Questions and Answers on Hamlet

“Hamlet” is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare, centered around the character Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark, whose internal conflict and quest for vengeance drive the narrative.

Below are 250+ questions and answers related to various acts and scenes from “Hamlet .”

Questions and Answers on Hamlet

Questions and Answers on Hamlet

Questions and Answers on Hamlet Act 1

Questions on Hamlet Act 1 Scene 1

  1. Why does Francisco stop watching, and who is asked to join Barnardo and Marcellus? Answer: Francisco stops watching as his shift ends, and Horatio is asked to join Barnardo and Marcellus to see the ghost of the dead king.
  2. How many times does the ghost appear to them, and does it communicate with them? Answer: The ghost appears two times but doesn’t speak to them.
  3. What do Barnardo, Marcellus, and Horatio plan to do in the morning? Answer: They plan to tell Hamlet about the appearance of the ghost.
  4. Why do they believe the appearance of a ghost might be significant? Answer: They believe seeing a ghost usually indicates that something important might happen.
  5. What connection do they establish between the ghost of the king and the upcoming war with young Fortinbras of Norway? Answer: They believe the ghost of the king might be connected to the upcoming war because young Fortinbras of Norway wants to reclaim the lands his father lost in a battle against Hamlet’s deceased father, the old King of Denmark.
  6. Who is young Fortinbras, and what does he want? Answer: Young Fortinbras is from Norway and seeks to regain the lands his father lost when he battled against the old King of Denmark.
  7. Why do they choose to inform Hamlet about the ghost in the morning? Answer: They decide to wait until morning to inform Hamlet because they believe the news might disturb him less in the daylight.
  8. What was the reason behind the battle between the old King of Denmark and young Fortinbras’ father? Answer: The battle between the old King of Denmark and young Fortinbras’ father was due to a dispute over lands.
  9. How do the characters view the appearance of the ghost in relation to the imminent war? Answer: They speculate that the ghost’s appearance might be linked to the upcoming war with young Fortinbras, implying a connection to the unsettled conflict.
  10. What role does Horatio play in the unfolding events with the ghost and its significance? Answer: Horatio is among those who witness the appearance of the ghost and is involved in the decision to inform Hamlet, forming perspectives on the potential implications of the ghost’s presence.

Questions on Hamlet Act 1 Scene 2

  1. Who is King Claudius, and what news does he share with everyone? Answer: King Claudius is the new king of Denmark. He shares the news of his recent marriage to Gertrude, Hamlet’s mother. He also discusses the aggression of young Fortinbras and assigns Voltemand and Cornelius to take a message to the King of Norway to address this issue.
  2. Why does Laertes ask to return to France, and who approves his request? Answer: Laertes asks to return to France, and his father Polonius agrees to his request.
  3. What do King Claudius and Queen Gertrude ask of Hamlet, and how does he respond? Answer: They ask Hamlet to stop grieving and stay in Denmark instead of returning to school. Hamlet agrees to their request.
  4. Who informs Hamlet about the sighting of the ghost, and what is Hamlet’s response? Answer: Horatio, Marcellus, and Barnardo inform Hamlet about the ghost they saw. Hamlet promises to stay with them that night to speak to the ghost.
  5. What task does King Claudius assign Voltemand and Cornelius? Answer: King Claudius assigns Voltemand and Cornelius the task of delivering a message to the King of Norway to calm down his nephew, young Fortinbras.
  6. How does Hamlet initially react to his mother’s marriage to King Claudius? Answer: Hamlet feels upset and expresses disappointment over his mother marrying someone he considers inferior to his deceased father.
  7. Who is granted permission to return to France, and who agrees to this request? Answer: Laertes is granted permission to return to France, and his father, Polonius, approves his request.
  8. Why do King Claudius and Queen Gertrude ask Hamlet to stay in Denmark instead of going back to school? Answer: They request that Hamlet remain in Denmark to cease his grieving and to be present with them instead of returning to school.
  9. How does Hamlet react to the news of the ghost’s appearance as conveyed by Horatio, Marcellus, and Barnardo? Answer: Hamlet promises to stay with them that night to talk to the ghost, showing interest and readiness to engage with the mysterious apparition.

Questions on Hamlet Act 1 Scene 3

  1. Who advises Ophelia to be cautious of Hamlet’s behavior, and what advice is given to her? Answer: Laertes advises Ophelia to be careful of how Hamlet behaves with her and instructs her to maintain her virtue and purity.
  2. What promise does Ophelia make to Laertes when he advises her about Hamlet? Answer: Ophelia promises to follow Laertes’ advice about being cautious around Hamlet and to maintain her purity.
  3. Who enters the scene after Laertes’ conversation with Ophelia, and what advice does this character give to Laertes before his departure? Answer: Polonius enters the scene and gives advice to Laertes before his departure, urging him to conduct himself with honor, be true to himself, and avoid unnecessary conflicts.
  4. What warning does Polonius give to Ophelia about Hamlet’s romantic inclinations, and what does he advise her to do? Answer: Polonius warns Ophelia about Hamlet’s romantic interests and instructs her to steer clear of him entirely.
  5. How does Ophelia respond to her father’s advice regarding Hamlet? Answer: Ophelia agrees to comply with her father’s instructions and promises to distance herself from Hamlet as advised.
  6. What specific guidance does Laertes give to Ophelia about her relationship with Hamlet before he departs for France? Answer: Laertes advises Ophelia to be cautious about Hamlet’s behavior and to safeguard her own purity while dealing with him.
  7. Who advises Laertes before his departure, and what key advice is given to him? Answer: Polonius advises Laertes before his departure, emphasizing the importance of being true to himself, preserving his honor, and avoiding unnecessary confrontations.
  8. Why does Polonius warn Ophelia to stay away from Hamlet completely? Answer: Polonius warns Ophelia about Hamlet’s romantic interests and advises her to distance herself from him completely to avoid any potential harm.
  9. What promise does Ophelia make to her brother, Laertes, regarding the advice he gives her about Hamlet? Answer: Ophelia promises her brother, Laertes, that she will follow his advice and guidance about being cautious around Hamlet and maintaining her virtue.
  10. What is the general theme of the advice given to Ophelia by both Laertes and Polonius concerning Hamlet? Answer: Both Laertes and Polonius advise Ophelia to be wary of Hamlet’s intentions and to distance herself from him to protect her own well-being and virtue.

Questions on Hamlet Act 1 Scene 4

  1. Who is present and waiting just after midnight to witness the Ghost? Answer: Hamlet, Horatio, and Marcellus are waiting just after midnight to see the Ghost.
  2. What action does the Ghost take when it appears to Hamlet and the others? Answer: The Ghost signals to Hamlet when it appears.
  3. After the Ghost signals to Hamlet, what does Hamlet do? Answer: Hamlet decides to go after the Ghost.
  4. Who joins Hamlet when he follows the Ghost, and why? Answer: Horatio and Marcellus follow Hamlet because they want to accompany and support him as he goes after the Ghost.
  5. What significant event unfolds as the Ghost appears and signals to Hamlet? Answer: Following the Ghost’s appearance and signaling to Hamlet, Hamlet’s decision to pursue the Ghost, with Horatio and Marcellus in tow, marks a critical moment where the story’s intrigue and mystery intensify.

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Questions on Hamlet Act 1 Scene 5

  1. What crucial information does the Ghost of Hamlet’s father reveal to Hamlet? Answer: The Ghost informs Hamlet that he was murdered by Claudius, who poured poison into his ear.
  2. What does the Ghost ask of Hamlet after revealing the truth about his murder? Answer: The Ghost asks Hamlet to seek revenge for his death but advises him to leave the judgment of his mother to heaven.
  3. How does Hamlet respond when Horatio and Marcellus arrive, and why does he keep the conversation secret? Answer: Hamlet keeps the conversation with the Ghost a secret when Horatio and Marcellus arrive, perhaps to protect the sensitive information and the Ghost’s demands.
  4. What happens when the Ghost reappears in front of Hamlet, Horatio, and Marcellus? Answer: The Ghost reappears and repeatedly asks them to promise not to disclose what they’ve seen or learned.
  5. What specific advice does Hamlet give to Horatio and Marcellus regarding his future behavior? Answer: Hamlet instructs them not to disclose the truth about what they’ve seen if he behaves strangely in the future.
  6. How does Hamlet feel about the duty of avenging his father’s murder after the Ghost’s revelations? Answer: Hamlet feels upset and burdened by the responsibility of avenging such a terrible wrongdoing.
  7. What significance does the promise made by Hamlet to remember his father hold in the storyline? Answer: Hamlet’s promise to remember and avenge his father’s death becomes a crucial driving force in the plot, leading to subsequent actions and dilemmas.
  8. What is the impact of the Ghost’s revelations on Hamlet’s emotional state and the secrecy he demands from his companions? Answer: The Ghost’s revelations deeply affect Hamlet, burdening him with the task of revenge, leading him to demand secrecy from Horatio and Marcellus regarding what they’ve witnessed. It also contributes to Hamlet’s internal turmoil and emotional distress.

Questions and Answers on Hamlet Act 2

Questions on Hamlet Act 2 Scene 1

  1. Who does Polonius send and for what purpose? Answer: Polonius sends Reynaldo to Paris to discreetly gather information about Laertes without asking him directly.
  2. What does Ophelia tell Polonius about her encounter with Hamlet? Answer: Ophelia describes an unsettling encounter with Hamlet, where he appeared disheveled, without his hat and with his clothes in disarray. He grabbed her arm, gazed silently at her, sighed deeply, and then left.
  3. How does Polonius interpret Hamlet’s behavior towards Ophelia? Answer: Polonius believes that Hamlet’s disheveled state and actions suggest that he is in love and was genuinely serious about Ophelia.
  4. What decision do Polonius and Ophelia make following her encounter with Hamlet? Answer: Polonius and Ophelia decide to inform King Claudius about the unsettling incident involving Hamlet and Ophelia.
  5. Why did Polonius send Reynaldo to Paris and what instructions did he give him? Answer: Polonius sent Reynaldo to Paris to discreetly gather information about Laertes. He instructed Reynaldo to talk to people who know Laertes there without directly questioning Laertes.

Questions on Hamlet Act 2 Scene 2

  1. Who meets Rosencrantz and Guildenstern and plans to visit Hamlet to discover the reason for his changed behavior? Answer: King Claudius and Queen Gertrude meet Rosencrantz and Guildenstern and decide to visit Hamlet to ascertain why he’s behaving differently.
  2. Who interrupts Polonius during his long-winded explanation, and what is the reason for the interruption? Answer: Gertrude interrupts Polonius, urging for less talk and more substance.
  3. What news does Voltemand and Cornelius bring to King Claudius from Norway? Answer: Voltemand and Cornelius inform Claudius that the sick King of Norway diverted Fortinbras from attacking Denmark towards Poland. They seek permission for Norway’s armies to pass through Denmark, and Claudius agrees to consider it.
  4. What does Polonius boast about in the presence of King Claudius regarding Hamlet? Answer: Polonius boasts about being a careful father and insists that Hamlet is lovesick, staking his reputation on his theory.
  5. What plan does Polonius devise to prove his theory about Hamlet’s condition? Answer: Polonius plans to eavesdrop on a conversation between Hamlet and Ophelia to substantiate his theory.
  6. What does Hamlet reveal to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern about his apparent madness? Answer: Hamlet admits to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern that he is only pretending to be mad, despite what his uncle and mother believe.
  7. What secret plan does Hamlet formulate upon learning about the arrival of a troupe of actors? Answer: Hamlet intends to have the actors perform a play that mirrors his father’s murder to gauge Claudius’s reaction.
  8. What does Hamlet aim to ascertain by observing Claudius’s reaction during the play performed by the actors? Answer: Hamlet intends to confirm Claudius’s guilt or innocence in his father’s murder by observing his reaction during the play.
  9. Why does Hamlet decide to use the play to test the Ghost’s authenticity? Answer: Hamlet wants to determine if the Ghost is good or evil by observing Claudius’s response during the play.
  10. What information do Voltemand and Cornelius bring from Norway to King Claudius, and what request do they make? Answer: They inform Claudius that the sick King of Norway redirected Fortinbras’s plan to attack Denmark towards Poland. They request permission for Norway’s armies to pass through Denmark, and Claudius agrees to consider the request.
  11. Why does Polonius plan to eavesdrop on Hamlet’s conversation with Ophelia? Answer: Polonius wants to confirm his suspicion that Hamlet is lovesick by overhearing his conversation with Ophelia.
  12. What is the purpose behind Hamlet’s decision to have the actors perform a play that mirrors his father’s murder? Answer: Hamlet intends to observe Claudius’s reaction during the play to discern whether his uncle is guilty of murdering his father.
  13. How does Hamlet describe his plan to his friends, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, concerning the actors and their performance? Answer: Hamlet informs his friends that he will have the actors perform a specific play, hinting that it mirrors the circumstances of his father’s murder.
  14. What revelation does Hamlet make about his apparent madness to his friends, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern? Answer: Hamlet confesses to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern that he is only pretending to be mad, despite his uncle and mother’s belief in his madness.
  15. What does Hamlet reflect upon after everyone leaves following the discussion about the play performed by the actors? Answer: Hamlet contemplates his own inaction in comparison to the passion shown by the actors, particularly in avenging his father’s death.
  16. What strategy does Hamlet plan to employ by using the play performed by the actors? Answer: Hamlet plans to use the play to test whether the Ghost’s intentions are good or evil, based on Claudius’s reaction.
  17. How does King Claudius react to the news brought by Voltemand and Cornelius from Norway? Answer: Claudius agrees to consider the request for Norway’s armies to pass through Denmark, following the diversion of Fortinbras’s attack towards Poland.
  18. What reaction does Gertrude have when Polonius begins reading a letter from Ophelia? Answer: Gertrude interrupts Polonius, asking if the letter is from Hamlet, showing her concern about Hamlet’s involvement.
  19. What is Polonius’s theory about Hamlet’s behavior, and what plan does he devise to confirm it? Answer: Polonius believes that Hamlet is lovesick. He plans to eavesdrop on a conversation between Hamlet and Ophelia to confirm his theory.

Questions and Answers on Hamlet Act 3

Questions on Hamlet Act 3 Scene 1

1. Who questions Rosencrantz and Guildenstern about their conversation with Hamlet?

  • King Claudius and Queen Gertrude question Rosencrantz and Guildenstern about their discussion with Hamlet.

2. What information do Rosencrantz and Guildenstern provide about Hamlet’s state of mind?

  • They mention that Hamlet admitted to being troubled but did not share the reason, behaving strangely.

3. What did Hamlet seem pleased about, according to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern?

  • Hamlet appeared pleased about the actors’ visit and planned a performance, inviting the King and Queen.

4. What do Claudius and Gertrude plan in regards to Hamlet’s meeting with Ophelia?

  • They plan for Hamlet to accidentally encounter Ophelia, hoping her presence might affect him positively.

5. What advice does Gertrude give to Ophelia before meeting Hamlet?

  • Gertrude advises Ophelia to act as if she’s reading when Hamlet arrives.

6. What does Claudius instruct Ophelia to pretend to do when Hamlet enters?

  • Claudius tells Ophelia to act like she’s praying when Hamlet arrives.

7. What famous soliloquy does Hamlet deliver upon entering the scene?

  • Hamlet delivers the famous soliloquy “To be, or not to be,” contemplating life, death, and the uncertainties between them.

8. How does Ophelia react to Hamlet’s behavior after their interaction?

  • Ophelia is upset by Hamlet’s behavior after their interaction.

9. What do Claudius and Polonius think of Hamlet’s behavior towards Ophelia?

  • They discuss that Hamlet’s words and behavior towards Ophelia didn’t seem like love or madness.

10. What plan do Claudius and Polonius devise after observing Hamlet’s behavior with Ophelia?

  • They plan to send Hamlet to England for a change of scenery in hopes it might help him.

11. What plan does Polonius suggest before sending Hamlet to England?

  • Polonius suggests trying one more time to uncover the reason behind Hamlet’s behavior after the play.

12. What does Polonius propose if their next attempt to understand Hamlet’s behavior fails?

  • If their next attempt fails, Polonius advises Claudius to either send Hamlet to England or keep him under close observation.

13. What is the intention behind sending Hamlet to England, according to Claudius?

  • Claudius hopes a change of scenery in England might assist Hamlet.

14. What strategy do Claudius and Polonius agree upon regarding Hamlet’s mental state?

  • They agree not to ignore signs of madness in powerful individuals, recognizing the importance of addressing it.

15. What plan does Claudius devise regarding Hamlet and Ophelia’s accidental encounter?


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  • Claudius plans for Hamlet to accidentally meet Ophelia in the hopes of a positive influence on Hamlet.

16. What advice does Gertrude offer to Ophelia about her behavior when encountering Hamlet?

  • Gertrude advises Ophelia to act as if she’s reading when she meets Hamlet.

17. What does Hamlet ask Ophelia to do upon their encounter?

  • Hamlet asks Ophelia to pray for his sins.

18. What does Hamlet advise Ophelia to do in response to her concerns about returning his gifts?

  • Hamlet denies asking for his gifts back and suggests Ophelia go to a convent, criticizing marriage.

19. What do Claudius and Polonius decide to do after observing Hamlet’s behavior towards Ophelia?

  • They decide to send Hamlet to England for a change of environment, hoping it will help his mental state.

20. What action does Polonius recommend if their next plan fails to understand Hamlet’s behavior?

  • If the next attempt to understand Hamlet fails, Polonius suggests either sending Hamlet to England or keeping him under close watch.

Questions on Hamlet Act 3 Scene 2

1. Whom does Hamlet instruct about the play’s performance, and what does he want them to do?

  • Hamlet instructs the actors about the play’s performance, detailing how he wants the play to be enacted.

2. Who enters with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to inform Hamlet about Claudius and Gertrude attending the play?

  • Polonius enters with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, informing Hamlet about Claudius and Gertrude attending the play.

3. Whom does Hamlet call for and confide in about scrutinizing Claudius during the play’s crucial scene?

  • Hamlet calls for Horatio and confides in him about watching Claudius’s reactions during the crucial scene in the play.

4. How does Hamlet position himself at the beginning of the play’s performance?

  • Hamlet refuses a seat next to his mother and chooses to sit by Ophelia instead at the start of the play.

5. What is the central theme discussed by the actors portraying the Player King and Queen in the play within the play?

  • The actors debate love, death, remarriage after a spouse’s death, and the uncertainties of emotions and fate in relationships.

6. What is the subject of the silent enactment at the beginning of the play within the play?

  • The silent enactment portrays a king being poisoned.

7. What reaction does Claudius have during the play’s performance?

  • Claudius becomes unsettled and abruptly leaves when the actor portraying the murderer pours poison.

8. Who remains in the room after the play is stopped?

  • Only Hamlet and Horatio remain in the room after the play is stopped.

9. What does Hamlet believe they have achieved by Claudius’s reaction during the play?

  • Hamlet believes they have caught Claudius’s reaction, supporting the Ghost’s words about the murder.

10. What are Rosencrantz and Guildenstern trying to do by asking Hamlet to see his mother before bed?

  • They are attempting to get Hamlet to reveal what is troubling him by asking him to see his mother before bed.

11. How does Hamlet perceive Rosencrantz and Guildenstern’s attempts to interact with him?

  • Hamlet feels that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are trying to manipulate him with their questions.

12. Who arrives after Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, repeating Gertrude’s request for Hamlet to see her?

  • Polonius arrives after Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, repeating Gertrude’s request for Hamlet to see her.

13. What decision does Hamlet make despite agreeing to see his mother upon Polonius’s request?

  • Hamlet decides not to harm his mother despite his anger, despite agreeing to see her.

14. What is the objective of Hamlet’s plan during the play’s performance?

  • Hamlet’s objective during the performance is to observe Claudius’s reaction during a pivotal scene, related to his father’s death.

15. What is the purpose of Hamlet choosing to sit near Ophelia during the play?

  • Hamlet chooses to sit near Ophelia at the beginning of the play, distancing himself from his mother and perhaps intending to observe her reaction.

16. Who stays in the room after the play is halted?

  • Only Hamlet and Horatio remain in the room after the play is stopped.

17. What response does Claudius have during the crucial scene in the play within the play?

  • Claudius becomes unsettled and abruptly leaves the room when the actor portraying the murderer pours the poison.

18. What is Hamlet’s response to Polonius repeating Gertrude’s request to see her?

  • Hamlet agrees to see his mother as requested but decides not to harm her, despite his anger.

19. Why does Hamlet instruct the actors in such detail about the play’s performance?

  • Hamlet meticulously instructs the actors to enact a specific scene to observe Claudius’s reactions and confirm the Ghost’s words about the murder.

20. What does Hamlet believe they have achieved through the play’s performance?

  • Hamlet believes they have captured Claudius’s reaction during the play, supporting the Ghost’s claims about the murder.

Questions on Hamlet Act 3 Scene 3

1. Who does Claudius plan to send to England for safety, alongside Hamlet?

  • Claudius plans to send Hamlet to England for safety, along with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.

2. Why does Claudius believe Hamlet poses a threat, leading to his decision to send him to England?

  • Claudius sees Hamlet’s “madness” as a potential threat, prompting his decision to send Hamlet to England for safety.

3. What does Polonius plan to do upon hearing about Hamlet’s intent to speak with Gertrude?

  • Polonius plans to eavesdrop on the conversation between Hamlet and Gertrude behind a tapestry.

4. What is Claudius’s reflection about his guilt in the murder of his brother?

  • Claudius reflects on his guilt for murdering his brother and regrets his inability to pray for forgiveness.

5. Why does Claudius believe he cannot seek forgiveness for his sins?

  • He believes his gains from the crime prevent him from finding mercy and fears he cannot be forgiven for his sins.

6. What does Hamlet decide regarding killing Claudius when he finds him apparently praying?

  • Hamlet decides not to kill Claudius while he’s praying, fearing it would send Claudius to heaven.

7. What is Hamlet’s plan regarding avenging his father’s murder after observing Claudius’s apparent prayer?

  • Hamlet plans to wait for a time when Claudius is engaged in a sinful act to avenge his father’s murder.

8. What does Claudius reveal about his prayers after Hamlet’s departure?

  • Claudius reveals his struggle to pray genuinely. He feels his words don’t align with his thoughts and worries his prayers won’t be heard.

9. Who does Claudius plan to send to England alongside Hamlet for safety?

  • Claudius plans to send Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to accompany Hamlet to England for his safety.

10. Why does Claudius feel troubled about his prayers after Hamlet’s departure?

  • Claudius expresses his concern that his prayers lack sincerity and worries that they might not be heard.

11. What is Claudius’s internal conflict regarding his prayers?

  • Claudius struggles with the authenticity of his prayers, feeling that his words don’t reflect his true thoughts or intentions.

12. What is the main reason Hamlet decides against killing Claudius while he is apparently praying?

  • Hamlet fears that killing Claudius while he is praying might send him to heaven, so he decides against it.

13. What drives Claudius’s decision to send Hamlet away to England?

  • Claudius perceives Hamlet’s madness as a potential threat, motivating his decision to send him to England for safety.

14. What internal conflict does Claudius express about his prayers after Hamlet’s departure?

  • Claudius expresses a sense of inner turmoil about the authenticity of his prayers, doubting if they will be heard due to his conflicted thoughts and words.

Questions on Hamlet Act 3 Scene 4

1. Whom does Polonius advise Gertrude to scold for his behavior?

  • Polonius advises Gertrude to scold Hamlet for his behavior.

2. What action does Hamlet take upon entering Gertrude’s chamber?

  • Hamlet confronts his mother directly, accusing her of upsetting his deceased father.

3. What prompts Polonius to speak from behind the curtain?

  • Startled by Gertrude’s cry, Polonius speaks from behind the curtain, mistaking Hamlet’s actions for a threat.

4. What happens when Hamlet thrusts his sword through the curtain?

  • Hamlet inadvertently kills Polonius by thrusting his sword through the curtain, believing it to be Claudius.

5. How does Hamlet react upon realizing he has killed Polonius?

  • Hamlet scorns Polonius for his nosiness and then insists that his mother listen to him.

6. What comparison does Hamlet draw between his father and uncle during the conversation with Gertrude?

  • Hamlet compares his father’s virtues with his uncle’s vices, expressing astonishment that his mother could forget his exemplary first husband.

7. What advice does Hamlet give to Gertrude during their conversation?

  • Hamlet advises Gertrude to repent for her sins and not to sleep with Claudius that night.

8. What appearance does the Ghost make during Hamlet’s conversation with Gertrude?

  • The Ghost appears but is visible only to Hamlet, instructing him to comfort his mother, who’s disturbed by his words and actions.

9. What does Hamlet advise Gertrude not to reveal to others?

  • Hamlet advises Gertrude not to reveal that he is not truly mad.

10. Whom does Hamlet plan to outsmart following the conversation with Gertrude?

  • Hamlet plans to outsmart Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, whom he doesn’t trust.

11. What warning does Hamlet give his mother regarding her actions with Claudius?

  • Hamlet warns Gertrude not to sleep with Claudius that night and to repent for her sins.

12. How does Gertrude interpret Hamlet’s behavior during their conversation?

  • Gertrude believes Hamlet is mad due to his erratic behavior during their conversation.

13. Whom does Hamlet see and interact with that is only visible to him during the conversation with Gertrude?

  • Hamlet sees and interacts with the Ghost, who is only visible to him during the conversation with Gertrude.

14. How does Hamlet describe Polonius after he accidentally kills him?

  • Hamlet remarks that Polonius is now quiet in death, unlike his incessant chatter while alive.

15. What does Hamlet advise Gertrude about her revelation of his true mental state?

  • Hamlet advises Gertrude not to reveal that he is not truly mad to others.

Questions and Answers on Hamlet Act 4

Questions on Hamlet Act 4 Scene 1

1. Who enters the scene at the beginning of this passage?

  • Claudius, Gertrude, Rosencrantz, and Guildenstern enter the scene.

2. Whose distress does Claudius notice, and what does he ask Gertrude to explain?

  • Claudius notices Gertrude’s distress and asks her to explain the reason for her unease.

3. What tragic event does Gertrude inform Claudius about?

  • Gertrude informs Claudius about Hamlet’s killing of Polonius in a fit of madness.

4. What does Claudius blame himself for in the conversation with Gertrude?

  • Claudius blames himself for not taking better precautions and not keeping Hamlet away, comparing his influence on Hamlet to an unattended disease.

5. How does Gertrude describe Hamlet’s reaction after killing Polonius?

  • Gertrude indicates that Hamlet feels remorse for his actions and has gone to remove Polonius’ body, showcasing genuine madness.

6. What is Claudius’s plan regarding Hamlet after learning about Polonius’s death?

  • Claudius plans to send Hamlet away at dawn and asks Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to find him and bring Polonius’s body to the chapel.

7. What does Claudius hope to achieve by managing the incidents involving Hamlet and Polonius?

  • He hopes to handle both incidents in a way that avoids blame falling on himself.

8. Whom do Claudius and Gertrude plan to inform about Polonius’s fate and Hamlet’s departure?

  • They plan to inform their trusted friends about Polonius’s fate and Hamlet’s departure, aiming to prevent negative feelings towards them.

9. How do Claudius and Gertrude leave the room at the end of the passage?

  • They leave the room together, with Claudius feeling disturbed and filled with discord.

10. What emotional state is Claudius left in as they exit the scene?

  • Claudius is left feeling disturbed and filled with discord as he leaves the room.

Questions on Hamlet Act 4 Scene 2

1. Who enters after hiding Polonius’ body?

  • Hamlet enters after hiding Polonius’ body.

2. What do Rosencrantz and Guildenstern ask Hamlet about?

  • They ask Hamlet for the location of Polonius’ corpse.

3. How does Hamlet respond when asked about Polonius’ body?

  • Hamlet refuses to disclose the body’s location, claiming he has blended it with dust.

4. What playful action does Hamlet take as he interacts with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern?

  • He playfully dashes offstage, behaving as if they are engaging in a game of hide-and-seek.

5. What phrase does Hamlet use before dashing offstage in a playful manner?

  • Hamlet says, “Hide and seek, follow me,” as he playfully exits.

Questions on Hamlet Act 4 Scene 3

1. Who enters with some men and discusses Hamlet’s action of killing Polonius?

  • Claudius enters with some men and discusses Hamlet’s act of killing Polonius.

2. What concerns does Claudius express regarding Hamlet’s punishment?

  • He expresses concerns about Hamlet’s popularity among the people, believing that the punishment should be subtle due to the public’s narrow judgment.

3. What information do Rosencrantz and Guildenstern provide Claudius about Polonius’ location?

  • They inform Claudius that Hamlet won’t disclose Polonius’ location and is waiting outside.

4. How does Hamlet cryptically respond when asked about Polonius’ whereabouts?

  • Hamlet cryptically answers that Polonius is “At supper,” being eaten by worms, or possibly in heaven or hell.

5. Eventually, where does Hamlet reveal Polonius can be found?

  • Hamlet discloses that Polonius can be found at the stairs leading to the lobby.

6. Why does Claudius decide to send Hamlet to England immediately?

  • For Hamlet’s safety, Claudius decides to send him to England promptly.

7. How does Hamlet bid farewell to Claudius before leaving for England?

  • Hamlet addresses Claudius as both his father and mother due to their marriage, and then he leaves.

8. What are Claudius’s orders to ensure Hamlet’s departure to England?

  • Claudius orders the others to accompany Hamlet and make sure he boards the ship immediately.

9. When alone, what does Claudius hope for in terms of Hamlet’s fate in England?

  • Claudius hopes that England will follow the letters carried by Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, demanding Hamlet’s immediate death.

10. What factor does Claudius believe will ensure England’s compliance with his demands regarding Hamlet’s fate?

  • He trusts England’s fear of Denmark and its past defeats will guarantee their compliance.

11. How does Claudius view Hamlet in the context of his own happiness?

  • Claudius sees Hamlet as an affliction that must be cured for him to find happiness, regardless of any other outcomes.

12. What decision does Claudius make concerning Hamlet’s departure for England?

  • Claudius decides to send Hamlet to England immediately for safety and to execute the plan set in motion.

13. How does Hamlet leave after bidding farewell to Claudius?

  • After bidding farewell to Claudius, Hamlet leaves the scene.

14. What is Claudius’s underlying motive for eliminating Hamlet in England?

  • Claudius sees the removal of Hamlet as essential for his own happiness, considering him an affliction that must be cured, regardless of the means.

Questions on Hamlet Act 4 Scene 4

1. Who sends a Captain to Claudius seeking safe passage for their army through Denmark?

  • Fortinbras sends the Captain seeking safe passage for their army through Denmark.

2. What information does the Captain provide to Hamlet and Rosencrantz about the army’s destination?

  • The Captain informs them that the army is marching towards a small piece of land in Poland, which is of little value and already guarded.

3. Why does Hamlet question the need to defend a place of little worth with significant force?

  • Hamlet questions this defense strategy, noting that excessive wealth and peace can lead to internal decay, similar to an abscess.

4. What internal contemplation does Hamlet engage in while alone?

  • He reflects on why he hesitates to act despite having the reason, will, and means for revenge.

5. Whose boldness does Hamlet contrast with his own inaction, and for what reason?

  • Hamlet contrasts his inaction with Fortinbras’ boldness, as Fortinbras risks much for honor’s sake.

6. Why does Hamlet feel frustrated despite having strong reasons for revenge?

  • He feels frustrated because, despite having powerful reasons for revenge, he remains inactive while Fortinbras engages in battle for what seems like an insignificant piece of land.

7. What resolution does Hamlet make towards the end of his contemplation?

  • He resolves to think more aggressively from now on, implying a change in his approach to his situation.

8. What request does Fortinbras make to Claudius through his Captain?

  • Fortinbras requests safe passage for his army through Denmark and offers to meet the King personally.

9. What specific piece of land is the army marching towards in Poland?

  • The army is marching towards a small piece of land in Poland, despite its low value.

10. How does Hamlet interpret the situation regarding Fortinbras’ military actions in comparison to his own hesitations?

  • Hamlet sees Fortinbras’ bold military action over a seemingly insignificant piece of land as a stark contrast to his own hesitation to act, despite having strong reasons for revenge.

Questions on Hamlet Act 4 Scene 5

1. Who insists on Gertrude speaking with Ophelia, who is in a distressed state?

  • Horatio insists that Gertrude speak with Ophelia.

2. How is Ophelia’s state described when she enters?

  • Ophelia is in a distressed state, speaking nonsensically about her deceased father.

3. What does Ophelia do when she enters the scene?

  • Ophelia enters singing about death and a lost maidenhead.

4. Whom does Claudius ask to watch Ophelia closely in her disturbed state?

  • Claudius instructs Horatio to watch Ophelia closely.

5. What lament does Claudius express to Gertrude when they are alone?

  • Claudius laments the multiple troubling events from the court, including Polonius’ murder, Hamlet being sent away, Ophelia’s madness, and unrest due to these events.

6. What comparison does Claudius make regarding the events happening in the court?

  • He compares these events to shrapnel from a cannon, causing damage in multiple ways.

7. Who arrives to inform about Laertes’ increased support and potential leadership?

  • A Messenger arrives to inform them about Laertes gaining support and being considered a potential leader.

8. What does Gertrude express distress about to Claudius regarding the court’s assumptions?

  • Gertrude expresses distress that people are mistaken in their assumptions about the court’s situation.

9. What demand does Laertes make when he enters the scene?

  • Laertes enters in fury, demanding to know the truth about his father’s death.

10. How does Claudius respond to Laertes’ accusations and demands?

  • Claudius asserts his divine right as King, shields himself from accusations of treason, and handles Laertes’ anger calmly.

11. What does Claudius swear about Polonius’ death and what does he promise?

  • Claudius swears he had no hand in Polonius’ death and expresses deep sorrow for his passing, promising to give up everything, even his life, if found guilty.

12. What does Ophelia do upon her return to the scene?

  • Ophelia returns, singing about her father’s death and handing out imaginary flowers, visibly disturbed and unresponsive.

13. How does Laertes react to Ophelia’s disturbed state?

  • Ophelia’s disturbed state moves Laertes to seek revenge.

14. How does Claudius respond to Laertes’ anger and desire for revenge?

  • Claudius implores Laertes to judge him in the presence of any of Laertes’ friends, promising to surrender everything if found guilty.

15. What is the content of the discussion Claudius and Laertes plan to have after the scene?

  • They plan to discuss Polonius’ death and his hasty, improper burial.

16. What task is assigned to Horatio regarding Ophelia’s condition?

  • Horatio is asked to watch Ophelia closely in her distressed state.

17. Whose increased support and potential leadership is informed by a Messenger in the scene?

  • Laertes’ increased support and potential leadership is informed by the Messenger.

18. What does Claudius promise if found guilty of any involvement in Polonius’ death?

  • He promises to give up everything, even his life, if found guilty of any involvement in Polonius’ death.

19. How does Claudius describe the impact of the ongoing events in the court?

  • He compares the events to shrapnel from a cannon, causing harm in multiple ways.

20. Who joins the discussion about Polonius’ death and burial towards the end of the scene?

  • Gertrude and Laertes join the discussion about Polonius’ death and improper burial towards the end of the scene.

Questions on Hamlet Act 4 Scene 6

1. Who delivers a letter from Hamlet to Horatio, and what does the letter inform Horatio about?

  • Sailors deliver a letter from Hamlet to Horatio, informing him about Hamlet’s capture by pirates while at sea and how well they treated him.

2. What does Hamlet instruct Horatio to do in the letter?

  • Hamlet instructs Horatio to deliver certain “letters I have sent” to the King and then join him immediately, guided by the same Sailors.

3. What does Hamlet mention about Rosencrantz and Guildenstern in the letter?

  • Hamlet mentions that he has much to share about Rosencrantz and Guildenstern in the letter.

4. What promise does Horatio make in response to Hamlet’s letter?

  • Horatio promises to reward the Sailors for delivering the messages sent by Hamlet.

5. How does the letter from Hamlet influence Horatio’s immediate actions?

  • The letter prompts Horatio to fulfill Hamlet’s instructions by delivering the messages to the King and then joining Hamlet immediately, guided by the Sailors.

Questions on Hamlet Act 4 Scene 7

1. What does Laertes question Claudius about?

  • Laertes questions Claudius about why he didn’t take action against Hamlet.

2. What does Claudius accuse Hamlet of in the conversation with Laertes?

  • Claudius accuses Hamlet of threatening his life.

3. What reasons does Claudius give for not acting against Hamlet?

  • Claudius explains that his deep love for Gertrude, who also loves Hamlet dearly, and the public’s fondness for Hamlet make it challenging for him to oppose Hamlet.

4. Who arrives with letters from Hamlet and who are they directed to?

  • A Messenger arrives with letters from Hamlet, directed to Claudius and Gertrude.

5. What does Hamlet request in the letters delivered to Claudius and Gertrude?

  • Hamlet requests to see Claudius the next day to discuss his sudden return in private.

6. What plan do Claudius and Laertes engage in regarding Hamlet’s death?

  • They devise a plan to kill Hamlet, making it look like an accident that even Gertrude will believe.

7. What method does Claudius propose to use in the plan to kill Hamlet?

  • Claudius proposes to poison both Laertes’ sword tip and a drink as an extra insurance in the plan to kill Hamlet.

8. What does Claudius praise Laertes for in the conversation?

  • Claudius praises Laertes for his fencing skills.

9. What tragic news does Gertrude bring while in conversation with Claudius and Laertes?

  • Gertrude informs them that Ophelia has drowned while hanging flower garlands on willow branches.

10. How does Laertes react upon hearing the news about Ophelia?

  • Laertes controls his emotions and leaves in distress after hearing about Ophelia’s death.

11. How does Claudius react to the news of Ophelia’s drowning?

  • Claudius worries that this tragedy will further distress Laertes, and they both hurry after him.

12. What major concern does Claudius express regarding the news of Ophelia’s death?

  • He is concerned about the impact of Ophelia’s death on Laertes’ emotional state.

13. What does Claudius worry about concerning Laertes after the news of Ophelia’s death?

  • He worries that the tragic news will further distress Laertes.

14. What plan does Claudius engage in with Laertes regarding Hamlet’s death?

  • Claudius and Laertes plan a deceptive duel to kill Hamlet and make his death seem like an accident.

15. What does Claudius decide to do following Gertrude’s news about Ophelia’s death?

  • Claudius decides to follow and assist Laertes after Ophelia’s tragic drowning.

Questions and Answers on Hamlet Act 5

Questions on Hamlet Act 5 Scene 1

Who discusses Ophelia’s death and burial?

  • The gravediggers discuss Ophelia’s death and burial.

2. What do the gravediggers believe about Ophelia’s death?

  • They believe she drowned herself, potentially preventing her from having a Christian burial.

3. What privilege do the gravediggers suggest Ophelia may have had?

  • They suggest that, as a gentlewoman, Ophelia might have had the privilege to choose her own death despite contradicting Christian burial customs.

4. What does one of the gravediggers ask for while working?

  • One of the gravediggers asks for a drink while working.

5. What does the gravedigger sing about?

  • The gravedigger sings about love and the briefness of life.

6. Who observes the gravedigger as he works and sings?

  • Hamlet and Horatio observe the gravedigger.

7. What do Hamlet and Horatio notice about the gravedigger’s attitude towards death?

  • Horatio notes that the gravedigger has become hardened to death.

8. What does the gravedigger throw out, leading to a conversation about various identities?

  • The gravedigger throws out skulls, leading to a conversation about the different identities these skulls might have had.

9. Whose skull does the gravedigger mention during the conversation?

  • The gravedigger mentions Yorick’s skull, who was the King’s jester.

10. What does the gravedigger emphasize regarding mortality?

  • He emphasizes that everyone, regardless of status, ultimately returns to dust.

11. Who enters with a coffin from a distance?

  • The King, Queen, Laertes, a priest, and lords enter with a coffin.

12. Why does the priest explain to Laertes that Ophelia can’t have complete funeral rites?

  • Due to the questionable nature of Ophelia’s death, the priest explains that she cannot have complete funeral rites.

13. Who jumps into the grave with Ophelia’s coffin?

  • Laertes jumps into the grave to be with his sister, asking to be buried too.

14. What causes a scuffle between Hamlet and Laertes?

  • Hamlet’s declaration of love for Ophelia causes a scuffle between him and Laertes.

15. How do Gertrude and Claudius explain Hamlet’s actions to Laertes?

  • They attribute Hamlet’s actions to madness and reassure Laertes of this explanation.

Questions on Hamlet Act 5 Scene 2

Whom did Hamlet replace the letter for, resulting in their execution?

  • Hamlet replaced the letter meant for Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, leading to their execution.

2. Why does Hamlet feel no guilt about Rosencrantz and Guildenstern’s deaths?

  • He believes they eagerly followed Claudius’ orders and insists it’s his duty to pay back the King for his evil actions.

3. What does Hamlet decide to do regarding Laertes?

  • He regrets losing his temper with Laertes and decides to reconcile with him.

4. Who arrives with an invitation for a fencing match between Hamlet and Laertes?

  • Osric arrives with an invitation from Claudius for the fencing match between Hamlet and Laertes.

5. What is Hamlet’s decision after discussing the upcoming match with Horatio?

  • Despite some uncertainty, Hamlet decides to go through with the duel, stating “readiness is all.”

6. Who arrives for the duel, as the King and Queen are present to watch?

  • Claudius, Gertrude, and the court arrive for the duel, with the King and Queen in attendance.

7. What happens after Hamlet’s first successful hit in the duel?

  • Claudius drinks to his success, and cannons are fired.

8. What tragic event occurs during the fencing match?

  • Gertrude mistakenly drinks from the poisoned cup and dies.

9. What happens when Hamlet and Laertes exchange rapiers during the match?

  • Both are wounded, and Laertes reveals the poisoning.

10. How does Claudius meet his end?

  • Hamlet wounds Claudius, forcing him to drink the poison, resulting in his death.

11. What does Laertes admit to Hamlet before his own death?

  • Laertes admits to poisoning and asks for forgiveness.

12. What does Hamlet do in response to Laertes’ admission?

  • Hamlet forgives Laertes before his death.

13. What does Horatio decide to do towards the end of the events?

  • Horatio decides to drink the poison but is stopped by Hamlet, instructed to share their story.

14. Who announces Fortinbras’s victory in the play?

  • Osric announces Fortinbras’s victory.

15. What does Fortinbras order for Hamlet after the tragic events?

  • Fortinbras orders Hamlet to be honored as a soldier and for funeral rites to be performed.

16. What is Horatio’s promise at the end of the play?

  • Horatio promises to tell the story of the tragic deaths that occurred.

17. How does the play conclude according to Fortinbras’s orders?

  • Fortinbras orders Hamlet’s body to be taken with the respect of a soldier and plans appropriate funeral rites.

18. What qualities of Hamlet does Fortinbras acknowledge at the play’s end?

  • Fortinbras acknowledges Hamlet’s royal qualities.

19. How does the play conclude, as directed by Fortinbras?

  • The play ends with the firing of ordnance.

20. What tragic events led to the conclusion of the play?

  • The deaths of multiple characters during the fencing match, poisoned drinks, and wounds from rapiers led to the tragic conclusion of the play.

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