Comprehension Test for Class 9

Reading comprehension is the act of understanding what you are reading. Comprehension tests are essential to check how well we understand things and improve our reading and thinking skills.

They give helpful feedback to grow and do better in school and in everyday life.

Comprehension Test for Class 9

Comprehension Test for Class 9

#1 Comprehension Test for Class 9

The Constitution of India safeguards the independence of the judiciary through various means:

Appointment of Supreme Court judges involves consultation with the President, Prime Minister, Cabinet, and other judges from the Supreme Court and High Court, ensuring participation from both the executive and judiciary. Removal of a judge is a rigorous process, requiring proven misbehavior or incapacity. The President addresses charges against the judge before both Houses of Parliament, necessitating a two-thirds majority in both Houses for removal through impeachment. A judge can serve until the age of 65 and can only be removed through the impeachment process.

The salaries and allowances of judges are drawn from the Consolidated Fund of India and cannot be diminished to their disadvantage. Judges are free to deliver their decisions without fear of public or press criticism. The Highest Court has the power to punish individuals for contempt if they refuse to abide by the court’s decisions.

Parliament cannot engage in discussions or debates regarding a judge’s conduct or their court decisions. After retirement, judges are not allowed to continue practicing law to prevent any potential influence on their former colleagues in the judiciary.

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1 / 5

What is the process for appointing Supreme Court judges in India?

2 / 5

What is required for the removal of a judge in India?

3 / 5

Until what age can a judge serve in India?

4 / 5

What ensures the financial independence of judges in India?

5 / 5

What power does the Highest Court in India have regarding contempt?

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The average score is 83%


#2 Comprehension Test for Class 9

An underdeveloped economy is characterized by low per capita income and a low standard of living for its people. The majority of the population lives below the poverty line. Consequently, people in this economy live in miserable conditions. In most underdeveloped economies, the population growth rate is very high as compared to other economies. Also, because of improved medical facilities, the mortality rate among all sections of society is reduced. As a result, as the population increases, the consumption of limited resources also increases, resulting in less saving of resources and a slower growth rate.

For many underdeveloped economies enriched with large and sufficient resources, most of these resources remain underutilized because of a lack of skilled personnel and technology. Underdeveloped economies suffer from widespread unemployment. Because of various reasons, such as rapid population growth and lack of investment, unemployment prevails in such an economy. Inequality in the distribution of income is prevalent in these economies. As a large part of the national income goes to smaller sections of society, the larger sections of society have to be satisfied with whatever part of income is available to them.


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1 / 5

What is a key characteristic of an underdeveloped economy?

2 / 5

Why does population growth rate tend to be high in underdeveloped economies?

3 / 5

Why do underdeveloped economies often face widespread unemployment?

4 / 5

What is a consequence of inequality in the distribution of income in underdeveloped economies?

5 / 5

Why do underdeveloped economies often underutilize their resources despite having ample resources?

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The average score is 100%


#3 Comprehension Test for Class 9

Human evolution has been a remarkable journey, extensively studied using various tools like excavations, carbon dating, fossil analysis, and DNA sequencing to trace evolutionary relationships.

The diversity in the human body and its features has always been vast.

Research indicates that early Homo sapiens originated in Africa. Over a hundred years ago, some of our ancestors migrated from Africa, while others remained. Thus, regardless of our current locations, all human species can be traced back to Africa. The earliest human fossils include Australopithecus, followed by Homo habilis, H. erectus, H. heidelbergensis, and eventually modern-day Homo sapiens.

Around 25-30 million years ago, hominoid stock began transitioning from tree-dwelling to ground-dwelling creatures, leading to the evolution of apes and humans.

The separation between apes and human ancestors is estimated to have started around 5 million years ago, which eventually led to the development of the Pongidae (apes) and Hominidae (humans) families.


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1 / 5

What tools have been used to study human evolution?

2 / 5

Where did early Homo sapiens originate according to research?

3 / 5

What can be inferred about the migration of human species?

4 / 5

When did the separation between apes and human ancestors begin?

5 / 5

What led to the evolution of apes and humans from tree-dwelling to ground-dwelling creatures?

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#4 Comprehension Test for Class 9

The Harappan civilization is regarded as an advanced stage of human cultural development. Between 4000 BC and 3000 BC was a period when many civilizations were flourishing. Ancient civilizations started near river banks as rivers provided water for drinking and irrigation. The discovery and use of metals enabled man to advance to a new stage in the progress of civilization. Copper was the first metal used by humans. The period in which both stone and copper were used to make tools is called the Chalcolithic period.

Later, people began mixing copper with tin or zinc to create an alloy called bronze. Since bronze was hard, it began to be used to make agricultural implements and weapons. As a result four civilizations developed in the world. Bronze played an important role in the development of these civilizations, hence they came to be known as Bronze Age civilizations. Harappan civilization, Mesopotamian civilization, Chinese civilization, and Egyptian civilization were Bronze Age civilizations.


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1 / 5

During what time period did the Harappan civilization flourish?

2 / 5

What resource was essential for the development of ancient civilizations near river banks?

3 / 5

What metal was the first to be used by humans?

4 / 5

What period is characterized by the use of both stone and copper to make tools?

5 / 5

What important role did bronze play in the development of certain civilizations?

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#5 Comprehension Test for Class 9

I’m leaving now to slay the foe
Fight the battles, high and low
I’m leaving, mother, hear me go!
Please wish me luck today.
I’ve grown my wings, I want to fly
Seize my victories where they tie,
I’m going Mom, but please don’t cry
just let me find my way
want to see and touch and hear
Though there are dangers, there are fears.
I’ll smile my smiles and dry my tears –
Please let me speak my say
I’m off to find my world, my dreams,
Carve my niche, sew my seams,
Remember, as I sail my streams –
I’ll love you, all the way. – Brooke Muller


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1 / 5

What is the speaker leaving to do?

2 / 5

Who is the speaker addressing in the passage?

3 / 5

What does the speaker ask their mother not to do?

4 / 5

What does the speaker want to do with their dreams?

5 / 5

What emotion does the speaker express towards their mother?

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The average score is 80%


#6 Comprehension Test for Class 9

Weavers, weaving at break of day,
Why do you weave a garment so gay?
Blue as the wing of a bluebird wild,
We weave the robes of a new-born child.
Weavers, weaving at fall of night,
Why do you weave a garment so bright?
Like the plumes of a peacock, purple and green,
We weave the marriage-veils of a queen.
Weavers, weaving solemn and still,
What do you weave in the moonlight chill?
White as a feather and white as a cloud,
We weave a dead man’s funeral shroud.

Sarojini Naidu


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1 / 5

What do the weavers weave in the morning?

2 / 5

When do the weavers weave a garment so bright?

3 / 5

What colors are mentioned in the poem to describe the garments being woven?

4 / 5

What do the weavers weave in the moonlight chill?

5 / 5

What emotion is associated with the tone of the poem?

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#7 Comprehension Test for Class 9

Oh, sweet content, that turns the labourer’s sweat
To tears of joy, and shines the roughest face;
How often have I sought you high and low
And found you still in some lone quiet place;
Here, in my room, when full of happy dreams,
With no life heard beyond that merry sound
of moths that on my lighted ceiling kiss
Their shadows as they dance and dance around;
Or in a garden, on a summer’s night,
When I have seen the dark and solemn air.
Blink with the blind bats’ wings, and heaven’s bright face
Twitch with the stars that shine in thousands there. -William Henry Davies


Take Test

1 / 5

What is the central theme of the passage?

2 / 5

According to the passage, how does contentment affect the laborer?

3 / 5

Where does the speaker often find sweet content?

4 / 5

What imagery is used to describe the bats and stars in the passage?

5 / 5

What emotion is associated with the tone of the passage?

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#8 Comprehension Test for Class 9

The frog half fearful jumps across the path,
The little mouse that leaves its hole at eve
Nimble’s with timid dread beneath the swath;
My rustling steps awhile their joys deceive,
Till past, and then the cricket sings more strong,
And grasshoppers in merry moods still wear
The short night weary with their fretting song.
Up from behind the molehill jumps the hare,
Cheat of his chosen bed, and from the bank
The yellowhammer flutters in short fears
From off its nest hid in the grasses rank,
And drops again when no more noise it hears,
Thus nature’s human link and endless thrall,
Proud man still seems the enemy of all. -John Clare


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1 / 5

What does the frog do when it encounters the path?

2 / 5

Which creature leaves its hole at eve?

3 / 5

What sound is associated with the grasshoppers in the passage?

4 / 5

What does the yellowhammer do when the noise stops?

5 / 5

What is the overall tone of the passage?

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#9 Comprehension Test for Class 9

The Hirakud Dam, constructed across the river Mahanadi, stands as one of the earliest multipurpose river projects built after India’s independence in 1953. Its construction was completed in 1953. It is the longest major earthen dam in Asia. The dam also forms the largest artificial lake in Asia. There are two observation towers on each side of the embankment. One is Gandhi Minar and the other is Nehru Minar.

The dam helps control floods in the Mahanadi Delta and irrigates 75,000 square kilometers of land. Bhakra – Nangal Project, Bhakra Dam Power House, Bhakra Canal System, Nangal Dam project provides irrigation for ‘Kharif’ and ‘Rabi’ crops in Sambalpur, Bargarh, Bolangir, and Suvarnapur districts.

The dam can generate up to 307.5 MW of electricity through two power plants at Burla and Chiplima. Moreover, the project provides flood protection to 9,5000 km2 of deltaic areas in Cuttack and Puri districts.


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1 / 5

When was the construction of the Hirakud Dam completed?

2 / 5

What river is the Hirakud Dam constructed across?

3 / 5

What is the main purpose of the Hirakud Dam?

4 / 5

How much electricity can the Hirakud Dam generate through its power plants?

5 / 5

Where are the observation towers located on the Hirakud Dam?

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#10 Comprehension Test for Class 9

Democracy is considered as the best form of government. In a democracy, people have the right to elect their own representatives. An election is a process by which the people elect their own representatives to form and govern the government. Elections are done by the party in a democracy. The party that gets the most votes forms the government at the centre. An election is the most appropriate way in which the people can elect and send their representatives to the legislature.

Why do we Need Elections?

An election is the most appropriate way in which the people can elect and send their representatives to the legislature. When two or more candidates are running for the same office, elections enable voters to choose the candidate of their choice by casting their votes.


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Voters participate in the governance of their country by voting in elections. Elections held at regular intervals help the electorate monitor the performance of the government. If their representatives do not perform satisfactorily, they may decide not to vote for them in the next election. During elections, people get to know about the ideology of political parties. After winning the elections, the representatives make laws for the welfare of the people.


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1 / 5

What is democracy considered to be?

2 / 5

What is the purpose of an election in a democracy?

3 / 5

How is the government formed in a democracy?

4 / 5

What role do elections play in monitoring the government's performance?

5 / 5

What do representatives do after winning elections?

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More Comprehension Test for Class 9 Coming soon………….

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