Only Science is not enough Essay

Only Science is not enough. Science alone cannot instil moral values ​​and provide aesthetic pleasure and joy.

What science cannot give, poetry can give, and philosophy can give.

Only Science is not enough Essay

Only Science is not enough

Science is systematic, and structured knowledge. Knowledge is power. Primitive people wandered from place to place in search of food and shelter. He was weak and at the mercy of nature. The sun, moon and stars amazed him. He worshipped the forces of nature. The development of the wheel and the discovery of fire are the achievements of primitive man.

The beginning of the scientific arena was ‘one small step for man but one giant leap for mankind’. The advent of science has changed people’s lives. Man has proved his superiority over other animals of the world through his intellect. People go to sea and discover unknown lands. He also discovered that the earth is round and revolves around the sun. Man discovered the law of gravitation.

Man discovered electricity. Man invented the telephone, the radio, wireless, fax, television, and the computer. Aeroplanes, trains, trams, buses, cars and ships have made travel easier, faster and more comfortable. With the help of science, man has been able to conquer not only this world but also space. With the successful landing on the surface of the Moon, the distance between Earth and other planets has decreased significantly.

Important discoveries and inventions in the field of medical science have brought relief to mankind. It has reduced mortality and increased life expectancy. The discovery of penicillin was a key moment in history. The causes of smallpox, malaria, filarial tuberculosis, polio, plague and cholera have been identified. The human body can be operated on to cure cancer. Open-heart surgery can be easily performed. The discovery of antibiotics and drugs has greatly reduced the suffering of mankind.

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Science has given man materialistic comfort and physical comfort. But Only Science is not enough. Only science cannot raise moral values and cannot give aesthetic pleasure and joy. What science cannot give, poetry can give, philosophy can give, and holy renderings of prophets and seers can give.

Science has given man materialistic comfort and physical comfort. But science alone is not enough. Science alone cannot instil moral values ​​and provide aesthetic pleasure and joy. What science cannot give, poetry can give, philosophy can give, and sacred renderings of prophets and seers.

So people depend on science for material comfort, physical comfort, food, security and shelter. But for spiritual pleasure and aesthetic pleasure man must read scriptures, read poetry i.e. read literature and take comfort in all kinds of fine arts. So both science and art are equally needed to make this world a happy abode for mankind.

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