Quiz on Macbeth

Macbeth is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare about the tragic downfall of a Scottish nobleman named Macbeth, driven to madness and murder by his ambitious pursuit of power.

In this post, I present a well-designed quiz on Macbeth with answers, detailed explanations, full-result insights, and precise timings.

Quiz on Macbeth

Quiz on Macbeth

  • 📚 Read the Summary carefully
  • 🕒 Ready for a quiz challenge?
  • 🤔 Each quiz contains 25 questions, 4 options each
  • ⏱️Time – 10 minutes each
  • 📋 Click “Show Result” when done

Quiz on Macbeth Act 1

In a stormy place in Scotland, thunder and lightning create a spooky atmosphere. Three old, strange women, called witches, come out of the storm. …………. Read Now


1st Quiz on Macbeth Act 1

1 / 10

In Act I, Scene I, what is the weather like when the three witches first appear?

2 / 10

In Act I, Scene II, what victory does the wounded captain report to King Duncan?

3 / 10

In Act I, Scene III, what prophecy do the witches make about Macbeth's future titles?

4 / 10

What do the witches say about Banquo's descendants in Act I, Scene III?

5 / 10

In Act I, Scene IV, who does King Duncan name as his heir?

6 / 10

In Act I, Scene V, what does Lady Macbeth fear about her husband Macbeth?

7 / 10

What does Lady Macbeth ask the spirits to do in her famous soliloquy in Act I, Scene V?

8 / 10

In Act I, Scene VII, why does Macbeth hesitate to go through with the murder of Duncan?

9 / 10

In Act I, Scene VII, what is Lady Macbeth's plan for killing Duncan?

10 / 10

What is Macbeth's reaction when Lady Macbeth calls him a coward in Act I, Scene VII?

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2nd Quiz on Macbeth Act 1

1 / 10

Who informs Macbeth about his new title as Thane of Cawdor in Act I, Scene III?

2 / 10

What title does Macbeth currently hold at the beginning of the play?

3 / 10

In Act I, Scene IV, what does Macbeth acknowledge as his only motivation for becoming king?

4 / 10

What is Macbeth's initial reaction to the witches' prophecies in Act I, Scene III?

5 / 10

What is the atmosphere like in Act I, Scene I when the witches first appear?

6 / 10

What are the witches doing when Macbeth and Banquo encounter them in Act I, Scene III?

7 / 10

In Act I, Scene II, what is King Duncan's reaction to Macbeth's role in defeating Macdonald?

8 / 10

In Act I, Scene I, what do the three witches discuss after they emerge from the storm?

9 / 10

In Act I, Scene IV, why does King Duncan express gratitude to Macbeth?

10 / 10

In Act I, Scene V, what does Lady Macbeth mean when she says she wants to be "unsexed"?

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Quiz on Macbeth Act 2

In a torch-lit hallway inside Macbeth’s castle, Banquo and his son Fleance walk. Fleance mentions that it’s past midnight, and Banquo, feeling uneasy, wants to stay awake because he’s been having disturbing thoughts lately. ………. Read Now


1st Quiz on Macbeth Act 2

1 / 10

What has recently inspired "cursed thoughts" in Banquo's mind?

2 / 10

How does Macbeth feel when he sees the floating dagger?

3 / 10

What does Macbeth worry might wash away the blood from his hands?

4 / 10

What is the significance of the knocking Macbeth hears after the murder?

5 / 10

Why does Lady Macbeth criticize Macbeth after the murder?

6 / 10

Who discovers King Duncan's murder first?

7 / 10

What do Malcolm and Donalbain decide to do after their father's murder?

8 / 10

What do Malcolm and Donalbain suspect about their father's murder?

9 / 10

What unusual behavior of Duncan's horses is mentioned in the passage?

10 / 10

Who is made the new king by the other lords?

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2nd Quiz on Macbeth Act 2

1 / 10

What are the strange happenings mentioned in the passage that occurred in the past few days?

2 / 10

What is the porter's role at the castle gates in Scene III?

3 / 10

What does the porter compare himself to in Scene III?

4 / 10

What did the owl do to the falcon in Scene IV?

5 / 10

Who is the first to express suspicion that the chamberlains are responsible for Duncan's murder?

6 / 10

Who suggests that Malcolm and Donalbain should be the prime suspects in Duncan's murder?

7 / 10

Who is Ross in the passage?

8 / 10

Where is Macbeth going to be crowned king?

9 / 10

What is Macbeth's explanation for killing the chamberlains?

10 / 10

Who is declared the new king by the other lords at the end of the passage?

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Quiz on Macbeth Act 3

Inside the king’s castle in Forres, Banquo walks around, thinking about the witches’ prophecies. They said Macbeth would be king, but they also hinted that Banquo’s descendants would become kings.…… Read Now


1st Quiz on Macbeth Act 3

1 / 10

What is Banquo pondering as he walks inside the royal palace in Forres?

2 / 10

Why is Macbeth worried about Malcolm and Donalbain?

3 / 10

What does Macbeth refer to as "fruitless"?

4 / 10

What is Macbeth's plan to deal with Banquo and Fleance?

5 / 10

Where does the murder of Banquo and the escape of Fleance take place?

6 / 10

What appears during the feast, sitting in Macbeth's chair?

7 / 10

Who is Hecate, and what is her role in the passage?

8 / 10

What do the witches need to create to deceive Macbeth further?

9 / 10

Who is blamed for Banquo's murder in the passage?

10 / 10

Where does Macduff go to seek help from King Edward?

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2nd Quiz on Macbeth Act 3

1 / 10

What is Banquo pondering as he walks inside the royal palace in Forres?

2 / 10

What is Banquo's reaction to Macbeth's invitation to the feast?

3 / 10

Where does Banquo plan to be in the afternoon before the feast?

4 / 10

Why does Macbeth decide to have Banquo and Fleance killed?

5 / 10

In Act III, Scene IV, how does Lady Macbeth react to her husband's strange behavior during the feast?

6 / 10

What is Macbeth's primary concern when he sees Banquo's ghost at the feast?

7 / 10

In Act III, Scene V, who scolds the witches for interfering with Macbeth without consulting her?

8 / 10

What do Lennox and the other lord discuss in Act III, Scene VI?

9 / 10

Why do Lennox and the other lord suspect Macbeth's involvement in the murders of Duncan and Banquo?

10 / 10

What is the purpose of Macduff going to England to seek help from King Edward?

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Quiz on Macbeth Act 4

In a dark cavern, a cauldron bubbles and hisses as the three witches appear. They gather around the cauldron, chanting spells and adding strange ingredients like “eye of newt and toe of frog.”. ….. Read Now


1st Quiz on Macbeth Act 4

1 / 10

What is the boy's reaction to the murder of his mother?

2 / 10

Who kills Lady Macduff's son?

3 / 10

What warning does the messenger give Lady Macduff?

4 / 10

What does Lady Macduff accuse her husband of?

5 / 10

Who confronts Ross at Macduff's castle?

6 / 10

What is the significance of the crowned child holding a tree's prediction?

7 / 10

What prediction does the floating head make to Macbeth?

8 / 10

Who appears to compliment the witches on their work in Scene I?

9 / 10

What do the witches add to their cauldron as part of their spell?

10 / 10

What is the setting of Act IV - Scene I?

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2nd Quiz on Macbeth Act 4

1 / 10

What is Malcolm's ultimate assessment of Macduff's loyalty?

2 / 10

In Act IV - Scene III, what word does Macduff cry out in despair?

3 / 10

What does Malcolm encourage Macduff to do with his grief?

4 / 10

Who offers to lend soldiers to Malcolm to fight against Macbeth?

5 / 10

How does Macduff respond to the news of his family's murder?

6 / 10

What devastating news does Ross deliver to Macduff?

7 / 10

What miraculous power does King Edward possess?

8 / 10

What is the purpose of Malcolm's false claims about his vices?

9 / 10

What does Malcolm falsely admit to in an attempt to test Macduff's loyalty?

10 / 10

Why is Malcolm initially suspicious of Macduff's loyalty?

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Quiz on Macbeth Act 5

Inside the king’s palace at Dunsinane, a doctor and a gentlewoman discuss Lady Macbeth’s peculiar sleepwalking behavior. Suddenly, Lady Macbeth appears in a trance, holding a candle.……. Read Now


1st Quiz on Macbeth Act 5

1 / 10

What surprising news does Macbeth receive in Act V - Scene V?

2 / 10

Where do they intend to take these branches?

3 / 10

What strategy do Malcolm and Siward discuss in Act V - Scene IV?

4 / 10

Why does Macbeth believe he is invulnerable to the English army?

5 / 10

What is the doctor's advice regarding Lady Macbeth's condition?

6 / 10

Who is leading the English army in Act V - Scene II?

7 / 10

What is Macbeth's state of mind in Act V - Scene II?

8 / 10

Who discusses Lady Macbeth's sleepwalking behavior with a doctor?

9 / 10

What does Lady Macbeth see on her hands during her sleepwalking episode?

10 / 10

In Act V - Scene I, where does Lady Macbeth's sleepwalking behavior take place?

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2nd Quiz on Macbeth Act 5

1 / 10

Who is proclaimed the new King of Scotland in the final scene?

2 / 10

What does Macduff hold in Act V - Scene XI?

3 / 10

Who enters the castle, having captured it?

4 / 10

How does Macbeth react when he learns about Macduff's birth?

5 / 10

What revelation does Macduff make to Macbeth during their confrontation?

6 / 10

In Act V - Scene IX, who enters the castle with Malcolm?

7 / 10

What is Macduff's primary goal on the battlefield?

8 / 10

In Act V - Scene VII, who is Macbeth confident cannot harm him?

9 / 10

What action do the English soldiers take near Birnam Wood?

10 / 10

What does Macbeth hear about Birnam Wood in this scene?

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