An essay is a piece of writing that revolves around a particular theme and contains the academic opinions of the person writing it.
A basic essay mainly consists of three parts: Introduction, Body, and Conclusion.

Literature influences life no less than life influences literature (Essay)
Literature is the representation of life through language. Literature expresses the truth of life. According to Matthew Arnold, literature is, “a criticism of life”. Literature is the record of the writer’s impressions and reactions to the real life around him in human society.
The writer of literature must come into the intimate reality of life and transform what he sees or feels in life into a work of art through his secondary imagination, feelings and expressive language. A work of literature is not one of the abstractions. These real-world men and women have a basis in real life.
Literature embraces all those aspects of life which are of eternal interest to men. Literature is an imaginative representation or interpretation of life. Literature originates from life and is closely related to life. Literature separated from life is not literature at all.
Life is the stuff of which literature is made and the true literary artist, gifted by God with his faculty of vision and imagination, transforms the bare and raw truth of life into things of beauty. So great literature not only gives aesthetic pleasure but also stimulates, uplifts, uplifts and uplifts the mind with food for thought.
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Literature greatly influences life. Great and sublime literature enlivens and uplifts life. It stimulates thought, elevates the mind and gives aesthetic pleasure. Literature refreshes and invigorates the mind. Bad and decadent literature easily and quickly affects the human mind though it has no permanent place in the world of art. Bad literature suppresses the good qualities and virtues of man and evokes vice and animality. Bad literature cannot stand the test of time and eventually fades away.
Classic literature and epic poetry like Illiad and Odyssey, Aeneid, Divine Comedy, Paradise Lost, etc. influence and inspire life till modern times and will influence life in future times also. Characters in Shakespeare’s plays always influence the lives of men. The study of literature brings men in touch with and makes men live habitually with the wise thoughts and right feelings of literary artists of all ages. In the word of W. Whitman literature “frees, arouses and dilutes the human mind,” So it can be concluded that life influences literary artists to create literature and literature influences the life of men to shape it properly.
Classic literature and epics such as Iliad and Odyssey, Aeneid, Divine Comedy, Paradise Lost etc. have influenced and inspired life till modern times and will continue to influence life in the future. The characters in Shakespeare’s plays always influence men’s lives. The literary study brings men into contact with and habitually lives men with the wise thoughts and right feelings of literary artists of all ages. In the words of W. Whitman, literature “frees, arouses and dilutes the human mind” so it can be concluded that life influences literary artists to produce literature, and literature influences men’s lives to shape them properly.
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