Reading Comprehension Online Tests

Reading Comprehension Online Tests help to gain knowledge from the information shared in the passage, develop a good vocabulary, review the author’s ideas, form an opinion on the facts or information in the passage, and understand the passage stylistically.

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Reading Comprehension Online Tests

Reading Comprehension Online Tests

Reading Comprehension Online Test #1`

Home is the place where we return to rest after a day’s work, and where parents and children meet together and have a carefree and joyful time. Our family consists of three members—father, mother, and brother. We live in a rural area. It is free from the hustle and bustle of city life. It is especially famous for its scenic beauty. I am the most important member of the family. Everyone trusts my judgment and agrees to follow my suggestions.


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1 / 5

Who lives in the home mentioned in the passage?

2 / 5

What is the place called where the family lives?

3 / 5

What is the purpose of returning home?

4 / 5

Who is considered the most important member of the family?

5 / 5

What is the home famous for?

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Reading Comprehension Online Test #2`

Family is where you learn your first life lessons. Your family members are the only assets that will always be with you. Whatever the circumstances, family members are always there to support one another. In a family, good values and morals are always instilled. We are prepared in the family to respect our elders and love our children. Our family consistently teaches us lessons about honesty, dependability, kindness, and so on. Family always gives us the feeling of being loved and cared for.


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1 / 5

What do you learn in your family?

2 / 5

Who are the only assets that will always be with you?

3 / 5

What is the role of family members in supporting each other?

4 / 5

What values and morals are instilled in a family?

5 / 5

How does family make you feel?

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Reading Comprehension Online Test #3`

After summer comes the rainy season. It lasts from mid-June to the end of September. During this time of year, the sky is cloudy. It drizzles and rains cats and dogs sometimes. Rains provide relief from the oppressive summer heat. Green leaves are developed by the tree. Ponds and rivers are full of water. Monsoon is a boon for farmers. Rainwater softens the soil and makes it suitable for cultivation. Monsoon has some disadvantages. Due to heavy and incessant rainfall, the roads, especially in villages, become muddy.


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1 / 5

When does the rainy season generally occur?

2 / 5

What is the weather like during the rainy season?

3 / 5

What is a benefit of the rainy season for farmers?

4 / 5

What does the passage mean by "rains cats and dogs"?

5 / 5

What disadvantage of the monsoon season is mentioned in the passage?

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Reading Comprehension Online Test #4`

Television is a wonderful scientific gift. It combines the advantages of cinema and radio. The most important and effective form of entertainment is television. It broadcasts live telecasts of major events. It is also the most effective advertising medium. It facilitates mass education. It is very important in the world of sports and games. However, it has some drawbacks. It is used to enhance the image of specific individuals. Some programs are inappropriate for pupils to watch. There is a danger of becoming addicted to television. As a result, academic performance suffers. It also has an impact on vision. As a result, programs must be carefully chosen.

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1 / 5

What are the advantages of television?

2 / 5

What is the most important and effective form of entertainment mentioned in the passage?

3 / 5

What is one of the drawbacks of television mentioned in the passage?

4 / 5

What danger is associated with television, according to the passage?

5 / 5

Why should programs be carefully chosen for television?

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Reading Comprehension Online Test #5`

Hermes is a Greek Olympian, god. Born to Zeus and Maya, Hermes is known for his quick thinking and cunning nature. He is the youngest of the Olympians and known for moving quickly between the divine and mortal worlds. Because of this power, Hermes often acted as a messenger between the men and the Olympians. A benevolent god, Hermes protects travelers and athletes. He is also known as mischievous as he often plays tricks on other gods. He does this for his own amusement or to save people from the wrath of the gods.

Hermes is also the fastest of all the gods because he has wings with his sandals. Interestingly, even when Hermes was a child he could not resist the urge to steal. Therefore, he is also credited as the patron god of all thieves.


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1 / 5

Who is Hermes in Greek mythology?

2 / 5

What is Hermes known for in Greek mythology?

3 / 5

What role does Hermes often play between men and the Olympian gods?

4 / 5

What is one of the things Hermes is known for protecting?

5 / 5

Why is Hermes sometimes considered mischievous?

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Reading Comprehension Online Test #6`

Atoms of radioactive elements can split. According to Albert Einstein, mass and energy are interchangeable under certain circumstances. When atoms split, the process is called nuclear fission. In this case, a small amount of mass is converted into energy. Thus the energy released cannot do much damage. However, several subatomic particles called neutrons are also emitted during this process.

Each neutron will hit a radioactive element releasing more neutrons in the process. This causes a chain reaction and creates a large amount of energy. This energy is converted into heat which expands uncontrollably causing an explosion. Hence, atoms do not literally explode. They generate energy that can cause explosions.


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1 / 5

What is the process called when atoms split?

2 / 5

According to Albert Einstein, what can be interchangeable under certain circumstances?

3 / 5

What is emitted during the process of nuclear fission?

4 / 5

What causes a chain reaction during nuclear fission?

5 / 5

What is the result of the energy generated during nuclear fission?

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Reading Comprehension Online Test #7`

Swami Vivekananda was not a traditional monk. He was a patriotic monk. At the same time, he was one of the greatest spirits. He was also one of the world’s greatest humanists. He was born in Kolkata in 1863. He used to engage in intense meditation in childhood. His first name was Biley. His given name was Narendranath Dutta. He attended the Metropolitan School and the Scottish Church College. He met Sri Ramakrishna Dev after achieving a B.A. degree. He became a follower of Ramakrishna Dev and assumed the name Vivekananda. He attended the Parliament of Religion in Chicago.

He delivered a valuable speech to the foreign audience, addressing them as “Brothers and Sisters of America.” This speech made him widely known. The Western world began to recognize the importance of Indian religion and culture. In 1897, upon his return from America, he established the Ramakrishna Mission and Math. It quickly grew into an international organization. This organization’s motto is “service to humanity.” He died on July 4, 1902, at the age of 39. India is in need of another Vivekananda today.


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1 / 5

What was Swami Vivekananda's original first name?

2 / 5

Where did Swami Vivekananda deliver a valuable speech that made him widely known?

3 / 5

What did Swami Vivekananda establish upon his return from America?

4 / 5

What is the motto of the Ramakrishna Mission and Math?

5 / 5

When did Swami Vivekananda pass away?

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Reading Comprehension Online Test #8`

Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak, born in 1856 into a Chitpavan Brahmin family in Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, was an ardent patriot from a young age, inspired by his family’s tradition. Possessing a vast knowledge of Sanskrit, Mathematics, Marathi, and English, Tilak was an exceptional scholar and a militant nationalist leader. He gained notoriety as the editor of two influential newspapers, ‘The Mahratta’ and the ‘Kesari’.

His criticism of British rule landed him in jail for four months in 1882 and again for 18 months in 1897, charged with instigating the murder of Rand and Lt. Ayerst by the Chapekar brothers. At the Surat Congress in 1907, his extremist views caused a rift in the Congress. He went on to establish the Home Rule League, calling for self-government and Swaraj. Tilak, who popularized the cult of patriotism, died in 1919.


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1 / 5

Where was Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak born?

2 / 5

What were the names of the two influential newspapers edited by Tilak?

3 / 5

For what reason was Tilak imprisoned in 1882?

4 / 5

What organization did Tilak establish calling for self-government and Swaraj?

5 / 5

When did Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak pass away?

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Reading Comprehension Online Test #9`

Brilliant scientists have come and gone, but perhaps none have accomplished anything under the circumstances that Stephen Hawking has faced. When Hawking was 21, he was in his third year at Oxford when he was diagnosed with a severe Motor Neurone disease that broke his nerve cells and atrophied his muscles. His words became slurred. Other communication organs were also destroyed. Doctors only gave Hawking two more years to live. Despite this bleak prognosis, Hawking not only completed his course at Oxford, but also went on to complete his PhD thesis, marry, and have three children. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1974, a rare honor for any scientist.

Hawking contracted pneumonia again during a research trip to Switzerland, and his windpipe was operated on. This resulted in a total loss of speech. ‘A Brief History of Time’ and ‘The Universe in a Nutshell’ are two books that popularised his epoch-making theories about the Creation and the Universe. Academic honors have been bestowed upon Hawking, who is widely regarded as the greatest physicist and mathematician since Einstein. Stephen Hawking has demonstrated how the human intellect and spirit can overcome the most severe physical handicaps.


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1 / 5

What was the severe health condition that Stephen Hawking was diagnosed with?

2 / 5

What happened to Hawking's nerve cells and muscles due to his health condition?

3 / 5

How long were doctors initially expecting Stephen Hawking to live after his diagnosis?

4 / 5

Which two books by Stephen Hawking popularized his theories about the Creation and the Universe?

5 / 5

What does the passage primarily highlight about Stephen Hawking's life?

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Reading Comprehension Online Test #10`

A hobby is a voluntary work done in leisure with pleasure. There are many fashionable hobbies such as stamp-collecting, coin-collecting, photography, etc. But my favorite hobby is gardening. I started it when I was only ten. I have a small plot of land beside our house. There I cultivate gardening. I spend one hour every day gardening. Back from the morning walk, I go to my garden with a spade and a waterful bucket. I dig up the soil, trim the plants, and water them. I also spray insecticides and apply fertilizers.

When I see the plants swaying in the wind, my heart leaps in joy. I experience heavenly pleasure as I see them grow day by day. I have chosen this hobby because it gives me not only joy but also enough physical exercise to keep my body fit.

I face some problems in cultivating gardening. Entellus often eat up flowers and destroy the plants, though I am at pains to scare them away. Gardening brings me both joy and health. Every afternoon I work for an hour in my garden and watch the buds come up and the branches nod in the breeze. Although a hobby is a source of pleasure and not of profit, my hobby combines the two. My mother looks upon it very kindly, as a part of my garden serves as a kitchen garden. A hobby is an index to a man’s character and I believe my hobby reflects my character.


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1 / 5

What is a hobby?

2 / 5

What is the author's favorite hobby?

3 / 5

Why does the author choose gardening as a hobby?

4 / 5

What is the author's experience when seeing the plants in the garden?

5 / 5

How does the author's mother view the author's hobby?

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Reading Comprehension Online Test #11`

When in disgrace with fortune and men’s eyes,
I all alone beweep my outcast state,
And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries,
And look upon myself and curse my fate,
wishing me like to one more rich in hope,
Featured like him, like him with friends possessed,
Desiring this man’s art, and that man’s scope,
With what I most enjoy contented least;
Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising,
Haply I think on thee–and then my state,
Like to the lark at break of day arising
From sullen earth sings hymns at heaven’s gate;
For thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings,
That then I scorn to change my state with kings……………… William Shakespeare


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1 / 5

What does the speaker do when he is in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes?

2 / 5

What effect does thinking about the person bring to the speaker?

3 / 5

What does the speaker wish for when he looks at others who are more fortunate?

4 / 5

What does the speaker compare his state to when he thinks of the person?

5 / 5

What feeling does the speaker experience when he remembers the person's sweet love?

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Reading Comprehension Online Test #12`

History is the study of the past. The study of history involves examining the past and exploring the heroic deeds of remarkable individuals whose exemplary performances have earned them a place in the annals of history. Such people and their remarkable accomplishments serve as a source of inspiration for others to follow. By studying history, one’s character can be influenced positively.

However, the present generation, driven by the materialistic culture of modern society, tends to prioritize making money and leading a lavish lifestyle over reflecting on historical events. They fail to see the value in studying history unless it can help them win competitions or prepare them for a worthwhile career.

On the other hand, those with an interest in history tend to have a more altruistic mindset and aspire to achieve something significant for the betterment of humanity. They strive for excellence and take inspiration from the accomplishments of those who have gone before them.

Throughout history, many extraordinary individuals have contributed significantly to mankind’s progress. Emperors who governed their countries gloriously and those who displayed bravery, self-sacrifice, exceptional leadership skills, and noble deeds have earned their place in history books.


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1 / 5

What is the main focus of the study of history?

2 / 5

What serves as a source of inspiration for others according to the passage?

3 / 5

Why do some people fail to see the value in studying history?

4 / 5

What kind of mindset do those with an interest in history tend to have?

5 / 5

What do those individuals who have contributed significantly to mankind's progress earn?

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Reading Comprehension Online Test #13`

Once, there was a merchant who sold salt. He had a strong donkey that carried heavy salt loads to far places. Sometimes, they crossed a stream to reach other villages. Once, the donkey slipped into the stream with the salt, dissolving much of it. The merchant lost money, but the donkey felt better with the lighter load and found it easier to cross the stream.


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The donkey got an idea and started falling into the stream on purpose to make the load lighter. It did this again the next day, and the merchant realized the donkey’s trick. The smart donkey repeated this trick again, and the merchant knew the donkey’s plan.

To teach the donkey a lesson, the merchant put cotton on it instead of salt. When the donkey fell into the stream again, the cotton soaked up the water and became heavy. The donkey struggled to move with the heavy load, learning its lesson. It understood that tricks were wrong and decided not to play them anymore. The merchant’s plan taught the donkey about honesty.


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1 / 5

What was the merchant selling?

2 / 5

What animal helped the merchant carry salt loads?

3 / 5

What happened to the donkey while crossing a stream?

4 / 5

How did the donkey feel after losing some of the salt?

5 / 5

What was the outcome for the merchant after the donkey slipped with the salt?

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Reading Comprehension Online Test #14`

Oceans are extremely important to human life. The following are the importance of oceans:

Fish is an important source of food and nutrition for human life. It has been a vital part of the human diet since prehistoric times. Fishing has become a well-developed industry today and significantly contributes to the economy of many nations. Oceans provide food and other marine products to humans. Several kinds of edible oil are manufactured by humans from marine animals. Besides, food and oil, marine animals and plants also provide leather, glue, and cattle feed.

Much research is on extracting essential oils and other products of marine life that can cure different diseases. Marine pharmacologists are researching the physical and chemical properties of marine organisms such as crabs, sea cucumbers, sharks, and cod. Oceans provide us with a variety of mineral resources. Some of these are common salt, magnesium, bromide, sulfur, gold, platinum, tin, sand, and petroleum.

The most important mineral resources obtained from the sea are petroleum and natural gas. Petroleum known as the ‘Black Gold’ is mainly found in the continental shelves and slopes. Bombay High is an important source of oil in India. Oceans also provide us with non-conventional sources of energy such as tidal energy—the energy generated from waves. The rise and fall of seawater is known as tides. Powerful tidal waves generate a large amount of force when they strike the shore. This energy is tapped and used to produce electricity.

Many countries are researching on the prospects of harnessing energy from the surface of ocean waters. Water at the surface of the sea in tropical regions may reach up to 30°C. Belgium and Cuba have designed floating generators that can be used for the production of electricity.

Oceans also regulate the temperature of the Earth. They cover about 71% of the Earth’s surface. They store the heat of the Sun and keep the Earth warm. This is because oceans absorb the heat of the Sun and release it after a long time. On the other hand, the land gets heated and releases the heat quickly. Had the land been greater than the water, it would have remained frozen for most time of the year.

Oceans play an important role in the water cycle. About 97% of the total water available on the Earth is stored in oceans. Water evaporates from the oceans in the atmosphere. It then condenses and precipitates on the Earth in the form of rainfall, dew, and snow.


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1 / 5

What is one important source of food and nutrition that oceans provide to human life?

2 / 5

What is the term used to describe the energy generated from waves in the oceans?

3 / 5

Which mineral resource is often referred to as the 'Black Gold' and is mainly found in the continental shelves and slopes of oceans?

4 / 5

Why do oceans play an important role in regulating the Earth's temperature?

5 / 5

What percentage of the Earth's total water is stored in oceans?

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Reading Comprehension Online Test #15`

Once, there was a wealthy man who wanted to throw a big feast for his friends. He had everything ready except for the fish. He promised a reward to whoever could bring him some. A poor fisherman heard about the reward and caught a big fish to give to the rich man

When the fisherman arrived at the rich man’s house, the gatekeeper, who was not very nice, stopped him. The gatekeeper said he’d only let the fisherman in if he shared half the reward. The fisherman thought of a clever plan to teach the gatekeeper a lesson.

The fisherman agreed to share half of his reward with the gatekeeper. Inside, the rich man was happy to receive the fish and wanted to give the fisherman Rs. 100 as a reward. However, the fisherman surprised everyone by asking for a hundred lashes on his back instead. People were puzzled, but the rich man agreed. As the lashes began, the fisherman stopped at fifty and said he had a partner who should receive the other fifty lashes. This partner was the greedy gatekeeper.

The gatekeeper ended up getting the remaining fifty lashes for his greediness. The rich man finally understood what was happening. After giving the gatekeeper his punishment, the rich man fired him from his job. The fisherman was rewarded handsomely for his cleverness and honesty.


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1 / 5

What did the wealthy man want to throw for his friends?

2 / 5

What did the poor fisherman catch to give to the rich man?

3 / 5

Why did the gatekeeper ask to share the reward with the fisherman?

4 / 5

What did the fisherman ask for instead of a reward from the rich man?

5 / 5

Who ended up receiving the remaining fifty lashes as punishment?

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Reading Comprehension Online Test #16`

After his father Bindusara, Ashoka became king. When he became king, he called himself Devanamapriya (loved by the Gods) and Priyadarshi (the beautiful one). He ruled until 232 BC. Kalinga was in an important place. It was at the center of routes for trade and pilgrimages. So, Ashoka wanted to take control of it. In 261 BC, there was a big fight called the Kalinga War.

According to Megasthenes, Kalinga had a strong army. Ashoka had a hard time fighting them. He won over Kalinga, but a lot of people died in the war, about 150,000. This war changed Ashoka a lot and had big effects on him.

The sadness and deaths caused by the war changed Ashoka’s life a lot. He gave up the policy of conquest by force. After the war, Ashoka decided not to hunt or eat meat on some days. He also abandoned the life of luxury. Ashoka was inspired by the ideas of Buddhism. So, he made Buddhism the main religion in his kingdom.

People captured during the war were made to work on farms. This increased the productivity of the land and brought economic prosperity to the empire. Ashoka decided to stop fighting in wars and believed in not hurting anyone. This made the Mauryan army less strong.

After winning over Kalinga, Ashoka’s empire became much bigger. It went from the northwest Hindukush Mountains to the southern River Pennar. His empire also included the parts of Nepal, Kabul, Heart, and Kandahar provinces in the west.


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1 / 5

What titles did Ashoka use to refer to himself as a king?

2 / 5

What significant event led to Ashoka's change in attitude and policies?

3 / 5

What impact did the Kalinga War have on Ashoka's behavior?

4 / 5

What was the main religion that Ashoka promoted in his kingdom?

5 / 5

How did Ashoka's empire expand after winning over Kalinga?

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Reading Comprehension Online Test #17`

Over hill, over dale,
Thorough bush, thorough brier,
Over park, over pale,
Thorough flood, thorough fire!
I do wander everywhere,
Swifter than the moon’s sphere;
And I serve the Fairy Queen,
To dew her orbs upon the green;
The cowslips tall her pensioners be;
In their gold coats spots you see;
Those be rubies, fairy favours;
In those freckles live their savours;
I must go seek some dewdrops here,
And hang a pearl in every cowslip’s ear. — by William Shakespeare

Take Test

1 / 5

Who is the speaker serving in the poem?

2 / 5

What is the speaker's role in serving the Fairy Queen?

3 / 5

What are the "cowslips" referred to in the poem?

4 / 5

What do the "rubies" and "fairy favours" represent in the poem?

5 / 5

What is the main purpose of the speaker's journey in the poem?

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Reading Comprehension Online Test #18`

The Constitution of India safeguards the independence of the judiciary through various means:

Appointment of Supreme Court judges involves consultation with the President, Prime Minister, Cabinet, and other judges from the Supreme Court and High Court, ensuring participation from both the executive and judiciary. Removal of a judge is a rigorous process, requiring proven misbehavior or incapacity. The President addresses charges against the judge before both Houses of Parliament, necessitating a two-thirds majority in both Houses for removal through impeachment. A judge can serve until the age of 65 and can only be removed through the impeachment process.

The salaries and allowances of judges are drawn from the Consolidated Fund of India and cannot be diminished to their disadvantage. Judges are free to deliver their decisions without fear of public or press criticism. The Highest Court has the power to punish individuals for contempt if they refuse to abide by the court’s decisions.

Parliament cannot engage in discussions or debates regarding a judge’s conduct or their court decisions. After retirement, judges are not allowed to continue practicing law to prevent any potential influence on their former colleagues in the judiciary.


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1 / 5

What is the process for appointing Supreme Court judges in India?

2 / 5

What is required for the removal of a judge in India?

3 / 5

Until what age can a judge serve in India?

4 / 5

What ensures the financial independence of judges in India?

5 / 5

What power does the Highest Court in India have regarding contempt?

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Reading Comprehension Online Test #19`

An underdeveloped economy is characterized by low per capita income and a low standard of living for its people. The majority of the population lives below the poverty line. Consequently, people in this economy live in miserable conditions. In most underdeveloped economies, the population growth rate is very high as compared to other economies. Also, because of improved medical facilities, the mortality rate among all sections of society is reduced. As a result, as the population increases, the consumption of limited resources also increases, resulting in less saving of resources and a slower growth rate

For many underdeveloped economies enriched with large and sufficient resources, most of these resources remain underutilized because of a lack of skilled personnel and technology. Underdeveloped economies suffer from widespread unemployment. Because of various reasons, such as rapid population growth and lack of investment, unemployment prevails in such an economy. Inequality in the distribution of income is prevalent in these economies. As a large part of the national income goes to smaller sections of society, the larger sections of society have to be satisfied with whatever part of income is available to them.


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1 / 5

What is a key characteristic of an underdeveloped economy?

2 / 5

Why does population growth rate tend to be high in underdeveloped economies?

3 / 5

Why do underdeveloped economies often face widespread unemployment?

4 / 5

What is a consequence of inequality in the distribution of income in underdeveloped economies?

5 / 5

Why do underdeveloped economies often underutilize their resources despite having ample resources?

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Reading Comprehension Online Test #20`

Human evolution has been a remarkable journey, extensively studied using various tools like excavations, carbon dating, fossil analysis, and DNA sequencing to trace evolutionary relationships.

The diversity in the human body and its features has always been vast.

Research indicates that early Homo sapiens originated in Africa. Over a hundred years ago, some of our ancestors migrated from Africa, while others remained. Thus, regardless of our current locations, all human species can be traced back to Africa. The earliest human fossils include Australopithecus, followed by Homo habilis, H. erectus, H. heidelbergensis, and eventually modern-day Homo sapiens.

Around 25-30 million years ago, hominoid stock began transitioning from tree-dwelling to ground-dwelling creatures, leading to the evolution of apes and humans.

The separation between apes and human ancestors is estimated to have started around 5 million years ago, which eventually led to the development of the Pongidae (apes) and Hominidae (humans) families.


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1 / 5

What tools have been used to study human evolution?

2 / 5

Where did early Homo sapiens originate according to research?

3 / 5

What can be inferred about the migration of human species?

4 / 5

When did the separation between apes and human ancestors begin?

5 / 5

What led to the evolution of apes and humans from tree-dwelling to ground-dwelling creatures?

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Reading Comprehension Online Test #21`

The Harappan civilization is regarded as an advanced stage of human cultural development. Between 4000 BC and 3000 BC was a period when many civilizations were flourishing. Ancient civilizations started near river banks as rivers provided water for drinking and irrigation. The discovery and use of metals enabled man to advance to a new stage in the progress of civilization. Copper was the first metal used by humans. The period in which both stone and copper were used to make tools is called the Chalcolithic period.

Later, people began mixing copper with tin or zinc to create an alloy called bronze. Since bronze was hard, it began to be used to make agricultural implements and weapons. As a result four civilizations developed in the world. Bronze played an important role in the development of these civilizations, hence they came to be known as Bronze Age civilizations. Harappan civilization, Mesopotamian civilization, Chinese civilization, and Egyptian civilization were Bronze Age civilizations.


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1 / 5

During what time period did the Harappan civilization flourish?

2 / 5

What resource was essential for the development of ancient civilizations near river banks?

3 / 5

What metal was the first to be used by humans?

4 / 5

What period is characterized by the use of both stone and copper to make tools?

5 / 5

What important role did bronze play in the development of certain civilizations?

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Reading Comprehension Online Test #22`

I’m leaving now to slay the foe
Fight the battles, high and low
I’m leaving, mother, hear me go!
Please wish me luck today.
I’ve grown my wings, I want to fly
Seize my victories where they tie,
I’m going Mom, but please don’t cry
just let me find my way
want to see and touch and hear
Though there are dangers, there are fears.
I’ll smile my smiles and dry my tears –
Please let me speak my say
I’m off to find my world, my dreams,
Carve my niche, sew my seams,
Remember, as I sail my streams –
I’ll love you, all the way. – Brooke Muller


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1 / 5

What is the speaker leaving to do?

2 / 5

Who is the speaker addressing in the passage?

3 / 5

What does the speaker ask their mother not to do?

4 / 5

What does the speaker want to do with their dreams?

5 / 5

What emotion does the speaker express towards their mother?

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Reading Comprehension Online Test #23`

Mahatma Gandhi was born in 1869 at Porbandar in the Kathiawar district of Gujarat. He went to England in 1888 to study Law. From 1893 to 1914, he practiced law in South Africa. He witnessed racial discrimination in South Africa and soon became the leader of a struggle against racist authorities in the country. He formed the Natal Indian Congress to fight against the racist policies of the South African government. It was here that the unique technique of Satyagraha evolved. Mahatma Gandhi’s Satyagraha was based on truth and nonviolence.

Mahatma Gandhi returned to India in January 1915 and made an extensive tour of the country in the next three years. In 1917 and 1918, he was involved in three significant struggles in Champaran (Bihar), Ahmedabad, and Kheda in Gujarat.

Take Test

1 / 5

When did Mahatma Gandhi return to India from South Africa?

Explanation: Mahatma Gandhi witnessed racial discrimination in South Africa and soon became the leader of a struggle against racist authorities in the country.

2 / 5

In which country did Mahatma Gandhi witness racial discrimination and become a leader of the struggle against it?

3 / 5

Mahatma Gandhi went to England in 1888 to study which subject?

4 / 5

In which district of Gujarat was Mahatma Gandhi born?

5 / 5

What was the unique technique developed by Mahatma Gandhi during his time in South Africa?

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Reading Comprehension Online Test #24`

Education is an essential part of our life. It not only helps us acquire knowledge and skills but also helps in building our character and values. Education plays an important role in our personal and professional development and is an investment in our future. Education is an essential part of our life. It not only helps us acquire knowledge and skills but also helps in building our character and values. Education plays an important role in our personal and professional development and is an investment in our future.

Education has many benefits. It helps us understand the world around us and think critically and creatively. It also gives us the skills we need to succeed in the workforce and contribute to our communities Education can open up new opportunities and give us a sense of accomplishment and self-satisfaction.

Additionally, education helps promote equality and social mobility. It gives individuals the tools and knowledge they need to rise out of poverty and achieve their full potential. Education is also a key factor in reducing discrimination and promoting understanding and tolerance between different cultures and groups. In short, education is an important part of our lives and has the power to transform individuals and communities.

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1 / 5

What are some of the benefits of education?

2 / 5

How does education contribute to personal and professional development?

3 / 5

What is one-way education promotes social equality?

4 / 5

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of education mentioned in the passage?

5 / 5

Why is education considered an investment in the future?

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Reading Comprehension Online Test #25`

The All India Congress Committee met in Mumbai on 8 August 1942 and passed the Quit India Movement which was adopted at Wardha in July 1942. Before the movement could start, the government arrested Gandhi and other prominent Congress leaders and declared the party illegal. Strikes and demonstrations were organized all over the country. People attacked the symbols of British rule such as post offices, police stations, and railway stations.

In many towns of Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Odisha, Maharashtra, and Andhra Pradesh, people set up a parallel government. Some popular leaders of the movement were Aruna Asaf Ali, Jai Prakash Narayanan, Ram Manohar Lohia, and Nana Patil. These leaders kept the movement alive despite the brutal suppression by the government. The government intended to crush the movement. The press was censored and the protesting crowds were fired upon and even bombarded.

About ten thousand people were killed and sixty thousand were arrested by the government by the end of 1942. The military was deployed in many villages and towns. It has been said that India had not witnessed such kind of repression since the Revolt of 1857. In the end, the government successfully crushed the movement.

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1 / 5

When was the Quit India Movement adopted by the All India Congress Committee?

2 / 5

What happened before the Quit India Movement could start?

3 / 5

Which regions saw the establishment of parallel governments during the Quit India Movement?

4 / 5

Who were some popular leaders of the Quit India Movement?

5 / 5

How did the government respond to the Quit India Movement?

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Reading Comprehension Online Test #26`

The Roman Empire was one of the greatest and most influential civilizations in world history. At its height, it spanned three continents and included more than 50 million people. The Romans were known for their military prowess, their sophisticated system of government, and their impressive architectural achievements, including the construction of roads, aqueducts, and public buildings.

The Roman Republic, which lasted from the 6th century BC to the 1st century BC, was a model of governance that influenced many later civilizations. It was a federal system of government that divided power between the Roman Senate and the People’s Assembly.

In the 1st century BC, the Roman Republic was replaced by the Roman Empire, which was ruled by a dictator called the Roman Emperor. The Roman Empire saw the construction of many impressive buildings and the expansion of the Roman military. However, it has also seen numerous internal conflicts, including the rise of various factions vying for power.

Despite these challenges, the Roman Empire was able to endure for more than five centuries, until it finally collapsed in the 5th century. Today, the legacy of the Roman Empire can be seen in the many cultural and architectural achievements it left behind.

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1 / 5

At its height, how many continents did the Roman Empire span?

2 / 5

What was the system of government in the Roman Republic?

3 / 5

In what century was the Roman Republic replaced by the Roman Empire?

4 / 5

Who ruled the Roman Empire as a dictator?

5 / 5

How long did the Roman Empire endure before its collapse?

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Reading Comprehension Online Test #27`

A commercial bank is a financial institution that provides services such as accepting deposits, giving business loans, mortgage lending, and basic investment products such as savings accounts and certificates of deposit. The commercial bank is also called a joint-stock bank because it is organized on the lines of joint-stock companies. A commercial bank deals with money accepts deposits and advances short-term loans to traders. Its main aim is to earn profit and create demand deposits which serve as a medium of exchange.

A commercial bank helps traders and industrialists by providing financial assistance. Its cheques and drafts are useful for large-scale trading. It accepts deposits from people who have a surplus amount and provides loans to investors who are in need of productive activity. Thus, they encourage savings and promote production activities by investing in them. It helps in the distribution of surplus capital from regions where it is abundant and transfers it to a scarce region. It provides concessional loans to the priority sectors such as agriculture, small-scale industry, retail trade, and export.

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1 / 5

What are some of the services provided by a commercial bank?

2 / 5

Why is a commercial bank referred to as a joint-stock bank?

3 / 5

What is the primary aim of a commercial bank?

4 / 5

How does a commercial bank encourage savings and promote production activities?

5 / 5

Which sectors receive concessional loans from a commercial bank?

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