Paragraph on India

The Indian subcontinent shows variety in every respect. It has the lofty snowcapped Himalayas to the north and is surrounded on three sides by the Bay of Bengal, the Indian Ocean, and the Arabian Sea.

After going through this “Paragraph on India” you will be able to understand how great India is.

Paragraph on India

Paragraph on India

The Indian subcontinent shows variety in every respect. It has the lofty snowcapped Himalayas to the north and is surrounded on three sides by the Bay of Bengal, the Indian Ocean, and the Arabian Sea. It has regions that are extremely cold and even snow-bound in winter and regions which are hot and arid as in the deserts of Rajasthan. From the human point of view also it has Mongol, Caucasian, Negroid, and other ethnic types. In religion, it has Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Christianity, and other tribal forms of worship. It has highly westernized people along with people of dark superstitions and occult practices. In its language also India is a multi-lingual country with different kinds of scripts and speeches.

But despite the variety and multiplicity India is one nation. Whatever the language spoken by him, whatever the way of life that he lives, whatever religious practice that an inhabitant of this land pursues, he has no hesitation in calling himself an Indian. So we have to maintain this unity in diversity.

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