Unseen Passages for Class 3 with Multiple Choice Questions

Reading comprehension passages, also known as unseen passages, are important because they help students develop and improve their reading skills.

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Unseen Passages for Class 3 with Multiple Choice Questions

In this post, we present the top 10 Unseen Passages for Class 3 with Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQ). These passages are designed to challenge and improve your reading comprehension skills.

Unseen Passages for Class 3 with Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Unseen Passages for Class 3 with Multiple Choice Questions #1

The Cat

Cats are popular pets all over the world. They are independent and known to take care of themselves. Cats come in a variety of colours and patterns such as black, white, orange and calico. Some cats have long hair, others have short hair. Cats are good at catching mice and other small animals. They use their sharp claws and quick reflexes to catch their prey.

Cats also have very good hearing and can see very well in the dark. Cats have a unique way of communicating with their owners. They can also meow, scream, and even make chattering noises with their teeth. Cats also have a way of showing affection by rubbing against their owners.

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What is the primary method cats use to catch their prey?
a) Sharp claws and quick reflexes
b) Strong jaws and sharp teeth
c) Speed and agility
d) Camouflage and stealth

Answer: a) Sharp claws and quick reflexes

What is a common pattern found in cats?
a) Stripes
b) Spots
c) Polka dots
d) Calico

Answer: d) Calico

How do cats communicate with their owners?
a) Through meows and screams
b) Through body language and purring
c) Through barking and growling
d) Through telepathy

Answer: b) Through body language and purring

How do cats show affection to their owners?
a) By bringing them gifts
b) By cuddling and licking
c) By rubbing against them
d) By playing fetch

Answer: c) By rubbing against them

How well do cats see in the dark?
a) Not well at all
b) Somewhat well
c) Very well
d) Extremely well

Answer: c) Very well

Unseen Passages for Class 3 with Multiple Choice Questions #2

The Elephant

An elephant is the largest land animal on earth. They are known for their long trunks, large ears and strong bodies. Elephants live in different parts of the world like Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

Elephants are social animals and live in herds. The leader of the herd is usually the oldest and strongest female elephant. Elephants use their trunks to communicate with each other and gather food. They use their trunks to spray water over their bodies to keep cool. Elephants are endangered species, which means there aren’t many left in the world. People are working to protect elephants and their habitats.

What is the largest land animal on earth?
a) Elephant
b) Giraffe
c) Hippopotamus
d) Rhinoceros

Answer: a) Elephant

In which parts of the world do elephants live?
a) Africa, Asia, and the Middle East
b) North America, South America and Europe
c) Australia and Antarctica
d) Asia, Europe and Africa

Answer: a) Africa, Asia, and the Middle East

What is the leader of the elephant herd typically characterized as?
a) The strongest male
b) The youngest female
c) The oldest and strongest female
d) The tallest elephant

Answer: c) The oldest and strongest female


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How do elephants communicate with each other?
a) Through vocalizations
b) Through body language and scent marking
c) Through the use of their trunks
d) All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

Why are elephants considered an endangered species?
a) Due to habitat loss and poaching
b) Due to disease and natural disasters
c) Due to a lack of food and water
d) All of the above

Answer: a) Due to habitat loss and poaching

Unseen Passages for Class 3 with Multiple Choice Questions #3

The Dog

Dogs are one of the most popular pets in the world. They are known to be loyal and protective of their owners. Dogs come in different shapes, sizes and breeds. Some breeds, such as poodles and golden retrievers, are known to be smart and easy to train. Other breeds, such as bulldogs and pugs, are known for being cute and playful.

Dogs are also used for various purposes. Some dogs help blind or disabled people. These dogs are called service dogs. Other dogs help catch criminals or find missing persons. These dogs are called police dogs or search and rescue dogs. Dogs are also used to herd sheep and cattle on farms.

What is one of the most popular pets in the world?
a) Dogs
b) Cats
c) Fish
d) Birds

Answer: a) Dogs

What is a common trait associated with dogs?
a) They are independent and aloof
b) They are loyal and protective of their owners
c) They are timid and easily scared
d) They are aggressive and territorial

Answer: b) They are loyal and protective of their owners

What are some common breeds of dogs known for being easy to train?
a) Poodles and Golden Retrievers
b) Bulldogs and Pugs
c) Rottweilers and Dobermans
d) German Shepherds and Boxers

Answer: a) Poodles and Golden Retrievers

What are some common purposes for which dogs are used?
a) Service dogs and police dogs
b) Search and rescue dogs and therapy dogs
c) Guard dogs and hunting dogs
d) All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

What are some common breeds of dogs used for herding sheep and cattle?
a) Border Collie, Australian Cattle Dog, and Old English Sheepdog
b) Poodle, Golden Retriever, and bulldog
c) German Shepherd, Rottweiler, and Doberman
d) Jack Russel, Beagle and Boxer

Answer: a) Border Collie, Australian Cattle Dog, and Old English Sheepdog

Unseen Passages for Class 3 with Multiple Choice Questions #4

The Turtle

Turtles are reptiles that live on land and in water. They are known for their hard shells, which protect them from predators. There are many types of turtles, such as box turtles, snapping turtles, and sea turtles. Turtles are slow-moving animals and can live for a very long time. Some species of turtles can live for over 100 years!

Turtles are also good swimmers and can hold their breath underwater for long periods of time. Turtles are herbivores, which means they only eat plants. They eat leaves, flowers, and fruits.

What are turtles known for?
a) Their speed and agility
b) Their hard shells
c) Their ability to fly
d) Their venomous bites

Answer: b) Their hard shells

What are some examples of different types of turtles?
a) Box turtles, snapping turtles, and sea turtles
b) Iguana, Gecko and Chameleon
c) Alligators, crocodiles and lizards
d) Snakes and lizards

Answer: a) Box turtles, snapping turtles, and sea turtles

How fast are turtles known to move?
a) Very fast
b) Somewhat fast
c) Slow
d) Very slow

Answer: d) Very slow

How long can some species of turtles live?
a) 10-20 years
b) 20-50 years
c) 50-80 years
d) Over 100 years

Answer: d) Over 100 years

What kind of food do turtles eat?
a) Meat and insects
b) Fish and crustaceans
c) Leaves, flowers, and fruits
d) Seeds and nuts

Answer: c) Leaves, flowers, and fruits

Unseen Passages for Class 3 with Multiple Choice Questions #5

The Frog

Frogs are small, moist-skinned creatures that live near water. They are known for their long legs and jumping ability. There are different types of frogs such as tree frogs, bullfrogs and poison dart frogs. Frogs are carnivores, which means they eat other animals. They catch prey with their sticky tongues. Frogs also have excellent eyesight and can see in all directions at once.

Frogs have a unique way of reproduction. They lay eggs in water and hatch into tadpoles. Tadpoles are small, legless creatures that look like fish. As they grow, they grow legs and eventually become adult frogs.

Where do frogs typically live?
a) In trees
b) Near water
c) In deserts
d) In the mountains

Answer: b) Near water

What is one characteristic of frogs?
a) They are known for their ability to fly
b) They have long legs and jumping ability
c) They have short legs and crawling ability
d) They have no legs

Answer: b) They have long legs and jumping ability

What are some examples of different types of frogs?
a) Tree frogs, bullfrogs and poison dart frogs
b) Toads, newts and salamanders
c) Snakes, lizards and turtles
d) Fish, sharks and whales

Answer: a) Tree frogs, bullfrogs and poison dart frogs

What do frogs eat?
a) Plants
b) Other animals
c) Fish
d) Insects

Answer: b) Other animals

What is the unique way of reproduction in frogs?
a) They lay eggs in water and hatch into tadpoles
b) They lay eggs on land and hatch into adult frogs
c) They give birth to live young
d) They lay eggs in the air

Answer: a) They lay eggs in water and hatch into tadpoles

Unseen Passages for Class 3 with Multiple Choice Questions #6

The Shark

Sharks are large, predatory fish that live in the ocean. They are known for their sharp teeth and strong body. There are many types of sharks such as great white sharks, hammerhead sharks and tiger sharks. Sharks are carnivores and hunt for their food. They use their sense of smell and hearing to locate prey. Sharks also have excellent eyesight and can see well in the dark.

Sharks are often feared by humans, but they are actually important to the balance of ocean ecosystems. They help keep populations of other animals in check and ensure ecosystems remain healthy.

What type of animal are sharks?
a) Mammals
b) Birds
c) Fish
d) Reptiles

Answer: c) Fish

What are sharks known for?
a) Their sharp teeth and strong body
b) Their flippers and speed
c) Their scales and size
d) Their venom and aggression

What are some examples of different types of sharks?
a) Great white sharks, hammerhead sharks and tiger sharks
b) Whales, dolphins and porpoises
c) Turtles, crocodiles and alligators
d) Snakes and lizards

Answer: a) Great white sharks, hammerhead sharks and tiger sharks

What do sharks eat?
a) Plants
b) Other animals
c) Fish
d) Insects

Answer: b) Other animals

What is the role of sharks in ocean ecosystems?
a) They disrupt the balance and harm other animals
b) They are important for maintaining population levels and ensuring healthy ecosystems
c) They are insignificant and play no role in the ecosystem
d) They are beneficial for the fishing industry

Answer: b) They are important for maintaining population levels and ensuring healthy ecosystems

Unseen Passages for Class 3 with Multiple Choice Questions #7

The Whale

Whales are large, marine mammals that live in the ocean. They are known for their size, their strong bodies and their ability to swim long distances. There are many types of whales, such as humpback whales, blue whales, and killer whales.

Whales are carnivores and eat a variety of marine animals such as krill, squid and fish. They use their powerful tails, called flukes, to swim through the water and catch their prey. Whales also have excellent hearing and can communicate with each other over long distances with multiple clicks and whistles.

Whales are endangered species and there are not many left in the world. People are working to protect whales and their habitats.

What are whales known for?
a) Their size, strong bodies, and ability to swim long distances
b) Their sharp teeth and hunting abilities
c) Their intelligence and problem-solving skills
d) Their speed and agility

Answer: a) Their size, strong bodies, and ability to swim long distances

What are some examples of different types of whales?
a) Humpback whales, blue whales, and killer whales
b) Sharks, dolphins and porpoises
c) Turtles, crocodiles and alligators
d) Snakes and lizards

Answer: a) Humpback whales, blue whales, and killer whales

What do whales eat?
a) Plants
b) Other animals
c) Fish and krill
d) Insects

Answer: c) Fish and krill

How do whales communicate with each other?
a) Through vocalizations
b) Through body language and scent marking
c) Through clicks and whistles
d) All of the above

Answer: c) Through clicks and whistles

Why are whales considered an endangered species?
a) Due to habitat loss and pollution
b) Due to hunting and commercial whaling
c) Due to disease and natural disasters
d) All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

Unseen Passages for Class 3 with Multiple Choice Questions #8

The Bee

Bees are small, flying insects known for their ability to pollinate flowers. Pollination is the process of transferring pollen from one flower to another, which helps in flower growth and seed production. There are many types of bees, such as honey bees, bumblebees, and mason bees.

Bees live in hives, which are large groups of bees that work together to care for their young and gather food. Bees collect nectar from flowers and bring it back to the hive, where they turn it into honey. Bees also collect pollen and use it to feed their young. Bees are important to the environment because they help pollinate flowers and plants, which helps keep ecosystems healthy.

What are bees known for?
a) Their ability to pollinate flowers
b) Their ability to fly
c) Their ability to make honey
d) All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

What are some examples of different types of bees?
a) Honey bees, bumblebees, and mason bees
b) Ants, wasps and hornets
c) Butterflies, moths and beetles
d) Grasshoppers and crickets

Answer: a) Honey bees, bumblebees, and mason bees

Where do bees live?
a) In colonies
b) In hives
c) In nests
d) All of the above

Answer: b) In hives

What do bees collect from flowers?
a) Nectar and pollen
b) Water and minerals
c) Leaves and fruits
d) None of the above

Answer: a) Nectar and pollen

Why are bees important to the environment?
a) They help pollinate flowers and plants, which helps keep ecosystems healthy
b) They help in seed production
c) They provide honey as a food source
d) All of the above

Answer: a) They help pollinate flowers and plants, which helps keep ecosystems healthy.

Unseen Passages for Class 3 with Multiple Choice Questions #9

The Butterfly

Butterflies are small, flying insects known for their colourful wings. There are different types of butterflies, such as monarch butterflies, swallowtail butterflies and painted lady butterflies. Butterflies go through a process called metamorphosis, which is a change in their body structure. When they are born, they are small, crawling creatures called caterpillars. As they grow, they spin a cocoon around themselves and transform into a butterfly.

Butterflies are important to the environment because they help pollinate flowers and plants. They drink nectar from flowers and spread pollen as they fly from one flower to another.

What are butterflies known for?
a) Their size and flying ability
b) Their colourful wings
c) Their ability to spin cocoons
d) All of the above

Answer: b) Their colourful wings

What are some examples of different types of butterflies?
a) Monarch butterflies, swallowtail butterflies, and painted lady butterflies
b) Moths, beetles and flies
c) Grasshoppers, crickets and locusts
d) Honeybees, bumblebees and mason bees

Answer: a) Monarch butterflies, swallowtail butterflies, and painted lady butterflies

What is the process that butterflies go through?
a) Metamorphosis
b) Migration
c) Hibernation
d) Pollination

Answer: a) Metamorphosis

What is the name of the small, crawling creatures that butterflies are born as?
a) Caterpillars
b) Larvae
c) Pupae
d) Nymphs

Answer: a) Caterpillars

Why are butterflies important to the environment?
a) They help pollinate flowers and plants
b) They are a food source for other animals
c) They are important for controlling pest populations
d) All of the above

Answer: a) They help pollinate flowers and plants

Unseen Passages for Class 3 with Multiple Choice Questions #10

The Panda

Pandas are large, bear-like animals native to China. They are known for their distinctive black and white fur and their love of bamboo. Pandas are endangered animals, which means there aren’t many of them left in the world. Pandas are herbivores and mostly eat bamboo. They spend most of their time feeding and can consume up to 12 kilograms (26 lb) of bamboo per day. Pandas are also good climbers and can grasp branches and trees using their strong front legs.

Pandas are solitary animals and prefer to be alone. But they will come together to breed during the breeding season. Female pandas give birth to one or two baby pandas, called cubs, every two years.

What are pandas known for?
a) Their distinctive black and white fur
b) Their love of bamboo
c) Their ability to climb
d) All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

What is the status of pandas in the wild?
a) Endangered
b) Threatened
c) Vulnerable
d) Least Concern

Answer: a) Endangered

What do pandas mostly eat?
a) Meat
b) Bamboo
c) Fruits and vegetables
d) Fish

Answer: b) Bamboo

How often do female pandas give birth to cubs?
a) Once a year
b) Every two years
c) Every three years
d) Every four years

Answer: b) Every two years

Are pandas solitary or social animals?
a) Solitary
b) Social
c) They can be both depending on the situation
d) It varies among individuals

Answer: a) Solitary

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