his friend.

What did the elder man ask the second man after the bear left?
A) “Are you okay?”
B) “What secret did he whisper so quietly in your ear?”
C) “Where is the bear?”
D) “Why did you fall on your face?”

Answer: B) “What secret did he whisper so quietly in your ear?”

What did the second man reply when asked about the bear’s secret?
A) “The bear said ‘run away.'”
B) “The bear said ‘trust not pride.'”
C) “The bear said nothing.”
D) “I do not know.”

Answer: B) “The bear said ‘trust not pride.'”

How did the second man feel about his own bravery and faithfulness?
A) Proud
B) Ashamed
C) Happy
D) Indifferent

Answer: B) Ashamed

What did the second man say he would do in response to the bear’s advice?
A) Ignore it.
B) Take the advice.
C) Discuss it with his friend.
D) Report it to the authorities.

Answer: B) Take the advice.

What was the main lesson from the story?
A) Trust in pride will lead to your downfall.
B) Fleeing from danger is acceptable.
C) Friends should always stick together.
D) Hunting is dangerous.

Answer: A) Trust in pride will lead to your downfall.

#5 Unseen Passages With Multiple Choice Questions for Class 7

Knowledge of grammar is essential for good speaking and writing, by which one’s mind is judged. Studying grammar is hard work: it has to be learned in its entirety, with no parts left out, and it demands a lot of thought and patience. But, once achieved, it can give a lifetime of joy and profit. Its study requires no physical hardship, no special room or expense.

If people spend their free time studying grammar, they can master it in a year. The author learned this in less than a year. Earning sixpence a day as a private soldier, he studied in his bed. Not being able to afford candles or oil, he read by the fire in winter (when it was his turn). If he could manage it this way, and without any outside encouragement, any young man, however poor or busy, could do it.

What is essential for good speaking and writing according to the author?
A. Knowledge of grammar
B. Patience
C. Physical hardship
D. Special room or expense

Answer: A. Knowledge of grammar

How does the author describe the study of grammar?
A. Easy and not demanding
B. Hard work with a lot of thought and patience
C. Physical hardship
D. No need for effort

Answer: B. Hard work with a lot of thought and patience

What can the study of grammar give a person?
A. A lifetime of joy and profit
B. Physical hardship
C. No benefits
D. Short term benefits

Answer: A. A lifetime of joy and profit

What does the study of grammar require?
A. No physical hardship or special room or expense
B. Physical hardship, special room and expense
C. No effort
D. Lots of money

Answer: A. No physical hardship or special room or expense

How long did it take the author to master grammar?
A. A lifetime
B. Less than a year
C. More than a year
D. Cannot be determined

Answer: B. Less than a year

How did the author study grammar?
A. By attending classes
B. By reading by the fire in winter
C. By using candles or oil
D. With outside encouragement

Answer: B. By reading by the fire in winter

What was the author’s job when he studied grammar?
A. A private soldier
B. A teacher
C. A student
D. Cannot be determined

Answer: A. A private soldier

How much did the author earn when he studied grammar?
A. More than sixpence a day
B. Less than sixpence a day
C. Sixpence a day
D. Cannot be determined

Answer: C. Sixpence a day

Where did the author study grammar?
A. In a special room
B. In his bed
C. In a library
D. In a school

Answer: B. In his bed

Can any young man master grammar according to the author?
A. No, only the wealthy and free individuals can
B. Yes, anyone can do it
C. No, only the author could do it
D. Cannot be determined

Answer: B. Yes, anyone can do it

#6 Unseen Passages With Multiple Choice Questions for Class 7

Establishing standards, right values, and the science of good and evil is an essential part of education. Many forces prevent it from working, but its two most serious obstacles are experimentation and specialization. The test method is both an opiate and a poison. It is an opiate because it seduces people into believing that all is well when most are ill. It is a poison because it paralyzes or at least slows down the normal functioning of the healthy mind.

Man finds himself a creature of an unknown power in an unknown world, and wants to know what the world is like and what he should be and do in it. Helping him answer this question is the sole purpose of education.

However, progress tests are useful and necessary. Examinations are innocuous when the examinee is indifferent to their results, but as soon as they become important, they begin to distort his attitude toward education and obscure its purpose. Because disinterestedness is the essence of all good education and liberal education is impossible without it.

What is the main purpose of education?
A. To establish standards, right values, and the science of good and evil
B. To help answer questions about the unknown world
C. To pass progress tests
D. To specialize in a certain subject

Answer: B. To help answer questions about the unknown world

What is the main obstacle to education according to the author?
A. Disinterestedness
B. Experimentation and specialization
C. The importance of examination results
D. The lack of physical hardship

Answer: B. Experimentation and specialization

What is the effect of the test method on education?
A. It improves the normal functioning of the healthy mind
B. It helps people understand the unknown world
C. It seduces people into believing that all is well
D. It slows down or paralyzes the normal functioning of the healthy mind

Answer: D. It slows down or paralyzes the normal functioning of the healthy mind

What is the relationship between disinterestedness and education according to the author?
A. Disinterestedness is detrimental to education
B. Disinterestedness is the essence of all good education
C. Disinterestedness is not important in education
D. Disinterestedness is not mentioned in the passage

Answer: B. Disinterestedness is the essence of all good education

What is the relationship between examination results and education?
A. Examinations are detrimental to education when they become important
B. Examinations are essential to education
C. Examinations are insignificant in education
D. Examinations are only important to those who are indifferent to their results

Answer: A. Examinations are detrimental to education when they become important

What is the role of good grammar in education?
A. It is essential for good speaking and writing
B. It is not mentioned in the passage
C. It is a hindrance to education
D. It is optional in education

Answer: A. It is essential for good speaking and writing

What is the study of grammar like according to the author?
A. Easy and without thought
B. Hard work but worth it in the end
C. Unnecessary in education
D. Not mentioned in the passage

Answer: B. Hard work but worth it in the end

How much time does the author believe is needed to master grammar?
A. A lifetime
B. More than a year
C. A few months
D. Less than a year

Answer: D. Less than a year

What is the relationship between poverty and the study of grammar according to the author?
A. Poverty is a hindrance to studying grammar
B. Poverty is not a factor in studying grammar
C. Poverty is an advantage in studying grammar
D. Poverty is not mentioned in the passage

Answer: B. Poverty is not a factor in studying grammar

What is the author’s experience in studying grammar?
A. The author had outside encouragement and resources to study grammar
B. The author struggled with poverty and limited resources but still managed to study grammar
C. The author did not study grammar
D. The author had ample resources and no difficulties studying grammar

Answer: B. The author struggled with poverty and limited resources but still managed to study grammar

#7 Unseen Passages With Multiple Choice Questions for Class 7

Public sector banks are witnessing a transitional period in India and are at a turning point, where they should remain healthy without abandoning their social responsibility. They have to perform risky experiments yet perform them innovatively so that it does not fail. They should venture into new areas that are rarely trodden by them and not miss any emerging opportunities.

It should be understood that the absence of any bad advance is no sign of an efficient banking system. It only indicates extreme conservatism. However, this is no guarantee of profit. There should be a balance between liquidity and risk. The sins of the past must be forgotten. Innovative and realistic strategies should be adopted without which banks will be in danger.

What is the current situation of public sector banks in India?
A. They are at a turning point
B. They are performing well
C. They are facing difficulties
D. They are declining

Answer: A. They are at a turning point

What is the goal of public sector banks in India?
A. To maintain social responsibility
B. To increase profits
C. To avoid risk
D. To focus on liquidity

Answer: A. To maintain social responsibility

What should public sector banks do to stay healthy?
A. Avoid risky experiments
B. Adopt innovative strategies
C. Stick to traditional methods
D. Forget the past

Answer: B. Adopt innovative strategies

What does the absence of bad advances indicate in a banking system?
A. Extreme conservatism
B. Efficient system
C. Profit guarantee
D. Inefficiency

Answer: A. Extreme conservatism

What is the purpose of education according to the passage?
A. To perform experiments
B. To achieve profit
C. To help answer the question of what the world is like and what one should be and do in it
D. To perform progress tests

Answer: C. To help answer the question of what the world is like and what one should be and do in it

What is the importance of disinterestedness in education according to the passage?
A. It is not important
B. It is essential for good education
C. It is not mentioned
D. It is only necessary for liberal education

Answer: B. It is essential for good education

How should public sector banks adopt strategies to remain healthy?
A. Conservatively
B. Riskily
C. Innovatively and realistically
D. Without forgetting the past

Answer: C. Innovatively and realistically

What is the relationship between liquidity and risk in the banking system according to the passage?
A. They are opposed to each other
B. They are not related
C. They need to be balanced
D. They are not mentioned

Answer: C. They need to be balanced

What is the effect of exams on the attitude towards education according to the passage?
A. They have a positive effect
B. They have no effect
C. They obscure the purpose of education
D. They are not mentioned

Answer: C. They obscure the purpose of education

What should public sector banks in India not miss?
A. Emerging opportunities
B. Traditional methods
C. Bad advances
D. The sins of the past

Answer: A. Emerging opportunities

#8 Unseen Passages With Multiple Choice Questions for Class 7

Great books don’t happen out of anywhere in the people who write them. They are an expression of their very original influence, the author’s life itself. And literature cannot be said to have served its true purpose until it is translated into the real life of the reader. It is a vast reservoir of real ideas and emotions. In a world devoid of literature, the broad, the noble and the generous would disappear and life would correspondingly degenerate because misconceptions and petty passions would not feel the upward pull of ideas and passions of genius.

Just by imagining a society without literature, it becomes clear that the function of literature is to raise the plain to the higher level of the summit. Literature exists so that where one man has lived subtly, ten thousand may subtly live hereafter. It is a way of life, it concerns living beings.

What does the author believe about the origin of great books?
a. They happen randomly
b. They are influenced by the author’s life
c. They are not original
d. They are not influenced by the author’s life

Answer: b. They are influenced by the author’s life

What is the purpose of literature according to the author?
a. To entertain
b. To degenerate life
c. To raise the plain to a higher level
d. To make people miserable

Answer: c. To raise the plain to a higher level

What would happen if there was no literature in the world according to the author?
a. The broad, noble and generous would disappear
b. Life would improve
c. Life would remain the same
d. Life would become more sophisticated

Answer: a. The broad, noble and generous would disappear

What is the function of literature according to the author?
a. To entertain
b. To provide ideas and emotions
c. To bring misconceptions and petty passions
d. To make people sad

Answer: b. To provide ideas and emotions

Why is literature a way of life according to the author?
a. Because it is not real
b. Because it is only about living beings
c. Because it is not important
d. Because it concerns living beings

Answer: d. Because it concerns living beings

What happens to the reader’s life when they read literature according to the author?
a. It remains the same
b. It becomes worse
c. It becomes higher
d. It becomes lower

Answer: c. It becomes higher

How does the author describe the effect of literature on society?
a. It degenerates life
b. It raises the plain to a higher level of the summit
c. It brings misconceptions and petty passions
d. It has no effect on society

Answer: b. It raises the plain to the higher level of the summit

Why does the author believe that literature is important?
a. Because it is a way of life
b. Because it is not real
c. Because it provides ideas and emotions
d. Because it is not important

Answer: a. Because it is a way of life

What does the author believe about a society without literature?
a. It would be sophisticated
b. It would correspondingly degenerate
c. It would be the same
d. It would be improved

Answer: b. It would correspondingly degenerate

What is the main idea the author is trying to convey about literature?
a. It is not important
b. It is a way of life that raises the plain to the higher level of the summit
c. It has no effect on society
d. It is not real

Answer: b. It is a way of life that raises the plain to a higher level of the summit

#9 Unseen Passages With Multiple Choice Questions for Class 7

Once, an ant coming to drink in a stream fell into the water and was swept away by the swift current. He was in danger of drowning. A dove, perched on a nearby tree, saw the ant’s danger and dropped a leaf into the water. The ant climbed over it and was carried to safety.

Shortly thereafter, a hunter, walking through the bush, saw the dove sleeping and took careful aim with his gun. As he was about to fire, a nearby ant crawled up and bit his front ankle. The hunter misses his target and the dove is awakened by the loud noise of the gun. He saw the danger and quickly flew to safety. Thus, the ant repaid the dove for saving its life in the foamy stream.

Who saved the ant’s life in the stream?
a. The hunter
b. The dove
c. The ant

Answer: b. The dove

How did the ant repay the dove for saving its life?
a. By singing a song
b. By giving a gift
c. By biting the hunter

Answer: c. By biting the hunter

What was the ant in danger of?
a. Drowning
b. Being swept away
c. Both a and b

Answer: c. Both a and b

How did the ant get to safety?
a. By swimming
b. By crawling on a leaf
c. By flying

Answer: b. By crawling on a leaf

Why did the hunter miss his target?
a. Because the dove flew away
b. Because of the loud noise of the gun
c. Because the ant bit his front ankle

Answer: c. Because the ant bit his front ankle

Was the ant in danger when the hunter saw it?
a. Yes
b. No

Answer: b. No

What happened to the dove when the hunter took aim with his gun?
a. It slept
b. It flew to safety

Answer: a. It slept

Did the dove save the ant’s life on purpose?
a. Yes
b. No

Answer: a. Yes

Did the hunter aim to shoot the ant?
a. Yes
b. No

Answer: b. No

What was the main theme of the story?
a. Courage and bravery
b. Helping others
c. Repaying kindness

Answer: c. Repaying kindness

#10 Unseen Passages With Multiple Choice Questions for Class 7

About a hundred years ago, whenever an operation was performed, the patient suffered tearful pain as he felt the surgeon cut into his flesh. But now severe operations have been carried out without pain, and thousands of lives have been saved. James Simpson was the first to discover and use the pain-killing power of chloroform. James was born into a poor family. So in boyhood, he had not only to help his father during the holidays but also assist the village doctor.

But he was horrified at the terrible suffering of the people who came to the hospital for treatment. He now made it his aim in life to find out new discoveries which would prevent so much pain. Simpson made many experiments and ultimately discovered chloroform. Now the patient does not dread an operation.

Who discovered the pain-killing power of chloroform?
a. James Simpson
b. The village doctor
c. The patient
d. The hunter

Answer: a. James Simpson

What was James Simpson’s childhood like?
a. Born into a wealthy family
b. Did not have to work in his childhood
c. Born into a poor family and had to help his father and assist the village doctor
d. Grew up without any responsibilities

Answer: c. Born into a poor family and had to help his father and assist the village doctor

What was James Simpson’s goal in life?
a. To become a wealthy man
b. To live a life without any responsibilities
c. To find out new discoveries to prevent pain
d. To become a famous person

Answer: c. To find out new discoveries to prevent pain

How did James Simpson feel about the people who came to the hospital for treatment?
a. He was indifferent to their suffering
b. He was happy to see them
c. He was horrified at their terrible suffering
d. He was angry at them

Answer: c. He was horrified at their terrible suffering

What was the patient’s reaction to an operation before the discovery of chloroform?
a. They did not dread it
b. They were indifferent to it
c. They suffered tearful pain as the surgeon cut into their flesh
d. They were happy about it

Answer: c. They suffered tearful pain as the surgeon cut into their flesh

How does the patient feel about an operation now?
a. They still dread it
b. They are indifferent to it
c. They are happy about it
d. They do not dread it anymore

Answer: d. They do not dread it anymore

What was the outcome of James Simpson’s experiments?
a. He discovered chloroform
b. He failed to find any new discoveries
c. He found a new cure for pain
d. He made no new discoveries

Answer: a. He discovered chloroform

How did the dove save the ant’s life?
a. By dropping a leaf into the water
b. By flying away from the hunter
c. By biting the hunter’s front ankle
d. By calling for help

Answer: a. By dropping a leaf into the water

How did the ant repay the dove for saving its life?
a. By biting the hunter’s front ankle
b. By helping the hunter aim his gun
c. By calling for help
d. By flying away from the hunter

Answer: a. By biting the hunter’s front ankle

What was the purpose of James Simpson’s discovery of chloroform?
a. To become wealthy
b. To live a life without any responsibilities
c. To prevent pain during operations
d. To become famous

Answer: c. To prevent pain during operations

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