About Us

We have invested our precious time so that the youth may get quality education anytime anywhere. ‘English Luv’ is trying to change the way of learning. We believe that every student is different and has different learning needs. The students now need not migrate from one place to another. Educating the youth and making them placed at their desired workplace has been the vision of ‘English Luv’.

Our website is providing English Writing Study Notes, and Topic Wise Writing Samples for various classes. Everything is free of cost as our motive is to provide free education to all.

About the Webmaster

Tapas Mandal

My name is Tapas Mandal and I am a Professional Teacher. I have been teaching for 6 years. I have learned a lot in those 6 years of teaching. I want to share all the experience that I have gained in 6 years of teaching with the whole world. I want to provide Free and Compulsory Education to all.

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