Reading comprehension is the act of understanding what you are reading. Communication skills help to understand a particular language, process it, and use it effectively.
The comprehension test reveals whether students have an intelligent understanding of the unseen passages. In this post, we have added the top 10 Unseen Passages For Class 10 with Guidelines, Questions and Answers.

Guidelines for Comprehension of Unseen Passages For Class 10
- Unseen Passage should be thoroughly studied.
- Read the unseen passage several times if necessary. One can quickly read the unseen passage to get an idea of the entire passage. But a hasty reading leads to misunderstanding. So, intensive reading is always helpful in understanding meaning.
- Try to understand the meaning of words or phrases unknown to you by relating them to the context in which the words or phrases occur.
Unseen Passages For Class 10
Unseen Passages For Class 10 #1
Read the following passage and answer the questions below:
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
Questions and Answers
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What is the speaker’s reason for stopping in the woods?
Answer: The speaker does not state a specific reason for stopping in the woods.
What is the significance of the harness bells being shaken?
Answer: The shaking of the harness bells suggests that the horse is wondering why they have stopped in the middle of the woods.
What is the tone of the poem?
Answer: The tone of the poem is contemplative and introspective.
What is the meaning of the line “And miles to go before I sleep”?
Answer: This line suggests that the speaker has important commitments or promises that they need to fulfil before they can rest or sleep.
What is the theme of the poem?
Answer: The theme of the poem is the tension between the allure of nature and the responsibilities of life. The speaker is drawn to the beauty of the woods, but also feels a sense of duty to fulfil their promises and complete their journey.
Unseen Passages For Class 10 #2
Read the following passage and answer the questions below:
Education is an essential part of our life. It not only helps us acquire knowledge and skills but also helps in building our character and values. Education plays an important role in our personal and professional development and is an investment in our future.
Education is an essential part of our life. It not only helps us acquire knowledge and skills but also helps in building our character and values. Education plays an important role in our personal and professional development and is an investment in our future.
Education has many benefits. It helps us understand the world around us and think critically and creatively. It also gives us the skills we need to succeed in the workforce and contribute to our communities Education can open up new opportunities and give us a sense of accomplishment and self-satisfaction.
Additionally, education helps promote equality and social mobility. It gives individuals the tools and knowledge they need to rise out of poverty and achieve their full potential. Education is also a key factor in reducing discrimination and promoting understanding and tolerance between different cultures and groups.
In short, education is an important part of our lives and has the power to transform individuals and communities.
Questions and Answers
What is the importance of education in our lives?
Education plays an important role in our personal and professional development and is an investment in our future. It helps us acquire knowledge and skills and shapes our character and values.
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Write some benefits of education.
The benefits of education include helping us understand the world around us, think critically and creatively, succeed in the workforce, and contribute to our communities. It can provide us with new opportunities, a sense of accomplishment and self-satisfaction.
How does education promote equality and social mobility?
Education promotes equality and social mobility by giving individuals the tools and knowledge they need to rise out of poverty and achieve their full potential.
How can education change individuals and communities?
Education provides individuals and communities with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed and contribute, and promotes understanding and tolerance between different cultures and groups.
Unseen Passages For Class 10 #3
Read the following passage and answer the questions below:
The Roman Empire was one of the greatest and most influential civilizations in world history. At its height, it spanned three continents and included more than 50 million people. The Romans were known for their military prowess, their sophisticated system of government, and their impressive architectural achievements, including the construction of roads, aqueducts, and public buildings.
The Roman Republic, which lasted from the 6th century BC to the 1st century BC, was a model of governance that influenced many later civilizations. It was a federal system of government that divided power between the Roman Senate and the People’s Assembly.
In the 1st century BC, the Roman Republic was replaced by the Roman Empire, which was ruled by a dictator called the Roman Emperor. The Roman Empire saw the construction of many impressive buildings and the expansion of the Roman military. However, it has also seen numerous internal conflicts, including the rise of various factions vying for power.
Despite these challenges, the Roman Empire was able to endure for more than five centuries, until it finally collapsed in the 5th century. Today, the legacy of the Roman Empire can be seen in the many cultural and architectural achievements it left behind.
Questions and Answers
How many continents did the Roman Empire span at its height?
The Roman Empire spanned three continents at its height.
What was the Roman Republic known for?
The Roman Republic was known for its sophisticated system of government and its federal system of government that divided power between the Roman Senate and the Assembly of the People.
What replaced the Roman Republic in the 1st century BC?
The Roman Empire replaced the Roman Republic in the 1st century BC.
Who ruled the Roman Empire?
The Roman Empire was ruled by an autocrat called the Roman Emperor.
When did the Roman Empire fall?
The Roman Empire fell in the 5th century AD.
Unseen Passages For Class 10 #4
Read the following passage and answer the questions below:
The concept of renewable energy has gained significant attention in recent years as a way to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and combat climate change. Solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal and biomass are examples of renewable energy sources. These sources are considered renewable because they can be replenished naturally, unlike fossil fuels, which take millions of years to form and are finite.
One of the main advantages of renewable energy is that it is environmentally friendly. Renewable energy sources do not produce greenhouse gases, which contribute to climate change. They also do not produce harmful air pollutants like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides.
Another advantage of renewable energy is that it can provide a reliable and stable source of energy. For example, hydroelectric plants can operate for long periods of time without interruption, and solar panels can generate electricity even on cloudy days. Also, renewable energy sources are becoming more affordable as technology improves and economies of scale are achieved.
Questions and Answers
What is renewable energy and what are some examples of renewable energy sources?
Renewable energy is energy that can be replenished naturally such as from solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal and biomass.
What are some advantages of renewable energy?
Some of the advantages of renewable energy include that it is environmentally friendly, does not produce harmful air pollutants, and can provide a reliable and stable source of energy.
How has the affordability of renewable energy improved in recent years?
The affordability of renewable energy has improved in recent years due to advances in technology and economies of scale.
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Unseen Passages For Class 10 #5
Read the following passage and answer the questions below:
Globalization is the process by which economies, cultures, and populations around the world become more integrated and interdependent. It is driven by advances in technology, transportation and communication, which have facilitated the flow of people, goods and ideas across national borders.
Globalization has both positive and negative aspects. On the positive side, it has led to economic growth, the spread of new ideas and technologies, and increased cultural exchange. In many parts of the world, it has also helped reduce poverty and raise living standards.
But globalization has also had negative consequences. This has led to job losses in some sectors, as companies move production to countries with lower labour costs. It has also contributed to income inequality and environmental degradation, as companies prioritize profits over sustainability.
Questions and Answers
What is globalization and what are the driving forces behind it?
Globalization refers to the increasing interconnectedness and interdependence of the world’s economies, cultures, and populations. It is driven by advances in technology, transportation and communication.
What are some positive aspects of globalization?
Some of the positive aspects of globalization include economic growth, the spread of new ideas and technologies, and increased cultural exchange. It has also helped reduce poverty and improve living standards in many parts of the world.
What are some negative consequences of globalization?
Some of the negative consequences of globalization include job loss in some sectors, income inequality and environmental degradation.
Unseen Passages For Class 10 #6
Read the following passage and answer the questions below:
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said:—Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shatter’d visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamp’d on these lifeless things,
The hand that mock’d them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!”
Nothing beside remains: round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
Questions and Answers
What does the traveller from an antique land describe in the first stanza?
Answer: The traveller describes “two vast and trunkless legs of stone” standing in the desert, near which lies a shattered visage half-sunk in the sand.
What do the features of the shattered visage suggest about the sculpture’s subject?
Answer: The frown, wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command suggest that the subject of the sculpture was a powerful, proud ruler.
What do the words on the pedestal of the sculpture say?
Answer: The words on the pedestal read, “My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!”
What is the speaker’s tone towards the subject of the poem?
Answer: The speaker’s tone is one of irony and scepticism, as the once-mighty ruler’s grandiose claims have been reduced to a mere relic in the desert.
What is the significance of the final image of “the lone and level sands stretch[ing] far away”?
Answer: The final image underscores the fleeting nature of power and the inevitability of decay and oblivion, as even the grandest monuments eventually crumble and fade into the endless expanse of time.
Unseen Passages For Class 10 #7
When I walked into the doctor’s office, I was feeling a little nervous. I had never been to the doctor on my own before, and I wasn’t sure what to expect. The receptionist greeted me with a warm smile and asked me to sit down. I waited a few minutes before calling the exam room.
The doctor was very friendly and asked me lots of questions about my health and any symptoms I was experiencing. He examined me and did some tests and then gave me some advice on how to take care of myself. He prescribed some medicine for me to take and told me to come back in a week to check my progress.
I left the doctor’s office feeling relieved and grateful for the care I received. It was a good reminder that it is important to take care of our health and seek medical care when we need it.
Questions and Answers
Why was the speaker feeling nervous when walking into the doctor’s office?
Answer: The speaker was feeling nervous because they had never been to the doctor on their own before and didn’t know what to expect.
How did the receptionist greet the speaker?
Answer: The receptionist greeted the speaker with a warm smile.
What did the doctor do during the visit?
Answer: The doctor asked the speaker about their health and symptoms, examined them, did some tests, and gave them advice on how to take care of themselves.
What did the doctor prescribe for the speaker?
Answer: The doctor prescribed some medicine for the speaker to take.
What was the speaker’s overall feeling after the visit to the doctor?
Answer: The speaker left the doctor’s office feeling relieved and grateful for the care they received.
Unseen Passages For Class 10 #8
Read the following passage and answer the questions below:
The first two years of life are a critical ‘window of opportunity.’ In this period, it is possible to prevent the largely irreversible damage which follows early childhood undernutrition. There are 805 million undernourished people in the world today. That means one in nine people does not get enough food to be healthy and lead an active life.
Hunger and malnutrition are in fact the number one risk to health worldwide—greater than AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis combined. Three-quarters of all hungry people live in rural areas, mainly in the villages of Asia and Africa. An estimated 146 million children in developing countries are underweight—the result of acute or chronic hunger. Poverty trap, lack of investment in agriculture, natural calamities, war and displacement, unstable markets, and food wastage are the major causes of the presence of hunger in the world. Hunger leads to malnutrition, which in turn causes diseases. Malnutrition is the largest single, According to the UN’s Standing Committee on Nutrition (SCN), a contributor to disease in the world.
Malnutrition at an early age leads to reduced physical and mental development during childhood. According to the World Bank, India is one of the highest-ranking countries in the world for the number of children suffering from malnutrition. One of the major causes of malnutrition in India is gender inequality. Because of the low social status of Indian women, their diet often lacks in both quality and quantity. Women who suffer from malnutrition are less likely to have healthy babies. In India, mothers generally lack proper knowledge of feeding children. Consequently, newborn infants are unable to get an adequate amount of nutrition from their mothers.
Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, and Bihar have very high rates of undernutrition. Studies show that individuals belonging to Hindu, Jain, or Muslim backgrounds in India tend to be more malnourished than those from Sikh or Christian backgrounds. The Akshaya Patra Foundation runs the world’s largest NGO-run midday meal program serving freshly cooked meals to over 1.3 million schoolchildren in government and government-aided schools in India. However, the challenge for all these programs and schemes is how to increase efficiency, impact, and coverage.
Q1) What are the causes of the presence of hunger in the world?
Q2) How does gender inequality lead to malnutrition in India?
Q3) What role does the Akshay Patra foundation play?
Q4) Where are the majority of the hungry people inhabited?
Q5) Which religious communities in India tend to be less malnourished?
A1) Poverty trap, lack of investment in agriculture, natural calamities, war and displacement, unstable markets, and food wastage are the major causes of the presence of hunger in the world.
A2) Women in India have low status because their diet often lacks quality and quantity. This causes them to suffer malnutrition.
A3) The Akshaya Patra Foundation runs the world’s largest NGO-run midday meal program serving freshly cooked meals to over 1.3 million schoolchildren in government and government-aided schools in India.
A4) Three-quarters of all hungry people live in rural areas, mainly in the villages of Asia and Africa.
A5) According to studies, individuals belonging to the Sikh or Christian communities are less malnourished than those from Hindu, Jain, or Muslim backgrounds.
Unseen Passages For Class 10 #9
Read the following passage and answer the questions below:
It is important that you recognize the signs of stress in your behaviour, and be healthy enough to enjoy your success. Stress can strike anytime, in a fashion that may leave you unaware of its presence in your life. While a certain amount of pressure is necessary for performance, it is important to be able to recognize your individual threshold. For instance, some individuals accept competition healthily. Others collapse into weeping wrecks before an exam or compare mark sheets and find that their mates have scored better.
Whenever there is a change in the external environment such as temperature, pollutants, humidity, and working conditions, it leads to stress. In these days of competition, when a person makes up his mind to surpass what others have achieved, leading to an imbalance between demands and resources causes psycho-social stress. It is a part and parcel of everyday life.
Stress has a different meaning depending on the stage of life you’re in. The loss of a toy or a reprimand from the parents might create a stress shock in a child. An adolescent who fails an examination may feel as if everything has been lost and life has no further meaning. In an adult, the loss of a companion, job, or professional failure may appear as if there is nothing more to be achieved.
Stress can be seen in the attitude and behaviour of the individual, such as muscle tension in various parts of the body, palpitation and high blood pressure, indigestion and hyperacidity, and ultimately in self-destructive behaviour such as eating and drinking too much, smoking excessively, relying on tranquillizers, trembling, shaking, nervous blinking, dryness of throat and mouth and difficulty in swallowing. The professional under stress behaves as if he is a perfectionist followed by depression, lethargy, and weakness for further work. Periodic mood shifts also indicate the stress status of students, executives, and professionals.
Q1) How do individuals handle the competition?
Q2) How does the external environment cause stress?
Q3) Does the age of a person have any impact on stress levels?
Q4) Find words from the passage which mean:
a. contaminant
b. sedative
A1) Different people deal with competition differently. Some people healthily accept competition. However, others collapse under the pressure of competition.
A2) A change in the external environment such as temperature, pollutants, humidity, and working conditions leads to stress.
A3) An individual experiences stress for different reasons according to his age. The loss of a toy or a reprimand from parents might create a stress shock in a child. An adolescent who fails an examination may feel as if everything has been lost and life has no further meaning. In an adult, the loss of a companion, job, or professional failure may appear as if there is nothing more to be achieved.
a. pollutant
b. tranquillizers
Unseen Passages For Class 10 #10
Read the following passage and answer the questions below:
After dinner, my friends in the neighbouring rooms in the hostel dropped in as usual for light talk. They were my colleagues. One was Rangappa who taught the boys philosophy, and the other was Gopal in the mathematics section. Gopal was sharp as a knife edge where mathematical matters were concerned, but poor fellow, he was very dumb and stupid in other matters. As a matter of fact, he paid little attention to anything else. We liked him because he was a genius, and in a vague manner, we understood that he was doing brilliant things in mathematics. Some day he hoped to contribute a paper on his subject which was going to revolutionize human thought and conceptions.
But God knew what it was all about. All that I cared for in him was that he was an agreeable friend, who never contradicted and who patiently listened for hours, though without showing any sign of understanding.
Tonight the talk was all about English spelling, and the conference we had with Brown. I was incensed as usual, much to the amazement of Rangappa. “But my dear fellow, what do you think they pay you for unless it is for dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s?” Gopal, who had been listening without putting in a word of his own, suddenly became active.
“I don’t follow you,” he said.
“I said the English department existed solely for dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s.”
“Oh!” he said, opening wide his eyes. “I never thought so. Why should you do it?” His precise literal brain refused to move where it had no concrete facts or figures to grip. Symbols, if they entered his brain at all, entered only as mathematical symbols.
Rangappa answered: “Look here, Gopal. You have come across the expression ‘Raining cats and dogs’?”
“Have you actually seen cats and dogs falling down from the sky?”
“No, no. Why?”
Rangappa would have worried him a little longer, but the college clock struck ten and I said:
“Friends, I must bid you good night.”
“Good night,” Gopal repeated mechanically and rose to go. [Source: R.K. Narayan‘s The English Teacher]
Questions and Answers:
А. State whether the following sentences are True or False. Write T for True and ‘F’ for False.
Gopal was a genius in both mathematics and other areas of study.
False. Gopal was only a genius in mathematics and paid little attention to other matters.
The narrator and his friends liked Gopal because he always agreed with them.
True. The narrator says they liked Gopal because “he never contradicted” them.
The group’s discussion after dinner was about English literature.
False. The discussion was about English spelling and a conference with someone named Brown.
Gopal was able to understand figurative language and expressions easily.
False. Gopal had difficulty understanding expressions that were not concrete or mathematical in nature.
The group ended their conversation because it was getting too late.
True. The college clock struck ten, prompting the narrator to bid his friends good night.
Read the following questions and answers them:
Who were the two friends that visited the narrator after dinner?
Rangappa and Gopal.
What was Gopal’s area of expertise?
How did the narrator and his friends view Gopal?
They liked him because he was a genius in mathematics, but didn’t pay much attention to anything else.
What was the topic of discussion during the visit?
English spelling and a conference with Brown.
Why did Gopal not understand Rangappa’s analogy about “dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s”?
ANSWER: Gopal’s literal brain only processed concrete facts and figures, and he had difficulty understanding symbols that were not mathematical.
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